Ravingdork's Crazy Character Emporium


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
DominusMegadeus wrote:

I was reading Jobe the Lesser's Phantom Thief version and I love it.

The possibilities out of combat when you have skills like that are just ridiculous. High speed and quality on your Disguise with the ability to keep three or four of them on hand at any given time, throwing your voice and being able to imitate anything/anyone you disguise yourself as. The Linguistics shenanigans that are basically undetectable. God help the town guard if you had time to set up your renown before they start nosing around. Hope they're rocking a +30 Sense Motive, minimum. "Hm, yes. The sword just fell out of your sheathe and landed in his neck five times. I suppose it happens. Sorry to bother you Mr. Söze."

Exactly. :D

So, I still can't upload to your public folder. Tried it from my desktop, laptop, phone and kindle. Dunno what's up with that.

Anyway, thought I'd share an NPC for those who need a great thief.

Kearnen, the 10th level dwarven Phantom Thief. Kearnen is capable of breaking into nearly any location. An expert at disarming traps, picking locks and remaining unseen or heard, there is no treasure safe from her grasp. As a telekinetic thief, she can even rob her marks from dozens, even hundreds, of feet away; keeping her safe from harm, and safe from suspicion. However, just to be safe, she likes to carry an assortment of gear to give her a plausible deniability as to how she carries out her thefts. Kearnen is no warrior, though she knows how to defend herself. She will typically flee from battle instead of fight.

I'd always liked the idea of a telekinetic thief, and, now, I finally built one. With her telekinetic abilities, she very often doesn't even have to enter a building in order to rob it. As long as she can see it, she can steal it. She can pick locks and disarm traps from long distances, or pick pockets, keeping her safe from harm should she fail. She's designed to be a master of breaking and entering, and her gear reflects that.

Kearnen is a 15-point buy NPC (10 Str, 15 Dex, 13 Con, 14 Int, 10 Wis, 10 Cha before racial adjustments) with NPC wealth for a "Heroic" campaign. Note: Kearnen must remove her eyes of the eagle in order to make use of her goggles of minute seeing and it is reflected in her stats. Also, her stats do not account for the +10 or +20 bonus from using telekinetic invisibility, this would adjust her Stealth to +36 or +46 respectively.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A phantom thief who actually isn't a phantom thief? Nevertheless, a very nice concept! Any particular reason you chose to go with a dwarf over other race opportunities?

I'll check my OneDrive account settings and see what's what.

Ravingdork wrote:

A phantom thief who actually isn't a phantom thief? Nevertheless, a very nice concept! Any particular reason you chose to go with a dwarf over other race opportunities?

I'll check my OneDrive account settings and see what's what.

Partially the stats (con boost, Wis boost, hardy), partially because I tried to keep the choices for the build relatively simple and limited in the number of books, and dwarf seemed the most likely of the core races to turn against her in suspicion, and partially because a character in a campaign I ran until real life interfered had a dwarven thief banished once his pilfering ways caught up to him. I sometimes build NPCs to be counter-parts to PCs of players in my campaigns and I thought this would be a good opportunity for it.

Since she isn't a combat focused character, I wasn't too worried about getting the right race or stats for a Kineticist.

As for the Phantom thief? She turns invisible, can move things around and can whisper things to you. I could easily see her "haunting" a target to unnerve him and make him easier to rob.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Sienna Hensworth, weather witch - 15th-level female human aerokineticist (elemental purist)

Sienna is world traveler capable of unleashing a disintegrating nova of wind and electricity that deals 32d6+58 damage for 0 burn at will! If she's willing to accept burn, she can expand that attack into a defensive burst, cone, cylinder, or line (a few combinations which would normally be impossible for an aerokineticist); or even empower, maximize, and quicken it!

She is also an accomplished linguist, orator, and able survivalist and scout.

The elemental purist archetype comes from the recently released Planes of Power supplament, and is awesome chiefly for its ability to allow kineticists to mix and match form and substance infusions with their blasts regardless of elemental/energy-type limitations!

She can also summon tornados as a standard action and has a high enough fly skill to maneuver through their destructive winds while she rains destruction down upon her foes.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


I have updated the Wild Talent Sorter for kineticist players to include the following:

  • composite blasts
  • defense wild talents
  • simple blasts
  • source column
  • Ultimate Intrigue content

Please do let me know if I overlooked anything.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Tels wrote:
So, I still can't upload to your public folder. Tried it from my desktop, laptop, phone and kindle. Dunno what's up with that.

Tels, does the following link do anything for you?


Ravingdork wrote:
Tels wrote:
So, I still can't upload to your public folder. Tried it from my desktop, laptop, phone and kindle. Dunno what's up with that.

Tels, does the following link do anything for you?


Yeah, it send me to your shared folder.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Tels wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Tels wrote:
So, I still can't upload to your public folder. Tried it from my desktop, laptop, phone and kindle. Dunno what's up with that.

Tels, does the following link do anything for you?

Yeah, it send me to your shared folder.

But there's no toolbar with an option to upload?

Myself (while signed out of my account) and others see a toolbar with an upload option at the top.

In any case, I've e-mailed OneDrive support, so hopefully we will get more answers on this issue soon.

It didn't give me the option when I first clicked on it, but now it does. Weird.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I uploaded Genbu, the Earthen King a human geokinetic that rules over a mountain, and Kearnen, the Phantom Thief to your shared folder. I was going to upload a couple of NPC builds, but giving them a once over shows that recent FAQ/ratta makes them obsolete for those who still follow Paizo's rules.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks for the contribution! I hope a lot of people get great use out of them!

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I like that Kearnen. :-)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm a big fan of the Earthen King.

In the beginning I was more interested in the mechanics of your characters, but now, after some rereading, I came to enjoy more the background you have for some of them. You have talent with words, I wonder if you have participated in any of the villain codex contests?

Ed Reppert wrote:
I like that Kearnen. :-)

One of the things I like about Kearnen, is how you can pull off tricks with her. For example, lets say you rebuilt her to be a little better in combat so she is more accurate on her strikes. If you used her against a player, you would do well to play her up as a "rogue". Players might go to great lengths to deny flanking and sneak attack, only for her to attack with her "dagger" (in reality, her kinetic blade) and you roll a bunch of d6's for damage anyway.

Likewise, should she be captured alive, unless she's kept in a spotlessly clean location, she can use her telekinetic abilities to aid in her escape. Throwing her naked into a jail cell isn't going to stop her from just blasting the door off it's hinges, turning invisible and escaping.

I also gave her a shield and never factored it into her AC, the reason? The shield is something for her to stand on as a platform to lift herself with telekinetic haul. I picture it to look something like Static Shock.

It took re-watching the above video, but it occurs to me, much of what Static Shock does in that cartoon can be achieved by an Aero/Aetherkinetic.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Nicos wrote:
In the beginning I was more interested in the mechanics of your characters, but now, after some rereading, I came to enjoy more the background you have for some of them. You have talent with words, I wonder if you have participated in any of the villain codex contests?

I've not heard of the Villain Codex contest. What is that?

Ravingdork wrote:
Nicos wrote:
In the beginning I was more interested in the mechanics of your characters, but now, after some rereading, I came to enjoy more the background you have for some of them. You have talent with words, I wonder if you have participated in any of the villain codex contests?
I've not heard of the Villain Codex contest. What is that?

A shame,

It's not the Paizo book but 3pp books

http://paizo.com/products/btpy9iqu?The-Villain-Codex-I-Foes-for-Fledgling-H eroes

http://paizo.com/products/btpy9k85/discuss?Villain-Codex-II-Adversaries-for -Advanced-Heroes


Even I managed to publish a Villain.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


I have updated the Wild Talent Sorter to include content from Horror Adventures.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Introducing Faern Zagdul, a 1st-level human occultist, Kellid survivor, and recent entrant into the Dark Archive beneath the Grand Lodge of Absalom.

Will take my time to once again say how much i love this thread, may Ravingdork live for ever!

Zilfrel Findadur wrote:
Will take my time to once again say how much i love this thread, may Ravingdork live for ever!

I'd echo that, this is a really excellent resource for GMs and Players alike.

No investigators among the collection? (Or did I fail my perception check?)

I'm particularly interested in what you make of the Psychic Detective archetype. For me, it's chock full of RP goodness.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
GM-JZ wrote:
No investigators among the collection? (Or did I fail my perception check?)

None as of yet I'm afraid. I fully intend to cover all of the classes at some point though, so it should only be a matter of time.

Hello Ravingdork.

I'm curious as to how Bao Zheng reaches 26 Touch AC? 10 Base + 4 Dexterity + 3 from Mobile Fortress = 17, so where do you get the additional 9 from?


xSalient wrote:
10 Base + 4 Dexterity + 3 from Mobile Fortress = 17

Or +4 from Mobile Fortress if Shield Focus counts, so 18 I guess.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
xSalient wrote:

Hello Ravingdork.

I'm curious as to how Bao Zheng reaches 26 Touch AC? 10 Base + 4 Dexterity + 3 from Mobile Fortress = 17, so where do you get the additional 9 from?


You know, I'm not really sure. Probably just a typo.

Also, wouldn't it be 18 rather than 17? 10 Base + 4 Dexterity + 4 from Mobile Fortress = 18

Hey Raving, you dont happen to have a Mantis Assassin in there somewhere?

I was poking at the mantis assassin theme again and thought of something in the line of going "Divine Tracker" archtype with Ranger to get the free prof with Sawtooth sabres with Achaekek.

Then pick up the two-weapon fighting feats with the ranger combat style and try to keep the dex around 15-ish.
Might have to pick up Double Slice rather early so you can pick up Two-Weapon rend later down the line at at lvl 14, unless you want to skip getting Greater TWF at lvl 10 and get rend instead before you go into the prestige class.

Alternatively you never go into the Prestige Class and just go all out Ranger and pick up two-weapon rend at lvl 12 and still have G.TWF.

I am not quite sure what road i want to take, as the PRC is rather flavorful, and getting the TWF setup with the sabres have some benefit in the PRC that you cant get otherwise.

My previous attempt is rather weird in its setup as i try to pull in the attributes to pick up G.TWF with a manual, which i could hae done otherwise if i just was willing to dump another stat... but getting something this MAD to work in 15-point is hard.

So in this iteration i was thinking dropping the H.Walker gimmick and go 10/10 Ranger/Mantis, or i could go 10/3/7 and still have H.Walker, though i personally believe its better suited for 20pts.

Hmm, or maybe it would have been better just to go as a Warpriest without the PRC and just leech the weapon prof from Achaekek?

Ravingdork wrote:
xSalient wrote:

Hello Ravingdork.

I'm curious as to how Bao Zheng reaches 26 Touch AC? 10 Base + 4 Dexterity + 3 from Mobile Fortress = 17, so where do you get the additional 9 from?


You know, I'm not really sure. Probably just a typo.

Also, wouldn't it be 18 rather than 17? 10 Base + 4 Dexterity + 4 from Mobile Fortress = 18

Yeah that's probably right. I forgot to include Shield Focus in the calculation.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Dracoknight wrote:
Hey Raving, you dont happen to have a Mantis Assassin in there somewhere?

I'm afraid I don't officially have one in the gallery. However, a friend of mine has made a pretty beastly mantis assassin in our Skull and Shackles game (see below).

[temporary link]

xSalient wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
xSalient wrote:

Hello Ravingdork.

I'm curious as to how Bao Zheng reaches 26 Touch AC? 10 Base + 4 Dexterity + 3 from Mobile Fortress = 17, so where do you get the additional 9 from?


You know, I'm not really sure. Probably just a typo.

Also, wouldn't it be 18 rather than 17? 10 Base + 4 Dexterity + 4 from Mobile Fortress = 18

Yeah that's probably right. I forgot to include Shield Focus in the calculation.

I've fixed the error. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

So, the power company accidentally cut my phone line while working on the poles near my house and the phone company can't get out to fix it until sometime next week >:|

Anyway, since most of my normal forms of entertainment involve my Xbox, I decided to make some characters I've had in mind for awhile. The first one I'm uploading is Captain Cheliax. I figured with the whole "Captain America has been an agent of Hydra all along" plotline in the Marvel comics, I'd make myself an evil Cap, that makes use of the Merciless Rush and Squash Flat feats.

With those feats, every time he makes a bull rush attack, he can make a free trip attempt on a success in exchange for moving them. Since he makes free bull rushes on a shield bash, thanks to Shield Slam, and can throw his shield to make a shield bash at range... Basically, he can throw his shield, ricochet it off enemies, deal damage, and knock them flat on their ass before catching his shield, ready to continue fighting.

Anyway, to go along with the "super serum" aspect, Captain Cheliax has had his latent Azlanti heritage awakened and, as such, is now a Purblooded Azlanti (same as a human, but +2 to all stats instead of just one stat). Otherwise, he's 15 pt buy and has PC wealth (because he's the Champion of the Empire).

Not sure who I'm going to build next, might be Sweeney Todd, might be a serial murderer fairy. Dunno.

Have fun!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Introducing Etari the Magnificent, CG male human unchained rogue 6 (knife master, scout), a stage magician with a flair for thrilling theatrics--the more harrowing the better! A master of both disguises and legerdemain, Etari also specializes in precision knife throwing, acting, escapology, kidnapping, minor illusions, social engineering, scouting, spying, and sabotage.

In combat as on the stage, he prefers to catch his opponents off-guard, often opening up with a brazen charge, pommeling his enemies over the head with his dagger and Sap Master feat (using both his Bludgeoner and Weapon Versatility feats to deal nonlethal bludgeoning damage). Once his opponent is seeing stars, he quickly moves to dispatch his foe from the fight in traditional rogue fashion before moving on to the next target.

At later levels, I would recommend investing heavily in the Intimidate skill and picking up the feats Dazzling Display and Shatter Defenses--to make better use of the Sap Adept and Sap Master feats.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


I am very proud to introduce to the Emporium its very first warpriest character!

Valaelas the White CG male tengu warpriest 12 (cult leader), is a fanatic Gorum cult leader and tengu known for his deadly natural attacks.

I owe a big thanks to Grumbaki for coming up with the build idea.

He averages 195 damage per round with divine power and sneak attack if all of his natural attacks land (not entirely unlikely as he doesn't have any iterative attack penalties). His final attack routine with divine power and sneak attack would look something like this:

bite +23 (1d10+5d6+15), gore +23 (1d10+5d6+15), and 3 claws +23 (1d10+6d6+15)

...And that's before buffs from other spells, class abilities, or allies!

I've been trying to figure out some way of freeing up some of those Weapon Focus/Specialization feats, but the only possible methods are Martial Flexibility (which requires you to be human), or the Weapon Specialist advanced weapon training option, which I can't finagle some method of qualifying for. The only possible way is Martial Focus > Advanced Weapon Training feat, but I don't think Martial Focus counts for AWP, and you don't have an actual weapon training bonus for the purpose of Weapon Specialist anyway.

[Edit] Oh, by the way, trying to work this out reminded me of a post on reddit that might be up your alley: Turn your Fighter into a caster with Advanced Weapon Training.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah, I've seen that build before right here on these boards. Thanks for sharing. It really is a cool build.

Let me know if you figure out a better way to handle the feats on VW.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I just now realized that we've JUST TOPPED 200 CHARACTERS IN THE EMPORIUM!!!

EDIT: And also, according to OneDrive analytics, the collection has been viewed over 30,000 times! That's enough to make me cry. 8'D

On average, each character has been seen by approximately 80 to 220 roleplayers with the most popular by far being Hama, the Wandering Witch, at a whopping 1,621 views at the time of this writing--that's more than 10 times the average (140)! I'm guessing putting the word "quadriplegic" in the file name peaked people's curiosity. lol. :P

Thank you to everyone who helped get us there! Here's to another 30,000 hits in the future! :D :D :D

May this Emporium forever serve to inspire players and GMs for so long as Pathfinder is played. :D

So, I corrected a few errors in my original Kearnen the Phantom Thief build, but I also posted an alternative one. It was pointed out to me that a Spiritualist Investigator would be a good alternative to unchained rogue, as it boosts her will save and gives her re-rolls on saving throws by spending inspiration, includes trapfinding, and lets her use inspiration for free and the majority of her important skills. However, it means giving up her combat feats, so she's slightly less proficient in combat, which is totally fine as she's not meant to be a combat character. Also, the fact that she is a "phantom thief" and seems to have some connection to dead spirits is very thematically appropriate. Alternative Kearnen build.

Have you ever built an Alchemist that makes gratuitous use of alchemical allocation? Because I just realized that a high enough level Alchemist can use alchemical allocation to abuse the elixir of life alchemist discovery because it is, technically, an elixir.

Similar to an Alchemist, an Investigator that doesn't trade away alchemy can also make use of this little exploit for, essentially, free resurrection at higher levels. Even better, both Investigators and Alchemists can use an infused alchemical allocation to let party members and allies use the Elixir of Life to grant them true resurrection with only a 1 time cost.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Cool! I've not thought of such a combo before. Might try to build a character off of that idea when I have time.

So I came across this app for Androids called Pathbuilder that, at this current point, is a 100% free character builder with like, 95% of the rules incorporated in it. It's super easy to use if you just want to whip out a character real quick. It lacks the depth and pin-point accuracy of hand-built characters, of course (like being able to calculate out all of your weight and amount of gold left or summaries of abilities etc.), but it's a pretty damned good app considering it's the creation of a single developer.

Anyway, I wanted to take it for a test run, so I threw together an idea I'd had for awhile, but hadn't got around to making: sibling rogues that use attacks of opportunity to murderize foes. But how to optimize.... Ratfolk!

Jynx and Kynx are deadly assassins and bounty hunters. Trained from a young age together, they have intimate knowledge of each others fighting styles and tactics. They flow around one another in combat, like a river over a boulder. Each and every move they make against a target leaves an opening for their sibling to take advantage of.

In combat, Jynx and Kynx make use of their Swarming trait to occupy the same square while still flanking. Since they are flanking, they gain sneak attack, and benefit from Outflank and their menacing weapons, giving them a whopping +6 to attack rolls while flanking. In addition, they also both have Greater Trip, letting them make a free attack of opportunity whenever an enemy falls prone in their threatened square, and whenever one of them takes an attack of opportunity, it triggers an attack of opportunity from their sibling. Worse? Whenever they land a critical hit with their kukri, it also triggers an attack of opportunity. For s%%+s and giggles? Once per day, when one sibling misses on an attack roll, they can grant a free attack to the other sibling; and finally, they can both cast line in the sand to add their intelligence modifier (+3) to the number of attacks of opportunity they can make within the area of the spell for a grand total of 9 AoO per round.

So, when flanking, if a sibling attempts a trip, they have a total of +23 to their CMB (8 BAB + 5 Dex + 6 flank + 1 weapon + 4 greater trip - 1 size) which all but guarantees a trip against most enemies. Once an enemy is on the ground, it effectively gives the siblings a +4 on attack rolls, boosting their attack rolls from +21 (8 BAB + 5 dex + 6 flank + 1 weapon + 1 size) to +24 to hit. [Edit] Also, forgot to add they get a further +4 to hit when making an attack of opportunity due to Paired Opportunists.

Also, between prestidigitation and mending, they can fairly effectively clean a crime scene (repairing broken windows or items and wiping away evidence). Should they ever be caught, they can use Umbral Gear (a talent that is not in Pathbuilder at the moment, but I included a note on the sheet) to create lock picks, rope and weapons in order to escape.

All in all, pretty nasty little pair of siblings.

I will more than likely rebuild the Twins into a proper sheet, but I think they made a pretty nice test run for my purposes. Gonna keep my eye on this app as it was super easy to use, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg like Hero Labs does.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Very cool! I've used similar combos in some of my own characters.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Vicroar Sesnaben (CE venerable half-elf unchained summoner 10), the notorious cult summoner of the Old Ones, has now been recreated as both a blood summoner and an unchained summoner, while also utilizing the amazing new aberrant eidolon rules from the recently released Horror Realms.

A wonderful assortment of characters here! I was curious on 2 points (at the moment): a) with Jotun the Frost Child, what is the source of his Cold Resistence? and b) Do you have a suggested level progression for Drosil, should someone try playing something similar?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Oncoming Storm wrote:
A wonderful assortment of characters here! I was curious on 2 points (at the moment): a) with Jotun the Frost Child, what is the source of his Cold Resistence? and b) Do you have a suggested level progression for Drosil, should someone try playing something similar?

If I recall correctly, Jotun's cold resistance is from his paladin favored class bonus. Human paladins can give themselves energy resistance that way.

A thematic Time Child build, like Drosil's, I don't have anything specific to offer, but he might see a lot of use from options that grant him divinatory capabilities, or abilities that allow him to manipulate random chance. Such abilities are in keeping with his theme and can be potentially very powerful.

If I were to progress him further, I would also consider investing in abilities and spells that let him blanket the battlefield in darkness. This not only allows him to take advantage of his increased miss chance, it can hinder enemies while leaving him unimpeded. Another option might be disarm/sunder-type abilities, which can take advantage of his ability to rot anything he touches. You could also pick up some save or die/screwed spells that benefit from his debuff abilities, such as regretful gaze.

There are lots of different directions you can take a character like that.

Thank you very much!

Can I add my own characters here or is this thread for Ravingdork's characters only?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Its totally free for all. I even have a submission folder on my OneDrive specifically for non-RD character sheets.

You can put character sheets there, with a link to it in this thread; or you can just post the character directly in this thread.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Jorkane al-Lowell Hedessa Bekhzadi Hanpa (9th-level male elf solar sorcerer 9) - diplomat, merchant, scholar, solar death

“I am Jorkane the Sun Seeker, son of Lowell, descendant of Hedessa, partner to the Bekhzadi merchant house, and proud citizen of the humble town of Hanpa.”

Jorkane al-Lowell is a powerful Qadiran merchant who leveraged his status as a descendant of Hedessa to curry favor with members of the powerful Bekhzadi merchant house, ultimately rising to partner and trade prince within that organization. He is also a powerful solar sorcerer widely feared for his fiery sun powers as well as a proven sage and faculty member at the Imperial School of Business merchant academy. Though he holds no official religious titles, Jorkane is so well-respected within the Sarenite faith, that a high priest and regional leader gifted him with a sun crystal, a magically hardened, glowing, crystal orb that is anathema to creatures of death and shadow.

Though Jorkane possesses a keen intellect and a talent for social manipulation—and has acquired much academic, mercantile, and social success with those skills as a result—he nevertheless remains rather naïve and gullible next to his compatriots. These faults have prevented him from further rising within the hierarchy of Qadiran society for several decades. Just as Jorkane has learned to use his heritage and his many talented skills to his advantage, so too have his business partners long ago learned to take advantage of Jorkane’s all-too-trusting nature.

Ever full of ambition and growing increasingly distraught at his recent failures, Jorkane has decided to strike out into the wider world. He travels from one exotic land to the next, seeking out adventures and grand experiences in the hopes of one day finding “The Brightness”—an abstract form of elven enlightenment. He believes that once he has found and experienced this enlightenment experience, he will be able to one day return to Qadira, meet with even greater wealth and power, and raise his hometown of Hanpa into a great city rivaling that of any metropolis in the East. However, left penniless from his recent betrayals, Jorkane was forced to take out a 50,000gp interest-free loan from the Bekhzadi merchant house in order to fund his expedition of self-discovery—a ticking clock that constantly looms over him like an ever-present shadow. Should he not return the money within one year, his failures will be absolute and everlasting, the shame and disgrace such that he will never again be able to return to Qadira.

Jorkane is a sun sorcerer with a versatile spell selection that allows him to effectively maneuver, debuff/stun-lock foes, control the battlefield, or blast/tear-down large groups of enemies. Though his AC leaves something to be desired, his defenses against magical attacks is quite formidable. Outside of combat, he makes an effective diplomat and merchant.

This character was heavily inspired by an borrows heavily from Qadira, Jewel of the East, and also uses feats, spells, and magical items from a wide array of books, so if you have any questions about how any of it works or comes together, I'll be happy to answer them.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sorry, I killed the link. Here it is again.

Where do you find your character art?

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