Agents of Shield


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I have removed some posts. You can discuss and disagree without making personal attacks.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

DeathQuaker wrote:
The writers clearly took a lot of time to think about what would be good endings for all the characters.

And not just good endings for the characters, but ones which leaves their futures open, and with some bits of world building which could be picked up in future movies/TV shows. None of the endings were final, which I thought was great.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I gotta wonder when Season 7 will be available on Amazon Prime, or Netflix, or Disney+. Hell Disney+ doesn't even have *any* of the seasons.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Ed Reppert wrote:
I gotta wonder when Season 7 will be available on Amazon Prime, or Netflix, or Disney+. Hell Disney+ doesn't even have *any* of the seasons.

Their contract is currently with Hulu with new episodes showing up the day after. (It's why I ended up subscribing to Hulu because I'd missed an episode and then I watched Cloak and Dagger. I may have also just binged Love it or List It but that has nothing to do with Marvel.) IIRC this has to do with Disney/ABC's relationship with Hulu.

Given streaming platform rights can get complex, probably whatever agreement they have to air it on Hulu will have to expire before it transfers to Disney+, even though we're talking about one hand of Disney versus another. I expect it will end up on Disney+ eventually, however.

And not just good endings for the characters, but ones which leaves their futures open, and with some bits of world building which could be picked up in future movies/TV shows. None of the endings were final, which I thought was great.

Yes, this bodes well. Heck, I don't even like the character that much, but...

... somehow I'd totally watch a series where Deke runs an alternate universe SHIELD in the 1980s with young Victoria Hand as an agent. Plus I'm pretty sure that old man was supposed to be Fury's granddad that he talked about with the gun in the lunchbag in the Winter Soldier.

Look all I know is this: There's still a chance for them to join up later in the MCU.

Scarab Sages

DeathQuaker wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Fun aside, that was the same actor (Bill Cobbs) who played the old man cop in Demolition Man.

Diego Valdez wrote:
I have removed some posts. You can discuss and disagree without making personal attacks.

In theory, only in theory.


But thanks for redactions. I look forward to the day when I'm mature enough not to be bated by such things.

And it's OK too since the series is over this thread is about to pass.... until it gets necro'd of course!

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Crap. Now I gotta check the status of my Hulu sub. BTW, is AoS ad free on Hulu? I hate ads.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Ed Reppert wrote:
Crap. Now I gotta check the status of my Hulu sub. BTW, is AoS ad free on Hulu? I hate ads.

I have the cheapest sub and there were ads (though less obtrusive than watching live, which is what I did). It is likely ad-free if you pay more.

Thomas Seitz wrote:
Look all I know is this: There's still a chance for them to join up later in the MCU.

I just wanna know if the Avengers ever learn that Coulson is alive. Ish. Again.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Ooh, I just had kind of a dark thought. Spoilered, but if y'all have seen the final two episodes by now say so if we should just despoiler.

Fridge thought:

Would they have tried to rehabilitate/turnaround Kora if Fitz hadn't said she was the key to the solution they needed? It seemed to me like until that moment they were treating her as a lost cause.

Indeed, in what was otherwise a very fine set of finale episodes, I was disappointed we didn't get her actual moment of heel-face-turn. It seemed like she and Daisy were arguing, she wasn't going to change, and then it was explained off screen she let Daisy go. Very odd.

In a world where we get that SWORD series, I wonder if that would get explored.


I would be nice to have a definitive answer to that. Along with some explanation about what it is Fury's doing.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Kora stuff:
If there was a weak point, it was Kora. They went from someone who was so desperate to not harm others that she would take her own life, to willing participant in the torture and killing of people she grew up with, to realizing that she'd been had and returning to the good person she once was. This could have been handled better, as the transitions seemed a bit sudden for me.

Heck, the only swing from white hat to black more severe in anything I have seen was Anakin Sky...I'll just leave that can o' worms alone, thank you! ;)

But I'm so glad the writers understood the importance of denouement. Too many in Hollywood seem to confuse "Climax" with "Conclusion." Tying up loose ends without seeming to be forced is hard writing, but very necessary for a story to feel complete. AoS did an exceptional job here and deserve many kudos for it.

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Feros wrote:
But I'm so glad the writers understood the importance of denouement. Too many in Hollywood seem to confuse "Climax" with "Conclusion." Tying up loose ends without seeming to be forced is hard writing, but very necessary for a story to feel complete. AoS did an exceptional job here and deserve many kudos for it.

Definitely agreed. I'd have to hold AoS's ending up with the ending of MLP and almost even at the level of DS9.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

What's MLP?


The folks behind AoS wanted to do an Agents of SWORD arc, but SWORD was with X-Men rights at Fox at the time. The Daisy/Sousa ending part was a definitive nod to that unrealized arc.

Hopefully, if we don't get full-on series or somesuch with these characters in the future, we could get some Disney+ miniseries' or made-for-streaming/TV movies.

Mac, Director of SHIELD
Deke, Rockstar of SHIELD
a Coulson Academy-based series/movie
Agents of SWORD
Maybe some shorts with Coulson's recruiting efforts

I wouldn't mind seeing the brilliance that would be the combined duo of Alya and Tony Stark's kid.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Ed Reppert wrote:
What's MLP?

My Little Pony.

What's Alya?

DeathQuaker wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
What's MLP?

My Little Pony.

What's Alya?

Fitz and Simmons's daughter

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Thanks, I missed her name.

She was adorable. I'm normally not into child-led stories, but yes, a Marvel story that creates a friendship between her and Morgan Stark would be adorable and the SCIENCE! would be off the charts.

I totally think she, Morgan, Cassie Lang and maybe Hope Van Dyne should team up to make the MCU version of G.I.R.L.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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I would be really down with Hope training the next generation of Super Smart Super Hero Girls. Add Shuri for another teenager. Heck, even add Dagger... she had some natural engineering genius that needs encouragement (although Dagger's section of the Marvel universe is much darker than the others').

Does Dagger even count if they're not really doing much with Hulu? But yes, Shuri should totally be in the MCU version of G.I.R.L.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Dagger counts as a part of the greater Marvel live action universe (and Cloak and Dagger has crossover status with Luke Cage and Runaways). Disney is the major owner of Hulu and for now is using it as its "mature audiences" platform. And since all of this is completely hypothetical anyway, and we're already crossing TV with movies which many fans believe will never actually happen, then yes, in my hypothetical addition to this hypothetical fantasy, I am totally allowed to cross in streaming series too. You can't change what's in my imagination!

Tectorman wrote:
Feros wrote:
But I'm so glad the writers understood the importance of denouement. Too many in Hollywood seem to confuse "Climax" with "Conclusion." Tying up loose ends without seeming to be forced is hard writing, but very necessary for a story to feel complete. AoS did an exceptional job here and deserve many kudos for it.
Definitely agreed. I'd have to hold AoS's ending up with the ending of MLP and almost even at the level of DS9.

For the ending ending, like the last 10 minutes, I'd agree. All the rest of the last episode felt super rushed and expository.

It'll be interesting to see what the actors do now. Are they type cast? Will the virus situation make it more or less likely to see spin-off productions?


Far be it from me to change what's in your imagination. I mean mine has some weird stuff too.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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There's some fans pushing HARD for a Quake spinoff. Their lips to Feige's ears.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

One thing I really liked was the reason for the plan. They held with the Endgame explanation that you can't change the past, only create alternate timelines. The Chronicom plan might work for them, but they would have essentially vanished from the MCU, never to return.

The plan was to save the Chronicoms AND protect humanity from them at the same time. That required all the time travel and time meddling hi-jinks. Really well done and well thought out.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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That's an awesome point, Feros. They could have been trying to find a way to kill them but realized that wasn't the way that would help all timelines. Best way to defeat an enemy is make them your friend. I like that they did that but weren't overly anvilicious about it (or the idea that empathy is key to finding understanding between one another).

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yep. They got in, made the point, got out. No belaboring the point. Best way to handle it.

I would love to see Quake and the Secret Warriors maybe show up in Shang-Chi.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

That's an interesting idea. Depends on the general power level Shang Chi is dealing with.

Well I mean...he's got to deal with the REAL Mandarin...who will probably have his magic rings...

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
Well I mean...he's got to deal with the REAL Mandarin...who will probably have his magic rings...

And a terrorist organization with plenty of mooks.


This is true as well.

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