Owlbear Animal Companion

Pathfinder Society

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Grand Lodge 2/5

So, without spoiling too much, I recently received a boon from an adventure that allows you to substitute an owlbear companion for a normal bear companion. I was wondering, for those that have seen the boon as well, is there any real benefit to this?

The boon reads:

You recovered a clutch of owlbear eggs and may raise one of the hatchlings as a pet. If you possess a class feature that permits you to take a bear as an animal companion or mount that progresses as an animal companion, you may instead gain the service of an owlbear. The owlbear companion uses the stats of a bear companion with the following modifications: all Handle Animal checks made to train or handle the owlbear suffer a –4 penalty; the bonus granted by the devotion ability increases to +5; the creature’s starting Charisma score is 10; and the animal companion looks like an owlbear instead of a normal bear. This owlbear is considered an animal for all purposes.

So as I read it, you take a big hit to handling the animal for a +1 to some will saves and Charisma 10. On top of that, the bear companion doesn't really seem all that special (only gets up to medium, doesn't have grab or anything).

Do you think it's worth it overall? I mean, outside the fact that you get to have an owlbear best friend, which is pretty cool for flavor.

Grand Lodge 5/5

12 people marked this as a favorite.

I think you're missing the point of the boon. It is not so that you get an awesome new power in the game, it is so that you get to have an owlbear best friend, which is pretty cool for flavor.


Yeah. The boon is basically fluff. But it's cool fluff.

Dark Archive 5/5

Make a halfling cavalier who rides an owlbear.... uber cool....

Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

I think its a little disappointing that people are so quick to wonder if there is any benefit to taking an Owlbear over a Bear. Its a flavor item on a Chronicle sheet that might interest some people. I like it. The real boon to me was being able to play as a certain race

Bunthazar wrote:
Do you think it's worth it overall?

No, but I'm not particularly fond of owlbears. I guess if your dropping the points into handle animal and want to use an owlbear anyway you may as well. Bears aren't the best pets in my experience.

Side note, owlbears are large sized magical beast with claws that can grab. You'd think they'd be more than a bear(medium, no grab, no darkvision) with +1 will save. My first thought was a an ape without a climb speed personally.

Dark Archive 4/5

Unfortunately, no cavaliers with owlbears. You have to be able to get a bear companion to get the owlbear.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adam Mogyorodi wrote:
Unfortunately, no cavaliers with owlbears. You have to be able to get a bear companion to get the owlbear.

Beast Rider Halfling then! Or Halfling druid or sylvan sorcerer. Disguise yourself as antlers, and pretend your a boomkin! Lots of options out there.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

Don Walker wrote:
I think you're missing the point of the boon. It is not so that you get an awesome new power in the game, it is so that you get to have an owlbear best friend, which is pretty cool for flavor.

Yep, this is the idea. For those who have been craving an owlbear, this gives them the opportunity.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 * Venture-Captain, Florida—Orlando

This is the difference in style of play.

Sure, the stats for the Owlbear companion are "sub-optimal" But some people don't try to char-op every PC they have.

You use the boon because you get an Owlbear, RRAAAAAAWWWWRRR.... :)

Grand Lodge 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Bunthazar wrote:

So, without spoiling too much, I recently received a boon from an adventure that allows you to substitute an owlbear companion for a normal bear companion. I was wondering, for those that have seen the boon as well, is there any real benefit to this?

** spoiler omitted **

This post needs spoiler tags all over it!

You don't want to spoil much but then you quote the boon?! This might have been better served by an e-mail to your local Venture-Captain...

Dark Archive 3/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

*Reads thread*
*Time elapses*
*Sharp breath taken in*
*Breath let out*

Silver Crusade 2/5

I would love the boon, why, cause it is an owl bear and I just want have an owl bear.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I'm disappointed to learn that it doesn't become large. I was seriously considering a druid/musket master multiclass for owlbear cavalry. But apparently I'd have to be a halfling or gnome for that. Laaaaaame.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I agree it should become large. I think bears get the short stick anyway.

Though it got me thinking of my next Inquisitor. "Grizzly Adams... Marriage Councillor."

Scarab Sages Contributor

I LOVE owlbears and have wanted one as a companion for a long time, so this boon sounds awesome.

In other words, what Kyle said!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Bears go to ten. Owlbears go to eleven.

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

Please pardon me while I give praise to the development team for making this possible.

Also, I shall now scour every buyable scenario for even a hint of which one has this boon. And I will play it. And I shall have my mighty steed.

All hail the owlbear.

4/5 *

Anyone know of a medium-sized owlbear mini? Gonna need one, or start carving up my Large...

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Scott Young wrote:
Anyone know of a medium-sized owlbear mini? Gonna need one, or start carving up my Large...

Bestiary Box token on a medium base?

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/55/5

Scott Young wrote:
Anyone know of a medium-sized owlbear mini? Gonna need one, or start carving up my Large...

Medium owlbears showed up frequently in 4e, and we had precisely the same problem then. Celestial Black Bears work moderately well and can be modded to work very well.


Mod it! The best I have seen is to find a standing bear mini and a medium owl mini and do a head swap. Then you can paint the mini's fur to look more like feathers.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The origin of the owlbear

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Its a baby owlbear. You get it soon after it hatches from its egg, then you raise it and you don't have it long enough for it to grow to large size. Also, getting to ask your owlbear a question because its your buddy and then getting to make owlbear noises in response is just plain fun and get s a few giggles from around the table.

I'm giving my owlbear a bandoleer.

Best. Boon. Ever.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Man, now I have to figure out what to do with my new character...

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

Scott Young wrote:
Anyone know of a medium-sized owlbear mini? Gonna need one, or start carving up my Large...

25 years ago Ral Partha had quite a nice one. A quick Google search turns up several images. They're not easy (or cheap) to find now, though.

We've still got one of those figures. Unfortunately we've only got one, and my wife claims it is hers (well, it was bought for her back in the day). That could be a problem, as we've each got a GM chronicle from Saturday.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Which mission gives this to you? I have a half-orc dungeon delver who would kill for a legendary owlbear to roll with. It would even replace his loyal giant slug speedy.

Liberty's Edge 1/5


Grand Lodge 4/5

doc the grey wrote:
Which mission gives this to you? I have a half-orc dungeon delver who would kill for a legendary owlbear to roll with. It would even replace his loyal giant slug speedy.

Given the date mentioned, and certain other sthings mentioned in passing:

I would assume they are referring to the Free RPG Day 2013 module, We Be Goblins, Too!

If so, it won't bve availale for geenral play until July 1st, and the rules for what PCs can receive credit for it will probably seem a bit odd, since it is a level 3 module, but most of us can only play it using the pregens....

Just remembered one of my other PCs from a different thread, and he is a human Samurai (Sword Saint) 2, so no mount for him...

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

A song about owlbears that may be germaine.

(Clearly, I have nothing of substance to contribute to this discussion.)

Shadow Lodge 2/5

kinevon wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Which mission gives this to you? I have a half-orc dungeon delver who would kill for a legendary owlbear to roll with. It would even replace his loyal giant slug speedy.

Given the date mentioned, and certain other sthings mentioned in passing:

** spoiler omitted **

Hmm that makes sense. I've picked it up for free rpg day and was planning to run it but haven't checked out the boons sheet for it. Welp know what I'm running today.

So do they have the handout sheets up for download yet? I didn't see them on the additional resources.


doc the grey wrote:
kinevon wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Which mission gives this to you? I have a half-orc dungeon delver who would kill for a legendary owlbear to roll with. It would even replace his loyal giant slug speedy.

Given the date mentioned, and certain other sthings mentioned in passing:

** spoiler omitted **

Hmm that makes sense. I've picked it up for free rpg day and was planning to run it but haven't checked out the boons sheet for it. Welp know what I'm running today.

So do they have the handout sheets up for download yet? I didn't see them on the additional resources.

The chronicle for WBG2 has been on the product page since last Thursday IIRC. It may not be added to the AR until it gets updated with this month's products after their street date.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Sniggevert wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
kinevon wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Which mission gives this to you? I have a half-orc dungeon delver who would kill for a legendary owlbear to roll with. It would even replace his loyal giant slug speedy.

Given the date mentioned, and certain other sthings mentioned in passing:

** spoiler omitted **

Hmm that makes sense. I've picked it up for free rpg day and was planning to run it but haven't checked out the boons sheet for it. Welp know what I'm running today.

So do they have the handout sheets up for download yet? I didn't see them on the additional resources.

The chronicle for WBG2 has been on the product page since last Thursday IIRC. It may not be added to the AR until it gets updated with this month's products after their street date.

Sweet will go scoop that up and get prepped for trouble today ^-^. All these new players will have a blast burning things as some little gobbies.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Funny, as soon as I read the boon, I thought by next year everyone would be riding an owlbear. Then the first post I see about it asks why anyone would take it. We are all gamers, and yet we can be so different.

Dark Archive 4/5

doc the grey wrote:
Sniggevert wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
kinevon wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Which mission gives this to you? I have a half-orc dungeon delver who would kill for a legendary owlbear to roll with. It would even replace his loyal giant slug speedy.

Given the date mentioned, and certain other sthings mentioned in passing:

** spoiler omitted **

Hmm that makes sense. I've picked it up for free rpg day and was planning to run it but haven't checked out the boons sheet for it. Welp know what I'm running today.

So do they have the handout sheets up for download yet? I didn't see them on the additional resources.

The chronicle for WBG2 has been on the product page since last Thursday IIRC. It may not be added to the AR until it gets updated with this month's products after their street date.
Sweet will go scoop that up and get prepped for trouble today ^-^. All these new players will have a blast burning things as some little gobbies.

Keep in mind it's not meant to be run as a PFS-sanctioned event until July 1st. I hope you can wait that long! :)

4/5 *

Actually, any store that participated in Free RPG Day by buying a kit, can run We Be Goblins TOO! as often as they want as a PFS-sanctioned event. You just can't run the module at any other location (including at home) until after July 1st due to the rules the Free RPG folks have.

And even without the boon... it is pretty awesome! Poog of Zarongel has grown up a little... so nice to see!

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Module spoilers somewhat mature content

I so wanted Pa to grapple one of the goblins, just so he could hold it and go, "You sure got a pretty mouth!"


So, which classes are able to use the boon? Druids, obviously, but what about Rangers/Paladins/Cavaliers?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Anyone that can take a bear as an animal companion or mount. Which limits it to druids, rangers, clerics with the nature domain, and maybe some archetypes. Standard cavaliers and paladins need not apply.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

Scott Young wrote:
Actually, any store that participated in Free RPG Day by buying a kit, can run We Be Goblins TOO! as often as they want as a PFS-sanctioned event. You just can't run the module at any other location (including at home) until after July 1st due to the rules the Free RPG folks have.

Are you sure about that?

The only way anyone can have the module (until July 1st) is by having picked one up from a participating store, where anyone who walks in the door is free to take one (at least while there are any left). There are no restrictions I know of that say you can't take the module home and run a game that very evening for a group of your friends, so the only limitation would be whether it was possible to run the game for PFS credit.

Lantern Lodge 4/5

JohnF wrote:
Scott Young wrote:
Actually, any store that participated in Free RPG Day by buying a kit, can run We Be Goblins TOO! as often as they want as a PFS-sanctioned event. You just can't run the module at any other location (including at home) until after July 1st due to the rules the Free RPG folks have.

Are you sure about that?

The only way anyone can have the module (until July 1st) is by having picked one up from a participating store. There are no restrictions I know of that say you can't take the module home and run a game that very evening for a group of your friends, so the only limitation would be whether it was possible to run the game for PFS credit.

Well definitely no running for PFS credit until after July 1st.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

3 people marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Anyone that can take a bear as an animal companion or mount. Which limits it to druids, rangers, clerics with the nature domain, and maybe some archetypes. Standard cavaliers and paladins need not apply.

Inquisitors who take the Animal/Fur domain too :-)

I'm seriously thinking about making a Forlorn Elf Inquisitor of Erastil who travels with his (owl)bear companion fixing marriages and righting wrongs. Focus spells on buffing, decent melee weapon selection, 13 or 14 wisdom. With 14 int, that's diplomacy and sense motive (for the relationship issues) and handle animal, knowledge (religion and nature), perception and stealth and survival for the woodsy stuff. Grizzly Adams... Marriage councilor)

Grand Lodge 5/5

Basically, Paizo (and any of it's volunteer representatives) are not allowed to run We Be Goblins Too! before July 1st unless it is at a Free RPG Day participating venue.

Also, it may be run as a PFS table starting June 15th 2013.

I'm sure Paizo would appreciate anyone else, only running the module at a participating venue until July 1st, but once you have a copy of the module it is yours to do with as you please.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Haven't run an inquisitor yet.

Such decisions to make. I'd do ranger but I play those all the time.

Dark Archive 4/5

I don't think rangers can get bears, although correct me if I'm wrong.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Adam Mogyorodi wrote:
I don't think rangers can get bears, although correct me if I'm wrong.

Sounds like enough reason to get the beastmaster archetype to me.

Matthew Morris wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Anyone that can take a bear as an animal companion or mount. Which limits it to druids, rangers, clerics with the nature domain, and maybe some archetypes. Standard cavaliers and paladins need not apply.
Inquisitors who take the Animal/Fur domain too :-)

Sylvan sorcerers too! Arcane blaster with an owlbear seems fitting to me for some reason.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Hmm, gnome sylvan sorcerer? That would be something I haven't done before.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Adam Mogyorodi wrote:
I don't think rangers can get bears, although correct me if I'm wrong.

A straight Ranger, no. One with the Beastmaster archetype, yes.

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