Owlbear Animal Companion

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Shadow Lodge 1/5

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Mad Dog Barbarian. Raging Owlbear at level 4. Can take any animal companion.

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

Otherworld Miniatures have a great Owlbear mini.

Paizo did sell them in the past but I don't know if any are in stock. It likely comes with a 30mm base (need to check mine somewhere tugged safely away) but I'm sure you can mount it on a 25 mm base.

Dark Archive 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thod wrote:

Otherworld Miniatures have a great Owlbear mini.

Paizo did sell them in the past but I don't know if any are in stock. It likely comes with a 30mm base (need to check mine somewhere tugged safely away) but I'm sure you can mount it on a 25 mm base.

It actually comes on a 40mm base and stands 38mm tall. Awesome looking mini and it comes in 5 separate pieces.

Here, take a look at it OwlBear.

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
Thod wrote:

Otherworld Miniatures have a great Owlbear mini.

Paizo did sell them in the past but I don't know if any are in stock. It likely comes with a 30mm base (need to check mine somewhere tugged safely away) but I'm sure you can mount it on a 25 mm base.

It actually comes on a 40mm base and stands 38mm tall. Awesome looking mini and it comes in 5 separate pieces.

Here, take a look at it OwlBear.

Thanks for the correction. Seems it shrunk in my memory. Next time I should look it up. But it's one of the Otherworld mini's I had lots of fun to paint.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Kay, first off, sorry for not spoiler-tagging my original post. I don't forum browse much, and wasn't aware it was a thing you could do. Thanks Jessica for fixing that for me.

Second, I realize the big draw is for the fact that you get an owlbear companion, and I love it. I'm helping my GF who has the boon build a mad dog aasimar barbarian for RAGIN' CELESTIAL OWLBEARS. But, since when I make characters, I do try to optomize them much as I can so they don't get useless feeling after a while, I wanted to know if there was some hidden benefit I'm missing to a 10 charisma on an animal companion, since a bear seems kinda lackluster overall. I'm honestly really surprised they don't get large, but I guess I'm imagining grizzly bear, and Paizo is imagining black bear. Anyway, thanks for the feedback all.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Don Walker wrote:

Basically, Paizo (and any of it's volunteer representatives) are not allowed to run We Be Goblins Too! before July 1st unless it is at a Free RPG Day participating venue.

Also, it may be run as a PFS table starting June 15th 2013.

I'm sure Paizo would appreciate anyone else, only running the module at a participating venue until July 1st, but once you have a copy of the module it is yours to do with as you please.

Who made up that rule, somebody with Free RPG Day? That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

I went to Free RPG Day (Heck I even ran at a Free RPG Day Venue), I picked up my hardcopy of the module, and if I want to run it at Moe's Game Shack down the road, there is zero that anybody can do about it. What are they going to do, send out the RPG police?

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Bunthazar wrote:

Kay, first off, sorry for not spoiler-tagging my original post. I don't forum browse much, and wasn't aware it was a thing you could do. Thanks Jessica for fixing that for me.

Second, I realize the big draw is for the fact that you get an owlbear companion, and I love it. I'm helping my GF who has the boon build a mad dog aasimar barbarian for RAGIN' CELESTIAL OWLBEARS. But, since when I make characters, I do try to optomize them much as I can so they don't get useless feeling after a while, I wanted to know if there was some hidden benefit I'm missing to a 10 charisma on an animal companion, since a bear seems kinda lackluster overall. I'm honestly really surprised they don't get large, but I guess I'm imagining grizzly bear, and Paizo is imagining black bear. Anyway, thanks for the feedback all.

Some benefits of having a 10 Charisma animal companion include:

  • Better Intimidate checks
  • Less vulnerability to those creatures/effects that damage Charisma
  • Bragging rights when your animal companion is more personable than other members of the party

Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

Im envisioning Koala Bear.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

John Compton wrote:
Bragging rights when your animal companion is more personable than other members of the party[/list]

John, it's hardly bragging rights when the animal companion is more charismatic than 5/6 of the party. ;-)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
John Compton wrote:

Some benefits of having a 10 Charisma animal companion include:

  • Better Intimidate checks
  • Less vulnerability to those creatures/effects that damage Charisma
  • Bragging rights when your animal companion is more personable than other members of the party

The 3rd one is pretty much what I would use it for.

"Geez, even my owlbear managed to insult the diplomat."
"But your owlbear didn't speak to him!"

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
John Compton wrote:
  • Bragging rights when your animal companion is more personable than other members of the party
  • As if the cavalier's horse being a better combatant wasn't bad enough!

    Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

    MisterSlanky wrote:
    Don Walker wrote:

    Basically, Paizo (and any of it's volunteer representatives) are not allowed to run We Be Goblins Too! before July 1st unless it is at a Free RPG Day participating venue.

    Also, it may be run as a PFS table starting June 15th 2013.

    I'm sure Paizo would appreciate anyone else, only running the module at a participating venue until July 1st, but once you have a copy of the module it is yours to do with as you please.

    Who made up that rule, somebody with Free RPG Day? That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

    I went to Free RPG Day (Heck I even ran at a Free RPG Day Venue), I picked up my hardcopy of the module, and if I want to run it at Moe's Game Shack down the road, there is zero that anybody can do about it. What are they going to do, send out the RPG police?

    I'll preface my remarks by saying that I have no intention of running WBG2 again before July 1st, and even if I did run a table it would almost certainly be at one of the two nearby stores that did participate in Free RPG Day. If I were asked to run at the third (non-participating) store I wouldn't agree to run until after the module became freely available.

    But that's just a personal decision. I think it would be a stupid 'rule', because its all but unenforceable. Most of the players at the three stores I know about where WBG2 was played (those two nearby ones, and one a bit further away where I was running) walked out of the store with a hardcopy of the module, and a good number of those players were GMs. The event reporting allowed my wife to create an event for WBG2 without asking whether this was at a participating store (it was). And the rules for running WBG2 as a PFS-sanctioned module (downloaded with the chronicle sheet, and available before Free RPG Day) make no mention of any such date restriction.

    Dark Archive 3/5

    Halfling cavalier beast rider made...

    Soon...my owl bear shall be large!!!! MUAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Kyle Elliott wrote:

    Halfling cavalier beast rider made...

    Soon...my owl bear shall be large!!!! MUAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

    What you really need is a tengu cavalier with an owlbear mount... maybe start up a pack of bandits and take advantage of all those sleepy villages on an annual basis. Fill your rice coffers at their expense, you know? Maybe fight some uppity 'Pathfinders' that have decided to fortify one of those villages -- slap 'em around some.

    Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

    Aside on Walter's post.

    After playing Quest for Perfection, I told my players. "You can feed your <redacted> a potion of fly and play Joust, but don't forget to keep hitting the 'flap' button."


    Walter Sheppard wrote:
    Kyle Elliott wrote:

    Halfling cavalier beast rider made...

    Soon...my owl bear shall be large!!!! MUAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

    What you really need is a tengu cavalier with an owlbear mount... maybe start up a pack of bandits and take advantage of all those sleepy villages on an annual basis. Fill your rice coffers at their expense, you know? Maybe fight some uppity 'Pathfinders' that have decided to fortify one of those villages -- slap 'em around some.

    Nah, get an axebeak mount for your tengu cavalier and then always party with a tengu bard who somehow managed to get the owlbear as a companion (maybe he's secretly a sylvan sorcerer).


    Ansel Krulwich wrote:
    Best. Boon. Ever.

    I agree! Pure genius!


    To be fair, the author of this boon suggested giving it grab at 4th level, but SOMEBODY disagreed. Shame on them! ;-)

    Grand Lodge 5/5

    I am now even more sad about the size of the owlbear from this boon thanks to Mammoth Rider not allowing a bear to be a choice for the mount.

    Supa-sad face D:

    Dark Archive 3/5


    ...it doesn't "need" grab... >:/

    And as for those villages...I mean, come on. Right? Don't we all just...you know...rice and...places and, things? Right?


    Team...team...team tengu?

    Grand Lodge 5/5

    10 people marked this as a favorite.

    "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Let's ask Mr. Owlbear!"

    "One, two, MMMNAAAAAAAAAAR!"

    The world may never know.

    Grand Lodge 5/5

    Walter Sheppard wrote:
    Kyle Elliott wrote:

    Halfling cavalier beast rider made...

    Soon...my owl bear shall be large!!!! MUAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

    What you really need is a tengu cavalier with an owlbear mount... maybe start up a pack of bandits and take advantage of all those sleepy villages on an annual basis. Fill your rice coffers at their expense, you know? Maybe fight some uppity 'Pathfinders' that have decided to fortify one of those villages -- slap 'em around some.

    Had a player with a tengu at my table of Quest 3 a couple months back. I had to stop the table due to my laughter once he told me what his race was. I then promptly went to tell the other GMs who were running the same thing what was going on. :P

    Edit: Adding an owlbear to the mix would have made it all the better. :P


    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Seth Gipson wrote:

    "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Let's ask Mr. Owlbear!"

    "One, two, MMMNAAAAAAAAAAR!"

    The world may never know.

    Let it be known to all, that on this, the 19th day of June 2013, Mr. Seth Gipson won the Internet.

    Dark Archive 2/5

    Here's what you do. A mad dog dwarf barbarian with an owlbear companion. Flank them and curbstomp till your RAGING owlbear hugs them. Then beat the crap out of them more. After all, who doesn't want to be hugged by an owlbear?


    Chris Mortika wrote:
    The origin of the owlbear


    "...my bottom is made of despair." !!!


    Ooh, now we shall see shamans in a flavor other than Saurian.

    At least for me, Bear just trumped Eagle for my second choice. :)

    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

    I was wondering about this.

    "If you possess a class feature that permits you to take a bear as an animal companion or mount that progresses as an animal companion..."

    but the FAQ says

    As a paladin or cavalier, what mount can I have?
    As a paladin, your divine bond mount must be at least one size category larger than you starting at 1st level. If you’re a Medium PC, your mount must be Large. If you’re a Small PC, your mount must be at least Medium. You may only select a mount from the listed mounts on page 63 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook unless another source grants access to additional creature choices. As a cavalier, you may select a mount from those listed on page 33 of the Advanced Player's Guide. No additional mounts are legal in Pathfinder Society Organized Play except when granted from another legal source.

    "As a paladin, your divine bond mount must be at least one size category larger than you starting at 1st level."

    It is the starting at 1st level part that confused me as the bear is small at 1st level. So even small PC would not be able to use as a mount.

    So, what does this mean. That the boon overrides the FAQ, and any PC can take the it as a mount. Just small PC can ride it at 4th or what? Because By the Society rule no one can use this as a mount.

    Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

    Azouth wrote:

    I included that text to accommodate options for future boons that might expand one's list of legal animal companions or mounts, such as one that might allow a cavalier to ride a bear.

    John Compton wrote:
    ride a bear.

    Ride a bear...

    Ride a bear...

    Ride a bear...


    Time for me to start playing PFS.

    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

    I am still confused as who can use it as a mount.
    Just tiny PC?
    Small PC at 4th or does it start medium?

    Dark Archive 4/5

    Anyone who can ride a medium creature can, although an exotic saddle is required. Only classes that could get a bear companion initially can get the owlbear though. No paladins, cavaliers, or rangers.

    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

    But that is not what it says.

    If you possess a class feature that permits you to take a bear as an animal companion or mount that progresses as an animal companion, you may instead gain the service of an owlbear.

    "or mount that progresses as an animal companion"

    A cavalier gains the service of a loyal and trusty steed to carry him into battle. This mount functions as a druid’s animal companion, using the cavalier’s level as his effective druid level.

    The second type of bond allows a paladin to gain the service of an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal steed to serve her in her crusade against evil. This mount is usually a heavy horse (for a Medium paladin) or a pony (for a Small paladin), although more exotic mounts, such as a boar, camel, or dog are also suitable. This mount functions as a druid's animal companion, using the paladin's level as her effective druid level. Bonded mounts have an Intelligence of at least 6.

    The second option is to form a close bond with an animal companion. A ranger who selects an animal companion can choose from the list on this page. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the ranger on his adventures as appropriate for its kind. A ranger's animal companion shares his favored enemy and favored terrain bonuses.

    All 3 could take it as the first part " possess a class feature that permits you to take a bear as an animal companion" only applies to things that don't get it as a mount.

    and the second part ("or mount that progresses as an animal companion") all you need is a mount that "progresses as an animal companion"

    But if we add the "As a paladin, your divine bond mount must be at least one size category larger than you starting at 1st level."

    Only paladins have a restriction?

    Dark Archive 2/5

    Azouth wrote:

    But that is not what it says.

    If you possess a class feature that permits you to take a bear as an animal companion or mount that progresses as an animal companion, you may instead gain the service of an owlbear.

    You appear to be parsing that sentence like this:

    Global: "If you..."
    Option 1: "possess a class feature that permits you to take a bear as an animal companion"
    Option 2: "mount that progresses as an animal companion"


    The above is incorrect. The correct way to parse the sentence would be:
    Global: "If you possess a class feature that permits you to take a bear..."
    Option 1: "as an animal companion"
    Option 2: "mount that progresses as an animal companion"

    The qualifier of it having to be a bear applies to the entire condition, not just to the first of the two versions of the condition.

    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

    Oh, I see.

    So, I guess levels of different class with animal companion don't stack?

    Dark Archive 4/5

    Not in PFS for sure.

    Shadow Lodge 4/5

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

    You doubt ze might of ze great Owlbear? Is perfect animal!! Has strength of Owl, wisdom of Bear!! Mighty creature. Much fearsome.

    Such strong. So wisdom.


    Silver Crusade 3/5

    Azouth wrote:

    Oh, I see.

    So, I guess levels of different class with animal companion don't stack?

    They do. See PRD.

    PRD wrote:
    If a character receives an animal companion from more than one source, her effective druid levels stack for the purposes of determining the statistics and abilities of the companion.

    What matters is what class you are when you gain the animal companion. So a Druid 1/Ranger 6 can have a bear with effective Druid level 4.

    Grand Lodge 4/5

    The Fox wrote:
    Azouth wrote:

    Oh, I see.

    So, I guess levels of different class with animal companion don't stack?

    They do. See PRD.

    PRD wrote:
    If a character receives an animal companion from more than one source, her effective druid levels stack for the purposes of determining the statistics and abilities of the companion.
    What matters is what class you are when you gain the animal companion. So a Druid 1/Ranger 6 can have a bear with effective Druid level 4.

    Note that there is a proviso: The class levels only stack for animal componaions that are legal for both classes to take.

    Paladin 5/Druid 2 could have a horse or camel with the levels from both classes stacking, but a crocodile would only have the druid levels counted.

    Note that that is disregarding the effects of feats like Boon Companion, which jiggers the whole thing up.

    Liberty's Edge 2/5

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    My Fiancee's Druid and her Owlbear, AlsoBoris, has become rather popular at our lodge. A couple people have even begun composing the Ballad of AlsoBoris, better known as Goodnight AlsoBoris.

    Half orc with a russian accent and an owlbear who really just doesn't care about her orders. This has come up several times.

    "AlsoBoris! Barbarians surrounded us! Attack!"
    ~AlsoBoris decides to take a nap~

    "AlsoBoris! No! Don't attack they surrendered!"
    ~AlsoBoris proceeds to ignore this request and mauls a surrendered Sorcerer to almost negative con~

    "AlsoBoris! Run those are Wraiths!"
    ~AlsoBoris ignores fear and reason and continues trying to maul a Wraith~

    That -4 to Handle Animal has had some funny repercussions at lower levels.

    The Exchange 2/5

    Adam Mogyorodi wrote:
    Anyone who can ride a medium creature can, although an exotic saddle is required. Only classes that could get a bear companion initially can get the owlbear though. No paladins, cavaliers, or rangers.

    Beastmaster Ranger can get a bear.

    Beastrider Cavalier can get a bear, but only if you're a medium sized character and not until 7th level: "In addition, a 7th-level or higher Medium beast rider can select any creature whose natural size is Large or Huge, provided that creature is normally available as a Medium-sized animal companion at 7th level (like a bear). "

    Silver Crusade 1/5

    If you have an owl bear companion I strongly suggest that you take the Boon Companion feat and Skill Focus Handle Animal or buy a charisma boosting item to get a higher Handle animal score.

    Grand Lodge 5/5

    Owl and bear tasty!

    Dark Archive 2/5

    teribithia9 wrote:
    Beastrider Cavalier can get a bear, but only if you're a medium sized character and not until 7th level: "In addition, a 7th-level or higher Medium beast rider can select any creature whose natural size is Large or Huge, provided that creature is normally available as a Medium-sized animal companion at 7th level (like a bear). "

    Actually, you'd have to be small to get a bear companion as a cavalier. Bear's start small and advance to medium at 4th level.

    Other classes that gets easy access to bear companions is the Mad Dog Barbarian Archtype and Clerics and Inquisitors with the animal domain.

    Grand Lodge 4/5

    Aaron Mayhew wrote:
    teribithia9 wrote:
    Beastrider Cavalier can get a bear, but only if you're a medium sized character and not until 7th level: "In addition, a 7th-level or higher Medium beast rider can select any creature whose natural size is Large or Huge, provided that creature is normally available as a Medium-sized animal companion at 7th level (like a bear). "

    Actually, you'd have to be small to get a bear companion as a cavalier. Bear's start small and advance to medium at 4th level.

    Other classes that gets easy access to bear companions is the Mad Dog Barbarian Archtype and Clerics and Inquisitors with the animal domain.

    Um, he quoted the actual rules text for the Beastrider Cavalier and its example of a legal choice for a 7th level Medium Cavalier is a bear.

    Dark Archive 2/5

    Ohhhh right right I forgot the Beast Rider gets that special caveat of making medium animals large so they can be ridden. My bad.

    Lou Diamond wrote:
    If you have an owl bear companion I strongly suggest that you take the Boon Companion feat and Skill Focus Handle Animal or buy a charisma boosting item to get a higher Handle animal score.

    I recommend you buy an INT boosting item with 'Handle Animal' as the associated skill, giving you automatic max ranks in the skill without having to spend too many of your precious skill points.

    The Exchange 2/5

    Aaron Mayhew wrote:
    teribithia9 wrote:
    Beastrider Cavalier can get a bear, but only if you're a medium sized character and not until 7th level: "In addition, a 7th-level or higher Medium beast rider can select any creature whose natural size is Large or Huge, provided that creature is normally available as a Medium-sized animal companion at 7th level (like a bear). "

    Actually, you'd have to be small to get a bear companion as a cavalier. Bear's start small and advance to medium at 4th level.

    Other classes that gets easy access to bear companions is the Mad Dog Barbarian Archtype and Clerics and Inquisitors with the animal domain.

    Nope-- please read the quote from the archetype. Medium beast riders can take any creature whose natural size is large or huge (like a bear) but that is usually available as a medium sized animal companion and then advance it to large. Bear is specifically called out as an example of this in the text: "In addition, a 7th-level or higher Medium beast rider can select any creature whose natural size is Large or Huge, provided that creature is normally available as a Medium-sized animal companion at 7th level (like a bear). "

    A small beast rider couldn't have the owlbear, because small beast riders don't gain access to bears as mounts.

    The Exchange 2/5

    Aaron Mayhew wrote:
    Ohhhh right right I forgot the Beast Rider gets that special caveat of making medium animals large so they can be ridden. My bad.

    Sorry-responded before I saw this. MY bad! ;)

    Dark Archive

    elf, half elf, or aasimar oracle with lunar mystery, and favored class bonus to add 1/2 to effective level for one revelation (animal companion revelation). owlbear of your level +1/2 (so 6 at 4, 9 at 6, ect)

    wait to take revelation until 7 (can still have access via ring of revelation or armor that does same thing). take animal ally (and nature soul pre req). animal companion of level - 3. you double dip levels.

    at 8 you can have a level 17 companion.

    also ring of revelation (and the armor that does the same thing) add +1 if you have the revelation (BOTH make this a 19th level companion at 8)

    aasimar can also take celestial companion feat.


    (nature oracle can do this with a horse, and it starts with a 6 int for crazy Dragon Stance Horse Of The North Star)

    Dark Archive 4/5

    Double dipping companions cannot possibly be intended. I would advise people to not try it. :)

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