Boon Trading Thread

Pathfinder Society

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Dark Archive 5/5

there are some unoffical slots on WED and sunday....

Shadow Lodge

skyshark wrote:
Dylos wrote:


Gen Con 2013 GM Boon Tier 1 (Rebuild or Grippli, Vishkanya, Suli, Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, Or Undine) which I traded for

Gen Con 2014 GM Boon Tier 1 (So I can make a Samsaran Psychic)

I have a 2014 Tier 1 Boon not currently in use, however, i'm looking for both a Grippli and a Ratfolk boon in trade.

Unfortunately I do not have access to a ratfolk boon and I don't imagine it would be easy to obtain.

The only other boon I have that is not in a character's stack right now other then the 2013 Tier 1 Gencon boon is the 2014 Paizocon boon (and I guess my Undine boon since it's not filled out and the character has yet to be played).

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Dylos wrote:
skyshark wrote:
Dylos wrote:


Gen Con 2013 GM Boon Tier 1 (Rebuild or Grippli, Vishkanya, Suli, Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, Or Undine) which I traded for

Gen Con 2014 GM Boon Tier 1 (So I can make a Samsaran Psychic)

I have a 2014 Tier 1 Boon not currently in use, however, i'm looking for both a Grippli and a Ratfolk boon in trade.

Unfortunately I do not have access to a ratfolk boon and I don't imagine it would be easy to obtain.

The only other boon I have that is not in a character's stack right now other then the 2013 Tier 1 Gencon boon is the 2014 Paizocon boon (and I guess my Undine boon since it's not filled out and the character has yet to be played).

It is Possible but unlikly from one person. Grippli is only Avaiable as a Tier 1 2013 Boon and a Tier 1,2 or 3 2014 boon, while Ratfolk is only avaiable as a 2014 Tier 1 or 2 boon.

Since he alread has the Tier 1 2014 boon, his best chance is to actually trade something else for a Tier 3 or 2 2014 boon for the other race. It is unlikley he will find someoen with two 2014 Boons.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Jiggy wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:

Have: Undine

Want: Expanded Narrative
I have an Expanded Narrative boon, but I've already got an undine character. Have anything else to offer?

Thanks Jiggy but I already made a trade.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/5 ** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Northwest

Dragnmoon wrote:
Dylos wrote:
skyshark wrote:
Dylos wrote:


Gen Con 2013 GM Boon Tier 1 (Rebuild or Grippli, Vishkanya, Suli, Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, Or Undine) which I traded for

Gen Con 2014 GM Boon Tier 1 (So I can make a Samsaran Psychic)

I have a 2014 Tier 1 Boon not currently in use, however, i'm looking for both a Grippli and a Ratfolk boon in trade.

Unfortunately I do not have access to a ratfolk boon and I don't imagine it would be easy to obtain.

The only other boon I have that is not in a character's stack right now other then the 2013 Tier 1 Gencon boon is the 2014 Paizocon boon (and I guess my Undine boon since it's not filled out and the character has yet to be played).

It is Possible but unlikly from one person. Grippli is only Avaiable as a Tier 1 2013 Boon and a Tier 1,2 or 3 2014 boon, while Ratfolk is only avaiable as a 2014 Tier 1 or 2 boon.

Since he alread has the Tier 1 2014 boon, his best chance is to actually trade something else for a Tier 3 or 2 2014 boon for the other race. It is unlikley he will find someoen with two 2014 Boons.

Correct, I don't have my expectations set very high in getting this, however I am leaving it open since I have no plans to use the Ratfolk boon for another few months at least.

Dark Archive 5/5

anyone have a Gen con ( Ratfolk boon)

they wanna trade - PM me ..
lots of boons.. too many to list

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, North Carolina—Central Region


Expanded Narrative
Sylph x2
Debt to the Society
Research Specialist
Seen It Once
Adopted Weapon Training
Custom Order x2
Explorer's Endurance
Numerian Weapon Training

Looking For:

Extra Hours
Expedition Manager

The Exchange 3/5

Wellsmv, email sent

Dark Archive 4/5

Oread, Sylph


Grand Lodge 4/5

-Ifrit/Paragon of the Society
-Sylph/Paragon of the Society

Want: (in order of preference):
Extra Trait
Personal Physician
Research Specialist
Expanded Narrative
Treasure Map

PM me!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, North Carolina—Central Region



Expanded Narrative
Sylph x2
Debt to the Society
Research Specialist
Seen It Once
Adopted Weapon Training
Custom Order x2
Explorer's Endurance
Numerian Weapon Training

Looking For:

Extra Hours
Expedition Manager

Grand Lodge 4/5

Sending PM

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Francia

zanbato13 wrote:
Have Oread, Looking for Slyph

PM send

Silver Crusade 1/5 *


race boons other than ifrit/oread/undine

I can also add Paizo products to the trade if that's kosher.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

I heard that there's a boon that allows for GMs to make day job checks at the end of it. If that's the case, I'd be willing to work something out if someone is willing to part with it.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Expanded Narrative
Numerian Weapon Training

Race boon?

Grand Lodge


Custom Order(Season 5)
Adopted Weapon Training (Season 6)
Expanded Narrative (Season 6)



Lantern Lodge 3/5 5/5

Blackwolfe wrote:


Custom Order(Season 5)
Adopted Weapon Training (Season 6)
Expanded Narrative (Season 6)



Can't seem to send you a PM for some reason. I can trade you a Sylph boon for an Expanded Narrative boon.

Sovereign Court 5/5 *

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Ancestral Ally (Gen Con 2014 #2)
Niche Specialist (Gen Con 2014 #10)
Personal Fixer (Gen Con 2014 #13)
Treasure Map (Gen Con 2014 #16)
Xenophobia (Gen Con 2014 #18)
Lingering Resonance (Season 5 #6)

Expanded Narrative

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ri'el wrote:
Blackwolfe wrote:


Custom Order(Season 5)
Adopted Weapon Training (Season 6)
Expanded Narrative (Season 6)



Can't seem to send you a PM for some reason. I can trade you a Sylph boon for an Expanded Narrative boon.

Try again. Had my message option turned off for some reason.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

GenCon 2013 Tier 1 GM boon
-Vishkanya, Suli, Grippli, any of the elemental races

GenCon 2014 Tier 1 GM boon

I also have some assorted other non-race boons I can trade, including a GM Star Replenishment boon to sweeten the deal.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I saw a Boon this weekend that grants you proficiency with your choice of one group of racial weapons at the expense of a penalty to all other types of weapons.

I thought it would be perfect for my Dwarf-Blooded Oread (this profile).

If anyone knows/has the Boon I'm thinking of, I have an Ifrit I can trade you.

"May Torag hammer out the impurities in your heart".

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Valor Axeflail wrote:

I saw a Boon this weekend that grants you proficiency with your choice of one group of racial weapons at the expense of a penalty to all other types of weapons.

I thought it would be perfect for my Dwarf-Blooded Oread (this profile).

If anyone knows/has the Boon I'm thinking of, I have an Ifrit I can trade you.

"May Torag hammer out the impurities in your heart".

PM sent.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry

Have the following boons for trade
Shoanti Quah Friend
Spirit of the Shadow Lodge
Slyph/Paragon of the Society
Custom Order
Oread/Paragon of the Society
Mounted Tradition

Interested in
Expanded Narrative
Extra Trait

Sczarni 3/5

I am looking for a Vishkanya i have boons

Looking to trade them or anything else for it I really really want one

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

2x Sylph (Paragon of the Society)
Spirit of the Shadow Lodge

Other Race boons.

PM if interested.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Have: Ifrit boon

Want: Dhampir boon

Probably not going to find someone interested, but it's worth a shot! PM me if interested!

3/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Undine x2
Expanded Narrative
Adopted Weapon Training
Numerian Weapon Training
Numerian Dabbler
Erratic Luck
Spirit of the Shadow Lodge
Favored Monument

Custom Order
Other races
Interesting offers

Silver Crusade 2/5

Have: Oread/Paragon of the Society

Want: Grippli

Grand Lodge 3/5

Custom Order


Lantern Lodge 4/5

I guess I should update my list.

I have:
Slyph (3)
Oread (1)
Ifrit (1)
Debt to Society (1)

Looking for:

Sczarni 3/5

Looking for the paizocon 2014 gm boon I have undine,adaptive weapon training, lingering resonace, and will throw in products too to sweeten deal

Grand Lodge 2/5

Ancestral Ally

Open to offers

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Lingering Resonance
Numerian Weapon Training
Oread race boon
Tiefling race boon

Race boons

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, North Carolina—Central Region


Sylph x2
Expanded Narrative x2
Research Specialist
Seen It Once
Adopted Weapon Training
Custom Order
Explorer's Endurance
Numerian Weapon Training

Want:(In no particular order after the first)

Extra Hours (will trade in your favor for this one)
Expedition Manager
Undine (only if I still have enough to make a suli)

Sovereign Court

Have: Erratic Luck, Sky Citadel Scholar
Want: Student of Runes, or other offers.

Sczarni 3/5

I have a gargantuan white Dragon for a grippli or vishanka

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *

Kyrand, PM sent...

Silver Crusade

HAVE: Expanded Narrative, Ancestral Ally, Ifrit, Oread (Dilettante)

Attach Ifrit, Sylph, and Undine boons to this boon to make a Suli

WANT: Expedition Manager , Treasure Map, Extra Trait, Extra Hours, Factor, Other Race boons, Spirit of the Shadow Lodge. In order of most wanted to least wanted.

Sovereign Court 5/5 *

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


HAVE:: Debt to Society, Lingering Resonance, Long Distance Support, Mendevian Weapon Training (x2), Nexavarian Requisition, On-The-Job Training,

WANT Extra Trait, Moment of Glory, Numarian Weapon Training, Factor, Extra Hours, other interesting offers

Sovereign Court 5/5

Have: sylph

Want: undine or any non elemental race

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Mars Roma wrote:

HAVE: Expanded Narrative, Ancestral Ally, Ifrit, Oread (Dilettante)** spoiler omitted **.

WANT: Expedition Manager , Treasure Map, Extra Trait, Extra Hours, Factor, Other Race boons, Spirit of the Shadow Lodge. In order of most wanted to least wanted.

Mars, Sent you a PM.

Dark Archive

I have 2 questions

When and how was the Fetchling racial boon released? Super rare charity auction, or Convention boon from a long time ago?

Have any new Tiefling boons been released?

Shadow Lodge

Victor Zajic wrote:

I have 2 questions

When and how was the Fetchling racial boon released? Super rare charity auction, or Convention boon from a long time ago?

Have any new Tiefling boons been released?

I believe they were released at the same time as the goblin boon, during the same event. From what I understand, during the Gencon run of Race for the Runecarved Key, the seeker tables were awarded with the Fetchling boon simply for playing with a seeker character, in addition to the chance of getting a goblin boon, this would of course make the Fetchling boon rarer then the Goblin boon, but not as rare as say the Android boon.

Dark Archive 5/5

the fletchling was a one time boon for a special event.. as was the goblin boon

there have been some interesting gen con auction boons
such as


I haven't seen any new tiefling gm boons yet.. but it is likely they will be given to GM's at conventions this upcoming season as they were in the past..

Silver Crusade 5/5

Unless I'm mistaken, I believe the Fetchling boon was from the Grand Convocation thingy from a few years back. And from what I have heard, there was something about the Fetchling boon that made it non-tradeable.

As for Tiefling boons, there probably won't be any until next August/September at the soonest, when the next set of convention GM boons should roll out. But this year at least, we are getting a second round of the elemental races.

EDIT: After engaging in some search-fu, it looks like the Fetchling was from the Grand Convocation at Paizocon a few years back. And the boon for the Fetchling appeared on the actual chronicle sheet from the event, making it unable to be traded.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Correct, Mitch. I have the boon, but unfortunately had only just started in PFS. So I only earned the tier 1-2 rewards.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

What level range got it as a reward?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Seeker, 12+.

The Exchange 5/5

UndeadMitch wrote:

Unless I'm mistaken, I believe the Fetchling boon was from the Grand Convocation thingy from a few years back. And from what I have heard, there was something about the Fetchling boon that made it non-tradeable.

As for Tiefling boons, there probably won't be any until next August/September at the soonest, when the next set of convention GM boons should roll out. But this year at least, we are getting a second round of the elemental races.

EDIT: After engaging in some search-fu, it looks like the Fetchling was from the Grand Convocation at Paizocon a few years back. And the boon for the Fetchling appeared on the actual chronicle sheet from the event, making it unable to be traded.

there are some of us around still that have some of the older Tiefling boons still unused... for a while they were just "bragging rights" - then they became useful again.

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