Agents of Shield


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Shadow Lodge

Kthulhu wrote:
"Devil's Advocate" wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
And I agree, it's not because Sky is female, it's because she isn't an established character.
For me it's not even that, (I could care less if she has a vagina or a penis, <and really no idea why that little accusation even came up>), I just don't really like her character so much. Has nothing to do with gender, or the actress, (or the other cast), I just don't dig her character so much. Person preference I guess. It kind of seems like every other episode I start to like her a bit more, and then the next all the thing I hate about her are played up again.
I was talking about the criticism of her unrealistic hacking skills.

Sorry, I was less replying to you specifically and more building off of what you posted. I was also referring to the accusation that people have an issue with a hacker having t*+! (and saying I was not sure where that came from), rather than meaning that you said it.

Sovereign Court

Hacking is pretty easy...but anyway, this is hollywood hacking we are talking about. And why are they unnatural? Tony Stark hacked into stuff with a cellphone. He isn't the only genius in the world.

Kthulhu wrote:
Didn't Stark hack SHIELD from his cell phone to find out about the Tesseract weapons SHIELD was developing in The Avengers?

The more I think about it, the more I think that it's actually the Jarvis AI or a scaled-down Jarvis "Hack-in-a-Box" smart system on Stark's cell phone (as seen at the Congressional meeting in IM2) and the little stick-on transceiver. Which makes sense, considering how the War Machine armor OS was hacked by Vanko/Hammer and then re-hacked by Black Widow. Perhaps Stark is a decent hacker, but a much much better AI/OS programmer, letting Jarvis do the hacking and other mundane tasks... which is a nice lead-in for the next Avengers.

Ignoring Sky's irritating personality, she suffers from the same lack of verisimilitude as nearly all other hackers in movies. Hollywood either keeps failing to understand how hacking really works, or they keep purposely dumbing it down and slapping fancy GUI's/gobbledygook lingo on it to keep the audience from being bored. Hollywood can't get most technical exposition right either--think of the video walls and motion-sensing interfaces in the CSI shows and Bones.

Not to mention Stark Industries probably supplies a lot of SHIELD's hardware and software. I'm sure Tony made sure there were backdoors put in that he could access without very much trouble.

Sovereign Court

Only one movie got hacking right up until today. And that movie is Sneakers

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MMCJawa wrote:
I don't think Coulson is a zombie...I think he is some sort of clone

Well he did keep saying "Let Me die" over and over which has the same letters as "Life Model Decoy"

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It also has the same starting letters as "Light My Doobie" too.

Coulson confirmed as a pothead.

Let Me Die has an "f" in it?

Liberty's Edge

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Rynjin wrote:

It also has the same starting letters as "Light My Doobie" too.

Coulson confirmed as a pothead.

Wow! Medical marijuana can cure anything!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

If "the clairvoyant" has a few of those eye-agents in S.H.I.E.L.D., and Hand is one of my top suspects, that could be how it gets most of its intelligence. I'm led to suspect that the eye-agent business is the primary and longest-lived work of the bad guys. The Centipede process is a recent development.

And the agents don't need to be brought back from the dead. They're reasonably cheap to produce, and their kill switches suggest that they aren't considered all that valuable. So who does "the clairvoyant" want to raise from the dead?

And why would S.H.I.E.L.D. even have the kind of machinery shown in the flashback, anyways?

MMCJawa wrote:
Let Me Die has an "f" in it?


Chris Mortika wrote:
So who does "the clairvoyant" want to raise from the dead?

Well, if you not only had super-soldiers, but super-soldiers you could bring back to life to put back into the field, that would be a bonus, wouldn't it?

The Exchange

Hama wrote:
Hacking is pretty easy...but anyway, this is hollywood hacking we are talking about. And why are they unnatural? Tony Stark hacked into stuff with a cellphone. He isn't the only genius in the world.

And Tony Stark is one of the avengers. What he's doing should be far beyond the reach of anyone in this TV show - his only super power is his super-human intelligence, after all - that is what allowed him to come up with the Iron Man suit.

Lord Snow wrote:
And Tony Stark is one of the avengers. What he's doing should be far beyond the reach of anyone in this TV show - his only super power is his super-human intelligence, after all - that is what allowed him to come up with the Iron Man suit.

And being insanely rich, that should count as a power too.

But Stark is a super genius inventor, engineer, hacker, ect, ect. Someone being as good at hacking as he is doesn't really put them on the same genius level as Tony Stark.

Why do people keep saying Skye has an obnoxious personality? I don't see it. She bounces between "eager to please" and "secrets are meant to be revealed". The first seems innocuous enough and the last is part of her whole persona and motivation.

Aranna wrote:
Why do people keep saying Skye has an obnoxious personality? I don't see it. She bounces between "eager to please" and "secrets are meant to be revealed". The first seems innocuous enough and the last is part of her whole persona and motivation.

-She gets away with way too much for no adequately explained reason. She can't be the only skilled hacker in the world, and I'm sure there are plenty more that can follow orders once in a blue moon.

-She's way too quick to mouth off about things she has little to no knowledge about (such as her reaming out Mae in "Repairs"...but of course she runs off crying when she is rightfully called out on being a selfish brat in the next episode).

-While "secrets are meant to be revealed" may be a part of her whole persona, that doesn't make it less obnoxious. That kind of thinking is extremely childish, and she shows exactly WHY that is over the course of this show, putting people in danger because she can't let something go.

-She puts her own agenda over the safety of others (finding out who her mother is).

I think that's plenty enough to cover it.

Rynjin wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Why do people keep saying Skye has an obnoxious personality? I don't see it. She bounces between "eager to please" and "secrets are meant to be revealed". The first seems innocuous enough and the last is part of her whole persona and motivation.

-She gets away with way too much for no adequately explained reason. She can't be the only skilled hacker in the world, and I'm sure there are plenty more that can follow orders once in a blue moon.

-She's way too quick to mouth off about things she has little to no knowledge about (such as her reaming out Mae in "Repairs"...but of course she runs off crying when she is rightfully called out on being a selfish brat in the next episode).

-While "secrets are meant to be revealed" may be a part of her whole persona, that doesn't make it less obnoxious. That kind of thinking is extremely childish, and she shows exactly WHY that is over the course of this show, putting people in danger because she can't let something go.

-She puts her own agenda over the safety of others (finding out who her mother is).

I think that's plenty enough to cover it.

And the character has grown since. She did face consequences for her actions(the bracelets). She has also put others safety over her own agenda in the epsiode where she had access to SHIELD computers and instead of finding out who her mother was she find out where her two teamates were so they could be rescued.

John Kretzer wrote:

And the character has grown since. She did face consequences for her actions(the bracelets). She has also put others safety over her own agenda in the epsiode where she had access to SHIELD computers and instead of finding out who her mother was she find out where her two teamates were so they could be rescued.

The problem being that the "growth" is inconsistent. She still makes those same mistakes, and besides the bracelets, she's suffered no further consequences (and was released from the bracelets in the last episode anyway).

Shadow Lodge

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Rynjin wrote:
The problem being that the "growth" is inconsistent.

So your problem is that she's too much like a real person?

Dark Archive

We don't really know what a Life Model Decoy is in the context of the show (and that's assuming that they even exist outside of the comic book continuity, or, for that matter, if they still even exist *in* the comic book continuity...).

The originals were robots with plastic-y face disguises like something out of Mission Impossible. Coulson pretty obviously isn't a robot in a Coulson mask, since he's been in enough situations where that would have been pretty obvious.

The next generation 'deltas' in the comics were organic and couldn't be told apart from the people they'd replaced even by surgery. (That was a great storyline...) If Coulson's brain was mapped over into a synthesized organic (or bio-mechanoid) body, or even a clone, that could be an option.

I'm wondering if this uncontrollable berserker rage thing is going to become a plot point, at some point. In the episode where Ward and May use the berserker staff, the Asgardian says it could take *decades* for the rage to wear off. They don't seem any more 'rage-y' than normal (Ward and May have always generally just looked annoyed, and that hasn't changed, that I've noticed), 'though, which makes me wonder if that idea has been abandoned.

Coulson, Skye and the Babble Twins might serve more of a humanizing element (and feel more relevant to the show) if Ward and May showed some side effects, and required more stabilizing / tempering / talking down from their less wrath-ful teammates.

Sovereign Court

I was about to say that...

Dark Archive

Hama wrote:
I was about to say that...

I'm in your head, stealing your thoughts.

Rynjin wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Why do people keep saying Skye has an obnoxious personality? I don't see it. She bounces between "eager to please" and "secrets are meant to be revealed". The first seems innocuous enough and the last is part of her whole persona and motivation.

-She gets away with way too much for no adequately explained reason. She can't be the only skilled hacker in the world, and I'm sure there are plenty more that can follow orders once in a blue moon.

-She's way too quick to mouth off about things she has little to no knowledge about (such as her reaming out Mae in "Repairs"...but of course she runs off crying when she is rightfully called out on being a selfish brat in the next episode).

-While "secrets are meant to be revealed" may be a part of her whole persona, that doesn't make it less obnoxious. That kind of thinking is extremely childish, and she shows exactly WHY that is over the course of this show, putting people in danger because she can't let something go.

-She puts her own agenda over the safety of others (finding out who her mother is).

I think that's plenty enough to cover it.

You can't blame her for getting away with things, that is purely on the writers.

And she is often treated cruelly by Mae which is plenty good reason to get emotional, and certainly isn't a fault of her personality.

On top of that she puts the team ahead of her own desire to learn about her mother. I think it is long past time her bracelet be removed.

Kthulhu wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
The problem being that the "growth" is inconsistent.
So your problem is that she's too much like a real person?

More like that she's too much like a bad sitcom character.

The lesson she learned is forgotten by the time next week's episode rolls around.

Aranna wrote:
You can't blame her for getting away with things, that is purely on the writers.

You're going to have to elaborate for e because this doesn't make much sense to me here.

The writers write the character.

Set wrote:
We don't really know what a Life Model Decoy is in the context of the show (and that's assuming that they even exist outside of the comic book continuity, or, for that matter, if they still even exist *in* the comic book continuity...).

Stark made an off-hand comment to Coulson about LMDs in the Avengers movie, I believe. So they do exist (or at least the idea of them exists) in the TV/movie continuity.


Sovereign Court


In the comics SHIELD sometimes is the first response team that gets to be the mop the monster mops the floor with... sigh... one can dream!

Sovereign Court

That would be awesome...then cue the avengers cameos...that would be one hell of an episode though. And expensive to make...

Liberty's Edge

Does this mean it's game over for the Agents of SHIELD?

Kind of like where things went today.

Coulson is moving nicely into the "screw keeping secrets from my people" mentality. He's clearly not happy about what happened to him but he's moving forward.

The thing with Sky's plotline is good too. More for Coulson than anything cause her reaction to it, reaffirms his decision. Truth is better than Lies.

This new info on Skye must have her haters going crazy...

QXL99 wrote:
This new info on Skye must have her haters going crazy...

More of an eye-roller really.

So evidently Coulson is (post dead)/(stolen back from heaven) Buffy and Skye is Dawn.


Shadow Lodge

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Yes, because Whedon invented characters coming back from the dead. No comic book had EVER done that before he premiered the idea with Buffy.

[eye roll]

Same with characters being "born special".

Liberty's Edge

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...and then the revelation came that Skye, the beautiful, expert computer hacker who everyone loves despite her dark and mysterious past, even Agent May who had finally come to accept how vital and important Skye was to the team, was born with super powers, a secret so dangerous an entire village and a team of SHIELD agents died, except for one guy who didn't so he could reveal the truth of Skye's mysterious past, to protect her from the shadowy group who would use her powers for evil..." typed the crazy, homeless SHIELD groupie on a broken laptop she found in a dumpster from the back of her van behind that shawarma joint where the Avengers ate that one time.

My Mary Sue theory isn't looking so crazy now is it? I'm with pres man on the eye-rolling. That reveal didn't make me mad. It just didn't surprise me, and I saw it coming from pretty much episode 1.

Donnie Gill/Blizzard coulda been worse. It went down pretty much how I figured it would. The kid playing Donnie did fine, and I expected the character overhaul. I just hope he's got some kind of costume the time next we see him. It doesn't have to be the one from the comics, but something more than just some guy in a pullover and slacks would be nice.

I do find it interesting that both of Ian Quinn's appearances/schemes have indirectly resulted in a future super-villain gaining their powers. Not sure if that's coincidence, or some manipulation by "The Clairvoyant" or what.

QXL99 wrote:
This new info on Skye must have her haters going crazy...

Yup....before the complained how Skye is 'too good at hacking' and is a Mary she has powers to explain it...well she is just a Mary Sue now.

Can't win with some folk.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
pres man wrote:
QXL99 wrote:
This new info on Skye must have her haters going crazy...

More of an eye-roller really.

So evidently Coulson is (post dead)/(stolen back from heaven) Buffy and Skye is Dawn.


Wait what? I can kinda of see the Caulson/Buffy connection if you know I don't think about it as much...kinda.

But how in any way or shape is Skyew even remotely similair to Dawn?

Dark Archive

Kalshane wrote:
I do find it interesting that both of Ian Quinn's appearances/schemes have indirectly resulted in a future super-villain gaining their powers. Not sure if that's coincidence, or some manipulation by "The Clairvoyant" or what.

He is coming off a bit Justin Hammer-y, isn't he? That's cool.

Eh. Skye is 'special.' That's actually potentially cool, since she's deadly dull as is, and her presence has always felt improbable. If she's actually the sort of 'thing' that SHIELD is supposed to keep tabs on anyway, then her presence on the team retroactively makes a lot more sense.

Plus, while May and occasionally Ward do come off as not-half-bad in the not-super-but-amazing-anyway sense, having someone with actual superpowers on the team might make sense, since they seem likely to be having to deal with more and more super-human-level threats. Might as well be Skye, although I think I'd prefer for her 'special-ness', whatever it might be, to have nothing to do with fighty punchy kicking stuff (to stay away from the inevitable Buffy/River/Echo comparisons / criticisms). Her being part Chitauri, and capable of limited shapeshifting (mainly for disguise and infiltration) could be funky.

(Although I'd still like if the effects of the berserker staff had lingered and May and Ward were still a tiny bit boosted, or if JAR's Centipede-borged character (whose name I forget) had remained to be the 'team heavy.')

I'm not sure if we got any indication that she HAS superpowers, merely she IS ... something. Which is why I compared her to Dawn, who was a "key", not a Slayer herself.

Shadow Lodge

John Kretzer wrote:
QXL99 wrote:
This new info on Skye must have her haters going crazy...

Yup....before the complained how Skye is 'too good at hacking' and is a Mary she has powers to explain it...well she is just a Mary Sue now.

Can't win with some folk.

Honestly, from what I've seen, her being "too good at hacking" has nothing at all to do with people just not liking her character, which is the big complaint. Someone else tried to insinuate that "us haters" just can't handle her being a hacker with breasts and such nonsense, but it's really just we don't like her character (not the actress, or the hacker, or whatever). My wife can't stand her (again the character), and is nearly to the point of just dropping the show completely, which might mean I drop it or need to watch it without her. Half of it's that character, the other half she is just getting bored.

Who is flower girl and we does she keep getting promoted?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Well, Reina is captive of S.H.I.E.L.D. now, so her advancement career at Centipede is limited.

Oddly, we've now had HYDRA and A.I.M. mentioned canonically in the show, and it doesn't look like Centipede is either of them.

Is this iteration of S.H.I.E.L.D. American, based out of United Nations, or somewhere in between? (Like, N.A.T.O. or something)

Shadow Lodge

Chris Mortika wrote:

Well, Reina is captive of S.H.I.E.L.D. now, so her advancement career at Centipede is limited.

Oddly, we've now had HYDRA and A.I.M. mentioned canonically in the show, and it doesn't look like Centipede is either of them.

Is this iteration of S.H.I.E.L.D. American, based out of United Nations, or somewhere in between? (Like, N.A.T.O. or something)

Well, they are calling it Centipede because they don't know who they are. It might be that Centipede is HYDRA reborn. Or AIM.

SHIELD is definitely a world-wide organization, from what we've seen on the show and in Avengers.

As for really depends on what Centipede turns out to be. I wouldn't be surprised if it's core is a rogue element of SHIELD. I'd also be less than shocked if they were the ones who were trying to get baby Skye.

Dark Archive

Yeah, worldwide. The Department of Defense apparently refused to allow Whedon to use actual jets and military personnel in the Avengers because the notion of US forces answering to a multinational agency seemed 'too unrealistic' to them (an Asgardian god shooting lightning at a wormhole spitting out alien invaders? Sure.). Movies like Iron Man (which had permission to use military jets) or Battleship (which even had a cameo by the actual Secretary of the Navy, perfectly 'realistic.'

One of several articles on the subject.

I remember hearing about this - IIRC, the D.o.D. asked Marvel a bunch of questions about SHIELD's chain-of-command and how its relates to existing militaries (is it part of the US? Is it part of the UN? Does the US contribute forces to SHIELD? Is SHIELD completely separate and the US has some sort of treaty with them? Can Nick Fury give U.S. officers orders? Etc.), and Marvel didn't answer the questions because it's all stuff that's never been addressed in the actual comics.

I assume they're going to hit this snag again for Captain America: The Winter Soldier unless Marvel's made some decisions on this.

Shadow Lodge

pres man wrote:
Not to mention Stark Industries probably supplies a lot of SHIELD's hardware and software. I'm sure Tony made sure there were backdoors put in that he could access without very much trouble.

Stark wasn't aware of SHIELD's existence prior to Iron Man 1.

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Kthulhu wrote:
pres man wrote:
Not to mention Stark Industries probably supplies a lot of SHIELD's hardware and software. I'm sure Tony made sure there were backdoors put in that he could access without very much trouble.
Stark wasn't aware of SHIELD's existence prior to Iron Man 1.

Yeah, he and the rest of the world just knew there were a bunch of guys in suits with their eagle logo on everything running around pretending they were covert.

Shadow Lodge

I think prior to the events of Avengers, SHIELD was a very covert organization. Think early- NSA. where they were so covert that most people weren't even aware the organization existed.

Since the New York invasion, SHIELD seems to have become more visible.

Kthulhu wrote:

I think prior to the events of Avengers, SHIELD was a very covert organization. Think early- NSA. where they were so covert that most people weren't even aware the organization existed.

Since the New York invasion, SHIELD seems to have become more visible.

I'd probably buy that if it weren't for the flying aircraft carrier.

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Sif to appear on Agents of Shield: xanders-lady-sif-coming-in-episode-15.html

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Kalshane wrote:
Sif to appear on Agents of Shield: xanders-lady-sif-coming-in-episode-15.html

I'm on-board with more Sif.

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