Rykka |

I was hoping some of you experts in the exotic and obscure could help me suss out some ways to achieve a concept I have been wanting to play.
I have been mulling over a character concept for a game that I really want to try out that calls for a character that epitomizes overwhelming physical strength. Mind you, I am not just talking about strength damage- combat is actually not even that huge of a concern of mine. Not min-maxing for damage here. I am scrounging for things that would help with strength checks, carrying capacity, anything to help pull off astounding feats of strength.
Character has to be human. (Doh.) I wanted to go straight fighter, if I could, or at least fighter with as little dabbling in other classes as I could. Even though the fast path to massive strength bonuses is barbarian, I do not want any barbarian levels. Rage goes against the stoic nature of the intended character.
Does anyone know of any useful feats, skills, magical items, class features, etc that would help allow me to flesh out this concept? I appreciate any and all advice. Thank you.

Cult of Vorg |

Stalwart Defender prestige class is like rage but from discipline instead. PRobably best choice if you don't want to be a caster.
However, the Strength domain powers seem to be exactly what you're looking for, so a cleric of Kurgess could work out well. Using your strength to inspire instead of just destruction.
Eldritch Heritage for Orc or Abyssal. Orc's abilities are better in general and mechanically for your concept, but mystic power from orc genes is nowhere near as cool as abyssal taint in your veins.

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Wasum was assuming you understood his acronyms. He was referring to the feats Eldritch Heritage (Orc) and Greater Eldritch Heritage (Orc), which allow you to get bloodline powers from the Orc sorcerer bloodline, which does not require you to be an orc at all.
Additionally, you can be a Synthesist summoner. This would allow you to be Huge sized (x4 lifting, 30 Str), and swallow your enemies whole, if you like that kind of thing.

Bertious |

A nice gm may allow you to reflavour this trait as something like a circus strong man. Otherwise the Flexing Arm trait also gives great incredable strength flavour.


It's a bit of an investment (2 feats), but Inexplicable Luck will give you an 8 point bonus to a Strength check (or any other d20 roll) once per day.

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This is a little 'optimized' for your concept. Also, with the high Chr requirements, I highly encourage playing this as a Paladin or another melee class that can benefit from Chr. Fighter can work, just don't be afraid to max out Intimidate.
For truely massive strength scores on a Human, take the Focused Study alternate racial trait, freeing up feats for Skill Focuses. Then take Skill Focus (Survival) at level 1 and Eldritch Heritage (Orc) at level 3, followed by Improved Eldritch Heritage (Orc) at level 11. Inbetween take choose Skill Focus (Knowledge(Planes)) at level 8, lettinng you take Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal)at level 9 and Improved Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal)at 13. You can pull this off RAW since the condition of Eldritch Heritage is "This must be a bloodline you do not already have."
If you want Claws before Touch of Rage then just switcheroo the order you take your bonus feats.
At level 19 you'll have an inherent +12 Str bonus. Taking Greater Eldritch Heritage (Orc) at 17 will also let you use Power of Giants character level min/day (Large Size, +6 Str, +4 Con, +4 Nat Arm, -2 Dex)
If you really want to push the flavor of this character, don't be afraid of the race trait 'Adopted' or the Human racial feat Racial Heritage, letting you take feats from another humanoid (like Orc for example =D)

Quandary |

that's a little bit 'doesn't work'.
doesn't matter how many skill focus feats you have, you can only take eldritch heritage once.
unless the feat says otherwise, it's effects can't stack with itself, so no inherent bonus stacking.
and to clarify on the last bit: adopted doesn't let you take feats, it lets you take race traits.

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@ Quandary - I agree taking the benefit of Eldritch Heritage wouldn't stack if you chose it for the same Bloodline, but just as Weapon Focus (Longsword) doesn't prevent you from taking Weapon Focus (Sling), I feel there's a case for multiple inherited bloodlines.
Also, I specified taking the feat Racial Heritage, which specifically allows you to take racial feats. I only mentioned the race trait Adopted as a way of addinng flavor to his character, mayhaps I should have specified for the purpose of taking a non-human race trait.

mplindustries |

@ Quandary - I agree taking the benefit of Eldritch Heritage wouldn't stack if you chose it for the same Bloodline, but just as Weapon Focus (Longsword) doesn't prevent you from taking Weapon Focus (Sling), I feel there's a case for multiple inherited bloodlines.
There is a special allowance in the Weapon Focus feat that allows you to take it more than once for other weapons. There is no such allowance in Eldritch Heritage. If a feat does not explicitly say you can take it more than once, you can't.

Quandary |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

I thought the rules stated what MPL said, that you CAN'T take a Feat multiple times unless specifically granted, but the closest I came is a line in the pre-amble to the CRB Feat section stating that the effects of a feat doesn't stack with itself unless specifically noted otherwise (e.g. applying to another weapon per Weapon Focus, or Fleet Foot increasing Move Speed another 5', etc). Weapon Focus has a special note saying you can take it twice (appling to second weapon), but if there isn't a general rule saying you can't, then there isn't any such general prohibition... In other words, without a general prohibition, there isn't any real difference to if Weapon Focus was phrased: WHEN you take WF multiple times...
But as far as this topic goes, you aren't going to boost your STR twice from two different bloodlines because their effects won't stack. And even besides that, Inherent bonuses don't NORMALLY stack, Wish has a special clause if you do repeated Wishes in succession, so it wouldn't work even if Feats could normally be taken multiple times and stack with themselves. (HOW'S THAT FOR AN INFERNAL-PROOF RULE!? ;-) )
More broadly, multiple Eldritch Heritages could be very useful (especially if you have an abundance of Skill Focuses per the Human option) by choosing stuff that applies to different areas and doesn't run into stacking issues... I /feel/ that the intent is indeed that you can't take a Feat more than once unless specifically allowed to, but I'm not sure if the RAW supports that. I suspect that Paizo/WoTC authors FELT that the current RAW implied that meaning (and that's possibly echoed in Weapon Focus... or WF is just poorly worded), but I'm not really sure, and it doesn't seem like that's actually the case per RAW, unless I'm missing some other section... And if I am, it seems wierd that the text in the Feat section is as it is, given there is no stacking issues if you simply can't take a Feat more than once.

Invictus Spartan |

Here's some math...
If you start with 18 Str and put human bonus of +2 on it. You'll have 20. Add all your 20th level char points on it for every 4 levels you'll have +5. Add the reading of the Tome/manual (+5 (second most expensive item in the game) You'll have 30 of str. Add a belt of +6 str and the max you can have is 36. That's the "max" Str you can have without focusing on classes, just raw itens and rolls.
You can go barbarian for a great boost from level 20th super hyper rage (+8 in str, giving you 44 str). Or mix barbarian and sorc or bard so you can take the prestige class Dragon Disciple and get the +8 bonus from str the class gives you at 10th level (you raise your strength in +2, +2, +4) and then rage (for +4) and reach amazing 48 str.
That's amazing, right? No... A 20th level EIDOLON, with the right evolutions can reach 5 attacks with Str 56 (quadruped, huge size, all points in str, tome, item, etc). Then again a Eidolon like this is hardly playable in a dungeon. Back to human: You said you wanted to super boost your carrying capacity and strength checks? Here's the short answer: Cleric of the Strength domain. Once per day gives you +20 Str (if you're cleric 20), but for 1 round and doesn't count to damage nor attack, only str checks and skills. If take the 36 everyone can have, you'll reach the Str of a Huge Eidolon. Now that's amazing.

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Ah, my bad, I thought Inherent was one of the bonuses that did stack *facepalm*
Yeah, never saw a rule saying you 'couldn't' take the same feat twice, just that the effects don't normally stack. Kinda funny, just thought of a Fighter taking Dodge every chance you can, getting a +21 dodge AC bonus (22 if human) XD