George Velez's page

Goblin Squad Member. 296 posts (1,426 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 aliases.


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Hello CS,

I have sent emails on 7/03/14 and 9/09/14 requesting assistance, and I have called the CS phone a few times with no luck; I even left a voice mail. If any online CS reps can assist me I would appreciate it. :)

What should I do next?


Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You called? :)

@Wolfgang Baur,

Thanks for your reply to my question, and I have follow-up: How many racial points are Gearforged worth under the Advance Race Guide race builder rules?

Are there any additional 3rd party support with new race building options available?

Also, what section of the forums so would be the correct place to post new race designs as solicit feedback?

Goblin Squad Member

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Heh. When I wrote "caravan" I knew a certain bandit would jump at the mention like a Hobbit at first breakfast! :)

yet I know a huge amount of players are awaiting this information as it directly impacts many aspects of this game: travel times, roads, distance between settlements-POI-outposts, trade, crafting, harvesting, contract, guards, mercaneries,bandits...

Goblin Squad Member

I place my wager on an updated crafting or a caravan post in addition to any milestone status report...

Goblin Squad Member

Drakhan Valane wrote:
Ask and you shall receive.

Thank you. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:

If you or anyone else would like to post links in this thread, or PM me, I'll be happy to check them out. The whole list is really meant to be a community resource. Thanks for the pointer :)

I'll note any interesting dev mini blogs or quotes here for evaluation. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:

I haven't been paying quite as much attention as I used to. I find myself frequently skimming threads and ignoring a lot of posts.

You are not the only one. The level of toxicity on any PVP, Alignment and Reputation related thread is really disheartening. I am just skimming all threads for now, and I saved on my Kindle a separate bookmark for each dev posts to make sure that I don't miss anything important.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm using my Kindle so I can't copy and paste, can someone link Stephens recent Crafting Q&A here, it was basically a bonus mini blog. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Needs a bump. Are you keeping track of informative dev responces to player questions by any chance? Stephens recent Q&A on crafting deserves a mention I would say...

Goblin Squad Member

@Pax Keovar, in the next update can you please add the declared charter/venture company alignment to the list? It would help me greatly in determining who might be potential allies, neutrals and enemies.

For my group, it is : The Lightbringer Company [LN].


Goblin Squad Member

Ryan, is selecting a DT a "day one" desicion, or can you play with a main for some time in EE, figure out how the game works and what I like, and then chose DT after having a better idea of what I want?

Goblin Squad Member

Trippic wrote:

still sifting through all the links given, alot of info to digest

Welcome Trippic, while you catch up on the blogs and check out the Nihimonicon, feel free to ask any questions you have on any active thread or make a new one. Be advised we have a lot of active, passionate and highly ...err... expressive members here, but in general they are willing to help and welcome new players. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
Stephen Cheney is aware of that and has already addressed some of my concerns. In short, we should not react to this Dev Blog outside of the context of the previous 2 or 3 Dev Blogs.

That is a pretty sound viewpoint Bluddwolf, I wish more people would drop the hysterics, hyperbole, extreme corner case theory crafting, and "if it doesn't have "THIS" the game sucks and is doomed to fail" predictions we seem to get a least once per thread.

The information on this recent blog builds upon (and revises)information on previous blogs, and there is yet so much we don't know that its really hard to get all worked up for a game still actively in development (and in where the game developers are actively listening and communicating with the player base).

Goblin Squad Member

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Jazzlvraz wrote:
So we can come here and share the pain of waiting, with our fellows.

And no future blog likely till 1/8/2014, the horror!

Well, I guess I wont be the only one catching up on many threads not in the first page of this forum, time to start reading what interesting threads lay hidden in pages 2 and 3. (I can go that far back without being hit with the necromancer/heinous flag right?) :)

Goblin Squad Member


You need an option for "undecided", there is so much information lacking about races, classes/roles and alignment to properly hazard a guess as to what my primary PC would be. :)

Goblin Squad Member

8:55pm ET, either we get a VERY late blog, or none at all. The suspense is killing all of us I think...

Goblin Squad Member


in your opening statements you ask us to think of new things to be done ( now with Ryan's guidelines) to improve RPing in MMORPGs, having not played any of those games you mentioned, exactly what have they already implemented and innovated in that RP aspect?

Not having preordered anything before, is there a deadline I have to preorder so I can take advantage of the book/PDF combo?

Goblin Squad Member

No pain, but I am taking advantage of the time to get caught up with my backlog of games, so I can mark them of my gamming list and have more time in the future to play PFO.

Goblin Squad Member

The number of button and abilities you need to actively keep track of is a concern for me when it comes to new players. I am bringing to PFO at least two family members who have never played a MMO game, and if don't want them to be so overwhelmed with the GUI that they stop playing.

Goblin Squad Member

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Diella must have rolled a natural "1" on that wisdom check. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Qallz wrote:
Now who's the obnoxious, snarky one?

That would still be you, as you have consistently proven for almost two weeks now on this and related threads. When given a chance to explain or elaborate on a point that concerns you it seems you can't resist responding in the most arrogant, insulting , snarky and provocative way possible.

Could you please drop the non stop negativity and take a deep break and relax a bit?

This game is still under development, the development team is actively requesting our feed back, and we have over a year of EE to figure things out.

So why the non stop hostility to what is otherwise some very productive conversation?

Goblin Squad Member

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Arise slumbering thread for your time is near and your followers are anxious for your proclamations of the future...

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
@George Velez, please PM me. I'm checking this on my phone right now.

Did you get my PM? I see no reply...

Goblin Squad Member

PM sent

Goblin Squad Member


can you add the graphic and MTX explanation to the Nihimonicon so we can reference it on other threads?

Goblin Squad Member

$20/month subscription is a very reasonable price for me and my family.

Goblin Squad Member

Can you fix the link?

Goblin Squad Member

Good topic to think about, and it draws on elements from at least 3 other active treads.

My ( short) views:

1 - anything that let's you accelerate training time from the "gain XP over time" model, regardless of intention, will be abused and is definitely pay to win.

2 - there is a link (somewhere) that details how GW is aware of the power curve between new and veteran players, and how they will make acquiring and retaining new players a vital part of an settlements development.

3 - unlike theme parks you don't have a fixed amount of classes that you take from level one to max, move on, and start again with leveling a new class. As a classes system, PFO doesn't force you to need multiple alts, mains and accounts to experience what the game has to offer.

4- there are many valid concerns from many new to MMO players and played every MMO under the sun players which have yet to be addressed by GW, just give them some time as this game is still in early stages of development.

5 - more to say, but really can't type well on an iPad. :)

Goblin Squad Member


Having played the full Mass Effect trilogy , I could not agree more that the music in this video evoked the same epic/ grandeur / powerful feel that I remember from my time with that game...

I hope it makes it to a DLC music file for GS members. :)

Goblin Squad Member

PFO Mentioned on page 2

Goblin Squad Member

If they add new options, I'd like to up my pledge from Guild (6) to a new Venture Company (30) level. Might as well start the game at a full run instead of a crawl.

(Hey GW, the next few weeks I am going to be doing a LOT of overtime at work, surely you want some of my extra hard earned cash?) :)

Goblin Squad Member

Don't click. Just keep reading different threads here threw out the day until the new blog just shows up. Works for me. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Keovar wrote:
I'm not really sure what you're talking about, so PM me about it, please.

I apologize for the delay, I forgot to send you a PM. I will write it up and send it with an explanation.

Goblin Squad Member

Cant watch the video on Ipad, Iphone or Lumia 920 devices.

I could watch it on my Surface Pro but even at max volume I can barley hear it (the female judge has some good questions).

Loved the video of the past MMMO models, the people running, the look at the armors/clothes and the wide shots of the settlements! Well worth the 4 mins, I am emailing all my friends the link! :)

Goblin Squad Member

What about potions, scrolls and similar items?

Goblin Squad Member

Will do when I get out of work tonight.

Goblin Squad Member


is there anyway you can post the update name list and link it to the PFOfan CC list for one stop reference?

Goblin Squad Member

What do you mean? It is showing as the top post on the forums on my IPad add phone...

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

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Being wrote:
Conflicting desires. I'd bet dollars to donuts that there are so very many gottahavits that deciding what to pour your xp into will be an excruciating test of insight and willpower.

Am I understanding correctly that this would be a change of pace from the way that most fantasy MMORPG assign XP and the "best" and

"right" way of using XP/leveling?

Sounds like having to make a tough choice on how to use your XP in PFO will be a keep part of your characters development, especially in a classless system. I look forward to making those hard choices...

Goblin Squad Member

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Banesama wrote:
lol... I can hear it now. Walk into a tavern and the bard in the corner is playing some heavy metal gothic music. :P

Ill bet 1gp right now that not only will he/she create a loyal following, they will trash talk all OTHER bards playing that type of music as lame copycats, there will be lots of drama, sex & drugs will be involved at some point, the settlement's law enforcement will have to break up at least one fight, and the locals will complain "that thing will never be the same again".

You know, player content. :)

Goblin Squad Member

I lost track, a blog today?

Goblin Squad Member

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The CEO of Paizo is playing PFO and having a good time. How can that not put a smile on your face? :)

Goblin Squad Member


Thanks for the ideas, I have always wanted to introduce Warforged to my Pathfinder games, and I will give this a try. I will let you know later how it went. :)

Are there any suggestions on how to incorporate them into Golarion campaign?

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks for the preview art. As for those posters saying it looks "cartoony" I strongly disagree, the ogre art is very much in line with the art style in the PF Bestiary 1, ROTRL pawns & minis, and AP lines.

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