100 reasons why someone is a necromancer

Gamer Life General Discussion

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There are many reasons that a person might turn to the necrotic arts.

1: Power trip

2: control freak

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3.) Wants to bring back his girlfriend.

4.) Wants to make his own girlfriend.

5.) Needs a footstool or cupholder.

6.) "Fine! I'll go make some friends who WON'T talk to me that way!"

Shadow Lodge

7:wants an army
8:Someone said he couldn't raise the dead
9:Is really loud. "You are making enough noise to wake the dead!"

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

10. Because it's good for the environment, everyone should recycle.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

11. He was such a good dog.

Shadow Lodge


Shadow Lodge

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12:"I wonder what this button does?"

...vrada nicto ... I'm sure I said the magic words right...maybe...oh well I will just go with it.

Shadow Lodge

14:You want an excuse for being that one "Goth Kid" in school.

15. eHarmony didn't work out.

Shadow Lodge

16:Finishes animating corpse. "Go get me a drink from the fridge"
17:needs someone to talk to.

edit:fixed numbering.

18. You already spend a lot of time talking with mother's body...time she actually talked back.

edit fixed numering

Shadow Lodge

19:So your children stop talking back.

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20. To kill other monsters.

Shadow Lodge

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21. Didn't notice the thread was from 2009 before he replied, since it was about the same thing anyway.

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22. After a near TPK, he wanted to be the *ahem* life of the party.

23. Well I'M certainly not going to grab the idol off of the altar, are YOU?

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24. Has serious body odor issues. Much less of a problem with friends who don't breathe.

Liberty's Edge

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25. It was easier than training monkeys.

26. This way, they don't need health insurance!

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27. The rest of the party died...the show must go on!

28. "I had a bunch of onyx and animate dead in my spellbook what else was I supposed to do?"

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29. When attempting to overthrow the Tsar, it's useful to have an inside "man" who can survive being stabbed, poisoned, shot, beaten, and thrown in an ice-cold river. Took burning to do that one in. Best investment of onyx ever made.

Liberty's Edge

29. Our forces were stretched thin and we had too many dead bodies. I've always been a problem solver.

30. Owns a cemetery and people are just dying to get in.

Liberty's Edge

31. It's something to do when he's bored. He can make the more intelligent specimens do tricks.

Shadow Lodge

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32.)The party tank was a Jack@$$ and we still needed a meat shield
33.)This is what I did with a drunken sailor.
34.)I was tired of seeing that pile of dead bard on the doorstep due to my traps.

Liberty's Edge

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35. Think about it-they're the perfect army!
36. I can make an example out of that girl who wouldn't go to prom with me.

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Loup Blanc wrote:
29. When attempting to overthrow the Tsar, it's useful to have an inside "man" who can survive being stabbed, poisoned, shot, beaten, and thrown in an ice-cold river. Took burning to do that one in. Best investment of onyx ever made.

Wait, the zombie wasn't meant to do that to the royalty!

37. You were already a Gheden, and the fully (mindless) dead do not judge.

Liberty's Edge

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38. To make the whole world dance with the dead, just like his homie said.

Liberty's Edge

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39. Because of that one nifty magic item the GM NEVER GAVE HIM!!!

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40. He hates plaid. And dead men don't wear plaid.

Liberty's Edge

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41. Because the DM said no evil characters.

42. He thought he had 24 int when in actual fact, it was 12 int.

Dark Archive

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43. Not smart enough to specialize in conjuration.

44. Not vicious enough to specialise into evocation.

Liberty's Edge

45. Not patient enough to specialize in abjuration/divination.

46. Zombies don't object to his tea parties.

47. When we used to head out into the field late at night and you could just barely make out the silhouette of old man wimplejanx out in the tall grass on his hands an knees, wearing only the fish between his butt cheeks whispering 'Here Kitty Kitty... Fish Fish fish...."

wait. what thread is this? sorry. never mind. nothing to see here. move along.

48. Because I need a party to adventure with.

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49. Because why not?

50 need more yes men

Liberty's Edge

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51. It's a great party trick.

52. because i have a sick fascination with the bodies of the deceased.

53. because i desire eternal youth

54. because i desire a cure for my terminal illness.

Liberty's Edge

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55. When asked if you wanted to live forever, you answered "Sorta..."

56. The choir is short a few tenors and you just wanted to do your part.

57. Some zombies attacked your choir, but they could vocalize really well. Now you can show up that Bard College for kicking you out!

Liberty's Edge

58. Because more horrible types of death cause more horrible undead, and more horrible undead create more horrible types of death. It's the circle of unlife.

59. They like to play with dead things?

Liberty's Edge

59a. Keeping that poor thing undead just to play with it awhile...

Dark Archive

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60. You were too tall to be a legromancer.

Shadow Lodge

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61:Because after hearing about all the kings horses and all the kings men failing, you wanted to take a crack at putting humpty dumpty together again.

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62. Don't call it necrophilia. Think of it as post-mortem love.

Liberty's Edge

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63. Apparently, I'm so boring, they die and COME BACK.

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