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Keovar still here for another week. I've been playing Minecraft with Pax more than reading the forum lately, but I still look into a few threads a couple times a day.
We had 42 individual respondents this first round, including quite a few lurkers who said hello. Thanks to the lurkers, postomaniacs and everyone in-between! 42 may be an auspicious number, but let's see if we can best it this week anyway!

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Greetings. I am known only as "The Goodfellow." For most, you will never see me, until my dagger sticks from your back, but for others, I may be near while my fellow bandits of The UnNamed Company "ask politely" for your valuables. I post when I can, though that has died down over the last few weeks as school and work pick back up.
OOC I do welcome and encourage all to join us and play PFO. While I disagree with some of the topics being discussed on the forums and blog posts, I still believe this will be a game to enjoy and last for some time.

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<-- unofficial spokesperson for all Swedish gamers until someone knocks me over the head and steals the title
Still alive and kicking. I am eagerly awaiting my chance to economically support the game and secure a place in EE. I'm excited at the prospect of contributing to settlement building and in meaningful open world PvP.
Recently I've felt that the great think tank that is this community has been treading water for a while, discussing the same things over and over. We need some stimulating news to ponder and debate.

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We need some stimulating news to ponder and debate.
While I understand the importance of the summer convention season, especially to games in development, it leads--here, as elsewhere--to slack communication from devs on boards. It's almost as if introducing themselves to new potential players (and investors) is more important than preaching to their choir :-).

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Wurner wrote:<-- unofficial spokesperson for all Swedish gamers until someone knocks me over the head and steals the titleStill alive and kicking. I am eagerly awaiting my chance to economically support the game and secure a place in EE. I'm excited at the prospect of contributing to settlement building and in meaningful open world PvP.
Recently I've felt that the great think tank that is this community has been treading water for a while, discussing the same things over and over. We need some stimulating news to ponder and debate.
True. There's some great feedback on goblin squad in Darkfall however. I've watched a few vids and it's got some good aspects.
AvenaOats, waiting in the wings ruing slow bb with respect to the above goblin squad already getting 'all hands on deck'. ;)

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Lurker here. Not read the boards for a while.
Not affiliated to anything yet.
GMT timezone.
Class = Likely to play a mage or the like.
Playstyle = Exploration and dungeons, but also some crafting.
Alignment = good.
MMORPG experience = WOW from general release until 2011.
Reasons I stopped playing WOW:
- Dungeons were anonymous rushes.
- Player interactions became anonymous.
- My IRL time availability rules out signing up for raids.
- No support for alignments. Some of the quest lines instructed the player to do evil acts. When I rejected the quest, nothing interesting happened. Worse, I'd sometimes get locked out of areas that should have had a non-evil way of unlocking.
- Developer support for professions, especially how they (failed to) address player dissatisfaction.

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Deianira still here and lurking. I've largely been involved with Real Life issues lately - and with getting my gaming group's Pathfinder campaign off the ground - but am still checking the forums at least once a day.
More information from GW would be appreciated. It might break the latest ouroboros of a PvP discussion.

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Guess I will chime in here with my intro
Marijane aka Diella
Not affiliated to anything yet
1 month early enrollment Buddy
Lurker and sometime poster 75 post so still fairly low on the posting rate.
Time: Est
Type of play Role Play crafting getting lost eh exploring yeah that it.
Up to now mostly a solo type player but hoping PFO will open up a world of others who I can interact with.
Wolf sheep or guard dog: a sheep in wolf clothing or I know what I'll try for ATTACK SHEEP, that the ticket. Maybe if I fake it good enough they think I am really a wolf and leave me alone ... yeah like that going to happen but maybe it be fun to try.

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Doggan of the UnNamed Company. Unabashed PvPer and PKer. Enemy to all things in the realm of bears that care. I mostly lurk and read random posts that look interesting, but usually avoid posting because I tend to make people mad.
LOL.... I have warned in the past, that The UnNamed Company has many members that this community has yet to meet, and many are sweet and congenial as me.
I can't wait until the time of EE gets a bit closer and more of the UnNamed, become named and known!

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So this week we got a few new folks delurking long enough to say hello, so that's cool. :)
I was away for a bit myself, due to a construction crew causing some destruction to my internet connection for a few days, but the connection is a little better and cheaper now, so I guess it all worked out.
Everyone else still with us?

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Hey all, I'm Cyneric, leader of Maelstrom Company. I usually do more lurking then posting, but figured it's time to be more active in the community.

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I think you might be right with that speculation. I convinced three friends to back with me, and not one of them has been back to the forums once the polls weren't active.
I do think stopping the voting when they did was a good move though. We really needed more information before making decisions. That being said, I would love to see polls going up more regularly. I think they really help the lurkers come out of our shells.

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I think you might be right with that speculation. I convinced three friends to back with me, and not one of them has been back to the forums once the polls weren't active.
I do think stopping the voting when they did was a good move though. We really needed more information before making decisions. That being said, I would love to see polls going up more regularly. I think they really help the lurkers come out of our shells.
I think the problems with the original poll were twofold:
1. The explanation of what people were voting for was buried pages into the topic. There were people who seemed pretty shocked that ranger/druid companions and familiars were part of the pet system being discussed in the poll.
2. This game will be nothing like what most of us have ever played, especially those coming from theme-park backgrounds. It's hard for people to make meaningful decisions on what will be most impactful to / best for the game before they gain a deeper understanding of how it will work.
The first problem is easy to overcome. There needs to be a clear description of the options on the poll, and probably even a discussion to help make sure it's clear to everyone, before the poll is posted.
The second problem is much harder to overcome. One of the reason we are able to have impactful discussions on game mechanics here is the regular forum users understand PFO better than anyone outside the development team, because we invest time in learning about it. Even with that our understanding is limited and imperfect. People who aren't regularly following the blogs and dev statements are going to be very limited in the meaningful decisions they can make about the direction this game should take before they play it. I almost feel like future crowdforge votes should be tied to game accounts and require a certain amount of recent playtime. Not something a casual can't reach, but something that proves you are playing the game.

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Keovar -
Greetings, I am one of your "lurkers". No settlement or other such affiliations declared (yet) - in fact, this is my first post on this forum, after my first real discovery & read of the forum.
I donated to the Kickstarter for Pathfinder Online because I've come to enjoy the Pathfinder RPG tabletop game with my son, and we've been looking for a MMO for us to play together.
In real life, my boss & wife work me like a dog, so I won't get to participate much in the forum discussions, but I will try to keep up with the conversations and hopefully add a (productive, if possible) comment or two.
Right now, my thoughts and dreams for Pathfinder Online are simple: please work to live up to the vision you have been promoting on this game! I am excited about the game mechanics and the "sandbox/theme-park" blend. Keeping away from classes & levels is a refreshing idea, since it has always been an issue for me. I don't care to pidgeon-hole a character concept when there is a discrete number of combinations with a single "ideal" build. I actually do have a number of thoughts on a sort of "wish list", but please above all stick to the vision and don't wreck it the way other MMOs get ruined by trying to gut the game concepts in a vain effort to make it more fun for the 10% of people who just complain about anything and everything. Make this game the kind of game *you* want to play on your off time, and I am sure me and many others will feel the same way.
Thanks for all you do, and thanks also for giving us a forum to speak our thoughts and interests. I'll be watching for updates.
- Vibishan
I think it could be useful to get an idea of how many EE backers are reading these forums. There are a handful of folks who post on many threads every day, but it would be good to see who's out there on the 'lurker' end of the spectrum too...

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Hello, this is yet another lurker :). I'm Nadya from Keepers of the Circle, and am quite looking forward to PFO. I am completely new to MMOs but not new to forum or chatroom text roleplaying. I try to at least glance through the forums here every day or so, but I don't think I've posted much outside the Keeper's board.

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Hello and greetings to those who introduced themselves this week, bringing us up to 57!
Keovar - Pax
Jazzivraz - T7V
Bringslite - Pax
theStormWeaver - Pax
Hardin Steele - DFC
Nihimon - T7V
Andius - TEO
Xaer - terrorist
Rafkin - Pax
Sepherum - Lord Bozo*
froggalpha - ___
Alexander Damocles - TEO
DeciusBrutus - T7V
Charlie George - Pax
Lhan - T7V
Bluddwolf - UNC
Being - CW
Will Cooper - T7V
Dakcenturi - MAGI
Areks - Pax
Sintaqx - UNC
KitNyx - T7V?
RHMG Animator - ___
Kryzbyn - ___
Stonebreaker - KotCR
Tigari - OotBH
Alarox - ___
Lifedragn - TEO
Avatar-1 - ___
kenshi33 - ___
Gedichtewicht - TEO
Ace-of-Spades - ___
Deianira - Pax
Nicoli Larvu - Pax
George Velez - TLC
Hobs the Short - ___
Oberyn Corvus - T7V
Aleron - TEO
Lam - ___
Nightdrifter - ___
Runnetib - ___
Scarlette - ___
The Goodfellow - ___
Wurner - ___
AvenaOats - ___
Bormun von Eastbourne - ___
Diella - ___
Nymerias - KotC
Doggan - UNC
Proxima Sin - ___
Cyneric Torrin - MC
Shane Gifford - ___
Vibishan - ___
Banesama - ___
wxcougar - KotC
Pinosaur - TEO
Marlagram - ___
*If the reader of your post is a bozo, that must make the writer an even greater one! :P
Sorry for any omissions or mistakes. For the most part, I made the affiliation tag blank if you didn't mention one.
Another month down! Check back in if you're still hanging around waiting on some news of what the devs are doing. I kinda expected communication to drop off, since it seemed like they were running out of new topics they were willing to talk about even before the convention break.

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Member of the Keepers of the Circle and generally only check in when we're expecting a new blog from Ryan and GW.
I play the Elder Scrolls and may even try their new MMO for a while until I can get an EE slot for PFO. Hell, I'd be really happy just to have a Goblinworks t-shirt at this point! Is anything for sale yet?

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Andas, no affiliation. Kickstarter backer at the buddy level (will be playing with my wife - take that anyway you want :) )
I lurk mostly - took a break from the boards when they went on blog hiatus for the conventions.
Now back and still intrigued by the game. I don't normally PvP so it will be interesting. So far I am liking what I read.

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@Keovar - You've got theStormWeaver listed as Pax, but he is Pax Merc. not Aeternum. Prolly want to differentiate that in the future. Nice list though!
Ah, oops. I was only planning to repost the roll call list once a month, but I suppose I should make an exception for the correction of significant errors, so I guess I'll fix that in an updated list next Wednesday.
If there are any other corrections to be made, please speak up!
Or write... err.. type... whatever.

Valdemar Stor |

Lurker here. I missed the Kickstarter but watch anxiously for another opportunity to support the game and qualify for EE. At the moment, I have no affiliation.
I played DAoC off and on for four years. Subsequently, I played EVE for two years and change. I tinkered around in LOTRO for a year and have familiarity with EQ and CoH. To me, EVE is the gold standard for meaningful PvP (though nothing beats a good 8v8 in DAoC in my book for actual gamplay).
I hope to find a PvP-oriented LG company in PFO, though I will never be able to play much between my various RL obligations.

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Though this is beneath me, I suppose even the mighty must announce their name for their foes to know whom it is they fear.
I am the Lord Regent of Golgotha. Right hand of our dark master. Member of the House Karnath, and General of his unyielding forces.
((I frequent the forums and post here and there, I leave the majority of the lurking to our intelligence community.))