Time zones / Geographical distribution

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Goblin Squad Member

Hi all,

Just wanted to start a thread up to see who else is from Australia/New Zealand/SE Asia.

Reading over some of the company themes, and there are several awesome ideas floating around. Unfortunately (for me at least), one of the big considerations is who else is in my timezone and will be logged on when I am. Being in a company with the most awesome theme/ideas isn't as much fun if you're the only one ever logged in during US offpeak times.

Does anyone know or have a gut feeling of this?

Goblin Squad Member

As an Alaskan I seem to end up working with Aussies a lot. We are Yukon Standard or GMT -9. Pacific is GMT -8 by comparison.

Goblin Squad Member

I know how you feel. I'm a kiwi btw and I'm pretty sure there are 1 or two others who'll be sharing our timezone.

what is a kiwi? oh BTW I am a Native American living a redneck life on a white man salery. only in America. WV USA

I also recently heard of a asian county singer performing in an intalian resteraunt for a german family. Gotta love our diversity.

Goblin Squad Member

A kiwi is a small flightless nocturnal bird that is native to New Zealand. Kiwi is the term we use to descibe New Zealanders as a whole regardless of our actual race. Much like Auzzies are Australians.

New Zealanders ='s Kiwi. got it.

Goblin Squad Member

I am in NZ...for 2 more weeks anyways! Hopefully I will be PST by the time this game comes out.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm from the UK, but I share your timezone concerns. Admitantly it won't be as bad for me but late night US sessions turn into no gos for me if I have work the next day!

Goblin Squad Member

I'm also in Australia, and beginning to look around for an off peak guild.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm Australian Eastern Standard time :)

Goblin Squad Member

Another option is for us folk that live on the wrong side of the world, to pick two guilds/companies (one good and one evil?) and pile into those. I'm sure there are more Oceanics lurking around, and if we all end up in one or two guilds, then the social aspects become a little more convenient. If it's one good and one evil, we can even end up beating on one another rather than just mobs :)

+8 GMT here

Goblin Squad Member

Jiminy wrote:
Another option is for us folk that live on the wrong side of the world, to pick two guilds/companies (one good and one evil?) and pile into those. I'm sure there are more Oceanics lurking around, and if we all end up in one or two guilds, then the social aspects become a little more convenient. If it's one good and one evil, we can even end up beating on one another rather than just mobs :)

Welcome to the dark-side. Welcome to Shadow-Haven

Goblin Squad Member

German +1GMT

Goblinworks Founder

+10GMT here

Goblin Squad Member

bumpity bump

So a half dozen Oceanics and two other with 'offpeak' hours.

Anyone else out there?

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Eu, GMT+1 here and running an eu guild for parhfinder

Goblin Squad Member

I'm in the wonderful 1/2 hour time zone that is Central Australia.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Portugal, GMT.

Goblin Squad Member

I am currently in Asia, and while I haven't experienced this problem yet (gaming is a bit limited here with having a job and other considerations) I feel as if we will probably not be ostracized.

If face, I think we will probably be approached and interacted with more than any other groups of people!

Why? Simply because we are in the unique position of being able to do things when most of the rest of the world is sleeping or working.

Think of our time as being paid overtime. What perfect time to attack a rival's settlement than when they are all at work or asleep? What would be the perfect time to transport goods than when most of the bandits are logged off? When would be the perfect time to win a war than when the majority of the enemy is logged off?

The time that we would normally be playing on, would be priceless compared to that of the norm. We would probably be approached and interacted with not despite of, but because of the weird hours (to them) we will be logged on.

We shouldn't be worried about not having anyone to play with, or not having enough interaction. We should be celebrating and anticipating the intensity of which we will be playing the game! All of us who will be playing when other are not will probably find our time zone neighbors in fierce competition with us. One group pays one of hour "after hours" groups to do a raid, another group pays another "after hours group" to be on the look out.

These "after hours" fights will be great fun, fiercely intense, and much more intimate (due to the fact everyone may know each other, also a good thing for building community) than our brothers playing at other hours.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

am sure that in due time charters will work together, create an alliance with other charters that aren't in their timezone to cover for settlements etc.

Goblin Squad Member

Good points, dragonsowl.

I'm not too concerned about the whole offpeak representation aspect. It works great in games like GW2 (WvW) where Oceanics help greatly to defend or attack. I more started this thread to find players in a similar timezone to look towards potentially aligning ourselves in the same company (or companies). In that way, we actually have someone to talk to and interact with as well as all the good stuff mentioned above.

What time zone was Finland in?

Also, I hate time zones with a passion.

They ruin many chances of following stuff online.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

Icyshadow wrote:

What time zone was Finland in?

Also, I hate time zones with a passion.

They ruin many chances of following stuff online.

if I know my TZ's well enough, GMT+2 (or +1) but you are in the european timezones :)

Goblin Squad Member

England here so GMT.


Goblin Squad Member

Icyshadow wrote:
What time zone was Finland in?

Finland is GMT+2.

And another +1 for GMT+1 here.

Goblin Squad Member

Jiminy wrote:

Good points, dragonsowl.

I'm not too concerned about the whole offpeak representation aspect. It works great in games like GW2 (WvW) where Oceanics help greatly to defend or attack. I more started this thread to find players in a similar timezone to look towards potentially aligning ourselves in the same company (or companies). In that way, we actually have someone to talk to and interact with as well as all the good stuff mentioned above.

I'd be up for that!

Goblin Squad Member

Jiminy wrote:

Hi all,

Just wanted to start a thread up to see who else is from Australia/New Zealand/SE Asia.

Reading over some of the company themes, and there are several awesome ideas floating around. Unfortunately (for me at least), one of the big considerations is who else is in my timezone and will be logged on when I am. Being in a company with the most awesome theme/ideas isn't as much fun if you're the only one ever logged in during US offpeak times.

Does anyone know or have a gut feeling of this?

Oh! Good! Jiminy is a Kiwi so there will be a few hours when I can walk about in better confidence that I'll not be mugged.

Goblin Squad Member

Aussie actually. But close enough :)

Goblin Squad Member

Aussie here as well, east coast. I backed at the Crowdforger guild level so I'll have a few mates joining up soon.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

German +1 GMT

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

Netherlands, +1 GMT

Goblin Squad Member

dragonsowl wrote:

I am currently in Asia, and while I haven't experienced this problem yet (gaming is a bit limited here with having a job and other considerations) I feel as if we will probably not be ostracized.

If face, I think we will probably be approached and interacted with more than any other groups of people!

Why? Simply because we are in the unique position of being able to do things when most of the rest of the world is sleeping or working.

Think of our time as being paid overtime. What perfect time to attack a rival's settlement than when they are all at work or asleep? What would be the perfect time to transport goods than when most of the bandits are logged off? When would be the perfect time to win a war than when the majority of the enemy is logged off?

The time that we would normally be playing on, would be priceless compared to that of the norm. We would probably be approached and interacted with not despite of, but because of the weird hours (to them) we will be logged on.

We shouldn't be worried about not having anyone to play with, or not having enough interaction. We should be celebrating and anticipating the intensity of which we will be playing the game! All of us who will be playing when other are not will probably find our time zone neighbors in fierce competition with us. One group pays one of hour "after hours" groups to do a raid, another group pays another "after hours group" to be on the look out.

These "after hours" fights will be great fun, fiercely intense, and much more intimate (due to the fact everyone may know each other, also a good thing for building community) than our brothers playing at other hours.

You've got it 100% right. In a sandbox the action never stops. In theme-park games people have set times that they like to get on and do things like raid together. For these groups it is best to have everyone on at the same time.

But this isn't a theme-park, and it isn't raid based. That's why larger groups like TEO consider members from uncommon timezones DESIREABLE members.

Goblin Squad Member

Sweden UTC/GMT +1 here

Goblin Squad Member

Germany for now, who knows in 7 months.

Goblin Squad Member

New York (Gmt -4 or -5 depending on daylight savings)

Goblin Squad Member

Another Aussie here!

Goblin Squad Member

Brazil GMT -3 or -4 depending on daylight savings here too.

By the way, speaking of kiwi... Will GW allow kiwis as fammiliars or animal companions? That would be kind of cool !


Goblin Squad Member

Jiminy wrote:

Hi all,

Just wanted to start a thread up to see who else is from Australia/New Zealand/SE Asia.

Reading over some of the company themes, and there are several awesome ideas floating around. Unfortunately (for me at least), one of the big considerations is who else is in my timezone and will be logged on when I am. Being in a company with the most awesome theme/ideas isn't as much fun if you're the only one ever logged in during US offpeak times.

Does anyone know or have a gut feeling of this?

Hi jiminy,

I am Eastern Australia.

Keepers of the Circle have several aussie members including myself so if you are interested in a Neutral Good Chartered company with a balanced approach to military, crafting, arcane, divine, merchant and crafting characters all treated equally as well as top four on the leaderboard give us a look. The keepers are a great bunch of people and have a policy of recruiting across all timezones.

To be honest CCs with settlements that are single timezone are going to be at great risk of attck in the off periods for their main timezones.

Goblin Squad Member

Germany, GMT+1 here, too. And I bring a buddy along!

Goblin Squad Member

I hope to bring 6-10 new players from the Caribbean (Atlantic Standard Time; UTC/GMT -4) into this game. :)

Goblin Squad Member

A lots of european here:) Let's say it in the words of the youth: I like. When I started to read this forum I was concerned about not finding anyone to play with in my timezone. Maybe there will be some more european guilds, so the servers won't be empty on the weekend.

Goblin Squad Member

I wonder how it would work out if you started with a neutral aligned guild and allied with two other guilds, one NG and one NE. Would your LG and CG members then be allied (using the neutral mother guild as bridge) with LE and CE members?

Goblin Squad Member

Czech Rep - another vote for GMT +1 here

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

I am an Aussie from the little island state of Tasmania here. My play has often needed to be at normally odd times as I am GMT+10.

Goblin Squad Member

United States, Michigan, GMT-5

Being wrote:
I wonder how it would work out if you started with a neutral aligned guild and allied with two other guilds, one NG and one NE. Would your LG and CG members then be allied (using the neutral mother guild as bridge) with LE and CE members?

Pretty sure that would work. Recalling the way it was described on the video FAQ I think that's how they described it.

Here's how they answered..


Areks: Alignments have been a hot topic on the forums for a while now. So I just wanted to know how exactly are the alignments of characters, settlements, and kingdoms all going to factor into one another.

Stephen Cheney: Essentially, if you have a Lawful Good settlement, it can be part of a Neutral Good or a Lawful Neutral kingdom. And you could also be one of those alignments if you're in the settlement. So, your maximum reach for a settlement is going to be across the main axis. So, if you're Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, and then Chaotic Neutral, you could have a Lawful Neutral person, a True Neutral settlement, and a Chaotic Neutral kingdom, for example.

Illiyendier: My question is about alignment and Lawful Good settlements.

Stephen Cheney: So, your alignment - with the example of a Paladin being the exception - is usually going to be restricted to one axis. Barbarians have to be non-Lawful, and Druids have to have at least one of their axis poles Neutral so they can be Neutral Good or they can be Lawful Neutral. That means that a Neutral Good Barbarian could be part of your Lawful Good settlement, and a Lawful Neutral or a Neutral Good Druid could be part of your Lawful Good settlement. The issue is, they're going to have a pretty tough time maintaining that specific alignment to keep from going all the way to Lawful Good but keep from drifting too far away from the settlement. And also, your settlement might not be able to have training facilities that can teach
them the skills they need to know. For example, it might require a Chaotic town to teach Barbarian skills. So you'll want to ally with another kingdom that can possibly teach them that.

Goblin Squad Member

Atlanta, GMT-5/-4 daylight savings
@Salamandis, sorry to hear about the decimation of the devils.

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Pacific Northwest; GMT-8

Goblin Squad Member

I glad to see that there are plenty of Aussie and NZ players as well as so many EU time zoned players. I'm a GMT+10 CrowdForger w/ buddy and trying to get more of my guildies interested.

Thanks for starting the thread Jiminy.

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