False factoids

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KahnyaGnorc's next book was unable to be finished due to author existence failure.

Sovereign Court

Rashly5 couldn't possibly know that, as he can't read.

Neither can ape-Grodd

Fast fact. PoZ invented shoes.

Molten Dragon's fearsome appearance belies the fact that it is simply a latex and foam rubber suit.

GoatToucher is actually a goat and still lives up to his name.

You can't see it in the avatar pic, but there is a goat sitting on Rashly5's head; hence the angry expression.

Dark Archive

Molten Dragon recent mental meltdown, hence the name.

Eponine is not, in fact, always on her own, but is in a poly-amorous relationship with the Anaheim Ducks hockey team.

GoatToucher has just snorted a very small goat.

Scarab Sages

KahnyaGnorc is worried she's schizophrenic, but she isn't - that voice she hears is merely Glimpy the Spelunking Gnome trapped in her cranium.

Sovereign Court

And IHIYC, has no voices in his head. So while he has no inhibitions, he is also perfectly sane - as hearing voices in your head is a sign of madness.

Gorilla Grodd is a licensed expert in cranial psychotherapy or the art of fixing madness by bashing skulls.

rashly5 is knowledgeable about the criminally insane from his time at Arkham. No, he wasn't an employee or a contractor.

KahnyaGnorc is an anagram of Pork Chop Sandwich.

Sovereign Court

GoatToucher finds the thought of touching a goat to be repulsive.

GorillaGrod actuality domesticated the first goat. Initially for ritual worship, but then it dawned on him that they are edible as well.

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Molten Dragon's way of movement is a pogostick.

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The Fiend Fantastic's avatar is a cropping of a traffic camera image taken while he was fleeing Molten Dragon's burglarized house. TFF was fleeing on a stolen pogostick.

Kobold Cleaver is so self-centered, he's been found to just spin around in circles when in zero gravity.
Uh, and Raven_Black was nearby.

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Kobold Cleaver is the KC in KC and the Sunshine Band.

Molten Dragon is the MD in Doogie Howser MD

Pulg is the minority whip for the state of Louisiana.

krevon has seventeen different species of mushroom growing from between his toes.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 is a renegade adventure game hero who fled LucasArts Entertainment to have the Greatest Adventure Ever in the wider world.

IHIYC makes over $100k a year from his custom fly-fishing accessory business, and has been featured on the cover of several sporting magazines.

GoatToucher is a columnist published in several sporting magazines who is obsessed with IHIYC's products.

KahnyaGnorc was born with disproportionately sized male genitalia. Like a puppy grows into his overlarge paws, so to did young KahnaGnorc live as a child with man sized equipment that he gradually grew into.

GoatToucher was featured heavily in this year's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue; not as a model, but because he is 29 different bikinis.

Previously unknown fact: Pulg was born with a vestigal 3rd ear in the middle of his forehead.

Molten Dragon's mother is a dragoborn from 4E

Scarab Sages

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krevon's mother smelt of elderberries, and his father was a hamster. Strictly speaking, this does not make him half-hamster, since under Orthodox Hamster law, hamster heritage is exclusively matrilineal, and he is therefore not regarded as a hamster at all. People who smell of elderberries are still happy to claim him, though.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet smells of elderberries.

rash5 not know which swalow carry coconut.

Goblins are terrified by words, but Poog reads, and when he does he masters them into stupid listless things confined in an enclosed space to live and graze and die before finally being sent to the slaughterhouse to be butchered, every part of them carved off and processed then sent to the dinner tables to be eaten as crude facsimiles of what they truly were.

Rashly: From the navel up he's a red panda. From the navel down he's a male human with a crippling pants-allergy.

GoatToucher knows this because he's addicted to RashlyCam.com

Pulg is actully bald from head to toe. His hair is really moss that grown because he hasn't taken a bath in 20 years.

Belphegor has not removed his gold mask in three years, and whatever is going on underneath is beginning to smell of French cheese.

Scarab Sages

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GoatToucher has a tiny working train set in his sinuses.

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IHIYC can subsist on sea monkeys if required. He strains them through his teeth like a baleen whale.

IHIYC is the conductor of said train.

Dark Archive

Kahnya has a bad sense of time

Scarab Sages

Cr500cricket composed all the riddles in the Might & Magic games.

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I'm Hiding In you Closet took the time to answer all the riddles.

Krevon just cheated with the riddles.

KahnyaGnorc is an alternate universe version of The Riddler.

rashly #5 is kungfu redpanda

Poog fits the outward stereotype of the filthy and ungroomed goblin, but he keeps his hovel scrupulously clean, and proudly displays his collection of over four dozen decorative spoons (though, admittedly, he slices open the belly of anyone who touches them).

GoatTouchers name IRL is Bill Cosby.

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