Recruiting Replacement Player for RoW Campaign!


Hello all! I've had a fifth man disappear of a Reign of Winter campaign that I'm running and we're getting to a place where a replacement player is feasible to slip in. We are in Snows of Summer about to go through the High Sentinel Lodge.

The party composition presently is a Dwarven Fighter, Dwarven Cleric, Human Druid, and Halfling Ninja. We lost our arcane caster, so someone to fill that role would be ideal. A party face-man wouldn't hurt at all, either.

Build rules are as follows:

Ability Scores: 20 point buy.

Race: Core Races only.

Equipment: As a level 2 character, you'll be allowed 1,000 gold with which to purchase equipment. Equipment from CRB and APG allowed without question; anything else requires DM approval

Feats: All feats from CRB, APG, UM, and UC allowed.

HP: Max at first level, avg+1 each level after.

Traits: Two traits, one of which must be a campaign trait.

Gameplay thread can be found here and Discussion thread can be found here.

Please let me know if you're interested!

Would you take an investigator from the Advanced Player's Guide Playtest document? It would fill in your face role well and I think I'd build him as a travelling scholar who happens to have picked up some ability to fight as he has needed to. I'd have good trapfinding (if needed), alchemy, party buffs and knowledge skills.

Dotting with interest. When would you need the character written up by? I have a pretty busy two weeks or so ahead, but after that I would be able to post pretty regularly (1/day at least).

I have been itching to roll up a full caster lately, it's been a little while!

I am thinking of an elven illusionist (shadow), (possibly shadowcaster), a human conjurer (teleportation), or half-orc fire blooded sorcerer... Will work on a build and post back!


I would need to tweek this character a bit but i would like to play a sorcerer.

Rikash wrote:
Would you take an investigator from the Advanced Player's Guide Playtest document? It would fill in your face role well and I think I'd build him as a travelling scholar who happens to have picked up some ability to fight as he has needed to. I'd have good trapfinding (if needed), alchemy, party buffs and knowledge skills.

Rikash, it sounds like you're talking about the Archaeologist archetype for the Bard. Or are you referring to the Advanced Class Guide document?

EDIT: I see the Investigator in the ACG Playtest document now. I'll give it a read as soon as I can and let you know.

The Norv wrote:
Dotting with interest. When would you need the character written up by? I have a pretty busy two weeks or so ahead, but after that I would be able to post pretty regularly (1/day at least).

Given where the party is presently, I'm thinking I'll leave Recruitment open for one week. Your character may not enter the game at that exact moment, but we're getting close to the point where you'd be slipped in.

This is a level 6 Magus I made recently for another game that never got off the ground. Once I have time I'll create another character set up for level 2 but I wanted to go ahead and submit this character's design for consideration.

DM-Phil wrote:
Rikash, it sounds like you're talking about the Archaeologist archetype for the Bard. Or are you referring to the Advanced Class Guide document?

I did indeed mean the Advanced Class Guide. Sorry for the mixup.

Rikash: The Investigator from the ACG Playtest document would be fine to make a character submission with.

Here is my character, a Water Elemental wizard named Elneth. He's sort of on the squishy side, but considering your group, I think he would do well.

Got a quick backstory for now and some of the stats in the profile, though I would like to hold off on the rest of the stats and the equipment until later on if that's okay.

Well hello there! Fully ready sorcerer with experience from the PFS part of RoW 1.


How about a human "Summoner of the Dawnflower?" He is also good at Intimidate, and is decent at Sense Motive for face skills. Info is in the profile. Thanks for the consideration, DM. Any questions, just PM me.

DM Phil

Is a Spellslinger acceptable for your campaign.

This is inactive build I have now, Valerius Rex

I already change his trait to match the campaign. In addition, will you permit dual talent for humans from the Advance Race Guide? The (1) +2 attribute was added to Dex and Int respectively?

Since I know the party would want CC, I'll make sure enchantment is not an opposition school and I will take any spells the party needs.

Thank you


Dotting for interest. I'm new to PF, if that's ok. I'll write up a sorcerer

DM-Phil: Awesome, I'll get something rolled up by later tonight or maybe sometime tomorrow. I'm thinking I'll build his combat abilities to be ranged focus, since it seems like something the group lacks a bit.

Thoughts on firearms and their general availability? Thinking about playing that gun wizard archetype if possible. Otherwise I'll write up a sorcerer or bard to submit.

Fraust wrote:
Thoughts on firearms and their general availability? Thinking about playing that gun wizard archetype if possible. Otherwise I'll write up a sorcerer or bard to submit.


Yeah, saw your post after I hit send and recognized the name. Going to go ahead and withdraw based on there already being someone submitting a similar concept and I'm going to apply for a different AP. Best of luck and good gaming guys!

Dotting with this character. Magus Kensai. I am working on a background right now. Can you tell us where we will be popping in if picked. Geographically, so I can include it in the background? Thanks.

Haruki wrote:
Dotting with this character. Magus Kensai. I am working on a background right now. Can you tell us where we will be popping in if picked. Geographically, so I can include it in the background? Thanks.

Geographically speaking, you'll be popping in in the Border Wood of Taldor.

Anderlorn wrote:

DM Phil

Is a Spellslinger acceptable for your campaign.

I'd allow the Spellslinger.

DM-Phil wrote:
Anderlorn wrote:

DM Phil

Is a Spellslinger acceptable for your campaign.

I'd allow the Spellslinger.

Cool, I have been working on him.

~Valerius Rex

I changed my mind and couldn't resist the Winter Witch archetype in the player's guide.

Submitting Whisper Heanfeld, the beautiful, cold, and seductive Winter Witch in training!

Taking the Pragmatic Activator and Adaptive Magic traits.

Still have a little fluff to do and buy equipment. Speaking of that, DM, would I be allowed to buy a wand containing less charges for less gold?

Not at home right now, so I'll have to just dot at the moment; I'll just leave this alias here, as it was drafted up for a RoW game with very unusual and involved creation guidelines. I'm flexible to adjustments of course, but...have a read, see what you think.

I went through and redid the build, changed some things around, made the profile look more presentable.

So once again (for real this time, I swear!) here is Whisper for you to take a look at.

Oh! Also, I don't know if I got an answer on being able to purchase wands at 15g a charge?

For your consideration: Half Elf Sorceror, (White)Draconic heritage.

Female Half-Elf Sorcerer 1
N Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +1; Senses Low-Light Vision, Perception+2

AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6)+1
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects

Speed 30 ft.
Known Sorcerer Spells (CL 1st, concentration +4):
1st (4/day) - mage armor (DC 14) , magic missile
0th (at will) - disrupt undead , light , prestidigitation (DC 13) , ray of frost

Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 17
-Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11
-Feats Eschew Materials, Scribe Scroll, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus (Knowledge (Arcana))
-Traits Fencer, Blood of Dragons (+2 vs sleep/paralysis)
Acrobatics +1, Appraise +1, Bluff +3, Craft (Untrained) +1, Diplomacy +3, Disguise +3, Escape Artist +1, Fly +1, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Linguistics +2, Perception +2, Perform (Untrained) +3, Profession (Librarian) +4, Ride +1, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +1,
-Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan

~SQ Adaptability, Bloodline Arcana, Cantrips, Claws, Draconic Bloodline (White), Elf Blood, Elven Immunities, Keen Senses, Low-Light Vision, Multitalented

Valerius is fully ready for adventuring,

I traded out Abjuration for Enchantment so he can CC.

Valerius Rex

Wow. I'm gonna have a lot of submissions to comb through. Given that I've had so much interest so far, I'm going to post a compilation of all submissions thus far in just a few minutes.

As a result of the number of characters submitted thus far, I'm going to close the recruitment for this spot on Wednesday at 8:00 PM EST. I will then inform you all of my choice no later than Friday at 8:00 PM EST.

Whisper Heanfeld wrote:
Oh! Also, I don't know if I got an answer on being able to purchase wands at 15g a charge?

Hmm...that should be fine, Whisper.

Below is a compilation of all character submissions to this thread thus far. If I've missed any of you, please let me know. Thank you!

Character Submissions


Elneth Kyroll, Half-Elf Wizard (Water Elemental)
Grim Coloursteal, Lava Gnome Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer)
Artival Brisboir, Human Summoner
Valerius Rex, Human Wizard (Spellslinger)
Whisper Heanfeld, Human Witch (Winter Witch)
Lia, Half-Elf Sorcerer


Haruki, Human Magus (Kensai)
Nolan Gendar, Human Magus (Myrmidarch)


Rikash (Investigator)

Gellwyn Finnisdottr wrote:
Not at home right now, so I'll have to just dot at the moment; I'll just leave this alias here, as it was drafted up for a RoW game with very unusual and involved creation guidelines. I'm flexible to adjustments of course, but...have a read, see what you think.

I like the character build, but the opening post specifically says Core races only. If you'd like to change the character's race to meet that requirement, I'd gladly consider her.

Sweet, thanks! All I have left to do is buy equipment so I'll get that done shortly.

I have completed the background and description for Haruki. Thanks for your consideration and good luck to everyone! I have some minor crunch to go over still but nothing major.

One Summoner/Watchman, Submitted for your approval.

Given constraints on my time right now I don't think I'm going to be able to get a good submission together. Thanks for the interest and I wish your group the best of luck.

I'll withdraw as well. I've got too may other ideas that I want to develop more. Good luck, all!

Submitting a Halfling Synthesist Summoner. Should be pretty much up to snuff with the exception of level. The RoW Campaign I was playing in fell through before reaching second level. How do you feel about material from the Player Companion line? I was intending to take the Celestial Appearance evolution from Champions of Purity but if that isn't allowed, I would like to know.

Edit: I have updated Grey, although not his equipment or the Eidolon. The Eidolon is pending hearing back from you about Celestial Appearance. The equipment, I just haven't gone through yet. Will do so this evening.

Ok, I have updated my Equipment as well.

A bit late, but recruitment is now officially closed! My final decision will be made and posted Friday night.

May everyone who doesn't get picked have better luck in the next thread!

How very exciting! Good luck everyone.

Apologies for not posting yesterday. The post-holiday shopping mess had me occupied pretty much all day. Will have a decision posted within the hour.

after careful consideration, I have decided that the character that will be joining the rest of the party in the reign of winter campaign is...Elneth! Congratulations, Elneth! Please send me a message to confirm that you are still interested in playing with my group. Thank you all for your submissions and I wish you a luck in getting into the future campaigns you submit a character for.

Ah well. Good luck & have fun!

Congrats Elneth, stay warm in the North! Thank you DM-Phil for the opportunity.

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