So all this stuff and still no shifter and i am supposed to trust you to start a new edition right please just up date so i can enjoy my last year of role playing playing a xlass i have bwen waiting for a long time
Still waiting makes me wounder why i buy,a book right when it comes out at full price when i just could have waited for a used one to pop up on Amazon for 20 dollars really saddens me.
I feel like a Magnus would deal more damage the a this class I would also say at level 8 Magnus,and alchimst far out damage this class I also belive that both Magnus and the alchmist have more flexibility as well
I do not see how this competes with the summoner or the druid in any way mono e mone the summoner or the druid would win
I did the math last night both the druid and summoner have way higher damage out put the this class