
Caligastia's page

No posts. Organized Play character for WafflePieCake.

Hi all,

I haven't played in a really long time, but looking to get back into it but would like an in-person campaign to play in, preferably 1st edition Pathfinder.

I currently live in Fremont. Thank you!

Shadow Lodge

Is it possible to deal nonlethal sneak attack damage with the Bludgeoner combat feat with an earthbreaker?

Is a character who is proficient with martial weapons able to wield a Large Bastard Sword as a martial weapon (2-handed) WITHOUT the exotic weapon proficiency? Or does the character need to take the 'exotic weapon proficiency: bastard sword' feat in order to use the large version 2-handed?

Is a character who is proficient with martial weapons able to wield a Large Bastard Sword as a martial weapon (2-handed) WITHOUT the exotic weapon proficiency? Or does the character need to take the 'exotic weapon proficiency: bastard sword' feat in order to use the large version 2-handed?