Gancanagh |

Yes and if you are to it, also add Mobile Phones to the world of Golarion, must be cool that Minotaurs could chat with orcs when they are bored and share Apps between them about naked cow girls, searching on Wikigolaria how to beat that Juvenile Black Dragon and which weapons are best to use against it.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

OMG, please, not mecha rules. I think there is no "SF" concept I despise more than this silly nonsense. No engineer in his right mind would ever build such a thing as an upright, much less humanoid-shaped tank.
To be honest, in 1918 professional technical publications were full of scholarly articles boasting that those ridiculous, slow and completely un-practical armoured boxes with turrets are a temporary fad of little future utility and will fade shortly into obscurity of military history.
Ironically, it were your countrymen who proved the world that such statements weren't quite true ;-)

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Yes and if you are to it, also add Mobile Phones to the world of Golarion...
We've already got hand-held radios so I'm sure a higher level of magic would work.

thejeff |
OMG, please, not mecha rules. I think there is no "SF" concept I despise more than this silly nonsense. No engineer in his right mind would ever build such a thing as an upright, much less humanoid-shaped tank.
The closest thing to a justification is the ones that operate at least partly by mental control: pilots can use a humanoid body more effectively.

Gancanagh |

If they can invent Spaceships, lasers and all that future-garbage they can also invent Mobile Phones as that takes like 10.000 levels of intelligence lower to create.
So I demand a Mobile Phone using NPC that dies horrible because he's watching Youtube movies while fighting some Compsognathus dressed in LaZor Gear taken directly out of the DinoRiders Movies, that would be a good lesson for modern-humans who overuse their Mobile Phones in the real world and walk under a train while watching Lady Gaga clips on youtube.

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If they can invent Spaceships, lasers and all that future-garbage they can also invent Mobile Phones as that takes like 10.000 levels of intelligence lower to create.
Who can? Last I heard most of the Numeria stuff crashed into Golarion, instead of being built there.
With the fall of Sarkoris and the coming of the demonic Worldwound, however, Numeria’s momentum was broken, and today it is a land of grim barbarians and dark magic, its fierce people ruled over by a cabal of tainted magicians devoted to artifacts they do not understand and secrets not of this world.

Zaister |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
To be honest, in 1918 professional technical publications were full of scholarly articles boasting that those ridiculous, slow and completely un-practical armoured boxes with turrets are a temporary fad of little future utility and will fade shortly into obscurity of military history.
Ironically, it were your countrymen who proved the world that such statements weren't quite true ;-)
You may have noticed, though, that thoes weren't built in giant humanoid shape.
Rationalization or no, I simply do not want this silliness in my game. If I did, I'd play BattleTech, not Pathfinder.

Odraude |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Gancanagh wrote:Then why do you continue to try to derail a thread about an AP set in Numeria?Sorry, but in my opinion there isn't much difference between mobile phones and spaceships and laserguns.
In my golarion there isn't even Numeria.
He's just mad that the people that want sci fi stuff in their fantasy are finally getting it, so he's just trolling for attention. Doesn't help that according to him he *cough* "suffers from narcissism*" and craves attention. Trust me, all throughout the Bestiary 4 wish list topic, he'd go around criticizing people's ideas if he didn't like it. Which is funny, because he adamantly wants paizo to stat up the dropbear. I personally think his attempts at "trolling" are adorably pitiful. Or pitifully adorable. I haven't decided yet.
Best to just ignore his silly attempts at attention and be glad that we get Numeria before his silly dropbears.

Odraude |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Gorbacz wrote:To be honest, in 1918 professional technical publications were full of scholarly articles boasting that those ridiculous, slow and completely un-practical armoured boxes with turrets are a temporary fad of little future utility and will fade shortly into obscurity of military history.
Ironically, it were your countrymen who proved the world that such statements weren't quite true ;-)
You may have noticed, though, that thoes weren't built in giant humanoid shape.
Rationalization or no, I simply do not want this silliness in my game. If I did, I'd play BattleTech, not Pathfinder.
Alternatively, you could just not run Numeria or mechs. It's pretty easy to say "No mecha in my Pathfinder game" while those that enjoy them get mecha and run it. Never understood the mindset of "I hate X, therefore Paizo shouldn't add it, even if others like X!" Just because the option is there doesn't mean you are forced to use it. Don't like mecha, gunslingers, psionics, or samurai? Simple. Don't use them.
Not that they have even released that there even are mecha. That's just all speculation.

Feros |

Did we ever find out the support material for this AP? Other than the obligatory "Guide to Numeria" from the Campaign Setting Line.
That supplement alone will make the AP worth it.

Generic Villain |
That supplement alone will make the AP worth it.
Yeah it will - I'm just curious what the Companion will be. Androids of Golarion? Numeria Tech?
Looking back, it seems like each AP gets 1 or 2 Campaign Setting and Companion books that are at least tangentially related. I'd love for Iron Gods to get 2 of each. As for the in-AP articles, hmm... an article on the Technocracy and the Dominion of the Black would be freaking super. Maybe an exploration of the Kellid underclass who live in mud huts while their space-drug-addicted overlords live in decadent cities.
*EDIT: Gah, I can't believe I'm going to have to wait a year for this. I haven't been so pumped for an AP since Carrion Crown.

Odraude |

I'd actually love to see a mobile phone in the AP, but done as communicators that are small earpieces. Makes sense that the ship would have that kind of technology and I think it'd be cool to have a futuristic Blietooth looking earpiece for the players to use. Besides, it would make Alain look even more like a tool ;)

Odraude |

Man, I feel like I did last year, when I first heard about War of the Righteous. So excited. Now I have to wait ANOTHER year for this. I don't think my poor little heart can take this.
I know we have rules for robots and we have androids in this. I wonder if we'll see anything dealing with nanotech? Also, are there mutants in Numeria? I feel like there should be, but I don't know if there are.

KtA |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I kind of doubt there will be mecha. Numeria isn't all-tech-all-the-time, I think robots are fairly rare even there, and the Gearsmen are pretty recent IIRC... and most of the tech is controlled by the Technic League who are pretty secretive, right?
Isn't most of Numeria more Conan type barbarian society?

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |

I kind of doubt there will be mecha. Numeria isn't all-tech-all-the-time, I think robots are fairly rare even there, and the Gearsmen are pretty recent IIRC... and most of the tech is controlled by the Technic League who are pretty secretive, right?
Isn't most of Numeria more Conan type barbarian society?
I agree & disagree. I suspect it definitely won't start with Mecha. On the other hand, it could very well finish with Mecha.
I kinda want to see Valeros or Lirianne 'High Plains Driftering' a Mecha, 'just 'cause'...
That would be boss.

Odraude |

KtA has the jist of it. Numeria has technology, but a lot of it is either controlled by the Technic League or, like the Gearsmen and Annihilators, follow their own dark agendas. The lands are wild with barbarians and Technology is still rare and deemed Clarke Magic. There is really not much info on it aside from ISWG, but JJ pretty much says Thundarr the Barbarian. He-Man would be another good cartoon to think of.

Cthulhudrew |

I agree & disagree. I suspect it definitely won't start with Mecha. On the other hand, it could very well finish with Mecha.
I think it will end with something much bigger than Mecha. "Divinity Engine" sounds quite... divine.
Speaking of Mecha, though, might be time to take a look at converting the old Earthshaker! module to use with this AP. Hm.

Odraude |

I'm actually thinking less mecha and more Gearman invasion. The Gearman are described as having their own secret agendas they tend to that take priority to even the Technic League's orders. So, I'm imagining Terminator meets I, Robot the Movie, with a Gearman uprising.
Also, according to the ISWG, there are radiation-based mutations in Numeria. So, I suppose there are mutants in there.

Feros |

I'm hoping for a logical reason—beyond the little we have already been given—for the tech not spreading beyond Numeria's borders. The Mana Wastes and Alkenstar have decent explanations (slow development of tech, gradually spreading out into the rest of the world.). But Numeria... why hasn't the Technic League used what little it knows to begin conquest? And what is up with the collection of people by the annihilator robots? These are questions I hope are answered in any guide or the AP itself.

Odraude |

Well, it states that Numeria is smack dab next to the Worldwound, which really stemmed its momentum of conquering. But also, I'd hazard a guess to say that the Technic League is more focused on gathering more information on the spaceships as well as gathering wealth and therefore, don't suddenly want wars with the River Kingdoms, the Worldwound, Mendev, Lastwall, and all the other nations mucking up their plans. Chances are, they have the current king, an ex-conquering barbarian, addicted to the drugs that they get from the ship. Tally that with them jealously guarded their irreplaceable tech, and you can see why they don't want to get into any wars, at least not until they discover more tech.

Sub-Creator |

I'd actually be more apt to appreciate mecha in a straight fantasy setting like PF than I ever have in "real world" set pieces such as Pacific Rim. I mean come on! One frickin' pin or node breaks or melts from heat on the processor or motherboard and the whole bloody system malfunctions and shuts down, yet you expect me to believe they can build a mech unit that can take a punch and not just collapse into a useless, hulking pile of metal? I think not! ;)
@Feros: I do concur with that. Although from what I've read, the Technic League only thinks they're in control. The gearsmen don't always follow orders. Perhaps the League has thought about world conquest, but they can't get their technology to do what they want it to!

Steve Geddes |

I'm hoping for a logical reason—beyond the little we have already been given—for the tech not spreading beyond Numeria's borders. The Mana Wastes and Alkenstar have decent explanations (slow development of tech, gradually spreading out into the rest of the world.). But Numeria... why hasn't the Technic League used what little it knows to begin conquest? And what is up with the collection of people by the annihilator robots? These are questions I hope are answered in any guide or the AP itself.
I found City of the Fallen Sky to give a good glimpse of life in the Technic League. The impression I took away was of an awful lot of infighting and paranoid scheming for power within their own organisation. I dont require a huge amount of "realism" in my RPGs, so I'm easily satisfied when it comes to mysteries like this, but that focus on internal enemies and continual striving for status within the organisation goes a long way to explaining the lack of expansionist tendencies, in my view.
In a more general sense, I think it's worth remembering that launching a war and losing is a serious blow to those currently in power. When it comes to most 'evil regimes' in Golarion, it helps me to consider that most have a jealous regard for what they currently have. Invading a neighbor is a huge risk to the status quo (ie the rulers' current, privileged position) unless you're really sure you're going to win.

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I actually haven't heard of Tales of the Comet. Please, do tell?
TSR Archive isn't working right now so I can't post a link, but the gist of Tale of the Comet is this:
A spaceship crash lands (the titular comet) in a generic D&D world and unloads a host of killer robots. The party investigates ala Expedition to the Barrier Peaks and eventually finds themselves on a distant space station aiding some friendly aliens against the minions of a psychotic AI.
It was a boxed set released in 1997 for AD&D 2E as part of the Odyssey line and was not a bad read. I owned a copy before I got rid of all my old edition books and went digital. I played it through and the story was interesting but kind of fizzled out in the second half. The rules for robots and laser weapons and whatnot were kind of awkward from what I remember.
All in all, a kind of obscure late stage AD&D product attempting to cater to the 'I like some sci-fi in my fantasy' crowd.

Odraude |

Odraude wrote:I actually haven't heard of Tales of the Comet. Please, do tell?TSR Archive isn't working right now so I can't post a link, but the gist of Tale of the Comet is this:
A spaceship crash lands (the titular comet) in a generic D&D world and unloads a host of killer robots. The party investigates ala Expedition to the Barrier Peaks and eventually finds themselves on a distant space station aiding some friendly aliens against the minions of a psychotic AI.
It was a boxed set released in 1997 for AD&D 2E as part of the Odyssey line and was not a bad read. I owned a copy before I got rid of all my old edition books and went digital. I played it through and the story was interesting but kind of fizzled out in the second half. The rules for robots and laser weapons and whatnot were kind of awkward from what I remember.
All in all, a kind of obscure late stage AD&D product attempting to cater to the 'I like some sci-fi in my fantasy' crowd.
Cool. Sounds a bit like a game I ran that started off with a festival for shooting stars and ended with Martian tripods scouring the countryside as the PCs fought them off to stem the invasion. Was hella fun, though shame it died from conflicting schedules/me moving.

Odraude |

Feros wrote:I'm hoping for a logical reason—beyond the little we have already been given—for the tech not spreading beyond Numeria's borders. The Mana Wastes and Alkenstar have decent explanations (slow development of tech, gradually spreading out into the rest of the world.). But Numeria... why hasn't the Technic League used what little it knows to begin conquest? And what is up with the collection of people by the annihilator robots? These are questions I hope are answered in any guide or the AP itself.I found City of the Fallen Sky to give a good glimpse of life in the Technic League. The impression I took away was of an awful lot of infighting and paranoid scheming for power within their own organisation. I dont require a huge amount of "realism" in my RPGs, so I'm easily satisfied when it comes to mysteries like this, but that focus on internal enemies and continual striving for status within the organisation goes a long way to explaining the lack of expansionist tendencies, in my view.
In a more general sense, I think it's worth remembering that launching a war and losing is a serious blow to those currently in power. When it comes to most 'evil regimes' in Golarion, it helps me to consider that most have a jealous regard for what they currently have. Invading a neighbor is a huge risk to the status quo (ie the rulers' current, privileged position) unless you're really sure you're going to win.
Not to mention, a lot of those neighbors are currently at war with the giant demon orgy that is the Worldwound and are pretty much the Technic League's buffers against it. They currently have the right idea of profiteering off the crusaders and leaving them to keep the hoards of fiends back. Not like those paladins will need their gold when their dead, eh?