>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

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Silver Crusade


Are you getting bored of us Cosmo?

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I blame Cosmo for the Magnum P.I. theme music being stuck in my head.

On a related topic that has also made me ponder how much destruction would occur and what would be the extent of the collateral damage if Tom Selleck's and Cosmo's mustaches had a fight.

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Rysky wrote:


Are you getting bored of us Cosmo?

If I were him, I would be. :P

I blame Cosmo for Rysky losing faith!

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Drock11 wrote:

I blame Cosmo for the Magnum P.I. theme music being stuck in my head.

On a related topic that has also made me ponder how much destruction would occur and what would be the extent of the collateral damage if Tom Selleck's and Cosmo's mustaches had a fight.

I blame Cosmo for the fact that I have already made a feature-length motion picture of precisely that. Several, in fact, plus a 'Making Of' documentary and a children's animated TV series (with accompanying range of wipe-clean poseable action figures!).

Actually, I haven't done any of those things, which is also Cosmo's fault. If Paizo wants to give me, I dunno, $4.75, though, IT CAN HAPPEN.

Silver Crusade

Master Pugwampi wrote:
Rysky wrote:


Are you getting bored of us Cosmo?

If I were him, I would be. :P

I blame Cosmo for Rysky losing faith!


*grips MP in a bear hug*

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I Blame Cosmo for hurting my middle finger on my left hand (which happens to be my dominate hand of course) at work. It is probably broken.

I Blame Cosmo for the severe limp my cat Floyd has. Not funny Cosmo. :(

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I blame Cosmo for my cat chewing through, since Sunday, two DSL cables, two Nintendo DS/3DS cables, a noisemaker cable, and last night the final straw my modem power cord. It's like you don't want me to be on the forums.

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Icyshadow wrote:
I blame Cosmo for that crazy guy on campus who didn't let me sleep last night!

Then i blame Cosmo for having that guy's cousin living next to me, yelling too much at his girlfriend and with his friends when it's 02:00 AM.

Gallery apartments......

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John Kretzer wrote:

I Blame Cosmo for hurting my middle finger on my left hand (which happens to be my dominate hand of course) at work. It is probably broken.

I Blame Cosmo for the severe limp my cat Floyd has. Not funny Cosmo. :(

On top of this I Blame Cosmo for getting a stupid cold during this week where I would loose out on really good hours if I call out sick.

I Also Blame Cosmo for accidentally stepping on Floyd's bad leg.

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Rysky wrote:
Master Pugwampi wrote:
Rysky wrote:


Are you getting bored of us Cosmo?

If I were him, I would be. :P

I blame Cosmo for Rysky losing faith!


*grips MP in a bear hug*

I blame Cosmo for this entire revolting development! :P

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

People may recall that a while ago, I blamed Cosmo for all the colds I've been catching.

I'm starting to doubt the wisdom of laying the blame at his feet, because I've had a few more since then, and the latest one is the worst one so far!

I have now been continuously ill for 4 months, with not less than 8 different bouts of cold.

I might have to slaughter a goat in supplication... Or maybe just buy more stuff from Paizo.

Unless Cosmo owns and runs Cards Against Humanity, there is someone out there more devious than him.

I blame Cosmo for Cosmo not being so devious as to get 30,000 people to buy boxes of literal bull s!%$.

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I blame Cosmo for stealing my time.

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I Blame Cosmo for my cat Floyd getting into such a bad fight that it hurt his leg...and left him with a couple of open wounds. Now I need to keep the wounds cleaned...give him a pill everyday...and not let him out. I should probably invest in some armour....

Silver Crusade

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Black Arrows can be such a b%~@%.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I blame Cosmo for this bad thing.

And for that being the 666th post in that thread. :p

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

666 unique magic items at over 600 votes and I STILL haven't seen my item.

I blame Cosmo! >:|

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I blame Cosmo for the gas prices.

Silver Crusade

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Don't know where you're at but here in TN they're the lowest they've been in years.

Tenessee right?

<= European

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I blame Cosmo for my not thanking Feros, Thunderspirit, Kajehase, Master Kretzer, and Rysky for the all the sympathy and well-wishes.

I also blame Cosmo for poor GMS's hurt leg.

I also blame Cosmo for poor Floyd's hurt leg.

I blame Cosmo for wanting to overshare more personal crappiness again.

I blame Cosmo for this f$&%ing year not being over yet.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I also blame Cosmo for poor Floyd's hurt leg.

Thank you my dear Slaad.

I Blame Cosmo for that silly vet saying that I should not go out anymore....sigh silly human.

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Emperor Floyd wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for that silly vet saying that I should not go out anymore....sigh silly human.

I blame Cosmo that Kretzer hasn't built you a cardboard box tower yet.

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Miss Kitty wrote:
Emperor Floyd wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for that silly vet saying that I should not go out anymore....sigh silly human.
I blame Cosmo that Kretzer hasn't built you a cardboard box tower yet.

That is amazing...I unfortunately do not have the space for something like that...also part of the problem is Floyd is 10 year old cat who just has the habit of going out....breaking him of that habit is like having a baby...he is constantly waking me up to go outside because that is just what he is use to....sigh. If you (or anybody actually) have any tips drop me a PM.

I Blame Cosmo for my lack of sleep.

Silver Crusade

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Chyrone wrote:

Tenessee right?

<= European

Yep :3

Silver Crusade

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I blame Cosmo for my not thanking Feros, Thunderspirit, Kajehase, Master Kretzer, and Rysky for the all the sympathy and well-wishes.

I also blame Cosmo for poor GMS's hurt leg.

I also blame Cosmo for poor Floyd's hurt leg.

I blame Cosmo for wanting to overshare more personal crappiness again.

I blame Cosmo for this f%$&ing year not being over yet.

I blame Cosmo that Ambrosia doesn't get more hugs.


Cosmo! Hug Ambrosia, you owe em that much.

Yeah gas prices in the US are massively low right now due to local oil discoveries in the past year or so.

Silver Crusade

$1.94 USD around Cleveland.

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

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Tels wrote:

Unless Cosmo owns and runs Cards Against Humanity, there is someone out there more devious than him.

I blame Cosmo for Cosmo not being so devious as to get 30,000 people to buy boxes of literal bull s~&#.

I'd just like to point out that this is not devious at all: they were very straightforward about what they were selling. It is, in fact, the opposite of devious.

Deviousness is selling people poop at a premium price and having them thank you for the opportunity.

Rysky wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I blame Cosmo for my not thanking Feros, Thunderspirit, Kajehase, Master Kretzer, and Rysky for the all the sympathy and well-wishes.

I also blame Cosmo for poor GMS's hurt leg.

I also blame Cosmo for poor Floyd's hurt leg.

I blame Cosmo for wanting to overshare more personal crappiness again.

I blame Cosmo for this f%$&ing year not being over yet.

I blame Cosmo that Ambrosia doesn't get more hugs.


Cosmo! Hug Ambrosia, you owe em that much.

Hugs ahoy. Cosmo, can't you and Ralishaz and Beshaba come to some sort of gentlefolks' agreement to bypass La Slaad for a bit?

If it's any incentive, I have plenty of cat poop, but no coffee. Yawanna swap?

Cosmo wrote:
Tels wrote:

Unless Cosmo owns and runs Cards Against Humanity, there is someone out there more devious than him.

I blame Cosmo for Cosmo not being so devious as to get 30,000 people to buy boxes of literal bull s~&#.

I'd just like to point out that this is not devious at all: they were very straightforward about what they were selling. It is, in fact, the opposite of devious.

Deviousness is selling people poop at a premium price and having them thank you for the opportunity.

Telling the absolute truth and people still think you're lying to them? Nah, that's deviousness.

I've never bought that kind of coffee before, but I did buy the weasel puke coffee for a... well, sort of girlfriends Dad once. He loved the coffee, but was slightly annoyed after finding out what it was. Didn't stop him from getting another bag though.

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Blaming Cosmo for people reactions to FF XV's Cid before the game is even out.

What's the issue?

EDIT: Nevermind, looked it up. First female Cid! Awesome!


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Alex G St-Amand wrote:
Blaming Cosmo for people reactions to FF XV's Cid before the game is even out.

Thanks for deciding that the tears of hundreds of Gamergate supporters were a more delicious delicacy than my own tears, Cosmo!

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I have plenty of socks, or I should do - where are they all? Answer: Cosmo's Cisatlantic (?) agents (The Cosmointern) have been scampering about the house while I'm asleep, hiding my hosiery. Produce it forthwith, sirrah!

I also blame Cosmo for the very startling way in which my digestive system decided to follow up a night on the chili con carne and Guinness.

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I must Blame Cosmo so more.

How he manages the commute from coast to coast so easily is a mystery.

So, in the same parking lot I hurt my back several weeks ago.

I hurt my wrist this time.

Slinging the keg out of my trailer, it impacted the pavement and sunk in 9 inches pulling and twisting my left wrist about and inch out of its normal alignment.

He also seems to have a grudge against my company.

My downtown guy was injured last year on his table saw.


Its Bad Do not Look if you Have a weak stomach:
Severed all the fingers on his left hand. They managed to reattach all of them, but they are shorter now.

He came back in 6 months, 8 months before they said he would.

Since his return, he has been struck by a trolley, two cars, had a case smash his face and break two teeth, and Thursday he broke his foot and had to be taken to the hospital.

This man is almost old enough to be my father, at 52.

An he is small to boot, 5'3', 145 pounds!

My supervisor had to cover his route and he smashed both his hands and re injured his back.

My boss had fallen down some stairs at an account some years ago, with a keg. It was bad, and he is not a young man any more.

What gives dude?

I know you like beer. :(

Silver Crusade

Dood, you guys must have been seriously horrible to kegs in a previous life...

My wife believes my soul is recycled from some wicked people from the past, so it is possible.

But, my downtown guy, he is a wonderful person.

He lifts my day just by talking to him, he always has the best attitude of any person I have ever met.

Pain and tragedy are stable at my table of life.

I know them and embrace them.

He should not have them

Silver Crusade

*scratches chin*

I don't see why we can't redirect his misery stream into your's. Hop to it Pugwumpis!

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Game Master Scotty wrote:

My wife believes my soul is recycled from some wicked people from the past, so it is possible.

But, my downtown guy, he is a wonderful person.

He lifts my day just by talking to him, he always has the best attitude of any person I have ever met.

Pain and tragedy are stable at my table of life.

I know them and embrace them.

He should not have them

Cosmo is the Smaug of Schadenfreude, and is weary and wary of barrel-riders and keg-throwers. I blame That Which Cannot Be Named But Must Be Blamed for your ignorance in this.

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Rysky wrote:

*scratches chin*

I don't see why we can't redirect his misery stream into your's. Hop to it Pugwumpis!

*Sniff* Nose in the air

We don't follow anyone's orders...

...except of course Cosmo.

I blame Cosmo that I even had to say this to this group.

I mean...c'mon!!!

Silver Crusade

Master Pugwampi wrote:
Rysky wrote:

*scratches chin*

I don't see why we can't redirect his misery stream into your's. Hop to it Pugwumpis!

*Sniff* Nose in the air

We don't follow anyone's orders...

...except of course Cosmo.

I blame Cosmo that I even had to say this to this group.

I mean...c'mon!!!

*narrows eyes at MP*

Do I need to hug you again?

Rysky wrote:
Master Pugwampi wrote:
Rysky wrote:

*scratches chin*

I don't see why we can't redirect his misery stream into your's. Hop to it Pugwumpis!

*Sniff* Nose in the air

We don't follow anyone's orders...

...except of course Cosmo.

I blame Cosmo that I even had to say this to this group.

I mean...c'mon!!!

*narrows eyes at MP*

Do I need to hug you again?

Narrows eyes at MP

If he is the hand of the dark one down here, yes.

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Hahah, sucks to be you, MP.

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I Blame Cosmo for getting a stomach virus yesterday that made me leave work...that was at least 5 hours (probably a hour and half of overtime) that I missed.

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Once again, I have been gifted with more semi-stale peppermint candy canes, which I started munching on today between voting and tinkering on new Wayfinder beasties. I blame Cosmo for the inevitable stomachache that is sure to follow.

Silver Crusade

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Once again, I have been gifted with more semi-stale peppermint candy canes, which I started munching on today between voting and tinkering on new Wayfinder beasties. I blame Cosmo for the inevitable stomachache that is sure to follow.

Weirdest. Suicidal. Tendency. Ever.

Rysky wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Once again, I have been gifted with more semi-stale peppermint candy canes, which I started munching on today between voting and tinkering on new Wayfinder beasties. I blame Cosmo for the inevitable stomachache that is sure to follow.
Weirdest. Suicidal. Tendency. Ever.

I can resist any other type of food or beverage--even other flavors of mint--but I can rarely resist peppermint in any form.

I blame Cosmo that the Paizo gninja is sick.

Silver Crusade

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Once again, I have been gifted with more semi-stale peppermint candy canes, which I started munching on today between voting and tinkering on new Wayfinder beasties. I blame Cosmo for the inevitable stomachache that is sure to follow.
Weirdest. Suicidal. Tendency. Ever.

I can resist any other type of food or beverage--even other flavors of mint--but I can rarely resist peppermint in any form.

I blame Cosmo that the Paizo gninja is sick.

Wait, what?!?! When did this happen?

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I blame Cosmo that I still can't open my Christmas gifts yet.


What I've got video games in dem dare boxes.

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