Grollub |
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Horrific Appearance (Su): All qlippoth have such horrific and mind-rending shapes that those who gaze upon them suffer all manner of ill effects. A qlippoth can present itself as a standard action to assault the senses of all living creatures within 30 feet. The exact effects caused by a qlippoth’s horrific appearance vary by the type of qlippoth. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the qlippoth’s Hit Dice + the qlippoth’s Charisma modifier): reduces or negates the effect. This ability is a mind-affecting gaze attack.

wraithstrike |

Who do you think is the scariest?
I have found the Iathavos to be the scariest. First, everyone in the party has to make a DC 30 will save every round in order to not be feebleminded and permanently blinded. Then, if it grapples someone they have to make a fort save to not be engulfed by the creature and turned into a qlippoth. To make things worse, it either nausiates you(if you fail your save) or sickens you if you make your save, which makes it more likely you get feebleminds or qlippothed.
I encountered one of these once. A few bad rolls later and our monk was now a mass of floating intestines and the wizard was feebleminded and blind. Scary monster.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/qlippoth/qlippo th-lathavos
A DC 30 save is not that hard to make by the time you run into them. I would expect for it to be dead before I fail those saves.

wraithstrike |

johnlocke90 wrote:Grollub wrote:Its a gaze attack. If you go to the rules for gaze attacks, you have to save against it each round AND the monster can spend a standard action to force you to make another save.johnlocke90 wrote:Actually the dc30 will save is a standard action for this creature.. so if its doing that you're not getting attacked.Who do you think is the scariest?
I have found the Iathavos to be the scariest. First, everyone in the party has to make a DC 30 will save every round in order to not be feebleminded and permanently blinded. Then, if it grapples someone they have to make a fort save to not be engulfed by the creature and turned into a qlippoth. To make things worse, it either nausiates you(if you fail your save) or sickens you if you make your save, which makes it more likely you get feebleminds or qlippothed.
I encountered one of these once. A few bad rolls later and our monk was now a mass of floating intestines and the wizard was feebleminded and blind. Scary monster.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/qlippoth/qlippo th-lathavos
Gaze attacks are automatic. The creature can use a standard action for an additional gaze attack against one target...
Okay, looking at the rules for the gaze attacks, and the ability the creature has... this still is a standard action for it to "present itself" which then triggers the gaze rules.. so again.. it still isn't attacking when this ability goes off =p

Widow of the Pit |
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Ok, not the most powerful or the absolute scariest, but I have noticed with much humor that oozes, slimes, puddings seem to unnerve our little group the most. We run into them so infrequently that when one shows up everyone is wracking their brain trying to remember what works on what type and what special attacks they have. Always worth a few rounds moment of panic/worry. =)

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Not yet statted, this description of Chemnosit's autocannibalism ability from AP 24's article on the spawn of Rovagug puts Chemnosit at the top of my list:
The confused tales of those unhinged and hobbled few who have borne witness to Chemnosit's gaze and survived describe enduring the depths of final famine, feeling their very minds falling away as a hunger unlike any other overtakes them completely, until their desperate need to consume surpasses the very need for survival. Some scholars of the Clockwork Cathedral in Absalom categorize the disturbing results as “autocannibalism”—the victims tear into their own extremities, devouring still-warm hunks of their own bodies until, stuffed full of their own flesh, they vomit.

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Red Jester because, ya know, it's a clown; it's a zombie clown and it can throw a Deck of Many Things at you.

Mark Sweetman |

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Red Jester because, ya know, it's a clown; it's a zombie clown and it can throw a Deck of Many Things at you.
Meth last time I faced that I've gotton gain a major weapon and next card was defeat the next monster and gain a level.

Dreaming Psion |
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Having just ran Carnival of Tears recently, I have new respect for:
Dark Ice Brownies (a 1d6 dex touch 1/day, mirror image, working in teams= scary)
Quicklings (massive speed, hard to hit, spring attack plus using poison, sadistic as all hell)

Icyshadow |

Red Jester because, ya know, it's a clown; it's a zombie clown and it can throw a Deck of Many Things at you.
How is that thing NOT Chaotic Evil?

johnlocke90 |
Velcro Zipper wrote:How is that thing NOT Chaotic Evil?Red Jester because, ya know, it's a clown; it's a zombie clown and it can throw a Deck of Many Things at you.
Read its description. It actually isn't a violent creature and prefers to tell jokes and make people laugh.

notabot |
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Scariest monster? Anything that uses tactics to it's advantage.
Tuckers Kobolds man
Kobolds using NPC classes are actually really scary for a low level party.
A kobold using the normal NPC array and has 5 levels of warrior is a CR 2 encounter.
It can have point blank shot, rapid shot, rapid reload on a light crossbow, and has over 30HP and a BAB of +5.
With those feats it can hit with +9/+9 for 1d6+1 per shot.
Or it could have rapid shot, point blank, deadly aim for a +7/+7 and 1d4+3 damage per shot.
+15 in stealth means that a low level party is going to have a hard time finding this guy when he doesn't want to be found.
The 2400 gold allowance for a 5th level warrior is going to pay for a bunch of nasty one use items and masterwork bows the above builds assume.
Now many parties will just roll over this guy anyways, but many more are going to be smarting after getting hit by it, potentially even PC deaths. Its not unreasonable to face this guy as a difficult encounter at level 1, and he can 1 round PCs at that level.
Of course the above is only possible because the NPC and Kobold CR rules are pretty useful for making enemies have inflated HP and BAB/abilities for their CR.

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I don't necessarily conflate challenging with scary.
A group of smartly played mercenaries can be challenging, but I won't be scared.
Now THIS scares the crap out of me. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a hosted image of the Bestiary picture, which is actually even creepier, but the Kelpie (ridiculous name aside) gave me nightmares the first time I saw it.
I dunno. It might be because of how much it reminds me of a certain other horse picture that traumatized me as a child.

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For me, it must be the Worm-that-walks : as dangerous as a high level wizard + tons of immuunities. And it looks ugly !!
DM made one of these into a gestalted 20th level wizard-fighter-cleric for our end boss in the last campaign we finished. I'm honestly still a little surprised we didn't TPK.

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Pugwampis. F#$!ing pugwampis.
I wouldn't say 'scariest.'
Definitely most hated...
I previous editions, I feared the Grell and the Carrion Crawler. Never once had someone succeed at all eight saving throws vs. paralyzation... Friggin' Night Below. We steamrollered that Shadow Dragon encounter, and then got TPK'd by some vastly weaker Grell.
Lately? Yeah, swarms, for the most part. You either have the exact thing you need, or you're screwed. That's poor design, IMO, and encourages cookie-cutter party design.

Matt2VK |
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Scariest by themselves - No
Scariest if your fighting them in their home territory - YES!
Kobolds. They don't even need class levels. They just have to be played right by the DM using this description for Kobolds: Cowards and schemers, they never fight fair if they can help it, instead setting up ambushes and double-crosses, holing up in their warrens behind countless crude but ingenious traps, or rolling over the enemy in vast, yipping hordes.
I've seen a 5th level party of PCs run away in fear after going into a Kobold den.
Most other 'monsters' fight fair or have a 'type' of code they follow. Not Kobolds. Anything goes with them.

Tacticslion |

To me, in 3.5, it was stuff that dealt ability drain (though level drain was a close second). Didn't matter what it was, though incorporeal and high stealth made things that much worse. It was even more terrible if were relatively low level.
In Pathfinder, I'm not entirely sure.
Possibly one of the harder-to-keep-gone creatures. The Iachthavos comes to mind as others have stated.

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Tangaroa wrote:Anything with enough levels and BlasphemyYou mean like an awakened half-fiend tyrannosaurus rex?
Ohh god... I want an excuse to use one now. Fun one is a half-fiend treant, nothing better then a plant with a chip on it's shoulder lol.
Now scary we have to talk mindflayer, I mean the things FLAY MINDS! Ohh and eat them.

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Dreaming Psion wrote:You mean like an awakened half-fiend tyrannosaurus rex?Depends... is his visual acuity based on movement, and he'll ignore me if I just stand still? If so, I'm not worried!
Grant's theory was bunk, if it had recently eaten anything the size of a goat or larger it just generally wouldn't be interested. Lol see if anyone else remembers that quote.

Fastmover |
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Tangaroa wrote:Grant's theory was bunk, if it had recently eaten anything the size of a goat or larger it just generally wouldn't be interested. Lol see if anyone else remembers that quote.Dreaming Psion wrote:You mean like an awakened half-fiend tyrannosaurus rex?Depends... is his visual acuity based on movement, and he'll ignore me if I just stand still? If so, I'm not worried!
"I'm a vegetarian..."

Brambleman |
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Tangaroa wrote:Grant's theory was bunk, if it had recently eaten anything the size of a goat or larger it just generally wouldn't be interested. Lol see if anyone else remembers that quote.Dreaming Psion wrote:You mean like an awakened half-fiend tyrannosaurus rex?Depends... is his visual acuity based on movement, and he'll ignore me if I just stand still? If so, I'm not worried!
Also, according to the material, that trait came from the frog dna used to fill the gaps.

Solidchaos085 |
For my 3.5 favored soul? Skeleton archers, all five time I EVER played one, my dm would have us eventually encounter skeletons. Rolling the dice in front of me, rolled triple natural 20s for an instant kill (house rules we used at the time, and still do when it comes up)
For my 3.5 samurai? Tables, no joke, got the same instant kill result from an animated table.