David's Gatecrashers.

Play-by-Post Discussion

Dark Archive

Male Elan Shaper 10/Constructor 5/Phenotype Impresionist 5

Hello Gatecrashers,

We aren't starting until ~September, but I thought it would be better to put this up now so I could leave my thoughts for you all in one place instead of trying to remember who I told what.

First notice: I made an Obsidian Portal page for Gatecrashers so I'll need your names/emails/firstborn if you have an OP account.

Liberty's Edge

Male Classified Wizard 5 / Discordian Episkopos 5 / Cosmological Anomaly 10


Other Kentucky Derby (Species: Human) Expert 4 / Generalist 1


*glares around*

Liberty's Edge

Male Classified Wizard 5 / Discordian Episkopos 5 / Cosmological Anomaly 10

*pokes Oladon in the eyes*

Male Human Layabout 3 / Varlet 2 / Scoundrel 5

I too am present.

Dark Archive

Male Elan Shaper 10/Constructor 5/Phenotype Impresionist 5

Hi people!

I'd like to hear about your expectations for this campaign, and your character ideas.

Why do you want to explore the gates?

How friendly do you want the group to be? Were you all chosen separately for this job, or were you taken on as a group?

How much conspiracy/secret-keeping do you want?

Anything else you want to discuss?

Male Human Layabout 3 / Varlet 2 / Scoundrel 5

I noticed that Kassil is leaning towards playing the host of a survival-exploration show. I kind of like the idea of all of us being associated with the show in some way as cast, crew, or "other." It would give us a nice strong group mechanic to start with, but still allow for a variety of character types and concepts. This way too, we can have some agitation or conflict between characters while still providing an overarching reason for everyone to stick around.

As far as conspiracy/secret-keeping -- do you mean secrets unique to individual characters, or in the game world at large?

I have some nebulous thoughts on character concepts, but I need to re-read some of the source material before I land on any options.

Liberty's Edge

Male Classified Wizard 5 / Discordian Episkopos 5 / Cosmological Anomaly 10

Presuming that we're not Firewall, it would make sense that technically _someone_ is sponsoring us as a gatecrashing team. A hypercorp interested in exciting offworld adventures or even just a strong reputation economy impact would suffice for it.

It also allows for varying levels of friendliness - at worst, we'd have the cordial work relationship where you grit your teeth and deal with someone because your life AND your job depend on it, full of jabs and snipes about things.

If we're all somehow tied to the 'reality XP' show, it'd make sense we all got recruited or hired to the purpose. :D We could even make stints of it on the other stations and worlds of the system!

I'm fine with individual character secrets and conspiracies entangling us in the world at large.

Kassil wrote:
*pokes Oladon in the eyes*


Liberty's Edge

Male Classified Wizard 5 / Discordian Episkopos 5 / Cosmological Anomaly 10
Oladon wrote:
Kassil wrote:
*pokes Oladon in the eyes*


Sorry, no horses here.

I support this idea~


Liberty's Edge

Male Classified Wizard 5 / Discordian Episkopos 5 / Cosmological Anomaly 10


I like secrets. We should hang out.

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