Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 71 posts (117 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Silver Crusade 2/5

Curses I thought the second Vengeance at the sundered crag was going to be a morning slot, was gonna switch to that one instead of cairn.

Silver Crusade 2/5

jfkg306 wrote:

3. I recently played another module, and in my opinion, due to GM crash/skimming, it resulted in an unbelievable amount of special damage causing attackers to be present for the boss fight.

Not just the boss, his lackey, and the surprise special guest villain.

But 20 additional combatants. You read that right, 20.

We won. unbelievably.

The fight seemed so unreal I went home and read the module to see if that was really supposed to happen.

It wasn't.

The module says to have the boss and the lackey

And up to 20 people as window dressing


Not a mob of 20 poisonous/strength draining attackers.

How did we survive that one?

Well EVERYONE IN THE PARTY WENT DOWN AT LEAST 5 times, but two healers kept us alive

And what saved us?

The peaceful cleric had a necklace of fireballs. Slowed down those 24 incoming poisonous attacks per round pretty good.

So in that instance, GM skim almost ruined that whole experience for us.
We all assumed we were dead.

What If our characters would have died?

Death by GM skim.

How Do I avoid this in the future without reading all the modules to see if this kind of stuff is occurring behind the scenes?

Has any of this ever happened to you? What would you do?

This was my Fault I was the one who ran this Module Feast of RavenMoor,I was rather tired and misread the end part of the module, it was not intentional and if any deaths had occurred I would have rectified the situation when it was brought to my attention. I am glad everyone did survive and I will make sure in the future to prepare better so as to not make such mistakes again.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I plan to be there for the 8am slot and 12:30 slot. Do you know when the kitchen will start, just wanna know if I should eat before I come or if I can grab food there that early.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Ooo I loved this last year, one of the events I look forward to since Gen Con is taken up by lots of larps. So I need to get my PFS fix in early!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As a Gm I have often dealt with this issue and if you are fighting boss or mini boss in my game who is meant to be rough. He is never going to fall asleep to a witch slumber hex unless he is almost dead. I might roll a 1 but he will pass anyways. Normal encounters I don't care if all the creatures fall asleep, no big deal.

Silver Crusade

Sadly none. I started running a King maker and group fell apart. Was in carrion crown, but only got to book #4 and most of the group started dying and wanted to try something else.

Silver Crusade 2/5

So much I want to do at Gen Con so little time. Would love to play, and love to GM, but so little time, they need to expand the days, make Wen's a official Gen Con day.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I don't care what people play. Yes some classes/builds can make the game less fun for the players at that table. And yes I personally do not like guns of any kind. I do not think they belong in this kind of game. But that does not mean I am going to throw a fit and make someone feel unwelcome or try and make them feel bad because of what they have chosen to play.
I have on occasion spoken to a player about how his character although well made and legal has caused other players to approach me and say they are not having fun when running with said character. But I feel that is a responsibility I have as a Dm to attempt to make sure my players all have fun.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Mike Bohlmann wrote:
I put this one on your group. At 7th level, you should have ways of dealing with flying creatures, invisible creatures, and creatures with damage reduction.

While I semi agree with you, I was put into a random group since I was a single player as were most of the people there. So lack of ability was not %100 our fault.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Ok here was my Issue with the Special, it should have been a blast for our group but it was horrid. We played tier 7-8 everyone was level 7 and I was lvl 8. We had a Ranger, druid, cleric, sorc, fighter, and me as a paladin.

First off the GM did not appear to have a hard copy, and was using his lap top. which he admitted he hated adobe acrobat since it froze and did not work on his lap top a lot. Also he said he was moved up to tier 7-8 so was not fully prepared. No maps drawn or anything.

So we start play all excited only to be pulled into a tent to find some possessed person, which none of us could figure out how. After wasting over an hour there I said I just wanted to leave the tent. He said we could and everyone just looked dumb struck cause when we went in he said magic covered us and sealed us in. We thought for over an hour we could not leave.

After that we ran around looking for demons only to never really find any till close to the end.

Now between this was constant pauses to wait for the laptop to work or to backtrack cause he read the wrong thing on his laptop.

Finally! Finally close to the end we encounter a Mythic Vrock, and my Paladin can finally shine...no...GM basically says the Vrock is to afraid of you and won't come down to fight you. So all he does is hover above us and use some wing spike thing to harm everyone, then summon another Vrock, then do other stuff. The only person who had fly was the druid who tried to bravely go up there change into a large cat and grapple the Vrock to the ground. Which ended up killing him. So in the end we just has to basically tell the Vrock's to F off. And we just dragged the poor druid away.

Everyone else was having a wonderful time and cheering and our group felt useless. Within the first 2 hours half of us were just playing on our phones between turns not even paying much attention. I think we managed to gain 6-8 VP the whole game, everyone by the end was soo pissed and just turned off. and I was even more so cause I decided to finally play a PFS special and gave up time with my Gen Con friends to do so, only to have all of that happen.

Not the best experience I have had with PFS.

Silver Crusade 2/5

They enjoyed it, said it was rather fun, they almost lost only two goblins were alive at the end.But they did say they enjoyed it, just they did not want to sign up for anything. They tend to be rather lazy at times.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Ok so here is my issue/question. Last night a bunch of my friends called up and told me they wanted to play some Pathfinder so I tell them I will run a PFS scenario for them. I ran Frost fur Captives 3-01. This was their first time ever playing PFS and to speed things along they asked to use pregens so they could start faster.

So we played we finished, but none of them want to register online, they did not even want the chronicle sheet.

How do I report it/ can I even report it and get GM credit?

Silver Crusade 2/5

In vegas, well normally I would say Wizard but last game day I saw 2. Out in Vegas, I as of yet have not seen a Samurai, or a Cav and have not seen a Witch yet. But other then that I think I have seen all the other classes at least once a month.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I would love the boon, why, cause it is an owl bear and I just want have an owl bear.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I would have loved to run or played something. Sadly it seems that the local hobby stores in Las vegas decided not to do anything.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I think I check back here every few days to make sure the Warhorn link has not yet been posted.

Silver Crusade

How about an Oread as race +2 str and +2 wis -2 Cha. Has base speed 20 but a level in Barb will fix that and with enough levels in monk his speed with increase. Also racial trait of Oread gives +1 Nat AC.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Ok , thank you that is what I was looking for, could not find the FAQ at first. Damn that makes me sad, but now the question is what do I do with my character who already has the Cat and has used him in few sessions. Do I need to remake him or what?

Silver Crusade 2/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:

I think you can use the Ranger levels for your paladin horse (since horse would be a legal option for both) but I know you cannot use your paladin levels for your large cat because large cat is not a paladin legal steed, sorry.

You're not alone, this has come up a LOT.

But where does it state that it is not a legal steed? In the rule book it says it is "Usually" A heavy Horse, it does not say it has to be, and the only reason it is Usually, is because at that level that is one of the few large creatures available. If you do it that way with the Ranger and Boon companion you Gain your mount at lvl 7 and a Large cat at Lvl 7 is large.

Silver Crusade

Ok class that I don't wanna play.
Samurai- I don't know why, they just don't seem to fit.
Gunslingers- Once again they don't fit.
Summoner- I just don't care for them, I don't know why they were made.

Cavalier- Now in most campaigns I understand that they are kinda useless. But...I am currently running a game and the leader of the group is a Gnome Cavalier and he rides a battle toad. And it's just a fun time to watch him hopping around with a small lance.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I would love to play some PFS Wen. Should we be looking for the Warhorn link to be posted here?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Yes, you just have to give it the fear light armor proficiency feat and pay the cost and such to make him armor.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Although I do not plan on running anything Thursday-Sunday. I am hoping on running a game or two at Scotty's Brewhouse on Wen. But I won't know what I am running or such till the people who run it e-mail me when the sign ups open.

Silver Crusade

To many Gnomes.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I am thinking about running this year as well, I hope I can run a game during the Wen's event at Scotty's as the rest of the week is rather busy for me and my friends.

Silver Crusade

VerdantSF wrote:
How is the extra sneak attack damage from Arcane Trickster factored in for Knife Master Rogues? KM d8s + AT d6s or is all d8s when using knives/daggers specifically?

As long as you use Daggers or the types of daggers stated in the Knife Master's description, all sneak attack damage is D8's.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Wow, I had completely forgotten I had even posted about this thread till just now. And while I thank you perry for jumping to defense. There is no real need. Jiggy is entitled to say whatever he wants and I take no personal offense. I felt open enough to express my own thoughts even though I knew not everyone would agree. The thread was made to gather/gain the opinions of GM's and I gave mine. If people do not care for it they are more then welcome to say so, with no risk of me becoming personally offended in any manner.

And P.S the Dasline affair was horrid, my poor players got smacked around by the end boss. Some actually ran away and those where the only ones who lived.

Jiggy wrote:
Perry Snow wrote:


Edward has GM'd at my events and and he did a fantastic job promoting Pathfinder Society and encouraging growth. It is an erroneous assumption on your part that he doesn't appreciate the efforts of the campaign coordinators and completely disrespects their authority.

Your assumption of Edward's feelings are disrespectful in what is supposed to be an open discussion. I request that you apologize.


Let me be clear:

I am in no way making any judgments as to his overall GMing ability or respectfulness or anything else. The specific action to which I replied is, in fact, disrespectful to campaign leadership. This doesn't mean he's not the bee's knees in every other way.

If someone in authority asks me to do X, Y and Z, and I go above and beyond with X and Y, but refuse to do Z; then my refusal to do Z disrespects that authority figure. Overall, things are still just fine and said superior is probably still very interested in keeping me around. Doing a great job of X and Y is great. Not doing Z is disrespectful. Both statements are true, and neither invalidates the other.

So when I mention disrespect, I am referring ONLY to the act of disregarding one specific imperative given by our leader. I maintain the assertion that said act is disrespectful, but I also do NOT wish to purport that it is in any way representative of his net contribution to PFS.


Silver Crusade 2/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:

While it is pretty clear that game mechanics, specific rules, stat blocks, etc should not be changed, I do not believe that adding fluff to make the game more immersive would fall under the same restrictions assuming said fluff does not invalidate printed background info or NPC motivations/actions. This is especially true of modules which are not specifically written for PFS so the GM has to invent a back-story and interaction with the Venture Captain, per normal scenario format. Or you can just hand waive it and get to the killing...NPC's or PC's, your choice :-)

I think it also depends on who you are playing with. If your running a game at GenCon I would suggest not changing things. Someone is gonna have seen the module played or already read the module and start screaming the moment the monster they are fighting is alive despite the fact it has taken 30 damage and they know that it only has 29 hp's.

But if its you and your good friends who you game with every week. They might not care so much if you spice things up a little.

Silver Crusade

wraithstrike wrote:

You can dispel it, but that is about it.

I take that back because if you are silenced you can't cast. You can however use dispel magic to counterspell the silence.

If he is being a jerk I out of character I would try to handle it out of character though. You can also kill the dog, or the character in question. That last sentence is really not recommended.

I would, tell him of get lost, when he does it grumble about it and act like a sad child in the game so he suspects nothing, then when your are all resting, if the silence is still up just get up, walk over and stab him in the eye. He won't hear you coming! Or get up walk out of the sleeping animals silence range, then murder the animal with a spell, when he wakes up point a nasty spell at him and tell him he is next.

Silver Crusade 2/5

OK, so here is a event that has occurred with one of my chars. I was playing a rogue. Our party had entered a city that we had been told earlier was a very military based city. The guards roam the streets and any issues or fights with them will lead to more guards coming, and then more guards since they are all over the city. They blow a whistle and then another guard squad comes and blows there alarm whistle. Etc...now we had no silence spells or such so that is not a possible solution to this issue.

Our party was sneaking around and had to make stealth checks to get from point A to point B. We failed and attracted the attention's of a guard patrol. Now we had some rping going on but I was fairly certain that our one char could use diplomacy to get us out of this. But some of the other chars started up and picked a fight with the city guard. (Unknown to me and 2 other players they had a faction mission that involved them killing guards or something along those lines)
So we fight them and these guards are rather tough since they also have a higher lvl commander with them. Our Gm informs us that the next squad will be coming in x amount of turns and the squad after that one will arrive in x-1 amount of turns etc..

So we killed the first squad with like 4 rounds to spare. And instead of running they are lifting bodies and trying to do some intricate plot to hide the bodies at the location we will be going to or such. (That was not part of their faction mission it was just some weird stuff they wanted to do)
My char looks at them and goes..umm ok well you can fool around all you want, our job is not to fight guards in a city swarming with them, and im not willing to stay and fight and possibly die cause you are all being dumb. Bye..see you if you live at location B. He then used his rope of climbing, hopped on the roofs and sprinted away leaving the party. Who still did not run, right as they where leaving the second guard group came, saw them with the bodies and just attacked.

Long story short, one of the chars ended up being killed by the guards. He he was angry at me saying things like. Yeah we all got hurt cause someone left his friends to fight the guards. And I informed him, that despite me being his friend when did my char ever let anyone in this party thing they where friends and that he would be willing to die for them.

So thoughts on that?

Silver Crusade 2/5

I ran a Scenario where is was impossible for the characters to get the faction point. I won't go into detail but the characters needed to enlist the help of a human female. But it was stated in her build that she hated elves, and half elves with a passion, that elves had been responsible for her families death or something, and she was hostile towards them and could not be made friendly or anything.

Well both the chars who needed her help where elven and I allowed them to even try a disguise check to hide their race, but they failed badly. And besides that I told them I was sorry but she would not listen to them or help them. If they approached her again she would attack them.

Silver Crusade 2/5

It wont be an issue, I would just say as a GM, no thats violates the rules of pathfinder and override the rule and say they cannot attack a party member. BanHammers are not needed if the GM just tells the player no they can't do that, since the no attack fellow players usurps the attack closest person rule.

Silver Crusade

I would say they might be a bit pale looking I think the pic from the book might be an actual drow dhampyr.

As for the cleric thing, it might be kinda cool to do the selective channeling combo and do negative energy. Be a more damage based cleric, but on the bonus side when you inflict damage, don't exclude yourself from the effect and it will heal you, while harming others.

Silver Crusade

It does not matter if the creature knows where the monster is, if he cant see him and the creature can see the person he can sneak attack, as he can not effectively block all his vital areas.
Example, an person with improved invisibility is attacking a player. The player knows what area the attacks are coming from, but he can still be sneak attacked.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I got an Aasimar! Time to make the cleric that everyone I play with wants, but never makes.

Silver Crusade

I agree with the previous post, if you want to do a sniper type you need to be a halfling, with that one racial trait sub that's gives you a -10 instead of -20. That combined with the stealth bonus will help a lot.

Silver Crusade

The real issue here is people are trying to place morals of ethics that they view as paladin like into an imaginary world. The Paladin has a few class guide lines, but it all depends on the worlds your Gm makes and indeed the morals of your Gm.
All the terms you guys are using are based upon the ideals of this world and thus do not qualify for what might be acceptable or what is the norm in the pathfinder world. There are some basic things that are the same but in general most things are very different.

Silver Crusade

Quantum Steve wrote:

I'm taking this to mean that the Pally in question makes a habit of bullying innocent civilians into confessing any crimes they may have knowledge of regardless of whether he has any cause to suspect them.

Such behavior, while not evil, is decidedly un-palladinlike, and multiple infractions may have consequences.

Umm where did you get the idea, that such a deed is un-paladin like?

Your moral ideas and thoughts of what a Paladin should act like and behave like, are not correct. There is nothing saying a paladin can't interrogate someone looking for cultist or something. Now if some kind of guard or sheriff approach's him and kindly asks him to stop interrogating the local populace. Then if the person asking is legitimate authority , then the paladin must stop. Of course as I said that's if the person is legitimate authority. If say the town was evil or net and the town guard and sheriff bullied their way up to these positions. Well he can ignore them and then start asking them for questions.

He is just a little more inquisitor like paladin, I would suggest he think about taking at least one level in Inquisitor as that even gives him a better reason to be like that.

Silver Crusade

Terrible Remorse from UM 4th lvl spell when used against a single monster. It only allows SR and if they beat the SR or if the monster does not have it..the battle is pretty much over. The monster either hurts itself each round or does not and has a lower AC.

I have seen this used multiple times in PFS games where the GM is describing the boss battle or it had just begun and all the cleric does is say I am casting Terrible remorse and the Gm has literately just packed up his stuff, handed out the scenario sheets and left. The battle was not even fought and in some cases the map was not even drawn yet, they just informed the GM that they are going to cast it on the main Bad Guy and if he does not have SR, he is out for 7+rounds. So any small bad guys will be dealt with, in 1-3 rounds, then you have all the left over rounds to just slam on the main bad guy and he stands there or beats himself.

Silver Crusade 2/5

As a player who loves to play a Paladin and has for many years. I understand a lot of grumbles about Paladins comes from jealously (I kid I kid..or maybe I don't..))

But as a GM for PFS am I the only Gm out there that just wants to sit back and let the two characters smack the crap out of each other, and say whoever wins the spare is the right one. I mean I understand the whole no pvp rule, and don't be a jerk rule.

But there are times where characters will get into conflicts and it mostly happens with Paladins and then clerics etc.. and well the one character says you can't do that, it's wrong or unmoral or whatever, and the other character says I am gonna do it because it's what I wanna do or I think it's a good idea.
As a GM for Pfs I have been told to step in and take control, but what I really wanna do is just spread the other models off to the side and be like "First person to get the other down to 1/4 hps or lower, wins, no death" And then let them fight it out.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Not all lvl 12 or such abilities are needed, having different sets of abilities can lead up to a better build then just a singular class abilities.
And I never said that if you don't multiclass you have no creativity or can create character depth. Those are your own words you made by making assumptions on my statement. Multiclassing allows you to have different layers of depth to your character, normally more so then just a single classed character, but that is based on the player and their abilities to come up with such backgrounds on their character.

So for your character it would screw up teamwork feats, but that is your character, perhaps a monk who wants a few more feats adds a few levels of fighter and that increases his amount of feats in a good manner. So that is an upside, yours is a downside, so that would make it overall even. So it would not be a downside at all.

And if everyone winces when there is no healer, perhaps someone should make one, or a variant such as a druid or a bard, as they can cast some heal spells and use wands. Or...hey someone could multiclass, into an oracle,or cleric, or even a druid. that way they can heal and have other useful skills.

As for your all on your own line, yeah that seems like a good idea, I am gonna take care of my character and mine alone, can lead to dead parties. Also if you play a character with such an attitude it should affect the alignment that you choose to play him as.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Your statement on multiclassing is rather ignorant. Multiclassing does not hold a character back it grants the character flavor, allowing anyone with a hint of creativity to really give their character depth. And multiclassing does not hinder special ability progression, as you get that classes abilities. And how does it screw up feat progression? Some classes will speed up your progression, since the normal progression is on 1st,3rd, 5th etc.. And as for spell's you might gain spells if you multiclass, and depending on if you choose an arch type some classes don't even get to use their spells anymore such as some paladin and ranger arch types.

Silver Crusade

steve steve 983 wrote:

So i have a friend saying Paladins can threaten commoners or even people who pass a sense motive check and he has no idea they are lying.

Im pretty sure that it means he falls or is look down upon but im just making sure.

Remember being a jerk/A hole is not evil. There are many people who are just jerks but have that golden heart kinda thing. Now if he hurts them or following up on those threats then that most likely might be considered evil.

Silver Crusade

Umm as a Paladin player myself there is nothing you can or should do. I say give up...leave him alone, you and you group go across the world and become pirates. I mean even if you use some cheap magical trick to murder him, by all rights as a super champion of the faith he will just be resurrected by his god or goddess and then the god/goddess will smite you..... So yeah, don't fight Paladins!

Silver Crusade

STR Ranger wrote:

I know it seems simple, but the open ended wording allows for nearly.any pet but the power can be off the chart.

This impacts Pally and Cav more thanothers since the mounted knight is so iconic and they have class features built around it.

People whinge that cav's suck without their mount. Well who rides when that mount is a Pouncing lion or wolf tripper. I'd rather flank with it

Thats what my Paladin does, he has well I use a SaberTooth Tiger model, as my large cat. But I dont use him as a mount, I use him as a war kitty, and he does a very good job of it.

Silver Crusade

This question comes up way to often on the forums.. It is perfectly legal for a paladin to take a mount such as a lion. All he has to do, is take 4 levels in paladin, two levels in something else, I would suggest ranger, then for his 7th level he takes paladin, thus giving him lvl 5 paladin, and take the boon companion feat which allows you to count both the ranger levels as paladin levels for determining mount. So you then pick a mount as a 7th lvl paladin thus getting the large war kitten.

It's not epic, its not homebrew rules or whatever people call it. It's simple.

Silver Crusade

BigNorseWolf wrote:

1) While similar, the Paladin and Druid or ranger animal companion are not the same class feature, they would not stack. A paladin's mount is called divine bond and works on one set of rules, the Druid or ranger has nature bond, which works on slightly different rules.

2) A requirement for boon companion is having the animal companion. Since you don't have one you don't qualify for the feat

Prerequisites: Animal companion or familiar class ability.

It is considered an animal companion, that has been stated by the game designers regarding if a paladins mount is an animal companion or something else. It does not matter if you get the creature through one kind of ability or another.

#2 Yeah...class ability, it does not state that you need to have the animal, it just says your class has to have that ability to have an animal which it does.

So when you take 4 lvls in paladin, then two in ranger, then the last one in paladin and for that 7th level take the boon companion feat it allows you to treat your paladin level as 7 when choosing your animal companion.

Silver Crusade

?? How do you figure that, you take 4 lvls in paladin, then 2 in ranger and then your 7th lvl as a paladin and take the boon companion feat thus allowing you to get your mount as if you were a lvl 7 paladin instead of a 5th lvl paladin. Thus most creatures are now large size so can be taken by a paladin.

Silver Crusade

Just to Clarify a statement made. Paladins don't have to refuse gold or rewards or any such things nor do they have to give away stuff to people who are in need all the time, the greater goal, such as defeating the evil that is plaguing the town will fix the sad villages problems much better then giving them stuff, also giving them stuff from the parties supplies or even the paladins own personal supplies could in turn be seen as weakening the group as they might need those later to hep them defeat some evil of sorts. Anyone who plays a paladin who walks around giving away stuff to every poor person or hungry child they see, and who refuses rewards should be smacked and made to play a different class.

Also, the horse is dumb, unless you wanna be stereotypical and ride a horse as a paladin, just do as I said before and gain 4 lvls in paladin, 2 lvls in ranger or such then at 7th lvl take the boon companion feat and you can have a super mount or a combat companion/mount that does rather nice damage as well.

Silver Crusade

I play a Paladin and I also play Pathfinder Society which has more strict rules on what can and cannot be used, and the whole A paladin must have a horse is a bunch of crap. Get to LvL 4 as A Paladin, then take two lvls of something else fighter or ranger would be best, then when you hit 7th lvl, take your 5th lvl in Paladin and the Boon Companion feat, and suddenly you get your mount as a lvl 7 druid. Thus allowing you to take a large cat template or other animal that becomes large at 7th lvl. My Paladin is walking around with a summoned White Sabertooth Tiger, and it is perfectly legal to take.

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