[PFS] best 750gp wands for 2pp?


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Looking at it from several angles.

1) I'm a ranger, of course I have a wand of CLW already. Anything else I can actually use? No DC wands are better, right, so wand of entangle would probably not actually entangle anything (my DC for that spell is 14 when I cast it, wand would be DC 11, right?)

2) how about useful wands to pass to the sorcerer, druid, or oracle for an adventure?

3) hmmm... 750gp gets you a wand with 50 charges at CL1... can I get a wand with 10 charges at CL5 for 750gp as well? If so, what wands would be worth it here? 25 charges at CL2, 16 charges at CL3, 12 charges at CL4 would all also be possible for under 750gp. Thinking CL5 wand of Instant Enemy.. oops, Hero Lab says CL7 for IE, I could still get 2 charges for under 750gp, that would give me +4/+4 vs one BBEG that's not already undead or human, which could be very handy.

Honeyed Tongue is a steal for a CL1 wand. Diplomacy is super-useful in PFS, and being able to roll twice is just so great.

Silver Crusade

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If you're an archery focused ranger, then Gravity Bow is an obvious choice.

In PFS, all wands are only available to buy at the lowest caster level and fully charged.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

RumpinRufus wrote:
Honeyed Tongue is a steal for a CL1 wand. Diplomacy is super-useful in PFS, and being able to roll twice is just so great.

Unfortunately, it's not a ranger spell.

Endure Elements is one of those spells that you don't need very often, but when you do, you need multiple castings in a row. Makes a great wand.

Lead blades and gravity bow are the go to dpr wands

Jiggy wrote:
RumpinRufus wrote:
Honeyed Tongue is a steal for a CL1 wand. Diplomacy is super-useful in PFS, and being able to roll twice is just so great.
Unfortunately, it's not a ranger spell.

Really doesn't matter for this spell. You won't be casting it in combat, so trying 10 times to UMD it is totally fine for most situations.

Even if you dumped charisma, it's still not a bad wand because you won't be the one doing the talking anyway. Loan it to whoever is acting as party face when you need them to sweet talk someone for you.

Dark Archive

RumpinRufus wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
RumpinRufus wrote:
Honeyed Tongue is a steal for a CL1 wand. Diplomacy is super-useful in PFS, and being able to roll twice is just so great.
Unfortunately, it's not a ranger spell.

Really doesn't matter for this spell. You won't be casting it in combat, so trying 10 times to UMD it is totally fine for most situations.

Even if you dumped charisma, it's still not a bad wand because you won't be the one doing the talking anyway. Loan it to whoever is acting as party face when you need them to sweet talk someone for you.

Is this actually a 1st level wand for PFS? For some reason I don't think you can use low level paladin spell levels for wand purchases. (i could just be imagining things.) If it is indeed a 1st level wand for 750 gold, i'll get one for most of my characters. Too many faction missions need diplomacy.

Level bard 2, inquisitor 2, paladin 1

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Wands I've bought for PFS:

Cure Light Wounds (Everyone)
Bless Weapon (Paladin)
Gravity Bow (Ranger)
Lead Blades (Ranger - especially TWF ranger)
Comprehend Languages (Eldritch Knight)
Wand of Shield (Sorcerer)
Wand of Mage Armor (Eldritch Knight)
Wand of Bless (Inquisitor)
Wand of Inflict Light Wounds (Paladin/Shadowdancer using UMD, for healing the Shadow.)

I have also bought wands of:

Blur (4,500 GP) (The permanent item costs 24,000 GP, and takes a cloak slot), plus, you can cast it on multiple teammates, or a pet to make it more survivable.
Invisibility (4,500 GP) (The permanent item costs 20,000 GP, and takes a ring slot), plus, you can cast it on multiple teammates.
Heroism (11,250 GP) (This pays for itself FAST when the potions cost 750 GP each, and that +2 on all saves and skill rolls for 50 minutes per charge makes it pure awesome.)

At the point where flying becomes generally useful (around 6th-7th level and up), a wand of Fly costs 3,500 less than Winged Boots, and will probably run out about the time the character retires. Plus, you can use it to cast the spell on teammates.

Veldebrand wrote:
RumpinRufus wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
RumpinRufus wrote:
Honeyed Tongue is a steal for a CL1 wand. Diplomacy is super-useful in PFS, and being able to roll twice is just so great.
Unfortunately, it's not a ranger spell.

Really doesn't matter for this spell. You won't be casting it in combat, so trying 10 times to UMD it is totally fine for most situations.

Even if you dumped charisma, it's still not a bad wand because you won't be the one doing the talking anyway. Loan it to whoever is acting as party face when you need them to sweet talk someone for you.

Is this actually a 1st level wand for PFS? For some reason I don't think you can use low level paladin spell levels for wand purchases. (i could just be imagining things.) If it is indeed a 1st level wand for 750 gold, i'll get one for most of my characters. Too many faction missions need diplomacy.

Level bard 2, inquisitor 2, paladin 1

It is kind of a quirk of the PFS rules, here's the relevant section:

Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play p. 25 wrote:
All potions, scrolls, wands, and other consumables are made by clerics, druids, or wizards in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The only exceptions are spells that are not on the cleric, druid, or wizard spell list. For example, a scroll of lesser restoration must be purchased as a 2nd-level scroll off the cleric spell list and may not be purchased as a 1st-level scroll off the paladin spell list. If a spell appears at different levels on two different lists, use the lower level spell to determine cost.

So since the spell isn't on the cleric, druid, or wizard list, you can use the class that has it at lowest spell level (paladin) to determine its cost.

A Reduce Person is also nice for a Archer Ranger. Would give you +1 to hit from size and +1 for the dex bonus while still doing the same damage.
Missile weapons return to normal size once they leave you.

Just need to find a caster willing to use his action to cast it on you.

rangerjeff wrote:

3) hmmm... 750gp gets you a wand with 50 charges at CL1... can I get a wand with 10 charges at CL5 for 750gp as well? If so, what wands would be worth it here? 25 charges at CL2, 16 charges at CL3, 12 charges at CL4 would all also be possible for under 750gp. Thinking CL5 wand of Instant Enemy.. oops, Hero Lab says CL7 for IE, I could still get 2 charges for under 750gp, that would give me +4/+4 vs one BBEG that's not already undead or human, which could be very handy.

Someone with more knowledge needs to answer this but...

I think, when using PP to purchase a wand, you need to buy it fully charged with 50 charges.

Anyone able to confirm or deny this?

Matt2VK wrote:
rangerjeff wrote:

3) hmmm... 750gp gets you a wand with 50 charges at CL1... can I get a wand with 10 charges at CL5 for 750gp as well? If so, what wands would be worth it here? 25 charges at CL2, 16 charges at CL3, 12 charges at CL4 would all also be possible for under 750gp. Thinking CL5 wand of Instant Enemy.. oops, Hero Lab says CL7 for IE, I could still get 2 charges for under 750gp, that would give me +4/+4 vs one BBEG that's not already undead or human, which could be very handy.

Someone with more knowledge needs to answer this but...

I think, when using PP to purchase a wand, you need to buy it fully charged with 50 charges.

Anyone able to confirm or deny this?

Any time you purchase a wand (whether from PP or GP) it must be fully charged, UNLESS it's listed on a chronicle sheet with less charges.

Silver Crusade

A wand of longstrider can also be useful. The hour long duration more than makes up for the fact that its "only" +10 to your move

Matt2VK wrote:

A Reduce Person is also nice for a Archer Ranger. Would give you +1 to hit from size and +1 for the dex bonus while still doing the same damage.

Missile weapons return to normal size once they leave you.

Just need to find a caster willing to use his action to cast it on you.

I like this a lot, +2 to hit in other words, and +2 AC as a bonus. And with longstrider on, I'll still have my 30' movement.

hmm... except my +2STR composite longbow.. would I still be able to pull it? since my strength drops to just +1 bonus? and even if I could, I'd lose a point of damage.

Silver Crusade

You take a -2 penalty to attack rolls if you try to use a bow with a greater strength modifier than your own.

Shadow Lodge

But you can switch out your composite bow and get an adaptable enchantment (UE) for 1000. You use whatever strength you have so if it goes down then you damage goes down by one. if it goes up, same thing.

rangerjeff wrote:
And with longstrider on, I'll still have my 30' movement.

Reduce Person doesn't affect your movement (I know, that doesn't make sense; it's a "balance" thing)

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One reading of Reduce Person however implies that projectiles will do LESS damage since they depend on the damage of the item that shot them for damage (i.e. size of the bow, crossbow or gun) - so while you will have an increase in your chance to hit (+2) you will deal somewhat less damage on each hit.

If you were a thrown weapon specialist reduce person wouldn't effect your damage output since thrown weapons deal damage based on the weapon itself - and once you throw it it would return to normal size.

A Negate Aroma wand will be quite useful if you do stealth missions; getting your invisible party past Scent is otherwise quite difficult.

Rycaut wrote:

One reading of Reduce Person however implies that projectiles will do LESS damage since they depend on the damage of the item that shot them for damage (i.e. size of the bow, crossbow or gun) - so while you will have an increase in your chance to hit (+2) you will deal somewhat less damage on each hit.

If you were a thrown weapon specialist reduce person wouldn't effect your damage output since thrown weapons deal damage based on the weapon itself - and once you throw it it would return to normal size.

Did not catch that part. Thanks for pointing it out.

level 1 wands i like that havent been mentioned:
keep watch, stay awake 8 hours and still get rest for 1 charge.
touch of the sea, in case so,eone falls off a ship (gives swim speed)
speak with animals, because sometimes you need to( i use on my diplomacy characters)

and of course

infernal healing, 500 hp of healing in a stick goes a long way

I like my wand of vanish.

Finlanderboy wrote:
I like my wand of vanish.

Useful as long as you're okay with vanish lasting only one round from a 1st level wand.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ezekiel W wrote:
Finlanderboy wrote:
I like my wand of vanish.
Useful as long as you're okay with vanish lasting only one round from a 1st level wand.

Yep, that's a major drawback.

Thats fine. It is great defense for my sorcer. Better than going full defense. Plus with 50 charges you can keep doing it each round.

infernal healing. 10HP of healing per 15GP charge. on just about every caster's list with very few exceptions.

honeyed tongue (paladin spell), diplomacy is important, even in home games.

protection from evil; 1 minute of immunity to damage from natural attacks by summoned creatures.

mount. great for triggering traps with a disposable horse that vanishes when slain.

summon monster 1. like mount, but only 1 round, still good for triggering traps in dungeons too big for a horse or pony.

magic weapon, emergency +1 weapon for scenarios where you are low on cash, need a magic weapon, and your primary weapon is useless. quickly loses appeal.



Know The Enemy - +10 on a knowledge check can't hurt :)

Oh- and Feather Step - move in difficult terrain for 10 min. Maybe ok just to have it on scrolls.


Liberty's Edge

Hmm can you buy multiple items totaling up to 750? If so some stuff might be worth it.

Suzaku wrote:
Hmm can you buy multiple items totaling up to 750? If so some stuff might be worth it.

No, but I think you can buy a scroll with multiple spells on it, such as a scroll with 2 castings of a 3rd lv spell (like haste).

Nope - only 1 item per prestige usage. 1 pp for up to 150 or 2 pp for up to 750, but only one item (excepting bunches of ammo, I suppose).

Technically, it is only one scroll...

That being said it has been forever since I have read anything on PFS...

Tangaroa wrote:
Nope - only 1 item per prestige usage. 1 pp for up to 150 or 2 pp for up to 750, but only one item (excepting bunches of ammo, I suppose).


It is allowed, but they must be the same spell.

TIL! Well that's shiny; also the spell storing from NPCS rolling over between adventures (in the same FAQ) is an interesting ruling.

In that case there are lots of neat druid/ranger spells he could pick up 5 scrolls of - barkskin, lesser restore, resist energy. All of those are generally useful enough for a ranger to keep on hand.

Wand of alarm - great for extended searches or mystery games

Floating Disc - never know when you'll need a table...

Clarion Call - one charge = 10 minutes of outside voice

Ant Haul - one charge = whole dungeon

I prefer wands/scrolls/potions for my PCs that serve the utilities I don't want to waste my spells per day on. I also always try to get one obvious "weaponized" wand, like burning hands or color spray. Then I can feel "magical" having my PC constantly casting his own spells, using scrolls or potions, and also firing off wand attacks.

... I tend to play wizards though.

Grand Lodge

The only wand I've ever spent PP on was CLW. You need PP to pay for possible raide dead spells and the associated restorations. By the time you set aside the PP to pay for this unfortunate contingency, you are making enough money that I've always used my PP as life insurance.

That said, there are some useful level 1 wands. CLW, Mage Armor for my Sylvan Sorcerer at low levels, Magic Missile for my sorcerer and my two Oracles (with maxed UMD). Endure Elements takes care of the whole party in some PFS modules. My Sorcerer is looking at Reduce Animal (2nd level) now that her tiger is large. I've also seen Lessser Restoration used to good effect in some scenarios with lots of ability damage.

Wand of Infernal Healing
Wand of Gravity Bow
Wand of Mage Armor
Wand of Enlarge Person
Wand of Lead Blades
Wand of Falcon's Aim(though just get the bracers for 4k)
Wand of Reduce Person
Wand of Iron Beard

I always like these spells on wands =)

I know you're a ranger but someone in the party can use these.

Any Paladin without a wand of Bless Weapon needs to re-think it.

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