This is the discussion thread for two campaigns:

FS3 - A Vision of Betrayal Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion


Welcome everyone!

I tend to run my games fast and loose. Combat will be completed using Google Drive. In combat, or in a situation where you are affected by an effect, I tend to roll your saves for you, and continue writing the post based on that. I will also roll Perception checks to find traps, and disable device rolls.

I expect people to post daily, Monday - Friday, to keep things moving. I usually update in the morning EDT. If enough people have posted during the course of the day i may also make a late afternoon/early evening update. If you haven't posted in the last 24 hours, and have not notified me of your absence, and we are in a combat situation, you will be put on Full Defense, or I will GMPC your character as well as I can.

Please put your Pathfinder Society number either in your stat block or somewhere on your character's profile page. It will make things much easier for me when it comes time to report the event.

Finally, despite my best efforts, I am a human being. Occasionally I make mistakes. If you feel as though I've made an incorrect ruling please call me on it...either in this Discussion thread or via PM. I think you'll find that 99.9% of the time I'm completely reasonable. In a nutshell if you're not having fun then I'm not doing my job....and if that's the case I want to hear about it.

And away we go!

Grand Lodge

Male Tengu rouge

heres my rouge he's missing part 3


Varisian Barbarian** 2, Martial Artist 2| HP /42 DR 1/- | AC 15 T 14 FF 12 | Perc +9 | F +10 R +5 W +6 |CMB +8 | CMD 20 | Speed 30' | Init +1

Hello, thanks for the invite. How do you like the HP etc. formatted?

Guido Sansone wrote:
Hello, thanks for the invite. How do you like the HP etc. formatted?

I'm not too long as I can see the basics I'm fine.

BTW I've had a few people if you know someone who would like to join our game let me know otherwise I'll open this up to the masses tomorrow.

Dark Archive

M Halfing Summoner 1

Okay, brand new character for me, but one I've been wanting to do for a while. Halfling Summoner with an Eidolon Cerebus. Providing it doesn't rub too many people the wrong way, I will be a bit of a healer with my Infernal healing spell, but we can iron that out later.

Dark Archive

M Halfing Summoner 1

It also looks like I might be the only person who can cast spells in the whole lot if we do take those first three. Not that I don't mind, it just might be a little interesting.

Just recruited two more so we're good to go. I'll let Beleager & Kazmere introduce themselves this evening & we'll get started first thing tomorrow morning!

Howdy. Kazmere is a Halfling Dervish Dancer of Saerenrae and is a very helpful old man!

Deane do you want me to create a profile or are you okay with the Google sheet?

Also how can I spend existing cash and prestige points? And to the best of my knowledge I'm still allowed to redo my character until the end of PFS 3 correct?


Varisian Barbarian** 2, Martial Artist 2| HP /42 DR 1/- | AC 15 T 14 FF 12 | Perc +9 | F +10 R +5 W +6 |CMB +8 | CMD 20 | Speed 30' | Init +1

Fosco, make sure you set sharing on google drive to "anyone with the link" or "public". I can't see your sheet.


As long as you put some of the basic info in your profile so that I can easily refer to it mid-game (check Guido & Chak Chak) the google link should be fine.

...and Fosco if you wouldn't mind doing the same?

Dark Archive

M Halfing Summoner 1

There. The changes that were asked for should be available now.

First gameplay thread is up!

Use this link if you're having a hard time getting to the gameplay thread.

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

GM I've never done any shopping with a PFS char do you have to document shopping in some way?

Kaz...can you point me in the direction of your character sheet again...I know you linked it somewhere but for the life of me i can't find it this morning.

To shop during a scenario just keep track of what you spend and mark it on your chronicle sheet when you get it.

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Thanks will do also I'll be updating my profile later this evening...

Liberty's Edge

GM Beman,

Did you have room for one more or did you fill up?

Dark Archive

M Halfing Summoner 1

Fosco is summoning his eidolon unless he is interrupted. It's a one minute process.

...and that should do it. Thanks a bunch for this quick run! I've reported the event & will PM you later today with links for you to download your chronicle sheets.


Varisian Barbarian** 2, Martial Artist 2| HP /42 DR 1/- | AC 15 T 14 FF 12 | Perc +9 | F +10 R +5 W +6 |CMB +8 | CMD 20 | Speed 30' | Init +1

Thanks for running! I had a good time.

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

That went fast! Thanks GM!

Dark Archive

M Halfing Summoner 1

Thanks for the game Beman! Give me a holler if you plan on doing another.

Thanks to the crew as well. I had fun.

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Just out of curiosity do any of you guys know how I proceed when I want to rebuild my character?

I'm pretty sure as long as you haven't played yet as a Level 2, you can rebuild however you want. You can even sell back bought items at full cost.

Once you play the character at Level 2, they are locked in.

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