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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Set wrote:
Now I want to see stats for the lesser rod of extension and the greater rod of course. I like to make interesting characters, not necessarily optimized ones. I do have one very low charisma character and look forward to roleplaying him as a total a**hole. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() The issue with tech in D&D has been around since the beginning with gamers taking strong positions on either side. Look at the response to even the gunslinger as an example, a large part of the players either love or hate the idea of even simple firearms in the game.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Concept and backstory first, fill in from there. A lot depends on if you are rolling stats or using point buy. If you are rolling, the character concept needs to be more fluid, change as needed to match the rolls. Point buy can be totally concept based. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I left out longships and keelboats, as they are specifically noted as being able to travel rivers. Viking longships use the rivers to raid most of Europe including Paris. The only issue with size would be in a very narrow river, you would not be able to turn around. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I would suggest that the raft, rowboat, and ships boat are a definite yes. Sailing ships and warships tend to have deep keels and would only work in deep rivers, these are rare and even then tend to have sand bars. I am not sure about the junk, but it would probably not work. Galleys can be shallow drafted, I would say OK on larger rivers only. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() A dwarf may not be the optimal race for a bard, but the role playing aspect is fun. Picture him as an apprentice in the mines and the boss constantly on his case for pounding out songs with his pick. Give him performance(percussion) and a hammer (or two) and let the fun begin. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I would go with neutral or lawful neutral. The character wants to be good but struggles with their natural tenancies. In the end, they may over come these tendencies to become good. Or they may fail and turn to evil. The lawful/neutral part of the allignment depends more on other factors in the characters personality. Either way, it leads to fun role playing as the character struggles to do the right thing. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() My group always used right or left dominant for character description only, it just adds more to the character background. Of course it also affects the player if they lose a hand. We had the player roll a D6 and a D12. If the D6 rolled higher, they were left handed. If both die rolls were the same, the character is ambidexterous. This was way back before 1e, so it had no affect in the game. ![]()
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Wisdom/Will is the awareness of self and your surroundings and self control.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Create a concept, then work on a background to explain why the character chose the class. Use character traits to fill out the background an add quirks to his personality or unexpected abilities. I wrote up a paladin that was raised by the church and added canter as a trait, he spent too much time around the prison and picked it up. Have fun creating characters that go against stereotypes. A gnome barbarian can be fun. |