WhiskeyEyes |

My group is starting a new campaign at 4th level. Our DM gives us 80 points to put into our attributes. All attributes begin at 0 and none can be below 8 or above 18 after spending the points and before racial adjustments.
Now I need help fleshing out the feats and rage powers from here on out.
So far I decided on Str 18, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 15 and to play a human.
I took the human racial option of gaining Skill Focus at 1st, 8th, and 16th lvl in place of one bonus feat at 1st. I am planning on taking Eldritch Heritage (and their Improved versions) for the Orc Bloodline and Abyssal Bloodline by 11th and 13th lvl respectively. What I've done so far.
Traits: Second Chance, Reactionary
Invulnerable Rager Barbarian Archetype
+2 racial to Str and favored class bonus for superstitious rage power.
1st lvl: Barbarian. Feats: Raging Vitality & Skill Focus (Survival)
2nd lvl: Oracle. Spell Scar Mystery (Mystic Null Revelation) and the Lame Curse
3rd lvl: Barbarian. Rage Power: Superstitious, Feat: Power Attack
4th lvl: Barbarian. Bumped Con.
Attributes now. Str 20. Dex 14. Con 16. Int 8. Wis 10. Cha 15.
Any advice from here would be great. .

Grizzly the Archer |

Cord of stubborn resolve handles your fatigue immunity problem easily. No need for the lame oracle curse level dip.
Witch hunter rage power is built for Mage killing. Get it, never look back.
Spell sunder is too amazing of an ability to pass up. Get it ASAP.
Dazzling assault at evel 11 is awesome against wizards who suck at fort saves.
Come and get me rage power at 12 is for more attacks in between turns.
Raging brutaliy at 13 for more damage dealing death.
10th level pounce from grtr beast totem.
Headband of havoc is wanted. And so is a furious, courageous adamantine (sword type here).

Driver 325 yards |
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Few Questions/Comments
1) Have you considered a ranged build that starts off with on level of fighter and eventually goes the improved snap shot route. Mix this with superstition, witch hunter, ghost rager, disruptive rage and you get a guy who can threaten/disrupt caster from range.
Archetypes: Urban Barbarian/Invulnerable Rager
F1)Pt Blk, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
B3)Deadly Aim, Reckless Abandon (work great with deadly aim)
B5)Weapon Focus (LB Comp), Superstitious
B7)Snap Shot, Witch Hunter
B9)Improved Snap Shot, Disruptive
B11)Power Attack (why not be a switch hitter), Spell Sunder
B13) Ghost Rager, Extra Rage Power (Strength Surge)
Hey, you will be unique, able to shoot deadly aim arrows as accurately as regularly arrows, threaten/disrupt casters out to 15ft, be able to switch between raging strength and dexterity based on whether you using a bow or sword.
Just pointing out that you have the option to go ranged barbarian to accomplish the task.
As fo your build, unless you are going to become a Rage Prophet or are going to build a rage cycling barbarian, I don't get the dip into Oracle.

lemeres |

Remember: if you find that you cannot fit in your rage powers in a timely manner, there is the extra rage power feat. Rage powers are often better than many feats, so no major loss.
Spell sunder looks even more important since you plan to use the lame oracle trick to get rage cycling early. Spell sunder is normally a 1/rage power, but you can make it a 1/round power once you are immune to fatigue.
Beast totem rage powers are typically an automatic choice for barbarians, although you can certainly put them off since you just need to have all of them by level 11 (when you get barbarian 10) for the Greater Beast totem. The regular beast totem is also a rather nice power, since it gives you a decent bonus to AC. I might avoid lesser beast totem until right before taking the second power, since you will usually not find much use for it if you use weapons.

![]() |

I would like to note that you can only get the Eldritch Heritage chain once. Feats that can be picked up multiple times state so, otherwise its a one time deal.
All that is stated above is good ways to counter casters. If you do go the Fighter bow wrought though i highly advise going 4 levels so you can pick up Point-Blank Master.

JKalts |

And so is a furious, courageous adamantine (sword type here).
Bah to your sword; make that puny caster come over to you by impaling him with a spiked chain. Bonus points if you get Phase Locking, so you can deal with that wizard as you see fit without worrying about cop-out spells like Dimension Door.

Crosswind |
Level 1: Power Attack
Level 2: Lesser Beast Totem
Level 3: Extra Rage Power: Superstition
Level 4: Reckless Abandon
Level 5: Extra Rage Power: Witch Hunter
Level 6: Spell Sunder
Pretty much the best anti-mage opener for a barbarian is that.
Spell Sunder is the best anti-mage ability in the game, along with Superstition. You want it as fast as is humanly possible.

Grizzly the Archer |

Grizzly the Archer wrote:And so is a furious, courageous adamantine (sword type here).Bah to your sword; make that puny caster come over to you by impaling him with a spiked chain. Bonus points if you get Phase Locking, so you can deal with that wizard as you see fit without worrying about cop-out spells like Dimension Door.
Except to waste a feat for that weapon, when the barbarian is already proficient in the great sword, falchion, or nodachi. It has no crit range so there goes all that lovely extra static damage to be multiplied on a crit. And it has disarm, trip capabilities, but as a barbarian those kinds of manuevers are wasted, instead of doing damage.
I'll stick to my keen falchion for a crit of 15-20/x2 with 2d4+[50+] points damage per hit. Of which I'll get 5 at 20th level. Not including all my come and get me Attack of Opportunity attacks. Of which those can be critted.

Claxon |
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Beast Totem (Lesser, normal, and Greater -->charge pounce)
Spell Sunder (rip the very magic from their bodies)
Witch Hunter (extra damage versus anything with spell-like abilities or spells)
Ghost Rager (adds your Superstition bonus to Touch AC)
Eater of Magic (re-roll failed Saves and get temp HP if successful)
Superstition (bonus to all saves versus Supernatural, Spell like, and Spell abilities)
Reckless Abandon (no power attack penalty)
Strength Surge (to make sure your CMB is higher enough to sunder even the mightiest of spells)
Combine with a Furious Courageous +5 weapon. Also the dueling enchant from the Pathfinder Society field guide will give you a bonus equal to twice your weapon's enhancement bonus. So a +5 weapon would give you a total of +15. You should also be human for the extra bonus to superstition from favored class. Over 20 level you will get a +6 bonus.

Deylinarr |

Any interest in an Inquisitor dip? The Spellkiller Inquisition gives you Disruptive as a bonus feat along with AC bonuses when you defeat enemies which you can then use to stagger wizards.
And the Spellbreaker Archetype lets you roll every Will save against mind-affecting stuff twice and take the best result.

The Vulture |

Put points in Knowledge: Engineering. Either drown the stupid wizard in his underground lair, or bring his tower down.

Claxon |

so, pretty much youre asking how to be AM BARBARIAN?
That's pretty much what I gave him, I just didn't include Come and Get Me Rage Power. It's the standard issue barbarian adventurer kit. Mostly because it's so damned effective.
Most people would also suggest to go invulnerabel rager, but I'll be different for this build and recommend the Superstitious barbarian archetype. You give up DR (which sucks) but in return you eventually get blindsense and blindsight which helps against those invisible opponents. Of course, magical scrolls can help mitigate the need for these sense (True Sight) while obtianing DR 20/- from Invulenerable Rager is hard to beat.

AndIMustMask |

AndIMustMask wrote:so, pretty much youre asking how to be AM BARBARIAN?That's pretty much what I gave him, I just didn't include Come and Get Me Rage Power. It's the standard issue barbarian adventurer kit. Mostly because it's so damned effective.
Most people would also suggest to go invulnerabel rager, but I'll be different for this build and recommend the Superstitious barbarian archetype. You give up DR (which sucks) but in return you eventually get blindsense and blindsight which helps against those invisible opponents. Of course, magical scrolls can help mitigate the need for these sense (True Sight) while obtianing DR 20/- from Invulenerable Rager is hard to beat.
gotcha. the step up (and strike) feat line or the no escape rage power are also helpful against folks who try to kite you.
for a barb weapon that's very anti-casty, try a +3 furious (1)/courageous (1)/phase locking (2)/PSFG dueling (1) [WEAPON OF CHOICE]
you can keep it as a +3 to save yourself 72,000g (since iirc the furious bonus doesnt raise it past an effective bonus of +10, and since its on when youre raging, its pretty much always on--and since spell sunder requires you to be raging, dueling still gives the full +15 to spell sunder)!
i prefer the piston maul (requires EWP, and to keep a few thunderstones handy) myself, because it boosts sunders and is a freaking PILE BUNKER HAMMER, but anything is fine.

Claxon |

Actually, per the FAQ it can.
Weapon Bonuses: Can weapon special abilities (such as bane) or class abilities (such as a paladin's divine bond) allow you to exceed the +5 enhancement bonus limit and the +10 bonus-equivalent limitation?
For the enhancement bonus limitation, it depends on the specific effect or ability that's altering the weapon.
Bane: This allows the weapon to exceed the +5 limit, but only against the designated creature type. For example, a +5 dragon-bane longsword is normally a +5 weapon, but has a +7 enhancement bonus against dragons and deals +2d6 points of damage against dragons.
Paladin: The divine bond ability says "These [enhancement] bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon bonuses to a maximum of +5." That means if a paladin has a +5 longsword, she can't use her divine bond to increate the enhancement bonus to +6 or higher (but she could use her bonuses to add abilities such as flaming to the weapon).
The +10 bonus-equivalent limitation is a hard cap for all weapons; you can't exceed that even with class abilities or other unusual abilities.
And personally my character uses a +5 Furious Courageous Dueling Nodachi. Because crit range with improved critical is nice.
Besides, with Strength Surge and the Dueling Enchant you really don't need anymore bonuses to Sunder.

Rerednaw |
Level 1: Power Attack
Level 2: Lesser Beast Totem
Level 3: Extra Rage Power: Superstition
Level 4: Reckless Abandon
Level 5: Extra Rage Power: Witch Hunter
Level 6: Spell SunderPretty much the best anti-mage opener for a barbarian is that.
Spell Sunder is the best anti-mage ability in the game, along with Superstition. You want it as fast as is humanly possible.
This one. It gives you the most bang for your buck as early as possible and leaves you plenty of room to customize from levels 7+
Also while the ranged builds are pretty...since you said you are fighting casters, Wind Wall shuts down most ranged builds quick.
Also think about what's in your toolkit. By mid-levels casters will fly, be invisible, etc...if you don't get in their face first. Unless they are pre-buffing before combat then that's another ball of wax to dewal with. So potions of Fly are strongly recommended and perhaps make sure your party has some way to make those invisible foes shine (faerie fire, glitterdust, etc...)

Debbin |

Most people would also suggest to go invulnerabel rager, but I'll be different for this build and recommend the Superstitious barbarian archetype. You give up DR (which sucks) but in return you eventually get blindsense and blindsight which helps against those invisible opponents. Of course, magical scrolls can help mitigate the need for these sense (True Sight) while obtianing DR 20/- from Invulenerable Rager is hard to beat.
How are you getting DR 20/-?

AndIMustMask |

it's cool.
Actually, per the FAQ it can.
Quote:Weapon Bonuses: Can weapon special abilities (such as bane) or class abilities (such as a paladin's divine bond) allow you to exceed the +5 enhancement bonus limit and the +10 bonus-equivalent limitation?
For the enhancement bonus limitation, it depends on the specific effect or ability that's altering the weapon.
Bane: This allows the weapon to exceed the +5 limit, but only against the designated creature type. For example, a +5 dragon-bane longsword is normally a +5 weapon, but has a +7 enhancement bonus against dragons and deals +2d6 points of damage against dragons.
Paladin: The divine bond ability says "These [enhancement] bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon bonuses to a maximum of +5." That means if a paladin has a +5 longsword, she can't use her divine bond to increate the enhancement bonus to +6 or higher (but she could use her bonuses to add abilities such as flaming to the weapon).
The +10 bonus-equivalent limitation is a hard cap for all weapons; you can't exceed that even with class abilities or other unusual abilities.
And personally my character uses a +5 Furious Courageous Dueling Nodachi. Because crit range with improved critical is nice.
Besides, with Strength Surge and the Dueling Enchant you really don't need anymore bonuses to Sunder.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

I would like to note that you can only get the Eldritch Heritage chain once. Feats that can be picked up multiple times state so, otherwise its a one time deal.
this doesn't really need any comment- i just wanted to point it out a second time because i've seen so many people make that mistake.