False factoids

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IHIYC aids and abets said rogue doll by allowing it to use IHIYC's network of closets.

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This year, KahnyaGnorc is pretty much going "as is" when they go out trick or treating. Some previous costumes included a bale of hay, a kiddie pool, GoatToucher, David Bowie, the car from Back to the Future and in a particularly wacky year as Smurfette.

Molten Dragon enjoys having his nose trapped in castanets by playful flamenco dancers

Pulg spent 3 years, 15 months, and 45 days believing he was Papa Smurf. If you think the months and days are too much, that's just how Papa Smurf rolls.

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KahnyaGnorc has a third eye on one of his toes.

Scarab Sages

Ventnor took KahnyaGnorc's fourth eye as payment for a sip from his Well of Knowledge.

IHIYC spends sixteen hours each day applying makeup. To make it cheaper, he has started buying white paint in bulk.

Sissyl has been observed buying gallons of chicken broth from numerous different stores around the world.

Ventnor sometimes goes out on the town wearing gold tipped boots, black jacket and tie.

Molten Dragon is the source of all internet cat videos, his secret passion and vice.

Trekkie90909 prefers Star Wars.

Sovereign Court

GoatToucher couldn't give two hoots about star anything! If he can't take it to the dark, twisted nightmare that is his workroom - he's not interested!

Avatar of Zon-Kuthon is, in fact, a rabid fan of everything about the World's Biggest Loser show. He has used training shirts (a complete set), every episode recorded and bought, both in various formats, he has autographs from every member of all its crews, and spends at least fifty hours per week on his hobby. It is also whispered, though the truth of this is uncertain, that he has removed so much of his flesh to epitomize the message of the show.

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Sissyl intends to fight, fight, fight for Bertrand Russell's egg nog-powered tartan anti-trombonic pop socks, because they're egg nog-powered tartan anti-trombonic pop socks worth fighting for.

Liberty's Edge

Pulg compulsively says "Danger Zone" whenever a banana is present in the room.

Scarab Sages

lucky7 can make delicious fried bananas by sticking them in his eye sockets for about an hour. He also thinks this trick is the funniest thing ever, and runs from household to household banging on doors to show people his "baneyeneyes."

I'm Hiding In Your Closet hasn't had to use his orbital space laser. Yet.

According to a little known addition to the Mayan Calendar, Ventnor will be the reason IHIYC has to use his orbital space laser in 2016.

T90909 is featured on many Mayan calendars for reasons we are not yet able to explain.

GoatToucher is forbidden from approaching within one astronomical unit of Vulcan due to the enormity of his emotional outbursts.

Anius bespelled GoatToucher's playroom to make it seem like playing lasts longer than it really does.

Scarab Sages

Schism is incredibly turned-on by killer tomatoes.

IHIYC doesn't know how to type, but just randomly mashes the keyboard. It was just random chance that all of his posts made sense.

The face behind Goddity's mask is another mask.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ventnor got his name when he couldn't fit through the vent nor the door.

Alayern is currently enjoying GoatToucher's Playroom.

Schism's name comes from their talent to separate their body into two halves at will.

Sovereign Court

Ventnor can also separate their body into two halves at will, going back together is much more difficult.

Avatar of Zon-Kuthon adores Mondays, because they're the most agonizing day of the week.

And that is the gospel according to Ventnor.

Belphegor founded the first divinity school dedicated to the gospel according to Ventnor. He had 2.5 students.

KahnyaGnorc was the .5 stuc.

Schism was the other two, due to her ability to sit at two different desks at the same time.

Scarab Sages

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Ventnor likes to "collect" public drinking fountains by drinking from them, then branding them with his personal arcane mark.

IHIYC likes to place model aircraft decals on people he finds attractive using telekinesis.

Pulg once won a yodeling contest.

MD has never forgiven him for doing so, proving he is a sore loser.

Scarab Sages

Sissyl can stretch her face forward out to 3.5 feet.

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If the children are having trouble falling asleep, IHIYC will sneak out of the closet and read "Goodnight Moon" to them.

Molten Dragon shot Greedo first.

Ventor isnt a real dragon, and he wrote his post with his sentient hair.

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Baval and Taval went to see Pavel, but he feel into the laval. To avoid the laval, they went into a cavel, where they found a shavel and digged their own hovel, where they live unto this very day.

No no, its supposed to be false.

Skip me

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Baval likes to dress up his/her left foot as Darryl Hall and his/her right foot as John Oates. Then, he/she likes to lie in a bath full of Febreze and make them have arguments about the correct method for dating Easter.

Sometimes Pulg doesn't skip his daily medication.

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MD, M.D., prescribed Pulg most of his medications, which include, pardon my technical terminology, "some far-out <CENSORED>."

Scarab Sages

KahnyaGnorc is actually a hand puppet of Baval's, and Baval is actually a hand puppet of KahnyaGnorc's. Which of them controls the other? None can say....

Tvashtri Abdul-Khasis misplaced his earlobes some time ago, and would appreciate them being returned if you find them.

Ventnor's name is pronounced with two silent n's, and he doesn't get why no-one is spelling it right

Little Skylark will be Big Skylark once he's tracked down that no-good wizard and breaks the size-changing curse.

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