Your favorite 3PP Class, Race or Setting


Liberty's Edge

Hey I just got through looking through a heated discussion on 3PP hate or like.

Personally I have taken a tour through the 3PP stuff and have not seen anything that thrilled me. Granted it was not an indepth tour, That being said I am open to further explorations on the topic.

So What 3PP Race, Class or setting or anything really do you like?

Dark Archive

oh thats a tough one, i don't really have a favourite class or setting (though there are some strong contenders there), but my favourite races is the Obitu from Alluria Publishing

Liberty's Edge

Hey don't sweat it, make a list if you want.

I'm putting down the Dreamscarred Press soulknife. I've wanted to play one, and now I can without feeling like I'm shooting myself in the foot.

There are lots of others, too ...

Shadow Lodge

The Armiger.

Liberty's Edge

So Far I have seen good remarks on dreamscarred press(cool name), kolbold press(good mag).

Hey Distant Scholar, Play what makes you, your fellow players and your DM happy. It is a game after all

Armoured monk what or where is the armiger?

White Necromancer Kobalt Press

but the mag is dead... saddest face ever

I like a lot of Tripod Machine's classes. They're good, and they feel like they could be included in an Advanced Player's Guide, except. . . they're 3PP. Super Genius's stuff is good, too, and Spellless Ranger from Kobold Press.

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I love the Occultist by Radiance House. I'm also a fan of Sublime Transmuter and the Sacred Necromancer by Zombie Sky Press, though I haven't had the chance to try them yet. Then there's always Dreamscarred Press Psionics.

What product has the White Necromancer? I can't find it. . .

White necromancer was in Kobold Quarterly, can't remember what issue. I'm fairly sure Marc Radle is working on a new updated version for Kobold Press' New Paths Line - he also did the Expanded Spell-less ranger and the Expanded Battle Scion.

[EDIT - -google says KQ 19]

Caligastia wrote:

What product has the White Necromancer? I can't find it. . .

Kobold Quarterly 19

Link for you...

Setting is Midgard from Kobold Press.
Class is Psychic Warrior from Dreamscarred Press.

ArmouredMonk13 wrote:

The Armiger.
Azixirad wrote:

Armoured monk what or where is the armiger?

It's from Super Genius Games


I like the stuff SGG puts out too. My favorite is The Godling

The Godling

and has a few supplements
Godling Ascendant

Mystic Godling

Relics of the Godlings

Relics 2

I can not speak for the last two, I do not have them, but the with the first three I have been having a blast playing a godling of knowledge skill monkey.

I can easily see how one could make Hercules, Thor, or Loki like characters using the class. It also is quite open in the design by allowing the class to pick up abilities of other classes as they are expanded upon. New domains, mysteries, feats, rouge skills balanced by your type of godling. I think its a good class. It has a unique mechanic in that you gain access to some pretty awesome powers that you must spend your divine power on to gain. The powers require more and more divine power to get the stronger abilities or you can spread out with lots of little powers and have variety of talents.
(i.e. one lets you age slower)

I have heard of and wish to try more of their stuff, check them out before you decide to give up on third party. There is lots of cool stuff going on out there outside of the core.

Liberty's Edge

As I stated before, I have not given up on 3PP. I just have not seen anything that thrilled me upon a passing glance.

Looks this endzeitgeist character has some decent takes on the various classes.

Armiger looks like a good tank, is there much difference between that class and the stalwart defender?

Definetly want to investigate the Mystic godling as i dig spellcasters

The Super genius games Talented Monk is my single favorite 3rd party product. Though that is a close second to the SGG Archetype products.

My next player character is going to be a talented Monk mixed with the talented rogue, and the archetype 'Alchemical Archer'. I am special kinds of excited about it.

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The occultist from Pact Magic Unbound, by Radiance House.
The medium from Legendary Classes: Covenant Magic, by Purple Duck Games.

Liberty's Edge

I have a friend of mine who is in the process of building a monk, so far he has 3 different builds.

I will send him the link for the talented monk to see if I can really bend his noodle

Azixirad wrote:

I have a friend of mine who is in the process of building a monk, so far he has 3 different builds.

I will send him the link for the talented monk to see if I can really bend his noodle

I hope he enjoys it.

Dreamscarred Press's Egoist (with or without the Metamorph PRC). It actually allows what the original 3.5 Ed Egoist was described as . . . a "caster" type that can transform into a fearsome warrior.

With the caveat that my experience is limited to basically Jon Brazer Enterprises, Frog God Games, Alluria Publishing, and Open Design/Kobold Press:

Class: Don't have much experience with as I tend to gravitate towards 3pp campaign settings/races/monsters. I do like the idea of White Necromancers though, something we will never see from Paizo itself. I will probably purchase Ultimate Psionics as a hardcover when that is finished.

Setting:'s a great fully-fleshed out complex setting with a much better take on dwarves and kobolds than Golarion. If you like Norse or Eastern European themes you can't really go wrong with this setting. Kaidan looks interesting but haven't looked at it yet

Race: I admit I am partial to the Squawks from Alluria Publishing...but militant humanoid penguins are not for everyone...

The Justicar, a spell-less version of the Inquisitor from Super Genius Games. By far my favorite 3PP class.

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I'm (eagerly) awaiting the Andronia setting from Hydra Games. There was a Kickstarter campaign for it earlier this year, and it should be released shortly.

As for classes, I'm a sucker for the wilder by DSP, but I would love to eventually play a Malefactor from TPK Games.

The Time Thief by Super Genius Games

2 products I'm looking forward to seeing:
Warlords of the Apocalypse
Bite Me

Race: either the gearforged or the trollkin

Class: the expanded shaman, and the expanded white necromancer (coming soon). Now I want to check out the justicar from SGG, though!

Setting: Midgard

All of these are Kobold Press, and I do work on some things there (proofing, development, and now editing), so I've grown pretty familiar with the material. There are a lot of great 3PP products out there, though. I'm still a huge fan of the Incantations material from Zombie Sky Press, for one. Raging Swan's adventures, specifically the room-by-room descriptions and the way they're presented, are some of my favorites, as well. Excellent stuff!

Shadow Lodge

Azixirad wrote:
Armiger looks like a good tank, is there much difference between that class and the stalwart defender?

You don't need 7 levels of full BAB class to play it? Or 3 feats, only 1 of which is a combat feat?

Liberty's Edge

Hey all - great thread!

Thanks so much for all the nice words about some of the classes I've written!!!

Since folks have asked, here are links to the classes mentioned:

New Paths #1: The Expanded Spell-less Ranger

New Paths #2: The Expanded Shaman

New Paths #4: The Expanded Battle Scion

Oh, as mentioned above, New Paths 7: The Expanded White Necromancer is complete and ready to release into the world, complete with new feats, new spells and 2 archetypes which I am really excited about ... look for it very soon (as in, early next month I would think :)

J. Christopher Harris wrote:
Class: the expanded shaman, and the expanded white necromancer (coming soon). Now I want to check out the justicar from SGG, though!

It's in "Advanced Options - Inquisitor's Judgements".

Marc Radle wrote:

Hey all - great thread!

Thanks so much for all the nice words about some of the classes I've written!!!

Since folks have asked, here are links to the classes mentioned:

New Paths #1: The Expanded Spell-less Ranger

New Paths #2: The Expanded Shaman

New Paths #4: The Expanded Battle Scion

Oh, as mentioned above, New Paths 7: The Expanded White Necromancer is complete and ready to release into the world, complete with new feats, new spells and 2 archetypes which I am really excited about ... look for it very soon (as in, early next month I would think :)

I love everyone of these classes.

I want to add Soulknife to my list of favorite classes. With the right feats and player attitude it makes a pretty effective tank that is also very versatile skill wise.

Liberty's Edge

Upon an initial lookthrough, those look like pretty cool character concepts.

I am favoring the spell-less ranger as this fits with my idea of a ranger as opposed to a fighter/druid.

Okay, I got KQ 19 and I got to say, I like the White Necromancer class! I'm definately looking forward to this coming out as a New Path.

Tripod Machine also has a take on the Monk that boosts it to a d10 ( and gives it a lot of other things ). You might want to take a look at their stuff.

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ArmouredMonk13 wrote:
The Armiger.

That is what immediately popped into my mind.

And I've had a lot of fun playing a Spell-less Ranger from Kobald Quartely,as well,as the Swashbuckler for Tome of Secrets.

Azixirad wrote:

Upon an initial lookthrough, those look like pretty cool character concepts.

I am favoring the spell-less ranger as this fits with my idea of a ranger as opposed to a fighter/druid.

You might also want to take a look at the Hunter and the Scout from A Fistful of Denarii ( Tripod Machine ) as they fit similar, but not identical, niches.

Liberty's Edge

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Marc Radle wrote:

Hey all - great thread!

Thanks so much for all the nice words about some of the classes I've written!!!

Since folks have asked, here are links to the classes mentioned:

New Paths #1: The Expanded Spell-less Ranger

New Paths #2: The Expanded Shaman

New Paths #4: The Expanded Battle Scion

Oh, as mentioned above, New Paths 7: The Expanded White Necromancer is complete and ready to release into the world, complete with new feats, new spells and 2 archetypes which I am really excited about ... look for it very soon (as in, early next month I would think :)

I love everyone of these classes.

Awesome - thank you!!!

Liberty's Edge

Azixirad wrote:

Upon an initial lookthrough, those look like pretty cool character concepts.

I am favoring the spell-less ranger as this fits with my idea of a ranger as opposed to a fighter/druid.

Awesome! Give the class a try and, if you are so inclined, feel free to post a review in the appropriate product forum :)

Midnight from Fantasy Flight Games.

Hands down the darkest and richest campaign setting I've ever seen.

Liberty's Edge

Caligastia wrote:
Okay, I got KQ 19 and I got to say, I like the White Necromancer class! I'm definately looking forward to this coming out as a New Path.

Just a heads up that the The White Necromancer will be released very soon:)

You can learn a bit more here:
The Expanded White Necromancer Design Blog

I am partial to the Frog God Games world. It's sparse on information at the moment, but between all their modules, and their dungeon/hex crawls, you have enough information to enjoy yourself.

Liberty's Edge

Marc Radle wrote:
Caligastia wrote:
Okay, I got KQ 19 and I got to say, I like the White Necromancer class! I'm definately looking forward to this coming out as a New Path.

Just a heads up that the The White Necromancer will be released very soon:)

You can learn a bit more here:
The Expanded White Necromancer Design Blog

Hey everyone - The Expanded White Necromancer is now out! Please check it out by clicking link below :) Really anxious to hear what folks think!

The Expanded White Necromancer


I loved the Psionic system in 3.5, and Dreamscarred Press did an amazing job of fixing the broken and making it work with Pathfinder. I love all the classes, in those books and the Elans are my favorite race.

My only regret is that I'll never be able to play Psionics in PFS.

Liberty's Edge

I'm really digging the Super Genius Games Dragonrider. Lots of fun and flavor yet pretty balanced.

I keep itching to play a Dreamscarred Press Wilder or Psion but keep getting rejected by GMs.


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