OmNomNid |
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How generous, Geniuses! Both a free PDF AND the ability to possibly dictate a future product! I have a few ideas apart from those listed above. Please note that I REALLY want support for the Death Knight/Mage classes and stand behind that idea wholeheartedly! Now, for the things people haven't asked for yet.
Mythic Menagerie: Alien Horrors- A MM book about Aberrations, particularly antediluvian Lovecraft-style aberrations.
Mythic Menagerie: On Benighted Wings- A MM book about dragons, particularly ones that go beyond 'standard dragon ability suite with breath weapon element x' implementation. Who guessed I would pick this topic considering my avatar?
The Expanded Anachronistic Adventurer- A book compiling all of the AA classes with several new archetypes, new classes, feats, some unique rituals, ect.
The Genius Guide to the Fiendbinder Class- Just because regular casters and Summoners do not properly capture the feel of a powerful demonologist character. Regular casters have spells that either temporarily summon Outsiders or are risky and involve bargaining and the Summoner's Eidolon is more of a Final Fantasy-style creature than an actual fiend. Perhaps make a chart of what type of fiends can be bound at each level (Perhaps simply a CR number, allowing multiple lower CR creatures to be bound in place of a higher CR one,) and set a DC for the summoning and binding, which would simulate the somewhat dangerous nature of the class, but still allow it to be a better option than pre-existing ones. Wow, that was longer of a description than I anticipated.
Chronicles of the Archangel series- Similar to the Chronicles of the Archfiend series (Well, one book series,) but featuring an Archon or Angel. There has been a massive push for similar products in mainstream Pathfinder and speaking personally, it would be great support material for heroic backgrounds and options, plus great fun for DM/GMs who have villainous or extremely morally ambiguous PCs!
And support for pretty much any of SGG's classes. I...
I second these suggestions.

Realmwalker |

Realmwalker wrote:Cheapy wrote:My sources tell me that Krazy Kragnar was considering a deal with a traveling merchant peddling Ape Iron Staves, but the monkeys proved too much of a nuisance for him to sell them!Lol My Vanara Monk could use one of those.Ok, I'll stop muddying this thread.
"I wear a Fez now..."

Doc_Outlands |

Collected & expanded AA is high on my list. I would like to see a Tinkerer archetype added for AA, as the Inventor just doesn't really fit the mold of the guy who is always tweaking on his jalopy or fiddling with her radio-rig to get a little bit more from it...
An AA pulp setting would be keen.
More support for teaser-rules introducted in AA (guns, vehicles, PLs, etc)
A post-apocalypse rules-set and setting would be mind-numbingly awesome! ;) (SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, WotA!!!)
(I'm trying to figure out which SGG products I'm needing - lemme get back to you?)

Broken |

The Genius Guide to Minions - book detailing good uses for followers, hired NPCs and services to enhance your play, how to use them in the Downtime system and Kingdom System, feats and spells to boost their effectiveness.
Genius Guide to Beast Riders – book detailing Cavalier beast riders and the monsters they bring into combat.
Genius Guide to the Council of the Realm – Getting the most of the Kingdoms leadership positions, benefits of station, enhancements to the kingdom that each can champion, feats to empower and increase the benefits each station can grant the kingdom.
Genius Guide to Nobility of the Realm – Now that you have started your own kingdom, you can grant nobility and knight hood to those who are loyal to you. Empower your allies, grant them title and land, and begin building the great houses of your kingdom and the knight orders to protect it.
Genius Guide to The Captivity of the Sands – Some things are best left buried. Powerful but cursed magic items found in the tombs of Ancient Nobility.
Genius Guide to The Second Life - Death, is just the Beginning! Just because you died, does not mean you are done with this world, or it is done with you.
Genius Guide to The Weapons of Chaos – Possessed swords, flesh warping magic, primeval servitors of chaos, all of this can be yours. Can you contain the chaos and bind it to your will or will you too become yet another pawn of the forces of destruction and rebirth.
Genius Guide to The Iron Apocalypse – Rejoice! For the iron-made are marching and contaminates that populate this world must be purged. (Robot monster book, OH YEAH!)

Christina Stiles Contributor |
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There are a lot of great ideas already. I would love to have a guide on playing vampires and were-creatures as a PC.
Uh, Bite Me! the Gaming Guide to Lycanthropes is coming out in some PDFs from me for my other publishing effort: Misfit Studios. Owen is contributing to it. We have vampires and dhampir next.

Itchy |

Some form of Product supporting familiars and animal companions.
Could be more familiars, more feats for familiars.
Could be more animal companions, feats for animal companions, feats for classes with animal companions, more tricks for animal companions.
I'll leave it up to the Geniuses to decide WHAT they call the book, though.
I'd love to check out the Genius Guide to the Time Thief.
Sending PM now...

David knott 242 |
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Okay -- Given that Ultimate Campaign provided optional rules for playing pre-adolescent characters (with a notable requirement that they take levels only in NPC classes), maybe you could create a book that provides options for young versions of player character classes that are not well matched by existing NPC classes? Spellcasters who cast with intelligence and charisma would be the first obvious options to explore, and I am sure you guys could find and fill some less obvious holes.

BPorter |

The Genius Guide to Minions - book detailing good uses for followers, hired NPCs and services to enhance your play, how to use them in the Downtime system and Kingdom System, feats and spells to boost their effectiveness.
Genius Guide to Beast Riders – book detailing Cavalier beast riders and the monsters they bring into combat.
Genius Guide to the Council of the Realm – Getting the most of the Kingdoms leadership positions, benefits of station, enhancements to the kingdom that each can champion, feats to empower and increase the benefits each station can grant the kingdom.
Genius Guide to Nobility of the Realm – Now that you have started your own kingdom, you can grant nobility and knight hood to those who are loyal to you. Empower your allies, grant them title and land, and begin building the great houses of your kingdom and the knight orders to protect it.
Genius Guide to The Captivity of the Sands – Some things are best left buried. Powerful but cursed magic items found in the tombs of Ancient Nobility.
Genius Guide to The Second Life - Death, is just the Beginning! Just because you died, does not mean you are done with this world, or it is done with you.
Genius Guide to The Weapons of Chaos – Possessed swords, flesh warping magic, primeval servitors of chaos, all of this can be yours. Can you contain the chaos and bind it to your will or will you too become yet another pawn of the forces of destruction and rebirth.
Genius Guide to The Iron Apocalypse – Rejoice! For the iron-made are marching and contaminates that populate this world must be purged. (Robot monster book, OH YEAH!)
Post full of awesome.

Broken |
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All four? =D
Doc_Outlands wrote:Iron Apocalypse - do you want a creation system, a monster book, or both? Do you want them as playable races? (nice name, btw!) I'm up to my eyeballs in crafting such a system...
Yes, Agreed. All four.
- Creation System
- Original Monsters
- Payable Races
- Template(s)
Robot T-Rex for the Win. Double win if it explodes when it dies. Triple win if multiple smaller robots merge to form Robot T-Rex.
wait...wait...*brain explodes as thoughts of Pretenders, Headmasters, Voltron, and Macross overwhelm

Broken |

How about a "Genius Guide to Lawful Magic" to counter the Chaos magic book?
I have been trying to come up with "Lawful Magic" myself. I keep coming back to the rule of "It's Magic" and it breaks the rules. So I keep asking myself, how do I make something "Magical" and "Lawful" and yet feel like I am not "breaking" reality?
Still trying...but Schrodinger, Einstein, Tesla, Sherlock Holms, Tony Stark, and Dr. Doom are my Archtypes.

Spiral_Ninja |

DungeonmasterCal wrote:How about a "Genius Guide to Lawful Magic" to counter the Chaos magic book?I have been trying to come up with "Lawful Magic" myself. I keep coming back to the rule of "It's Magic" and it breaks the rules. So I keep asking myself, how do I make something "Magical" and "Lawful" and yet feel like I am not "breaking" reality?
Still trying...but Schrodinger, Einstein, Tesla, Sherlock Holms, Tony Stark, and Dr. Doom are my Archtypes.
I like this idea as well. In fact, I'd also like to see a Guide to Neutral Magic that included a Neutral domain.

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Updates for some of the outdated products, bringing them in line with the newer books [ultimate magic, ultimate combat, advanced race guide, etc]
The Genius Guide to ... Archetypes
The Genius Guide to Expanded Favored Class Options
The Genius Guide to Apprentice Level Characters
I'd also love to see these updated, as well as more stuff in the "The Genius Guide to ... Archetypes" line. Maybe a "Genius Guide to Buffer/Support Archetypes".

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Yes. That. More support options! Help us make everyone else more awesome!
My favorite characters are support. My favorite 3d Party PFRPG publisher is SGG. It's like ice cream and ... I don't know ... More ice cream? Something awesome, at any rate!

Garde Manger Guy |

Guide to keeping your players interested. How to keep your players coming back to your table week after week.
Guide to storytelling. How to weave popular/historical fiction into your campaign.
Guide to improv. How to make stuff up and keep the game running smoothly when the PC's go in the direction you never ever envisioned.
More character stuff may make more interesting characters, however more GM stuff makes for more interesting campaigns. That in the end, will draw more people into this hobby.
(IMOHO of course)

Endzeitgeist |
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The Genius Guide to Love
Yes. Love. Not lust. With options for characters in love, seeking to fall in love, unhappily infatuated ones etc. Make one of the most driving factors for character development actually MATTER. With feats for couples, widowers etc. There's so much bloodshed in our game, why not devote some time to explore options that are nice for characters?

AinvarG |

The Genius Guide to Love
Yes. Love. Not lust. With options for characters in love, seeking to fall in love, unhappily infatuated ones etc. Make one of the most driving factors for character development actually MATTER. With feats for couples, widowers etc. There's so much bloodshed in our game, why not devote some time to explore options that are nice for characters?
Aw, that was sweet... *sniff* excuse me, I need a tissue. I'll be right back.
That, my friend, is a great idea. I love the idea of 'teamwork feats' for couples. How about a 'class system' for pairs or even trios. For example, a couple consisting of a fighter and a cleric (romantic relationship not required, could be childhood buddies, depending on the feat they choose) take a feat that improves as their levels increase. Initiative bonus or skill bonus when both are present seems pretty straight forward, the 'telepathy' link between twins could actually be real with improving range and communication as their abilities improve... I am totally making this up as I go - typing on the phone doesn't lend itself to editing, so I hope it makes some sort of sense.
No idea what PDF to request if this qualifies, I will PM you with that later.
PS I enjoy this method of soliciting ideas from your fan base!

Christina Stiles Contributor |

The Genius Guide to Love
Yes. Love. Not lust. With options for characters in love, seeking to fall in love, unhappily infatuated ones etc. Make one of the most driving factors for character development actually MATTER. With feats for couples, widowers etc. There's so much bloodshed in our game, why not devote some time to explore options that are nice for characters?
Dang, End, I actually woke up one day and thought it would be cool to have some marriage-based feats or traits, but I didn't run with it. Perhaps I should have there are some folks who contacted me a few months back wanted to do some lust-based stuff. I gave them the green light. We will see what they come up with. :)

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The Genius Guide to Love
Yes. Love. Not lust. With options for characters in love, seeking to fall in love, unhappily infatuated ones etc. Make one of the most driving factors for character development actually MATTER. With feats for couples, widowers etc. There's so much bloodshed in our game, why not devote some time to explore options that are nice for characters?
Sounds like a February release.

SeeleyOne |

Genius Guide to Heroes
I want a book that inspires players and helps them to play good characters. The APG has Hero Points, which could be expanded upon, or better yet the Heroic characters could get Good Karma.
The idea is that I have seen people forget that you do not have to be playing a Paladin to play a hero. If there was a tangible in-game benefit it would help people to play more heroic.
I have seen too many people play Neutral or Evil because it is easier to role-play. I like to game with my kids (and nieces and nephews), and I like it when there is a benefit to choosing to play a good and heroic character.
Having karma, which may either be added to the Hero Points rule, or another thing that characters can gain, that would be really cool. Karmic levels could also be cool, but having a point tally that you spend on "luck" or "having karma go your way" can be a lot of fun. Some miracles would cost more than others.

SeeleyOne |
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Another thing that has bothered me over the years is oaths. A Genius Guide to Oaths would also be a good idea.
There should be an in-game effect for making a binding oath, and a consequence for breaking it. Swearing fealty is one oath, but vows are a lot more common.

Ambrosia Slaad |

Genius Guide to the Shadow Mage: Maybe able to infuse non-shadow illusions with quasi-real shadow to actually affect targets? Maybe able to make illusions that the shadow mage can solipsistically believe are real, kinda like the sophist(?) spells from the 2e Tome of Magic?
Genius Guide to the Shadow Knight
Genius Guide to the Swashbuckler, especially a TWF option with rapier/sabre and main gauche
Genius Guide to Catfolk, Changelings, 0-HD Fauns, 0-HD Forlarren, Fetchlings, dinosaur-ish Lizardfolk, Nagaji, Ratfolk (including this guy), 0-HD Sprites, Vanaras, Vishkanyas, and Wayangs
Genius Guide to Cecaelia: Since Paizo has creepy sekrit plans for merfolk, and Pathfinder selkies are monsters, what about a 0-HD cecaelia taking over both their traditional folktale roles? (I'm certain Mikaze could help write this one.)
Genius Guide to More Apeiron Staves
Genius Guide to Evolved Familiars: Any sorcerer or bard can get a familiar with the Eldritch Heritage [Arcane Bloodline (Arcane Bond [Familiar])] feat, but what if the familiars take on traits related to their bonded sorcerer's bloodline or bard-like traits instead of the usual bonded familiar abilities?
Genius Guide to More Alchemical Discoveries
Genius Guide to Draconic Disciple Archetypes: Why should a draconic disciple with an umbral dragon or sky dragon or faerie dragon bloodline develop exactly the same as a gold dragon disciple?
Genius Guide to Talented Classes: Keep them coming, especially one for talented rangers
Mythic Menageries that will fit in with the upcoming Osirion and Numerian APs

Lohan |
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I'd like to see the genius guide to the dracomancer!! But I know that is in dev so I'll 2nd the genius guide to companions (familiars, animal companions, and cohorts)
It would also be cool to have a class that just focuses on Shapeshifting from 1st level. I know the druid gets wildshape, but it isn't the same. Having a class that just shifts (primary focus) is a big dream of mine.

Kryptik |
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The Genius Guide to Player Headquarters! Maybe with some info on hired help to keep the place running and defended, different benefits you can get in different locations, purchasable upgrades such as fortifications, ballistae, a tavern, followers, etc.
The Genius Guide to Naval Warfare! With upgrades, deck sketches, and a list of awesome ship names!

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The Genius Guide to the words of power
i would like the words of power to have some more love
So much this. (Though I know the book of deep magic is going to have WoP and I understand if you don't want to have to deal with competing with that, though my totally uninformed opinion is that there's plenty of room in the market for more WoP even with that coming.)
And also: Genius guide to airships would be nice. :)

Kyras Ausks |

Kyras Ausks wrote:This would be something I'd love to see. Expecially if it can work with the Words of Power stuff that Kobold is doing from their recent Deep Magic kickstarter.The Genius Guide to the words of power
i would like the words of power to have some more love
+1 to your +1