Variel's Reign of Winter

Game Master Neltji

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new discussion thread as well

Will you be linking the Social Thread to this site as well?

And I guess a follow-up question is; since we don’t get bonuses to our characters for Social RP in this version, does anyone formally still want to use the Social Thread?

I’m game for it for doing Social RP because it’s fun for me whether we get the bonuses or not; but I know that’s a lot of writing for some people and without the bonuses for posting or social RP, I don’t know if trying to keep up dialogue with everyone is worth it.

Just curious is all.

As it is Immortal's social thread I can't link it directly but I can make a new one.

For bonuses for using the RP thread throw ideas out there and I will consider them. We are not using hero points so using the thread would be a good way to garner some bonuses. I am thinking of a +2 to any d20 after 100 posts, free reroll after 500, something like that...

Thoughts, questions, concerns?

new social thread

Male Elf Magus 2 (AC: 16,12,14; HP: 20; Saves 4,2,3; Init +2, perc +2)

Trying to link the discussion threads and it is not working as of yet...hmmm

DM Variel wrote:

As it is Immortal's social thread I can't link it directly but I can make a new one.

For bonuses for using the RP thread throw ideas out there and I will consider them. We are not using hero points so using the thread would be a good way to garner some bonuses. I am thinking of a +2 to any d20 after 100 posts, free reroll after 500, something like that...

Thoughts, questions, concerns?

new social thread

Well, a few things -

1. I tried to post on the social thread - just to dot it, but it wouldn't let me for some reason. I'm not sure if it's a problem with the site, or what, but I figured I'd mention it here.

2. I know the GM was pretty determined that he wanted people to post relatively frequently. What he told me when we started was that in both the Skull and Shackles game - and the Winter Game - was that players were expected to post twice a day or 10 times a week average. If they were out of town they were supposed to put something on the board like "Hey guy's - I'll be away from the game for the weekend; if X could NPC me while I'm gone, that'd be great - but I didn't want the game to stop while you waited for me.".

That kept the game moving at a pretty solid pace; but he did drop some players when they didn't post frequently (the Skull and Shackles game specifically).

This game twice a day or at least 10 times a week is pretty much what the group is averaging anyway, so that's pretty cool. But he did give props for people who played in character, or fleshed out their character, and so on.

3. In point of fact, you pretty much hit what the old GM did for social RP in general. The 500 postings typically got a free re-roll for a player. The entire group got a free re-roll all around whenever we did something "epic" (like our first 500 posts as a team, I think; 1,000 as a team; 5,000 as a team - beating a tough villain, or something like that). And I think he capped it out at 3 maximum per player until he added Hero Points (but that's why we had extra re-rolls on our old sheets).

4. Other than re-rolls he kind of gave us a "signature item" for each player, generally it was based on how the player was doing socially via postings in general, coupled with the needs/desires of the player.

The items were fairly unique, and local to each player. From what I understand, they increased in power based on social interaction and generally they were crafted by the GM after having some long talks with each player personally on what they're looking for and what they were interested in (from what I understand).

Signature items were a lot of fun for me (and from what I understand the other players had a pretty good time with them, too), but they had the potential to get very powerful.

From what I've seen so far you tend to keep things very "by the book" so creating special signature items may not be your style.

But just consider some off-the-cuff possibilities:

For example, letting Sheelah polymorph into a Tiger-type Rakshasa for one hour a day for every 4 levels that Beck has (as Sheelah is pretty cool anyway, but having the humanoid/Rakshasa feature be pretty awesome for certain things once in a while, especially as Beck is also a Tiefling). If not that, maybe a White Tiger Catfolk type - when she'd have the same stats, except for her Intelligence, which could bump up to maybe +6 points or something talk at least in Common and the Catfolk language while in humanoid form?

Or maybe you would allow Aneira a subquest to grant her the ability to discover a "Cohort" who was 5 levels below her; but the Cohort might actually be a her Ghost who is actually able to take on class levels, and the reason she's five levels below Aneira is because she has the "Undead: Ghost" as her "race" and Aneira has to help her be "put to rest".

Xanxan is a rouge, but he's also a tailor. What if he discovered he has the ability to weave visions of the future? That if he made a "Profession: Tailor" check of a DC of 20 and spent one hour of work on a project he could have an effective Augery spell used with his thread - caster level equal to his ranks in Profession: Tailor? And in time his weaving could begin to give him other powers as well (perhaps his threads are touched by the divine?) and he could spend four hours of work to weave a Divination Spell (DC 25 - same rules apply) or possibly other similar unique talents?

Venja is a witch - but it makes me think of the White Witch from Narnia - what if Venja had a similar weapon - a stone dagger; but the dagger was a dagger of Spell Stealing - but for any spell that it steals, Venja can cast that spell as a Move Action in the next three rounds; and Venja can attempt to steal any spell that the caster knows, instead of just ones that the caster has on them.

As for you; you're a Magus; but what if you got a Black Blade as per the Magus class - but only 4 levels below the standard Black Blade Archtype, so now you had two arcthypes; but one of them is a weapon that has some fun personality?

It's only suggestions, of course - but it would give the players a chance to have some fun outside the box and reward the players for doing some extra postings. Also, there would be no penalty for players who didn't have the time or availability to post, but they simply wouldn't be able to get as many neat things (for example).

Male Elf Magus 2 (AC: 16,12,14; HP: 20; Saves 4,2,3; Init +2, perc +2)

hmm, it seems like the posts are not showing up but when I check the status under the campaign settings it shows that you tried posting already GAbe. I dont' know. Maybe a glitch in the system and have to wait to see if it works.

On a positive note, both the RP and actual campaign is linked at the top of the discussion thread above.

Looking over your suggestions Gabe.

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

I tried to post a dot marker on the new social rp thread just now, too, and nothing showed up as posted.

I have a general question.

When Aneira interrogated Vrixx, he mentioned Teb (male), the leader, and Izole (female), his second-in-charge. Did we kill Izole after we left the bandit's cabin (I'm trying to ascertain if the fey that we killed back then was her)? Or is she still alive?

Thanks. :)

Male Gnome Rogue-4 (Saves-F+2,R+8,W+1; Perception +9(10 vs traps);HP 21/27)

Apologies guys, updates are given me fits for some reasons and RL has me distracted. I'm not a big fan of the holidays because I feel like by the time they're done I need a vacation ;)

Unfortunately, both Pakak and Xanxan are a little frustrated right now. Xanxan keeps having the worst luck with traps and his short movement rate is really a hindrance in this snow, and Pakak's current first priority is babysitting the three NPCs causing him to be late to the fights.

I'm not feeling terribly effective with either at this moment.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Sorry I haven't been around gang; just wanted to say "Hi!". I'm glad to see everything's going well with the campaign.

Go Team Good!

Ahoy, DM Immortal! Have a great night :)

Who is that masked man behind the wall?

Oh hey Immortal. Glad to have you stop bye and say hi. Wishing you the best.

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

Hi, Immortal. It's nice to see you on here. :)

Male Gnome Rogue-4 (Saves-F+2,R+8,W+1; Perception +9(10 vs traps);HP 21/27)

Hey, Immortal. Hope all is going well

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

Wow... how did I miss any updates in the discussion thread... missed Imm completely, sigh... must have been when I wasn't getting updates at all, darnit.

Anyway - just curious, Variel, since we just leveled in WotR... when do you think we might level up here?

I'm totally down with leveling, and I'd love to do it now. But as it stands, if we don't level I'd at least want to keep going with the story.

We won't level for a long while still. I had you all level up earlier to second. You weren't suppose to get to second till after the encounter with the doll at the hut but it seemed an awkward point which is why I had it after the fight at the lodge.

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

ah ok... no problem... was hoping it would be before we went through portal... I REALLY want 2nd lvl spells, lol...

Male Gnome Rogue-4 (Saves-F+2,R+8,W+1; Perception +9(10 vs traps);HP 21/27)

Okay folks, I'm going to be slower even than usual. Tomorrow I'm starting a long car ride to another part of the state where I will be staying for a full week with the folks. They have internet, but it's shakey sometimes. Feel free to bot Xanxan or Pakak if you need to

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

Have a safe, good trip, Xan. :)

See you when you're able, Xanxan - have a good trip.

HP: 41/59 AC: 18 Saves F:7/R:4/W:10 P:+14(17) Hungerseed (Oni-Tiefling) Arctic Druid 8 Sheelah HP: 15/33 AC: 20 (+4) F:6/R:9/W:4 P:+6

updated loot list
ANything to scavange from the rider?
magical anything? or is that all going to poof too?

Beck Tavis wrote:

updated loot list

ANything to scavange from the rider?
magical anything? or is that all going to poof too?

Beck; I'm totally down with your work on the loot list. It's kick-ass and a great job. Thanks!

As for the rider; there's his armor. Gabryjel has been ambiguous about loot/gear because I don't want to slow things down with a discussion on who gets what when we can't even spend anything.

As for all the magical stuff I'm assuming that we're taking it with us wherever we go. We know everything magical because of Detect Magic, so it all glows and we have all of it, so there's that.

Meantime, I just want to toss this out here -

Between this site, the social Thread and the one DM Immortal ran we have made 1,900 posts on this board between six players (including the DM NPC).

We've had more combats with higher CR - not counting puzzles, clues, traps, or general challenges than most games I've seen out there on this level.

But XP aside, if we go on "quest based" stuff we've rescued prisoners; cleaned out a bandit lair; broke a curse with some kind of Fey doll; dealt with tons of undead; and managed to beat a troll, 3 Fey's (including a caster) and an elemental during weather conditions that were epic on their own - all of this on level 2. And it seems that level 3 is a "long way off".

Okay, that's how it is; that's that's how it is. But I think we're all ready to go on, and nothing is happening.

Unfortunately we can't go on if there's no where to go.

Meantime we signed on to these games the expectation is that the average posting rate is about twice a day from each player - weekends aside. We also knew that if there was a problem with posting - if we couldn't post because we were sick, or had work, or whatever - we'd at least toss something like "He guys, sorry I can't post the next couple of days, I'll be out of town or on vacation, or exams" - or whatever.

Personally I'm ready to go on, but in RL it's been nearly 5 days and all we've done is sit here and discuss "options" since we defeated this epic challenge that almost wiped out the party.

If we're not going to continue gaming that will really suck because I enjoy the character and am curious to know what happens next.

But I do not care for the lack of pacing. There is no reason that we need to spend nearly a week RL sitting around not advancing - unless there IS a reason, in which case it would be good if we knew one way or the other.

Unfortunately, right now there's nothing happening and it's getting frustrating.

Does anyone know what's going on with either game and why things aren't advancing? If so, I'd like to know more.

Thank you.

Two things Gabe...

First don't worry about the number crunching with leveling I will let you know when it happens. I have GM'd for a while now so thank you very much. Accept it and get over it.

The second, shut up about the pace of the game. First you tell me that you want to be able to RP. I figured after such a combat and with an interesting encounter with the fey decaying before your eyes you would like that. Instead it is the opposite and you are grumbling about not doing anything. Too bad. If you don't like it quit. I don't need you and can replace you in both games quite easily.

I am now pissed off and not in any mood to do any updates. I will move things along tomorrow.

DM Variel wrote:

Two things Gabe...

First don't worry about the number crunching with leveling I will let you know when it happens. I have GM'd for a while now so thank you very much. Accept it and get over it.

The second, shut up about the pace of the game. First you tell me that you want to be able to RP. I figured after such a combat and with an interesting encounter with the fey decaying before your eyes you would like that. Instead it is the opposite and you are grumbling about not doing anything. Too bad. If you don't like it quit. I don't need you and can replace you in both games quite easily.

I am now pissed off and not in any mood to do any updates. I will move things along tomorrow.


Thanks for the heads up.

Male Elf Magus 2 (AC: 16,12,14; HP: 20; Saves 4,2,3; Init +2, perc +2)

Merry Christmas everyone!

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

Merry Christmas to all! Have a safe and happy holiday!

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

Where is everyone? This has been the slowest rp/game has ever been and I'm beginning to question why. I know Christmas and New Year were busy but it should have gotten back to some kind of proper rhythm by now, right? Are people still interested in playing? I understand busy, as my life generally is, but I still wonder what's up.

I've made mention of this before, but I leave for my trip this Saturday (your Friday) and will be gone until the 24th January. So no posting from me during that time. Variel bot me where/if necessary, please.

HP: 41/59 AC: 18 Saves F:7/R:4/W:10 P:+14(17) Hungerseed (Oni-Tiefling) Arctic Druid 8 Sheelah HP: 15/33 AC: 20 (+4) F:6/R:9/W:4 P:+6

I just finished training and am getting into my new job, so I got 0 time to post during the day

Beck Tavis wrote:
I just finished training and am getting into my new job, so I got 0 time to post during the day

Congrats on your promotion, Beck!

Aneira Whitestorm wrote:
I leave for my trip this Saturday (your Friday) and will be gone until the 24th January. So no posting from me during that time.

I hope we do get a chance to do some more social RP between now and then, as I've enjoyed RPing with you, it's been great.

Any way you slice it, have a great trip!

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

Thanks, Gabe. :)

And good luck with the new job, Beck.

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

Hi, guys. I leave for my trip very early tomorrow morning. I will be completely off the boards for 2 weeks. Variel, please npc my characters when necessary. Everything should be on their profiles. I hope I don't die in either game while I am away. ;p

Good gaming to you!

Take care.


AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

Have a wonderful trip and stay safe... I will miss you, as I'm sure we all will!

Variel - no fair killing a DM-NPC'd character... it's in the rules somewhere ;)

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

Thanks, Venja -- will miss you guys, as well. Hope you all keep living while I am away. The DM seems a fair sort. ;)

Male Elf Magus 2 (AC: 16,12,14; HP: 20; Saves 4,2,3; Init +2, perc +2)

Hey everyone good news. The alternative RP thread is now up and running. As previously mentioned. Once we hit 100 post there will be a reroll for achieving that mark. Hope everyone has fun with it and has a chance to length if they want.

Male Gnome Rogue-4 (Saves-F+2,R+8,W+1; Perception +9(10 vs traps);HP 21/27)

Okay, the map of Waldsby (Or whatever the town's name is) is not working for me.

The map's working for me, which is pretty good.

I think it needs a pic of Doc Brown hanging out by the frozen clock tower, though ;)

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

Hi. I just got home. Can someone give me a summary of what's happened in both games over the two weeks? I really do not have the time to read through all the postings. Sorry and thanks.

In winter the group arrived at Waldsby after saving two men from an attack by a mantis. Nadya, the leader of the men and head of the dogsled teams, brought you all with her in thanks. There was a stop in a cave where Beck tried to flirt with a bard and told to come back some other time. Other than that people are just starting to explore Waldsby and have only been in town for an hour. Beck, Gabe, and Venja are in the only tavern and Venja has healed a guy of a broken leg. Xanxan is getting the lay of the town and looking at clothing styles. Gabe is paranoid about a cloaked figure spying on the group. Variel is lying low trying not to interact with the locals and cause a disturbance as he is crass and knows to shut up in a new place.

In Wrath, the group is out of the underground. they made a stop to drop off Aravashinal at a library after cleansing it from tieflings and a traitor crusader. Now they are at Nyserian Manor, one of the cultist safe houses, trying to purge that area as well.

Glad to have you back.

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

So Anee would be with her husband? I mean it would make little sense to have them separated but I shall work with what you say.

And you have Oriana waiting with Pakak? Where and why?

And thanks, Var.

Yes Anee with Variel but they can head to the tavern or whatever else she decides to do. There is a map of waldsby at the top of the page with information on each location of interest. Right now there is no tie constraints as the geas will not be applied right now so it is the opportunity to explore this town and talk to people. For those that aren't socially gifted this time could be used to craft items, do research, etc. it seems that Xanxan is going th route of researching the area and the town.

I had Oriana wait with Pakak outside hidden amongst the rubble to help protect Horgus and Anevia should something happen outside...

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

Okay, thanks Var.

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

Variel, I'm having trouble accessing the Waldsby map -- a broken link comes up every time I try to look at it. Is there another link I could try?

Btw with the successful healing of the leg and with the nice RP with beck and Gabe I am going to have you guys level up as soon as you guys sleep. Enjoy level 3 everyone and if you have questions about leveling up just ask and I will give my best answer without revealing too much.

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

Is the spiritual leader's name Rolf or Roth? You have spelled it differently in your respective postings. ;)

Supposed to be Roth... Have a family member who is Rolf and must have typed that by accident.

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

Thanks for the clarification.

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

So gang, do we feel like desecrating a grave? I mean the townsfolk already dislike Beck and Gabe. Why not add Aneira to the mix to dig up a dead person ... :p

HP: 41/59 AC: 18 Saves F:7/R:4/W:10 P:+14(17) Hungerseed (Oni-Tiefling) Arctic Druid 8 Sheelah HP: 15/33 AC: 20 (+4) F:6/R:9/W:4 P:+6

Hell yeah! maybe if we can do this and it goes well, we'll score some points with the people! and for justice!

I'm prolly out for the night... but we'll see what happens tomorrow

DM Variel wrote:
Btw with the successful healing of the leg and with the nice RP with beck and Gabe I am going to have you guys level up as soon as you guys sleep. Enjoy level 3 everyone and if you have questions about leveling up just ask and I will give my best answer without revealing too much.

Thank you, I appreciate the part about the RP :)

I'll have something done via leveling as soon as we're able.

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