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Oh, I hate dungeon-crawling and always have.
I prefer city-based adventures, and I like my enemies to be sentient creatures, like the PC races.
I hate assumptions like knowing what class someone is by looking at them, and especially hate the fact that 'adventurer' is like a job title, I hate it more when every single PC is assumed to be one, and hate it even more when every single NPC in the world, upon seeing the party for the first time, can and does say, 'Ah, adventurers!'

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I hate that spellcasting requires you to spend minutes looking up spells every time you cast, unless you either have an encyclopedic knowledge of spells or a smartphone app.
I like Golarion's "kitchen sink" setting, even though I realize that it makes absolutely no realistic sense.
I like coming up with ridiculous explanations for setting issues and mechanics that make no sense.
I hate being the only GM in my group. I especially hate being the only one who actually thinks about the game when we're not playing.
I hate only getting to play every month at best, because I have seven players and none of them want us to ever play without them.
I think Monks are overpowered.

mplindustries |

I think PFS and other living games are ruining the hobby. I dont like a bajillion different players and bringing the hobby to the masses...its degrading the quality role player pool until its naught but a puddle. I yearn for the days of closeted gamers huddled over thac0 charts and actually being required to have a modicum of intelligence to "get" the game. Most new players I find to be stupid and vapid.
Get off my lawn!!
Oh, and how about this...if you can't add +12 bab and +3 weapon enhancement and +4 bard performance and +2 flank and +2 charge and +1 bless and +1 haste and get the right number in about .3 seconds get off my table.
Am I horrible for basically agreeing with this (at least when stripped of inflammatory hyperbole)?
Well, ok, it's not totally true--if you can't add that stuff up quickly, you don't have to get off my table if you show me the dice you roll and let me do the math instead of waiting for you to do it.

Bill Dunn |
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I hate everyone and everything.
I may not be so extreme, but I find that the more time I spend on some message boards and on some topics, the lower my opinion of my fellow message board gamers. It may be that we'd get along fine in person, but there's something about the internet that really does turn otherwise normal people into creeps.

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I love high level play, and enjoy running games more the higher level they get.
I hate the oracle, not for the concept, but for being the standard (and only 1st party) way to be a spontaneous full divine caster. I think the Favored Soul class is much better both in flavor, and as a baseline spontaneous divine. Let oracle be a alternate of it.
I love building fighters, but almost never play them.
I love the leadership feat, but only if I get to build and play my cohort. The twist is, it's not because I want the obvious power gain from it, I just want to play another character idea I have without giving up on the current one.
Eberron is my favorite setting, and I'm sad that I've only had a single short lived game in it. I put large parts of it into many games I run.
I wish my players would optimize less. I'm so sick of the same control/buff casters and 2-handed fullplate fighters. Give me more bard/barbarians with punching daggers.
I will completely trash the rules to accomplish what I want. Single boss monster is too weak? Triple its hit points, give it 3 different initiative counts, and multiple phases where it completely resets from the previous phase.
I hate that the game requires magical healing to function. Healing surges was the best idea 4e had.

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I hate that the game requires magical healing to function. Healing surges was the best idea 4e had.
It's probably the single thing I hated the most about 4E. It really took the game, in my opinion down a lot of pegs when it came to seriousness/believability (even for a fantasy setting) and in many ways removed a significant amount of the threat/fear of death or lose from the game. Probably the worst idea 4E had. :)

Ciaran Barnes |
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In the 1950's I was part of a government agency located in Arizona tasked with secretly locating, detaining, and researching roleplaying games. All this was done without the public's knowledge, as it was at that time unclear if people were ready for the knowledge of the existence of role plaing games, or even the possibility of roleplayed life on other roleplaying worlds. If they were ready for this knowledge, the effects to the country's stability would still be irrefutable. From time to time there would be a leak or our efforts would be observed and we were made to destroy the roleplaying games and the people they came in contact with to keep our task a secret.
Even though these games have gained some acceptance in today's changing society, the full extent of our work will likely never see full light during our lifetimes or our children's. It was different time, and America was a very different place. I knew the implications of my actions and continue to see their ripples today. I make no apologies.

Durngrun Stonebreaker |
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In the 1950's I was part of a government agency located in Arizona tasked with secretly locating, detaining, and researching roleplaying games. All this was done without the public's knowledge, as it was at that time unclear if people were ready for the knowledge of the existence of role plaing games, or even the possibility of roleplayed life on other roleplaying worlds. If they were ready for this knowledge, the effects to the country's stability would still be irrefutable. From time to time there would be a leak or our efforts would be observed and we were made to destroy the roleplaying games and the people they came in contact with to keep our task a secret.
Even though these games have gained some acceptance in today's changing society, the full extent of our work will likely never see full light during our lifetimes or our children's. It was different time, and America was a very different place. I knew the implications of my actions and continue to see their ripples today. I make no apologies.
I knew about it.

Oceanshieldwolf |
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I maintain that the perceived narrative differences between ADnD/2e/3e/4e are subjective and blown out of proportion. Having played all of them I found the GM/Player narrative control spectrum and rules looseness/tightness to be a FUNCTION OF THE PLAYERS AND THE GM at the time. I am bemused by pundits telling me what I experienced while playing those editions, and find the "mechanical" arguments for the narrative differences overstated.
I like Paladins to be of any alignment. I just don't like Paladins very much personally.
I like Inquisitors, Summoners, Alchemists... eh, I like all the classes in the APG.
I disregard the notion of spell components. I don't mind if you have a pouch full, and might be enticed to share your herbs.
I disregard the notion of wizards. Dresses are cumbersome no matter what your gender, but are ill-suited to active adventuring. I do not discriminate against wizards when adventuring or GMing for them.
I like steampunk, Asian/eastern themes and classes, Eberron, Birthright, Dark Sun and parts of Golarion but loathe the Forgotten Realms. Forgotten Plots of Derivativea! Double-barreled name-a-thon. I'm happy for you to like it however.
I played a Monk/Paladin all the way through Neverwinter Nights. Was fun. And it was set in the Forgotten Realms. Mostly I just liked the notion that if I had no equipment I could still bash folk and heal myself at least two ways.
I am an RPG selective-heightist. I dislike dwarves, halflings or gnomes, but like vegepygmies. My brother quotes me as once saying that dwarves are "faintly ridiculous". I have updated this to "completely". I'm happy for you to play a dwarf, gnome or halfling because it might make my black heart beat once, and broaden my horizons.
I rail against the notion espoused by Paizo that undead are inherently evil. My bones do not become evil merely by animating, nor would I be an evil vampire. Conflicted? Yes, but not evil.
Guns are fine in your fantasy, you just don't know it yet. I call them wands and spells.
I'm dyed-in-the wool grognard who loves gonzo monsters as PCs and wants everyone to be okay with everything. But I'm completely ok if you don't.
My Lovecraft-fu is poor, and cthulhu references bounce off me. Srsly.
I have not read any RA Salvatore. And hope never to.
Numeria is fantastic and Iron Gods sounds great.
I do not believe in bloat, but power creep seems like it exists. I do not hold the two to be mutually inclusive.
I love and cherish this quote by China Mieville: "Tolkien is the wen on the arse of fantasy literature..."
I really liked some ideas in 4e - like bloodied, and the tactical moves like pull/push/slide. I really disliked the surrounding flavor approach of 4e and the focus on balance that seemed to shred specialization. The barbarian's magic abilities made me shaken. I liked the core setting of 4e whatever it was called.
I have overstayed my welcome on this thread. There is so much more. Goodbye cruel world. I love you all. Even you [REDACTED]

DarthPinkHippo |
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I love playing my Paladin as a compassionate person who doesn't like killing sentients, and takes steps to actually imprison wrong doers rather than kill them.
I hate that my GM is convinced that means I'm playing the game wrong and I hate that his friends constantly try to give me advice on how to better run my character.
I've gotten laughed at for role playing my character being a bit depressed after killing her future self, because "You're a Paladin! Why would you be upset at killing something EVIL?"

Lord Pendragon |
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I love high-level play.
I love the tactical aspects of Pathfinder combat.
I like getting loot, and despise "low magic" D&D or Pathfinder campaigns.
I do not think it's okay to create a character concept that is so ridiculous that roleplaying it requires every other player at the table to sacrifice their own characters' personalities and play morons.
I think a paladin can retreat from battle when necessary.
I do not believe a paladin has to accept every surrender, or try and take evildoers alive. If you have made the choice to harm innocents, then you had better be prepared to accept your punishment, and as the Hand of God it is the paladin's responsibility to mete out said punishment.
I like Vancian magic.
I do not believe that wanting your character to be mechanically powerful automatically makes you a bad roleplayer.
I hate players who choose non-good alignments as an excuse to be selfish.

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I do not believe a paladin has to accept every surrender, or try and take evildoers alive. If you have made the choice to harm innocents, then you had better be prepared to accept your punishment, and as the Hand of God it is the paladin's responsibility to mete out said punishment.
As a DM I'm perfectly okay with "I accept your surrender. Your death shall be quick and painless." so long as the terms of surrender are known beforehand.

Lord Mhoram |
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Lord Mhoram wrote:I agree on spelljamer. Planescape, Eberron and the Forgotten realms are all equally in second for me, though I've only played them in video games (and not P&P).Spelljammer is the best setting. Golarion is a close second.
For me - Forgotten Realms was fairly bland, over detailed and had a metaplot. Eberron was innovative, I enjoyed it. I hate Planescape with the burning heat of a 1000 stars.
Other things -
I prefer Getsalt, so that characters can have more than one specialty. I tend to dislike roles, and niche protection. yeah, I know, odd for someone playing a level/class game.
I like the Caster Martial balance.

Revan |
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I maintain that so-called 'class/feat/archetype/etc. bloat' is nothing more than the natural and inevitable result of a system continuing to support itself, and that any attempt to call it a bad thing, at least inherently, is deeply misguided. If Paizo doesn't publish new feats and classes, they will go out of business
I think Expanded Psionics Handbook and Tome of Battle are the best and most balanced d20 books ever published.
I have no problem whatsoever with my D&D game turning into 'four-color heroics'. If your pixie can achieve a high enough CMB roll to grapple the Tarrasque, I won't let size stand in the way. If you have the HP to survive a fall from Low Earth Orbit, or to take a leisurely swim in lava, feel free; and I will never describe a hit as a near miss, because that is non-intuitive, and not remotely satisfying.
I think point buy is an incredibly limiting mechanic that encourages cookie cutter ability score blocks.
I love every oddball choice Paizo makes like adding guns (even if I much prefer the Heroes of Alvena homebrew rules for Gunslingers and firearms), space adventures, using Lovecraftian beasts, and fighting Rasputin in WWI era Siberia.

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- I loved D&D 3.5's Epic and Divine rules.
- I actually like having stats for deities and the like.
- I like prestige classes, especially multiclass ones. (Mystic Theurge, Arcane Trickster, etc.)
- By inclination, I tend to be a bit more of a ROLLplayer than a ROLEplayer (though I do both), but I'm not that good at optimizing. 8^)

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Unless you have perfect intelligence on what you're going to be facing, I believe generalists are better than specialists.
I hate gear. I design my characters to be effective stripped of all gear and dropped on a desert island.
I hate the concept of the 'adventuring day'.
I hate high magic settings. If magic is ubiquitous, it might as well be technology.
Despite all of that, I love Golarion, and I enjoy PFS. It just sometimes feels like gaming at the kiddie table.
EDIT: Oh yeah. And I believe fluff is *at least as* important as crunch.

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I hate D&D/Path's alignment system. I just use it as a general how to roleplay this character guide and then ignore it.
I hate class-based and leveling RPGs in theory. It's fun to level up when playing with my kids, but I still feel like I can never have the character I want to play in Path compared to GURPS, Champions, CoC (it has Occupations, but they are not as restrictive as classes) and similar systems.
Generally, if it weren't for playing with my boys, I would never have touched Pathfinder with a 10ft pole.

Starsunder |
- Planescape is my favorite CS by far.
- I thoroughly enjoyed the ELH and desperately hope that one day we'll see a spiritual successor.
- I love having stats for deities, and hope we'll have them again one day.
- I'm obsessed with turning my favorite video games into full blown adventures or campaign settings.
- By extension of the last point, I'm also obsessed with providing/thinking up stats for video game characters and villains.
- I hate new(er) age game speak, ie. "pally", "toon", "mobs", "healbot", etc.
- I loooooove DnD and PF, tabletop gaming in general, but I absolutely loathe MMOs.

downerbeautiful |
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I love playing my Paladin as a compassionate person who doesn't like killing sentients, and takes steps to actually imprison wrong doers rather than kill them.
I hate that my GM is convinced that means I'm playing the game wrong and I hate that his friends constantly try to give me advice on how to better run my character.
I've gotten laughed at for role playing my character being a bit depressed after killing her future self, because "You're a Paladin! Why would you be upset at killing something EVIL?"
Me, too.
I dislike the the idea that paladins must smite and show no mercy. There's more to being 'good' than just killing evil.
Also, I hate that the "opposite" of paladin and holy is anti-paladin and unholy. To the respective deities, these things are equally holy and venerable. Paizo's terminology tends toward some lawful good or neutral good assumption with their naming system.
I should be able to be a holy paladin of Zon-Kuthon, provided I can justify it.

Lord Phrofet |
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* I think martials are better then casters.
* I think that martials can do almost anything casters can do (biggest exception being Teleport....I love having a Teleporter in the party).
* I think monks are awesome but did wish FoB and speed bonus worked better together.
* I love my shiny gear....pleas do not make me not be able to have all the shiny gear I want.
* Humans are the best race...3.5 they were great and pathfinder with the +2 stat made them almost a perfect race for anything.
* I see nothing wrong with rogues/ninjas. They just need a friend.
* RAW and RAI (or the letter of the law vs the spirit of the law) are both equally important.
* I believe in creating a concept first and sticking to it even if the choices are less then optimal.
* I believe in optimizing whatever it is that I do. If I grapple I want to be the best F^$^$# grappler in the world...but I will probably suck at sneaking.
* DEATH IS IMPORTANT! Unless everyone is extraordinarily powerful (lvl 17 and above with ready access to world bending 9th spells and the martials can take on full armies by themselves) DEATH should not just be a minor hiccup.
* If you "nova" EVERY fight and run out of daily resources EVERY time I am going to eventually either leave you behind or use you as a literal meat shield strapped to my tower shield.

Fnipernackle |
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I like and in games I run encourage/enforce characters to play out their ability scores. If you're a dwarf, dump your Cha to 7 and end up with a 5 total, you better role play that s#$* out.
I believe in social areas of the game, the player needs to verbally state their argument/lie and then roll diplomacy/bluff to see just how well they told the lie.
I like that Paizo won't publish stats for gods.

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I generally dislike having multiple humanoid races in a setting - for me, most of Golarion's population is humans, and VERY few other humanoid races exist.
I think playing in gaming conventions is almost never good - between getting to know the people you are playing with and getting familiar with the setting & story, I feel like 90% of the time is wasted and very little "gaming" ends up happening.

Artemis Moonstar |

Oh... yeah. (another topic just reminded me of this)
I love PrCs.
I want more Prestige Classes.
I hate the archetype system.
I love the basic idea though.
Archetypes should NOT let another class do what you do, only they can do it better.
I absolutely hate the Christmas Tree effect.
I often tell my players that there are no magic item shops for anything above a +1 equivalent.
I want magic items to actually mean something.
I believe there should be a generous amount of mountain dew, where people can see it.
I also like chubby elf chicks.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
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I don't want your Medieval European stuff in my generic fantasy game. Compared to nearly every subsequent, prior, and contemporary culture on the planet, Medieval European culture was stagnant, derivative, and boring. It contributes few, if any, tropes to the game that couldn't be derived from other, more interesting times and places.

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Even though I don't play them, I love Gunslingers and am very thankful that Paizo decided to break form by publishing them.
I hate any setting with societies that are tens of thousands of years old but aren't any more technologically advanced than dark-ages Europe.
I can't for the life of me understand why people don't like historical technological advances touching their high-fantasy peas and carrots. The idea that the two are mutually exclusive is alien to me.
I don't think the power-gap between martial and magic is nearly as bad as people make it out to be.
I feel like the players who argue the hardest about rules, game balance, and optimization actually see tabletop as a competitive solo game instead of a cooperative social game.
The GM and the other players are not actually out to screw you. And if they are they're playing the game wrong. Unless you're into that kinda thing...weirdo.
I don't think 'optimization' is the same thing as 'power-gaming'. Building a Barbarian by putting his high score in Strength, taking Power Attack, and choosing a two-handed weapon are just logical choices. Power-gaming is intentionally trying to break the rules and exploit loopholes to make your character untouchable or disruptive.
Monks are really good.

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I miss my wild eyed fascination that I experienced from playing the Red Box and then 1st Ed.
I miss the time when the DM of yesteryear got far more respect than the GM's of today.
I miss the original D&D Saturday morning cartoons, add to that the original Transformers cartoon to that as well, even the Justice League vs the Legion of Doom, actually I miss Saturday mornings period.
I miss the Forgotten Realms before the Time of Troubled WotC.
I miss damned non twink Vampires that don't sparkle and take their objects of desire to prom.
I miss Jedi when they did not have a midichlorians count.
I miss Gary Gygax. I miss Dave Arneon. I miss Ronald Reagan.
I miss the Twin Towers.
While I know Paizo is rocking the industry today, I still bloody miss my beloved subscription to Dragon and Dungeon magazine!
And finally ... I hope this does not start a flame war.
Here goes ... God give me strength.
I ... I really like Cosmo. I've met the man a few times over the years and I truly enjoy his company.
Message boards forgive me!

Vinja89 |

I love Half orcs and play them 90% of the time.
I love playing fighters and rogues.
I think the orc double axe is an awesome weapon if designed differently (the image in 3.5 i agree is just ridiculous, but i tend to think of it more along the likes of Wei Yan or Zhang Fei new weapon from dynasty warriors)
I like True20 much more as a system >.>

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I'm an avid dinosaur lover and paleontologist and I think it's stupid to believe the common folk would call a Tyrannosaurus Rex by its proper scientific name. Normal people do not call a Great White Carcahidon Carcarus and even scientists often go by the local name.
I love spelljammer and the spin it puts on the medium, if you have a problem with space faring sailboats but a 4 ton lizard that eats gold and so how breaths lightening without deep frying his larynx then I don't really know what to tell you.
Wen you show up to games you shouldn't smell like you haven't seen water in a month.
I think eberronis cool especially warforged and shifters
I like to make poisons cheaper so more people can use them and be threatened by them.
I think combat maneuvers are cool and I wait for the day I can easily sunder a limb.
I think one of the coolest things I ever get to see when I gm a new table is a diverse group of players. Seeing parents, kids, women, poc, and trans players and knowing that the game has grown beyond its traditional white male demo always makes me cheerful.

Valedictus |
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I don't like ninjas more than rogues. The only difference I see between the is fluff. When i want to play Durzo Blint, I pull out a ninja. When I want to play Gonff the Mousethief, I pick up a rogue. Mechanics has nothing to do with it.
Redwall reference means you are my new favorite person on this forum.

FanaticRat |
I would love to play 4e but I never will get the chance because everyone around me hates it.
I would also love to play FantasyCraft and find a way to adapt Pathfinder classes to it.
I love having more race and class options than I'll ever use.
I love a "party of freaks" and have no problems playing with one or GMing for one.
I wish PFS was less restrictive in areas.
I think gunslingers are underpowered (yeah I said it).
I like gunslinger's flavor.
I despise alignment restrictions.
In fact, I despise alignment systems in general and think they just start arguments.

Havoq |

I am convinced that I can and will "win" Pathfinder.
I am convinced that I will some day create the "perfect" character build.
I would rather game with a power gamer than an expert role player who puts my character at risk of death.
I think that role playing female characters is far more interesting than males - until it isn't.
I don't like Save or Die mechanics.

Tequila Sunrise |

- I loved D&D 3.5's Epic and Divine rules.
Me too, they're great for propping up my uneven furniture!
...But seriously, I love epic levels and killable gods too. The 3.0 rules for them are just so terribad! (I'm assuming you meant '3.0' in your post, because I'm pretty sure they never reappeared in 3.5.)

Tequila Sunrise |
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I hate any setting with societies that are tens of thousands of years old but aren't any more technologically advanced than dark-ages Europe.
I can't for the life of me understand why people don't like historical technological advances touching their high-fantasy peas and carrots. The idea that the two are mutually exclusive is alien to me.
Speaking for myself, it's not that they're mutually exclusive. It's just that tech, particularly that of the post-industrialized world, tends to ruin the mystique of the fantasy world I want to game in. The more tech there is, the less the PCs matter, the less magical the game world is.
Or maybe I just don't want to immerse myself in a world that in any way resembles the hum-drum world I really live in. Take that for what you will.