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Acid Pit?
It falls 20 feet, it takes 2d6 Acid Damage every round and it doesn't do anything but try to climb out (CLIMB DC 30)
Defenses against Acid Pit? Reflex save (if you can cast it you have at least 14 Int so +10+4+4 = 18 Reflex save (assuming no boosts)
Mithral might not have any problem with it, but an Iron Golem's going to fall at least 50% of the time.

Ramza Wyvernjack |

Acid Pit?
It falls 20 feet, it takes 2d6 Acid Damage every round and it doesn't do anything but try to climb out (CLIMB DC 30)
Defenses against Acid Pit? Reflex save (if you can cast it you have at least 14 Int so +10+4+4 = 18 Reflex save (assuming no boosts)
Mithral might not have any problem with it, but an Iron Golem's going to fall at least 50% of the time.
Have the fighter bull rush the enemy into the pit or adjecent to it. Adjecent procs the reflex save to fall in because the pit creates a slope around it.

Lab_Rat |

Why kill it? Their mindless. They can't use tactics or think out problems. If the creator isn't there to give commands, they are following one simple command from their creator (Ex: kill anything you see enter this room that isn't me). If they can't see you they won't attack you. Just cast obscuring mist or use silent image to block it's line of sight. If you wanted you could acid fog. It can't see and is damaged in the process.
If you must kill it use pits or summon lantern archons. There is really no need for high levels spells.

EvilMinion |
Summon Monster III+ seems to be the answer you want.
Just keep bringing in the little guys, til the golem falls over.
As long as they fly over its head out of reach, the iron golem really has no chance at all.
(The mithril golem at least can turn into the liquid form, and gain a 30' reach... which would allow it to hit the archons back (as their ray attacks only reach 30' as well))
So, for one 5th level spell, you could, on low end average, have an iron golem dead in 9 rounds with no threat to yourself (or your summons)
Now, the smart golem creator does not put the golem in a space where it can't reach the ceiling... which puts a damper on this tactic. =)

Kayerloth |
Mithril golem? Holy crap, what does that cost to make?
Nevermind that!
*runs off to check the PF Bestiary wondering how this critter changed between PF and 3.5* Answer: You no longer need the Epic Level Handbook.
But basically as said above check your known spells for spells with no SR. Apply liberally, preferable from range while airborne.