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![]() In a 2nd Ed AD&D game, We had a player scouting as the ranger. he had drank a potion of invisibility. He saw an ambush and spent 20 minutes trying to decide whether or not he should attack the ambush from invisible or try to signal (while invisible) the party and not break his invisibility. He couldn't understand why he couldn't do either without breaking invisibility. after that 20 minutes the party just walked into the ambush of 14 spiders the size of German Shepherds, while he watched from invisible. Later in the same game session, we captured 3 bandits on the road (and he was CG and would lose his class in this edition if he turned from good) and had to be talked out of cutting the throats of the bound and gagged men. ![]()
![]() our Thursday night group is just about to start book four (level 9 currently). the thing other than environmental stuff that has been mentioned is that i have noticed so far is what works good is a balanced party. this can be mitigated some by having more than four players (which we do) but essentially you need up front beef, buff and healing, skills and face, and battlefield shaping. you don't have to have the classic Fighter, Cleric, Rogue, Wizard, but having those roles represented in some fashion by different players help. Another thing to consider is having all damage types, and ability to deal with all different kinds of baddies( i.e. incorporeal, invisible, spell casty etc.) Although i guess the advice i just gave you applies to most campaigns i can just say that Reign of Winter brings all kinds and takes all kinds! ![]()
![]() It definitely looks to me like non-paladin behavior. if this is his first time then warn him absolutely that he is pushing the edge. if this is a pattern tell him from the risk of innocents with the burning down the tavern he should lose some of his powers until he atones. Have him seek out a high level cleric (preferably of his faith) have that cleric give him a quest or act he must do to atone for his actions then have the cleric cast atonement on him to get his powers back and let it serve as a warning for his action. If he changes his way as it were then he would be fine. if he reverts to wicked ways then let him fall and tell him playing a paladin isn't easy. Just my 2c. ![]()
![]() While i would never dissuade someone from going Pally lets face it, its not a class for everyone. so if role playing the Holy warrior(gasp) is not your thing, I suggest the Defender of the weak. There is a fighter optimization guide linked off the class guide sticky that basically teaches you different fighter types and the defender of the weak fighter is a heavy AC sword and board shield basher with like a long sword. i built one who did well several campaigns ago with a half orc using the toothy racial trait. he had 3 attacks a round before he got iterative attacks. he had tank AC and dealt damage with melee weapons like it was going out of style. with feats like step up to keep people from 5' stepping away and shield slam to give him free bull rush attack he kept the ranged and caster characters clean. Look up the fighter class guide and try defender of the weak. its feat intensive with TWF and shield bash etc. but its a lot of fun! ![]()
![]() Every time i run a game I let characters change something about their character after playing a few sessions, usually within the first level advancement or so. I tell them this is your one mulligan to tweak a stat or swap a feat or change a trait or something that fits more what they going for in concept. this is done out of game and during down time for the party not in middle of anything important and almost always when they level up. I support letting your players change their characters slightly if something isn't working the way they expected or trying something new. remember its game and the goal should always be to fun first and foremost! ![]()
![]() I am big fan of Ragathiel. The general of heaven whose father is an archdevil? awesome! I am also a big fan of his domains and favored weapon.(Bastard Sword). In one of my current games i am playing a Paladin of him. I really love the flavor of that diety for a martial character. I also like the story of Cayden and Sun Wukong which many people have already mentioned. ![]()
![]() I was thinking that no sleep or sleep in armor gave you the fatigued condition and if you travel with a paladin or were a paladin who had the fatigue mercy on his lay on hands (removes the fatigued condition) that you would just sleep in armor or go without sleep at all and use the Lay on hands to remove the negative effect. ![]()
![]() A cheap magic item i have purchased in one of my games is the Sleeves of many garments (200gp). They allow you to be wearing any clothes you want. I bought these for a cleric cohort of my Paladin character. The cohort is a female diplomat and sometimes has to go into diplomatic situations. this magic item doesn't do anything mechanically (except maybe negate a diplomacy penalty) but ensures that the cohort will be dressed appropriately no matter the situation. ![]()
![]() As far as SR being awful because of a standard action to lower it:
As a player If you don't like the ability as RAW then don't use it. As a GM you can run your game however is most fun to you, so feel free to house rule whatever you like. ![]()
![]() A friend of mine made a mobile tank fighter for a game we played recently. We were 6th level and he had an AC of 29 and a movement of 40 or 50 (cant remember which). He played a crane style monk. he didn't out DPR everyone but was very good in most situations and could deflect attacks as well as not get hit with his High AC. If you are willing to give up the dual wield swashbuckler idea and just want a mobile yet defensive build with that can attack several times, i recommend the crane style monk. i know monks don't get a lot of love on these message boards but all that i have seen( and i have played PF for years) in game, monks can perform a lot of roles in combat. ![]()
![]() gr8artist wrote:
*emphasis mine I would read that since it says a normal bullet it would load one bullet. ![]()
![]() kyrt-ryder wrote: You can still take move actions and a 5' step, as long as you don't actually move. Teleporting isn't moving, it's ceasing to be in one place and appearing in another. I thought that, but i was considering teleporting next to the BBEG and then take a five foot step into flanking just seems a little OP. ![]()
![]() Hello,
SRD wrote: Dimensional Hop (Sp): At 8th level, you can teleport up to 10 feet per cleric level per day as a move action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature brought. I am not sure if i can use this ability and take a five foot step afterward then attack with a standard action, or is this considered movement (as if i walked etc.) and i can only take a standard action afterwards. Thanks for any help on this! ![]()
![]() I never understood the gain of torturing demons (or undead for that matter) i mean if a paladin is trying to extract information what is his offer going to be to the demon? i will cause you pain until i slay you and send you back to the abyss; if you tell what i want i will slay and banish (painfully i might add) quicker? A paladin cannot offer to let him go because either he would be lying or commit a worse act to suffer evil in the world. Torture to anyone is evil. Evil acts cause a paladin to fall. If he needs information that badly to save thousands couldn't he just ask the mage he travels with to help him or consult a diviner NPC? ![]()
![]() Hero's defiance is a good spell. it doesn't automatically heal you if you die but allows you to use a lay on hands (if you have one) on yourself if you fall below zero HP and you still have roll and hope it soaks enough damage to keep you up (which it may not) also its an immediate action (which takes up your next swift action and therefore you cant lay on hands your next turn) and so we are back to swift action economy. true grace may not be the best spell for an archer Pally, i just said it was my favorite 1st level spell. There are plenty of good ones. actually lesser restoration is a good 1st level paladin spell so its only 25 gp to have on a scroll for when you might need it. ![]()
![]() Actually there is in the splatbook for Tian Xia (Dragon Empires gazetteer) it says for the country of Tian Jing (which has lots of Aasimars) it says that Empyreal Lords are a main religion. Now as far as the inner sea region, yea i would say any place that you find a lot of Iomedae worship you would find some shrines to Ragathiel. On a personal note i find that Ragagthiel is an awesome deity for a paladin (He is the "General of Heaven"). Since his fav weapon is Bastard Sword its a good deity for a two a handed pally build. However i wonder with a cleric of him, would the cleric gain the martial prof in the bastard sword (using it only two handed) or would he/she gain the exotic proficiency in the bastard sword ( using it one or two handed)? ![]()
![]() Ok first things first, archetypes you select when you make the character. Now as to the archetype you mention. it is 3rd party so make sure your GM allows that, many do not! It seems like a mounted focused character which can be good if you build them well. Personally i prefer the cavalier class if i am gonna go mounted, but you could do it with the archetype if really wanted. understand that a mounted character is good in an out door campaign, but in a dungeon not so much. the only exception to this is the gnome/halfling esp the halfling. Halfling because they get an alt race feature (halfling outrider) that gives some skill bumps and a small character because your mount is medium size so it can go anywhere the party goes, (except of course up and down ropes and ladders) so you can go into a dungeon with a small character and a medium mount although realize you wont be able to charge very much in that situation and mounted is all about the charge. As for spells with the paladin, i like "grace" as my favorite first level spell. it is a swift action to cast and allows you to move through combat without provoking attacks of opportunity. there are many other good spells for the paladin but be aware that there is a lot of swift action spells out there and if you have never played a paladin before they are all about the swift action economy. Since many of their abilities are swift actions (lay on hands, use smite evil) and so is a lot of their spells and you only get one per round you have to manage that well. ![]()
![]() Well lets see...those are very high number for those levels but +22 might be doable.... 7 ranks
that is 22 so yeah its possible for a 7th level rogue with wither a 12 wisdom and skill focus or 18 wisdom and no skill focus to pull that off. now for a +33 in anything at 9th level without skill focus i would question and ask them to explain it and/or audit their character if i was their Gm or if another player maybe ask you GM to look into it. ![]()
![]() i think the point of any game is to have fun and unless you are playing an arena one shot or something there is no fun getting killed by another character nor is it good to spoil the fun of someone else by killing their character. Pathfinder specifically and role paying in general is a team game where everyone works together to overcome obstacles and have fun playing together. Now conflict between players where players disagree and etc is ok but outright PVP is the antithesis of good role-playing because of the team element to the game. I hate PvP with a passion and i would rather just walk from a game before i do it. ![]()
![]() Shalafi2412 wrote: What level were you phat? We were a epic stated (2d6+6 per stat) party of 6th level when we slayed Groth the "demon lord" he wasn't that powerful of a demon lord honestly and it took five of us to kill him. I just got lucky and did the kill blow with my bite attack. The whole "assume his title" thing was because my GM didn't think we could beat him and he wanted a reason to send other demons after us as a party. The cult to "Groth" was my idea and the GM thought it was a great use of leadership. Since we went to 7th level for slaying Groth i was eligible for he feat. So it worked out well for the campaign. ![]()
![]() I had a character in an evil campaign a while back who had a cult. He was a sword and board fighter half-Orc. He used a bite attack as part of his full attack and while it wasn't much he actually slayed a minor demon lord with the bite attack and the GM ruled that since i ate the Demon lord to kill it I assumed its demon lord title. This opened my character up to having other demons come wanting to take the title from me but also allowed my character to take the leadership feat. We used the leadership feat to build my character the cult of the demon lord. With my cohort as the cult leader (a sorceress) and my followers as the cult members. If this cult is for a player character that is how i would recommend doing it: the leadership feat. It was a lot of fun in our case and made for good role-play. ![]()
![]() I use furious focus on my Paladin. Currently he is 7th level and while he doesn't get the bonus to hit on iterative attacks that first attack with smite evil is such a big one (double damage on undead/evil outsiders/dragons/anti-paladins) that it is more important that my first attack land anyways. It might math wise work out to be similar or a little worse as weapon focus normally but when smiting that extra bump on the first while power attacking makes a difference. ![]()
![]() Think about using a few hundred coins on non-magical/alchemical gear. I know there are tons of stuff useful in the Ultimate Equipment book. I'm not that familiar with the adventure you are on but never know when you might need something like a silver/cold iron/admantine pellet grenade or something. Just a thought if you can spare a bit of money. ![]()
![]() A few things i always have esp for a martial character is a melee weapon of each damage type. (c'mon a club is free and a spear is a couple gold). I try to have ranged weapon of each type, (blunt arrows cost double but its 2 gp for 20! and if you can get a pistol in your campaign or a gun axe, bullets do Bludgeoning and piercing and a boom-stick is a heck of a backup weapon!) and a whistle and a donkey/mule. A donkey is one of he best things to buy (8gp) and can carry hundreds of pounds of gear. It will go into dungeons and if you train it can come when you whistle and will fight off things who try to steal/harm your gear. and if you lose it get it killed or whatever its just 8gp Other items that i try to get starting is smoke sticks, tinder twigs, sunrods, and bug candles. ![]()
![]() There is a smite ability with the celestial template. You can play a druid and take planar wild shape and when you wild shape (into whatever) you have the celestial template and have a smiting ability 1/day. That smite is based off Cha. You will also get some DR, Spell resistance and some energy resistance and it levels up with you. ![]()
![]() I am currently playing a sword saint samurai and there was two avenues of feats i was considering for my samurai. The first is almost mandatory: Iron Will and Improved Iron Will. with no wisdom bonus that you have you will want some bonus to a will save roll. I have not played RotRL, but I will bet there some nastiness that will cause you to save vs. will or have suck results.
![]() I have played a Magus recently and the thing i found the most important was my intelligence score. Remember that you have 3/4 BAB and lighter armor at low levels so you aren't really a fighter that cast spells you are an offensive spell caster that delivers spells through melee. so while you need things like hit points and strength( or dex depending on the build) you really need to have good int for your bonus spells and almost everything that a Magus does is based off the int score. My suggestion make Int your primary stat and you will have better arcane pool and most of your arcana will work better because of this. ![]()
![]() DCSJ30 wrote: Thank sounds like some sound advice, I'll see if I can put it in there sooner. Also, what guide are you referring to? I thought I'd checked all the guides but I don't remember seeing anything similar to what I want. Thanks for the advice! https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=15x4he4WAFYNsoeYgNG8KaEjPH2OvzF2dU jiy8BL1h14&hl=en&pli=1 also there is a sticky at the beginning of this forum "Guide to Class Guides" that is handy! i refer to it before i start any new character. Remember though that the guides aren't meant to be absolute just help you mold the character you what to play. ![]()
![]() I played a sword and board fighter similar to what you playing, although the optimization guide I read called it defender of the weak, the one thing that it recommended to me that i wholeheartedly agree with is taking the feat Iron Will within first few levels. I noticed you left some bonus in wisdom which is good and if you get to use traits from the APG consider taking Indomitable Faith which gives you an additional +1 to will saves. You can't defend anyone if you get dominated by a bad guy and kill the party! |