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For the record, I'm the best mythology buff I know, but I'd like to hear if others can come up with something before I do. I've got a lot on my mind. Also, I am including modern fiction/RPG mythology in this, which I am only so versed in.
Getting to the point: I'm probably going to join a Rappan Athuk game soon, using Pathfinder rules and material, but nothing Golarian-specfic, since it doesn't take place there (thus, none of the standard Pathfinder gods). I intend to play a Chaotic, non-Evil, Samsaran Necromancer/Cleric with aspirations to become a Mystic Theurge (we start at level 5, so it won't be too long). What this all means is that I need an appropriate deity for such a character, a deity of death and/or magic within one step of CG or CN (probably CN, since I guess I couldn't choose to channel negative energy if I were CG). Problem is, with the exception of Orcus (who I obviously can't worship unless I want to be one of the monsters :P) and the god of the Elves (a Chaotic magic god, yes, but I'm not an Elf), the scant pantheon offered within the Rappan Athuk core rules offers no such deity, SO, the DM will permit me to add one. Oddly enough, I don't want to just pull one out of thin air, I want a known name. THIS, ladies, gentlemen, and unspeakable entities from beyond the stars, is what I'd like some help with. I encourage (but do not utterly require) you to include stats like the deity's supposed portfolio, precise alignment, cleric domains, favored weapon, whatever else.
Here's some I've thought of on my own:
YOG-SOTHOTH (It and other Lovecraftian powers I've almost certainly ruled out, since I've been given fair warning they may show up)
THOTH (most of what I need in a deity, save he's not specifically "death"-oriented)
NEPHTHYS (portrayed in 3.5's Deities and Demigods as a CG death goddess, so that's a good start, at least)
DISCWORLD DEATH (this isn't Discworld, is the main issue)
AZRAEL (the Jewish Angel of Death with a very cool name)
GROETUS (an entertaining entity, at least to me, for some reason I want to see It get Its own version of the "Why Not Zoidberg?" Internet meme, but It's from the Golarion setting, so it may not fly)
KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS (not sure if he counts as a deity)

MikeMyler |

Ctrl+F (search for magic)
Given that your character is a Samsaran, any of the race specific deities would work okay I think. Perhaps the first time through they were a dwarf, or an elf, etc.
My proclivities would almost definitely land me with some kind of prankster god however, and if your already a Necromancer, Loki is always a fun guy. Check out his role in American Gods if you've never been a fan of the traditional Nordic trickster or thought those horns from the depiction in Marvel comics were just too much.

Vod Canockers |
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Isvaria Orfressa "The Lady of Remembrance" (also called "The Slayer") is the first child of Orr and Kontifrio. She is the goddess of needful death and the completion of life and rules the House of the Dead, where she keeps the Scroll of the Dead. Somewhat to her mother's dismay, she is also Hirahim's lover. The third most powerful of the Gods of Light, she is the special enemy of Krahana, and her symbol is a scroll with skull winding knobs.
Hirahim Lightfoot Known as “The Laughing God” and “The Great Seducer,” Hirahim is something of a rogue element among the Gods of Light. He is the only one of them who is not related to Orr (no one seems certain where he came from, though he acknowledges Orr’s authority . . . as much as he does anyone’s) and he is the true prankster of the gods. He is the god of merchants, thieves, and dancers, but he is also known as the god of seductions, as he has a terrible weakness for attractive female mortals (or goddesses). His symbol is a silver flute.
Krahana Phrofressa “The Lady of the Damned” is the fourth child of Phrobus and Shīgū and, in most ways, the most loathsome of them all. She is noted for her hideous beauty and holds dominion over the undead (which makes her Isvaria’s most hated foe) and rules the hells in which the souls of those who have sold themselves to evil spend eternity. Her symbol is a splintered coffin.
These are from the War God series by David Weber. Isvaria would be Good, likely Neutral balancing between Law and Chaos.

Thanael |

Koshei = Koschtschie = CE Demon lord.
I'd go with Nephtys. Or maybe Osiris or even Anubis? Egyptian pantheon and a necromancer theurge fit too well.
Necromancer Games products had they're own pantheon, so if you're DM allows them maybe pick one of those?
Edit: I see you're already aware of these also none fit...

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Necromancer Games products had they're own pantheon, so if you're DM allows them maybe pick one of those?
Yes, those are the ones I was initially shown that didn't work for me.

Thanael |

Yeah see my ninja edit.
I love the idea of egyptian deity for the character. It's probably an old, foreign and obscure deity to the main population. And it's steeped in necromantic backstory and a cool view of the afterlife. Though Anubis and Osiris are probably lawful. (I've seen at least one of the as ethically neutral somewhere in d20 though)
Isis as goddess of magic would also work though NG. Maybe pantheon worship?

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Off the top of my head:
Goddess of the Underworld (N)
Darkness, Death, Earth, Knowledge
Favored Weapon: Spear
God of Death (N)
Death, Destruction, Luck, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Scythe
Goddess of Death and Winter (CN)
Chaos, Death, Moon, Water, Weather
Favored Weapon: Sickle
God of Darkness, Judge of the Dead (CE)
Chaos, Darkness, Death, Evil, Strength
Favored Weapon: saber (scimitar)

Wycen |
How about Hecate? She's got the magic covered, I seem to remember her having a chaotic alignment (and as a Greek god, this probably fits as most of them are fickle, petty, and entirely too human in motivation).
I'm not so sure about the death angle, but necromancy, being magic death, could work. According to the wiki I just read before posting this, she was associated with the underworld at some point somewhere.

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I am particularly fond of The Melnibonean Mythos. Almost any would do, but these jump out at me. (The Michael Moorcock series about Elric)
Lords of Chaos
The Chaos Lords have the powers of gods but the behavior and appearance of demons. When they appear at their worst, they deliberately inflict pain and suffering on mortals for amusement; even at best, they are not concerned with the harmful effects of their creations. The Revenge of the Rose openly portrays Arioch as insane. Sorcerers often gain power by entering into diabolical pacts with Chaos Lords. The Chaos Lords must act under certain limitations. For instance, Arioch must be summoned by Elric before he can manifest on Earth.
Arioch, Lord of the Seven Darks, Knight of the Swords, Lord of the Higher Hell, et cetera, one of the most powerful Dukes of Hell. He is the patron of Melniboné and has a personal relationship with Elric, who was the first emperor to summon him to the plane of Earth in a long time. He is sophisticated and highly intelligent, and he usually appears in an amazingly beautiful form, usually with blond hair.
Duke Teer in perpetual search for more blood for his castle ('can you not smell its delicious tang?')
Mabelode the Faceless is one of the three oldest and most powerful Chaos Lords. He appears with his face in shadow.
Narjhan, a rider in black armor whose voice echoes hollowly in his helm, who leads a force of beggars from Nadsokor against Tanelorn.
Pyaray, the Tentacled Whisperer of Impossible Secrets, appears as a giant red octopus. His soul is kept in a blue crystal on his head. Sailors who drown at sea are taken into his Chaos Fleet. One portent of the end of the world is the ascent of the Chaos Fleet to the surface.
Slortar the Old, the oldest Chaos Lord, appears ironically as a slim and beautiful youth.
Xiombarg prefers to appear as a beautiful young woman but is sometimes referred to with the male pronoun (making a pun of her title Queen of the Swords). She is prone to shapeshifting and carries a giant sword. In Stormbringer, she rides a creature with the head of a lion and the body of a bull (chimeras are typical creations of Chaos).

Rynjin |

Isis as goddess of magic would also work though NG. Maybe pantheon worship?
This was moving along my train of thought here. I read one series a while back that did that pretty well.
You can also get the interesting factor of worshiping a single god from a pantheon above others, but still paying homage to the remaining.
Domains for Isis...hm. Probably Water, Magic (Divine subdomain?), Nobility, and Repose (Soul subdomain).
Isis actually gives me a very Pharasma vibe (well, vice versa would be more accurate I suppose) now I think of it, but a bit more magic focused.
Chaotic Good as an alignment probably. The whole "friend of the slaves and downtrodden" bit steers me that way.
Favored Weapon: That's a hard one. As far as I know she's not associated with any weaponry besides perhaps a staff.

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I am particularly fond of The Melnibonean Mythos. Almost any would do, but these jump out at me. (The Michael Moorcock series about Elric)
Lords of Chaos
The Chaos Lords have the powers of gods but the behavior and appearance of demons. When they appear at their worst, they deliberately inflict pain and suffering on mortals for amusement; even at best, they are not concerned with the harmful effects of their creations. The Revenge of the Rose openly portrays Arioch as insane. Sorcerers often gain power by entering into diabolical pacts with Chaos Lords. The Chaos Lords must act under certain limitations. For instance, Arioch must be summoned by Elric before he can manifest on Earth.
Arioch, Lord of the Seven Darks, Knight of the Swords, Lord of the Higher Hell, et cetera, one of the most powerful Dukes of Hell. He is the patron of Melniboné and has a personal relationship with Elric, who was the first emperor to summon him to the plane of Earth in a long time. He is sophisticated and highly intelligent, and he usually appears in an amazingly beautiful form, usually with blond hair.
Duke Teer in perpetual search for more blood for his castle ('can you not smell its delicious tang?')
Mabelode the Faceless is one of the three oldest and most powerful Chaos Lords. He appears with his face in shadow.
Narjhan, a rider in black armor whose voice echoes hollowly in his helm, who leads a force of beggars from Nadsokor against Tanelorn.
Pyaray, the Tentacled Whisperer of Impossible Secrets, appears as a giant red octopus. His soul is kept in a blue crystal on his head. Sailors who drown at sea are taken into his Chaos Fleet. One portent of the end of the world is the ascent of the Chaos Fleet to the surface.
Slortar the Old, the oldest Chaos Lord, appears ironically as a slim and beautiful youth.
Xiombarg prefers to appear as a beautiful young woman but is sometimes referred to with the male pronoun (making a pun of her title Queen of the Swords)....
This is rather interesting. Think you could provide domains and favored weapons for these?
Thanks all for your input so far. I've gotten at least a few good leads out of this (wouldn't mind being able to wield a scythe).

Jubal Breakbottle |

Here are their descriptions. I've the d20 rpg in my hand, and it has a bit more description. If there's one or two that interest you, I can take a stab.

moon glum RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
I like the suggestion of Arioch, obviously (given my username), but I am not sure that it is super appropriate for a deity of death and/or magic. Arioch would probably have a porfolio of something like: swords, destruction, dooms, and chaos.
Whatever you choose, my experience in playing clerics is that its a lot more fun if you really grok what your diety is about.
Here are a few other suggestions:
Death, of the endless from the Sandman comics
Hecate, from Greek mythology definitely a deity with the domains of death and magic, she is also associated with witchcraft, poisons, hell hounds, the moon, and spheres of annihilation (as per 1st edition deities and demigods).
Vecna (everyone knows Vecna) is a god of secrets and magic, and being a lich as a death aspect to him, or at least a necromancy aspect.

Wycen |
I just clicked the link to the NG pantheon and didn't realize they pinned Hecate as Lawful Evil. That's total bull pucky in my opinion, for reasons I already stated above, but whatever.
What about Osiris? Got killed, came back to life by magic, seems maybe a good fit, not sure about alignment though.

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Odin : devious wiseman with a ruthless streak a mile wide, who is also the head of a pantheon of brash viking gods, even though he is almost everything vikings despise. His animals are wolves and ravens : sinister predators and eaters of the dead
Raven : trickster and carrion eater
Iyanami : rebellious, strong headed and dead

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Here are their descriptions. I've the d20 rpg in my hand, and it has a bit more description. If there's one or two that interest you, I can take a stab.
Mabelode, Pyaray, and Slortar all sound kind of fun. Give them a shot.

Jubal Breakbottle |

OK Here's an attempt:
Mabelode is the Sword King, a god of warriors and soldiers, whom he is known to bless with berserk rages in return for their devotion.
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Strength, War
Pyaray's domain is the ocean depths, where sails the Chaos Fleet, a damned navy crewed by drowned sailors. Pyaray is revered by mad sailors and deranged mariners, and those seeking knowledge lost beneath the waves, or power over the sea.
Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Madness, Water,
Slortar is the oldest and most beautiful god, a deity of hedonism, debauchery, decadence, and self indulgence.
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Glory, Trickery

ikarinokami |

this is very difficult. more death Gods actually tended to be lawful, ie, hela and hades et al, usaully because of the all the rules and regulation regarding death and funerals and where on goes to the afterlife. most are considered rulers of there domains, so it's very hard to find a chaotic god of death.
magic is a bit easier
Odin is not chaotic, he's the lord of his patheon, he made all the rules and enforces all the forces, by definition not chaotic.
Loki however is an excellent suggestion in early stories
loki is clearly CN, his domains would include at the very least include trickery and magic.

Qunnessaa |

Hmm, this is an interesting question. This isn't quite death or magic specifically, but how about the Greek Enyo? She's sort of a personification of battle-rage, if I recall correctly, and so was early associated with, and eventually subsumed by Ares, who got the title Enyalius. One may compare the Roman Bellona.
Anyway, I would recommend an alignment of CN and the following domains: Chaos, Death, Destruction, and Trickery. Trickery gets you confusion and ultimately time stop as domain spells, which I think goes nicely with the idea of the ebb and flow of a chaotic battlefield. For magic, I would play up the fact that Destruction nets you shout, which I would fluff as pure arcane power, like a katzu or kiai shout, if those work that way, at least in the context of a fantasy game.
For a favoured weapon, something appropriately archaic, I think. How about shortspear or short sword?

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Odin is not chaotic, he's the lord of his patheon, he made all the rules and enforces all the forces, by definition not chaotic.
I actually disagree with this. A leader can still be Chaotic, they just wind up with a very different leadership style - as a matter of fact, they can be some of the best leaders, since they're more inclined to trust people to know what they're doing on their own (I'm thinking of a former president of a college I used to go to, as well as most of the better dungeon-crawling experiences I had in my MMO days). Also, it's not like Alcoholics Anonymous's "one drink, one drunk" dogma where making any rules at all makes you Lawful. In Odin's case specifically, His status as leader is one of the few non-Chaotic things about Him. He may not be not Loki, but He's still a trickster.
Anyway, while I don't think I'll pick Odin (call it a shallow reason, but I'm getting keener on scythe proficiency, and Odin's favored weapon would be spear), he's a pretty good suggestion - so's Camazotz, whoever mentioned Him. Now there's a possible Chaotic death-god for you.

ikarinokami |

ikarinokami wrote:
Odin is not chaotic, he's the lord of his patheon, he made all the rules and enforces all the forces, by definition not chaotic.I actually disagree with this. A leader can still be Chaotic, they just wind up with a very different leadership style - as a matter of fact, they can be some of the best leaders, since they're more inclined to trust people to know what they're doing on their own (I'm thinking of a former president of a college I used to go to, as well as most of the better dungeon-crawling experiences I had in my MMO days). Also, it's not like Alcoholics Anonymous's "one drink, one drunk" dogma where making any rules at all makes you Lawful. In Odin's case specifically, His status as leader is one of the few non-Chaotic things about Him. He may not be not Loki, but He's still a trickster.
Anyway, while I don't think I'll pick Odin (call it a shallow reason, but I'm getting keener on scythe proficiency, and Odin's favored weapon would be spear), he's a pretty good suggestion - so's Camazotz, whoever mentioned Him. Now there's a possible Chaotic death-god for you.
there is a difference between leader and king. unless you are nero, no you can't be choatic. espically when you are the law giver and symbol for justice for your patheon.

ikarinokami |

Odin would most certainly be CN, TN or even NE at some points. Lawful? Asgard was built of his reneging of a deal.
To the OP: Can you be a cleric of a philosophy? Such as the concept of death?
Preferred weapon could be the scythe.
Osiris would be a LG death god.
well since they were evil, he really didnt care. odin sets out all the rules they have to follow. He is from were laws are supposed to originate from. did when he was younger make"choatic decsions" yes but he is not of a choatic alignment, no more than zeus because he likes to sleep around with the ladies.
Odin is a lawful, the stories of his chaotic tendencies ocurred mostly when he was in his youth.
chaotic norse dieties, are thor or loki.
note most of odin "chaotic" actions occur when he is young and not grown into his role as lawgiver and monarch for his patheon. but for the majority of the time Odin is lawful.
A similar thing occurs with loki, most of the times he is CN, however in stories of near the end of times, he warps into CE, but for the most of his lifespan if you will, he is CN.

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there is a difference between leader and king. unless you are nero, no you can't be choatic. espically when you are the law giver and symbol for justice for your patheon.
Nero was Neutral evil rather then chaotic.
That is why Tyr was god of laws, he after all, lost his hand to the fenris wolf. That didn't diminish Odin's position as leader, even though he was busy giving his eye, hanging by the worldtree and dressing up in drag while hanging out with Loki.Also, IRL, Ancient Norse kingship seemed to come at swordpoint, and by no other way. Certainly not by 'law'. So it's perfectly consistant to have a god of rulership not be a god of 'law'.

bluedove |

This one is missing the death domain, but looks rather fun from a role-playing aspect!
Thizledoom Mefathiel
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Six pointed star with a spiral in the middle
Home Plane: Limbo
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Mischief, Fortune, Comedy, Dance
Clergy Alignments: CN, CG, CE, TN
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Luck, Magic, Trickery, Madness
Favored Weapon: Rapier
The god of mischief is a impish little being, appearing to be the size of a child in bizarre, jester-like clothing and with a huge pair of fox ears, with blue hair and green skin. The 6 pointed 'skirt' around his waist transforms into his six hidden fox tails which are usually glamored as something else. Strange in looks and strange in dress, he is a little crazy at time. Eternally trying to solve his boredom he finds life to be a comedy and does whatever he can to help lighten things up. His exploits range from hilarious to almost malignantly devious, and there is much fun to be had from it.
Mefathiel is a god of the Faerun Pantheon.
The world is a stage and life is short, make something interesting of it. Give into impulse, and give into humor. Bards and clever rogues are much appreciated.
Clergy and Temples
Mefathiel does not have any dedicated temples of his own, but instead is given credit in places of art, comedy, and trickery. Every time you do something amusing, Mefathiel is pleased.
A good Necro option could be Velsharoon:

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ikarinokami wrote:
there is a difference between leader and king. unless you are nero, no you can't be choatic. espically when you are the law giver and symbol for justice for your patheon.Nero was Neutral evil rather then chaotic.
Agreed. I daresay she's thinking of Caligula (the original Brony). 8P
Also, I don't consider "justice" to be a product of the Lawful Alignment - certainly not in the Nordic pantheon where the resident justice god was Forseti and the 3.5 Deities and Demigods book, at least, labeled him NN. Outside of that, consider the implications of what J. Edgar Hoover said about justice being "incidental to law and order," and compare that to, say, Atticus Finch, the modern literary embodiment of justice, who defied his own community to save one man. Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic, I say justice is about Good.
That is why Tyr was god of laws, he after all, lost his hand to the fenris wolf. That didn't diminish Odin's position as leader, even though he was busy giving his eye, hanging by the worldtree and dressing up in drag while hanging out with Loki.
Also, IRL, Ancient Norse kingship seemed to come at swordpoint, and by no other way. Certainly not by 'law'. So it's perfectly consistant to have a god of rulership not be a god of 'law'.
Not sure about that one, but I agree with your conclusion; he's not the only one, either. Think of Daghda, chief of the Celtic pantheon - and he didn't get there at swordpoint, but by being wise.

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U. Should do jesus or God.
Funny thing about that? The idea crossed my mind, if only because one of the main things Jesus Christ was supposed to have earned the enmity of the establishment for was crap like his Lazarus trick - that was considered necromancy, and it was, at least to some, a crime. I don't think so, though - that would make my character a Christian, and I kind of hear enough about that religion in the waking world. Granted, he could be one of the goofier pre-Nicene hippie types, but still, I'm thinking no.
Hmmm, hippie necromancer...I could reanimate myself a rock band....

Opie Widdershins |

DEATH - I tend to believe he's Lawful and he doesn't consider himself one of the gods, but if your world happens to be in the same time period when MORT is running things you would have him at a time when he is trying new things. Rincewind has stepped to modern Earth so you could argue that it's possible he's stepped through your game world and DEATH would have access to anywhere Rincewind could travel.

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Off the top of my head:
Goddess of the Underworld (N)
Darkness, Death, Earth, Knowledge
Favored Weapon: Spear
Actually, on that note, why not Innana/Ishtar? I can't think of anyone better to be the patron of a necromancer than the goddess who threatened to unleash the original zombie apocalypse! From the Epic of Gilgamesh:
"I will break in the doors of hell and smash the bolts; there will be confusion [i.e., mixing] of people, those above with those from the lower depths. I shall bring up the dead to eat food like the living; and the hosts of the dead will outnumber the living."
I'd stat her up like so:
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (verging on Chaotic Evil; she has a tendency to throw tantrums that result in people getting killed. That said, the mythology paints her as being necessary for procreation to take place, so she can't be all bad. :P)
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Death, War, Weather (You could, I think, justifiably switch Weather with Plant, or possibly even Magic, and still have the domains fit the mythology pretty well)
Favored Weapon: Whip (from the Epic of Gilgamesh: "you loved the stallion, famed in battle, but you ordained for him the whip, the goad, and the lash")
Holy Symbol: A reed knot

Qunnessaa |

Favored Weapon: Starknife? (This one's a bit silly, but despite being a goddess associated with war, I can't find any depictions of her with a weapon. One symbol associated with her was an eight-pointed star, so... eh?)
As luck would have it, I have an adaptation of Enheduanna's hymns on my desk. It's not an illustration of the goddess, but I tend to think of axes and spears ever since I read Lady of Largest Heart as rendered by Betty de Shong Meador:
with joy of heart
she sings
and soaks her mace
in blood and gore
smashes heads
butchers prey
with eater-ax and
bloodied spear
all day
There's also the bow; I think in the Exaltation of Inanna She is described as attacking like a howling eastern wind, and I find myself thinking of Mesopotamian plague demons. And in fighting with Mt. Ebih Innana definitely uses a bow...
On the whole, though, I find it difficult to imagine Inanna as much inclined to necromancy, apart from her association with Ereshkigal and a lot of what survives ascribing to Her pretty much TOTAL COSMIC POWER! (Cue maniacal laughter. (Grins.))
Anyway, sorry for the digression, but I thought I would share.

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U. Should do jesus or God.
NG. Has his own law that has little to do with the laws men set up for himself. He's perfectly willing to piss off the Pharoh of Egypt with ten plagues, tell Abraham to move out to the boonies like a frickin hippie, and have his son start a riot in his temple.
But says give Caesar what is due Caesar, and supports a few kings.
Good? I think so, but the plan is long term and his followers (at least those who claim to be) don't always strictly follow his teachings. Still has some pretty cool followers here and there.
Some for your consideration--
The Morrigan--
Amatarasu o Kami--

Umarian |
In the Necromancer Game book Bard's Gate, there is a NG deity Belon the Wise with the Travel, Magic and Knowledge domain. Not sure if FGG got the license for this deity when they became FGG, but RA and Bard's Gate were part of the same world in previous editions.
BTW, in Rappan Athuk, Hel is listed as a NE deity, and Hecate is LE.

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darkorbit wrote:U. Should do jesus or God.NG. Has his own law that has little to do with the laws men set up for himself. He's perfectly willing to piss off the Pharoh of Egypt with ten plagues, tell Abraham to move out to the boonies like a frickin hippie, and have his son start a riot in his temple.
But says give Caesar what is due Caesar, and supports a few kings.
Good? I think so, but the plan is long term and his followers (at least those who claim to be) don't always strictly follow his teachings. Still has some pretty cool followers here and there.
Might not want to discuss too much any god oneself might be overly invested in. The Internet's got some dark storm-clouds looming for people who do that, some of which hold far more water, as it were, than others. I'll say that the god of Abraham and His prophets are proof adamant that we do NOT live in the world of Pathfinder Society, and supplicants' alignments need not by any means be within one step of their patrons', and be content with that.
I'll also extend you cum laude for your apparent breadth. I'd never heard of Masauwu before.
@bluedove - I'm all too familiar with the Forgotten Realms pantheons, and I've NEVER heard of Thizledoom Mefathiel - did He come with 4th Edition or what?

Halfling Barbarian |
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CZERNOBOG. You get the best of a dualistic religion, with a dark god whose name is only spoken in whispers to scare children. I second Anubis (for the serious magic and death aspect), and also submit the celtic god Dagda (fun loving god of life and death), the aztec god Mictlantecuhtli (a very day of the dead type god, for fun theatrics), and of course Baron Samedi (add some style to your necromancy).