
Sibling's page

Goblin Squad Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

Sibling wrote:
I have two shield buddies available. As per previous posters I would ask that you up your pledge by $35 (if you have already pledged) or pledge at the $35 level (at least) if the daily deals are enough to entice you to do so. PM me.

These have been taken :)

Goblin Squad Member

I have two shield buddies available. As per previous posters I would ask that you up your pledge by $35 (if you have already pledged) or pledge at the $35 level (at least) if the daily deals are enough to entice you to do so. PM me.

Goblin Squad Member

Jiminy wrote:

Good points, dragonsowl.

I'm not too concerned about the whole offpeak representation aspect. It works great in games like GW2 (WvW) where Oceanics help greatly to defend or attack. I more started this thread to find players in a similar timezone to look towards potentially aligning ourselves in the same company (or companies). In that way, we actually have someone to talk to and interact with as well as all the good stuff mentioned above.

I'd be up for that!

Goblin Squad Member

I'm also in Australia, and beginning to look around for an off peak guild.