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Goblin Squad Member. 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

Forum lurker signing in.

Goblin Squad Member

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Thorkuul Stonehand signing up!

Goblin Squad Member

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Woah! I disappear from the forums for a bit and miss out on this juicy topic.

I agree 100% with what Ryan Dancey is talking about. Pretty much it sounds like those of you who have not properly played EVE and fully understand what happens in EVE will be in for a world of pain once PFO goes into Open Enrolment - especially if you want to lead settlement of any decent size. EVE is a hardcore game for the most hardcore of players, and experience in that game universe will be of immense value for PFO. I believe that Settlements in PFO will most definitely need someone experienced in the sandbox playstyle - themepark players need not apply.

EVE players who survive the game for long enough, eventually evolve (devolve?) into BitterVets (bitter veterans) who know too well how poorly CCP manages the community and how bad they are at developing the game. However, I give credit where credit is due and think they are improving of late, albeit very slowly.

About me you ask? I have already won EVE. I am an EVE BitterVet. I unsubscribed a while ago, but still keep up to date with the game's happenings. Like all EVE players, it is likely that I'll be drawn back to EVE one day. However, I'd rather get drawn into PFO instead because the game is crowdforged from Day 1 and GW has CCP's history to learn from. This will surely create a better game in the long term.

Although I am currently not part of any Settlement, I would like to offer my experience as a former leader of a ~100 players in EVE to any settlement who aligns with my views and will accept me. I like to build grand things, working the market, and although I enjoy harvesting materials I would much rather just take them from someone else (banditry or organising sieges). But most of all I enjoy the social aspect and meeting interesting new people from around the world. I live in the Australian timezone - which may be an advantage or disadvantage depending on how you look at it in terms of MMO gaming.

I'm not looking to be the leader a Settlement, but would like to offer advice for what is likely to become a relatively hardcore sandbox game from the sounds of it. If you have a position for me in your Settlement - PM me.

Goblin Squad Member

Diella wrote:
We just granted the Goblin Squad title to all Kickstarter buddies and you now also have the free miniature form available for download in your My Downloads section of the Paizo website.

Yay, I'm a Goblin Squad Member now. I finally feel part of the club!

Goblin Squad Member

Andius wrote:
I think the reason I don't like these kind of blogs is that it's kind of rubbing it in my nose all the cool stuff that happens at these conferences. Attending these things is not a simple matter when you live in Alaska! Any excursion to the lower 48 means a plane ticket or very long drive.

I live in Australia, and this blog post makes me a sad panda

Goblin Squad Member

Definitely like this blog. Item decay addresses the economy of materials perfectly, and I like that items can be repaired by crafters in a relatively simple way. Will there be a way to reprocess items to recover materials from them - ie: melt down a sword or piece of armour to retrieve a low percentage of metal from them?

Hopefully "vendors" won't be too common in the game - they tend to fix the minimum price for items. I'd rather see transactions between players via the market much more often.

Will there be a way for a bandit to roughly calculate their target's value before they initiate their ambush? Or is it likely to be luck of the draw?

I'm also interested to know how the inventory size of caravans compares to a single player's inventory. Hopefully there will be more than just a single size of caravans, or perhaps convoys of caravans will be encouraged (with armed guards of course).

Obviously a big talking point amongst parts of the community once the game is live will be the loot that was "procured" or destroyed during an encounter. It would be great if there was a way to easily show your friends the value of the stuff you destroyed (and perhaps those items which didn't drop), or what the total value of that caravan was worth. Unless you steal the caravan of course =P
Kinda like killmails in EVE I suppose.

And in regards to the part where it says: "it's probable that items you've acquired more recently will be more likely to survive."
Why should it matter? It should be equal chance for each unthreaded item. Imagine spending all your money on a brand new item only to have the local bandit take it from your corpse. If it isn't likely to drop, where is the risk?

Goblin Squad Member

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Awesome. I like that you guys are happy to talk about how the tech actually works, rather than just the game related stuff.

Goblin Squad Member

Totally just watched this video twice. Might watch it again later. Great work guys. Can't wait to see more!

As for the boob discussion... the CEO has spoken. There there will be boobs

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
I'm not sure if you've seen it yet, but Guild Recruitment & Helpful Links has a special section for all the Gobbocasts.

I have seen your links page before - thanks for putting that together for everyone. Very useful.

Bringslite wrote:
*Hoping for Paizocon info and a short blurb on the next pledge system*

Yeah, so am I actually. I found out about this game literally the week after the kickstarter finished =(

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
To be honest, I am equally anticipating the next installment of Gobbocast as I am the next Dev Blog.

You know, I only discovered Gobbocast the other week. I'm still catching up on their episodes.

Goblin Squad Member

Aww, I have to wait till Thursday's each week to read the new blog... stupid timezone.

Goblin Squad Member

Sydney Australia!

Goblin Squad Member

I'm really liking the long term flags, particularly the Outlaw (Chaotic) flag which includes the "stand-and-deliver" trade window for ransoming people. Do these long term flags remain active, and therefore get the hourly stacking bonus (to a max of 10 hours) whist you are logged out of the game?

I believe 24 hour timers can become annoying when you receive them on one day perhaps at the end of your evening's play session, then login the next day and they still apply for a couple of hours. Unless it is the intention for that flag to apply for essentially what is the best part of 2 evenings worth of someone's play session, would it not be better to apply a shorter timer? Perhaps in the order of ~16 hours.

Goblin Squad Member

Another Aussie here!