GreySector RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |
Kalindlara Contributor |
Aquatic Elf
Extra Hours x2
Arcane Ammunition
Debt to Society
Elemental Voyager
Seasoned Archivist/Taldan Courtier
Horror Resistance
Elemental Slayer
Professional Reputation
Scholar of the Sages/Model Pathfinder Agent
Mounted TraditionWant:
PM sent!
thistledown Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East |
Wei Ji the Learner |
Cross-posting here for any interest, though it may be a hard trade to make happen...
Naiad/Character Rebuild (PFS)
Marquoi/Nuar x2 (SFS)
Maraquoi/Nuar AND Legacy Race (SFS)
In the event that this seems like a possibility, physical trades are desired, and postage will be covered if necessary to seal the deal.
Thank you very much for your time in advance!
CanisDirus Contributor |
So, in doing a bit of spring cleaning, I found a manilla folder in which I had apparently stored a bunch of boons. There are a few that I really want that are out there, and I have a ton available (mostly PFS) available to trade. To read what they all do, there's a list on google by Michael Eshleman with both PFS and SFS boons.
Want: Starfinder (Will trade multiple boons for these two)
Xenowardens Affiliation (Social)
Free Captains Affiliation (Social)
Want: Pathfinder
Taldan Courtier
New Days, New Choices
Character Rebuild (maybe)
Share the Wealth (Equipment) (maybe)
"Sylph" Boon: Elemental Ancestry (Air) + Paragon of the Society + Elemental Dilettante (Winter 2014)
"Ifrit" Boon: Elemental Ancestry (Fire) + Paragon of the Society + Elemental Dilettante (Spring 2015)
"Undine" Boon: Elemental Ancestry (Water) + Paragon of the Society + Elemental Dilettante (Summer 2015)
"Tiefling" or "Ganzi" Boon: Fiend-Blooded + Child of Chaos (2015)
"Aasimar" Boon: Heavenly-Blooded (2015)
"Suli" Boon: Elemental Ancestry (Suli) + Elemental Paragon + Elemental Acclimation (2016)
"Dhampir" Boon: Grave-Blooded (2016)
"Rougarou" or "Catfolk" or "Naiad" Boon: Exotic Heritage (Gen Con 2017 GM Boon)
"Aquatic Elf" or "Gillman" or "Merfolk" Boon: Born to the Sea / Inheritor of Azlant / Aquatic Agent (2017/2018)
Custom Order (2014)
Niche Specialist (2015)
Psychic Awakening (2015)
Soothsayer (2015)
Alchemical Efficiency (2016)
Fighting Off Corruption: Lycanthropy (2016)
Horror Resistance (2016)
Expedition Manager (2016) x2
Loci Spirit Ritual (2016)
Arcane Ammunition (2016)
Fighting Off Corruption: Ghoul (2016)
Against the Grain (2017)
Brutal Reputation (2017)
Niche Specialist (2017)
Fighting Off Corruption: Hellbound (2017)
Elemental Voyager (2017)
Freedom's Champion / Argent Knight (2017)
Recalled Knowledge (2017)
Seen it Once (2017)
On-the-Job Training (2017)
Spirit of the Shadow Lodge (2017)
Mounted Tradition (2017)
Mounted Tradition (2018)
Xenophobia (2018)
Formian Heritage / Ikeshti Heritage (2018)
Ferran Heritage / Woioko Heritage (2018) (will have in a week or two when my OutPost games finish up)
Light Plasma Cannon Upgrade (Starship) (2017)
Emergency Resupply (Starship) (2018)
thistledown Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
After an amazing 3-way trade, my big deal is completed! My naiad is swimming her way here, my semi-required character gets rebuilt into something fun to play, someone gets a cat, and someone else gets... I'm not sure what. Something awesome, I'm sure.
So, with that taken care of, and an eye towards less-than-infinite games in the future, updated offerings, I'm recalculating what I have to offer. Stay tuned!
CanisDirus Contributor |
An update to stuff I'm looking for / have available to trade!
SFS: Xenowardens Affiliation (Social)
PFS: Mendevian Weapon Training
PFS: New Days, New Choices
PFS: Share the Wealth (Equipment)
"Sylph" Boon: Elemental Ancestry (Air) + Paragon of the Society + Elemental Dilettante (Winter 2014)
"Ifrit" Boon: Elemental Ancestry (Fire) + Paragon of the Society + Elemental Dilettante (Spring 2015)
"Undine" Boon: Elemental Ancestry (Water) + Paragon of the Society + Elemental Dilettante (Summer 2015)
"Tiefling" or "Ganzi" Boon: Fiend-Blooded + Child of Chaos (2015)
"Aasimar" Boon: Heavenly-Blooded (2015)
"Suli" Boon: Elemental Ancestry (Suli) + Elemental Paragon + Elemental Acclimation (2016)
"Aquatic Elf" or "Gillman" or "Merfolk" Boon: Born to the Sea / Inheritor of Azlant / Aquatic Agent (2017/2018)
Ferran Heritage / Woioko Heritage (2018) (will have in a week or two when my OutPost games finish up)
Custom Order (2014)
Niche Specialist (2015)
Psychic Awakening (2015)
Soothsayer (2015)
Alchemical Efficiency (2016)
Fighting Off Corruption: Lycanthropy (2016)
Horror Resistance (2016)
Expedition Manager (2016) x2
Loci Spirit Ritual (2016)
Arcane Ammunition (2016)
Fighting Off Corruption: Ghoul (2016)
Against the Grain (2017)
Brutal Reputation (2017)
Niche Specialist (2017)
Fighting Off Corruption: Hellbound (2017)
Elemental Voyager (2017)
Freedom's Champion / Argent Knight (2017)
Recalled Knowledge (2017)
Seen it Once (2017)
On-the-Job Training (2017)
Spirit of the Shadow Lodge (2017)
Mounted Tradition (2017)
Mounted Tradition (2018)
Xenophobia (2018)
Light Plasma Cannon Upgrade (Starship) (2017)
Emergency Resupply (Starship) (2018)
thistledown Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East |
thistledown Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East |
Hmm Venture-Captain, Minnesota |
This is something that I wrote up in an email to Oupost GMs.
“Ferran or Woioko Heritage”
These are actually two rather interesting races that come from the Starfinder Adventure Path #2 Temple of the Twelve. (You will need to own a copy of this adventure to use them, but it is a cool adventure.) They are also probably eminently tradeable on the boon trading thread. Because it is hard to find information on these two races elsewhere, I have given you more in-depth information below.
Ferrans are high-gravity scientists who would make great scholar warriors. The ferrans of Ferrantus-4 developed on a high-gravity world, eventually escaping the planet before it disappeared into a black hole several decades ago. Ferran culture is rooted in science, and many are agnostic or atheist. Most ferrans willing to forsake their remaining enclaves do so in search of a means to increase the ferran population—a population on a steady decline since the loss of their home world.
Ferran Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, +2 Int, –2 Dex Hit Points: 4
Size and Type: Ferrans are Small humanoids with the ferran subtype. Low-Light Vision: Ferrans can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. Momentum: A ferran deals an additional amount of damage equal to its character level with its first melee attack after it moves at least 10 feet in the same round. Radiation Resistant: Ferrans receive a +4 racial bonus to saving throws against radiation effects. Sturdy: Ferrans receive a +2 racial bonus to KAC against attempts to bull rush or reposition them.
Woiokos are a rather interesting aquatic race. They belong to one of two subspecies: the Deepborn or the Floatborn. The Deepborn are genetically modified to breathe air and water, but prefer to live and explore underwater environments. The air-breathing Floatborn live work in the open air and are skilled at working with creatures from diverse backgrounds, and they often act as mediators.
Woiko Ability Adjustments: Woiokos belong to one of two subspecies: Deepborn or Floatborn. All woiokos start with +2 Charisma and –2 Constitution at character creation. Additionally, Deepborn woiokos are athletic and powerful (+2 Strength), while Floatborn woiokos are lithe and more graceful (+2 Dexterity). Hit Points: 4
Size and Type: Woiokos are Medium humanoids with the woioko subtype.
Deepborn woiokos also gain the aquatic subtype. Amphibious: Deepborn woiokos can breathe underwater (thanks to the aquatic subtype), but they can also breathe air and survive on land. Hold Breath: See above. Low-Light Vision: All woiokos can see in dim light as if it were normal light. Multinational: To navigate the ever-shifting waters of alliances and enmities between the scattered Floatborn nations and arcologies, Floatborn woiokos must be skilled at dealing with those from different backgrounds; they receive a +2 racial bonus to Culture and Diplomacy checks. Natural Swimmer: All woiokos are at home in the water and have a swim speed of 30 feet.
Athos710 Venture-Lieutenant, Ohio—Dayton |
Hello all, I'm looking for the following PFS boon:
Blakros agent, Elemental Charm, Follower of the Way
I have the following to trade:
Scholar of the Sages (Scarab Sage), Model Pathfinder Agent (Grand Lodge)
Against the Grain
Spirit of the Shadow Lodge
Born to the Sea, Inheritor of Azlant, Aquatic Agent
SFS Formian/Ikeshti Heritage
Eddardd82 Venture-Lieutenant, Spain—Las Palmas de Gran Canaria |
Otha |
I recently received the OutPost I: Back to the Future (2018) Boon I have no characters of either faction, I'd like to trade contains the following boons:
Either Seasoned Archivist (Dark Archive Faction)
or Taldan Courtier (Sovereign Court Faction)
Want: Any Grand Lodge faction boon...
Hmm Venture-Captain, Minnesota |
I am at a con now, so I don’t have my boon folder with me, but I beleve that I may have a grand lodge boon to trade for your taldan courtier. If you are willing to wait a couple days, I can check, Otha. I would love to make that trade if I have the boon you want.
EDIT: Nevermind, it was emailed to me for PBP Gameday VI, so I know I have one to trade. I will pm you!
CanisDirus Contributor |
Otha |
I am at a con now, so I don’t have my boon folder with me, but I beleve that I may have a grand lodge boon to trade for your taldan courtier. If you are willing to wait a couple days, I can check, Otha. I would love to make that trade if I have the boon you want.
EDIT: Nevermind, it was emailed to me for PBP Gameday VI, so I know I have one to trade. I will pm you!
Thanks, Hmm! Just replied to your PM...
Tomppa Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku |
I have a Fighting off Corruption: Lycanthropy boon
I'm hoping to trade it for: Fighting off corruption: Hellbound
(I also have some of the newer RSP boons that I could trade, for example Debt to Society or the one that allows you to specialize in a skill after succeeding ten times while being assisted by someone who has a rank in the skill, can't remember the name off the top of my head)
Hmm Venture-Captain, Minnesota |
Sir Belmont the Valiant |
...(I also have some of the newer RSP boons that I could trade, for example Debt to Society or the one that allows you to specialize in a skill after succeeding ten times while being assisted by someone who has a rank in the skill, can't remember the name off the top of my head)
That one is called On the Job Training.