Razor Coast

Product Discussion

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Sovereign Court Contributor

Erik Freund wrote:
brvheart wrote:
Re Plot Map: I have downloaded XMind, but so far the file will not open on the Frog God server to download it. Will try later in the day.

Don't try to 'open' it. The file is an XML, so your browser is trying to render it if you simply left-click on the link. You have to right-click and save-as.

Furthermore, XML isn't an officially supported type in XMIND, so once you are running XMIND, you have to switch the filter in the Open dialog to accept all files. Then you can get it open.

Honestly though, it's a mess of red and cyan lines all over the place. I'm not sure how this is really useable. :-( I'm going to have to learn a lot about how to use XMIND in order to untangle this web. Lou: any pointers to get us started?

I know. I really wish I could have come up with a better solution. The clicking to see what's connected helps. Grabbing a bunch of encounters and people in which your players are interested and dragging them off to the side makes it easier to see to what they connect.

When I tried to do this on paper it was the size of my 7 foot table and still unreadable. Nearly everything really is connected to everything in a web. It might just be better to trust the manuscript and follow along.

However, seeing what connects to whatever you are prepping that night gives some backup ideas on what else you might want to prep.

I really am disappointed I couldn't make it more useful in the time I had. I'm no xmind mavin either. :(


Thanael wrote:

So the Fiend Below, Harthagoa, was converted from 3.5 to PF as "a unique, new creature that closely mirrors the 3.5 stats born of from adding a [3.5] half-fiend template to a [3.5] Kraken.".

Who will be the first to upgrade this to a PF kraken with the PF half-fiend template? Or will FGG be so kind and post this version of the CR21 Harthagoa as a web enhancement maybe?

I'll put it together. Might take me a few days, since I have other stuff that's due soon...

Louis Agresta wrote:
brvheart wrote:
Nychus wrote:

I have a question regarding firearms, the prices listed in Razor coast are very cheap compared to everywhere else including the price of a Highway Pistol in the Freebooters Guide, and the Double Barrelled Musket is listed at 30GP's.

I'm assuming the best way to handle this is to knock a 0 off the end of the prices of stuff from say Brace of Pistols which then puts them in Mastercraft price ranges rather than magic item price ranges.

I also expect the double barrelled musket is supposed to be listed at 300 GP's

This is mostly based on the price chart for black powder on page 350.

I am guessing that the entry in the Freebooters Guide is the one that needs corrected. My presumption is that their intent is to price the guns that are available at comparable price to other weapons, ie the cost of a rapier. Otherwise they could not afford to arm every dragoon with one and every Tom, Dick and Harry would not have one. I think the intent was to make the pistol more of what it was, a throw away, fire once and throw it away. At 30 GP you can afford to do that. I hope Lou or someone can give an official reply.

Yes, that was exactly the reason Nick created a simplified take on firearms early on and why they are priced like other weapons. Throw-aways that every Dragoon can have.

It's not so much that the Freebooter's Guide needs correcting as that everything other than the RC Core Rulebook follows (or tries to follow) what Paizo did subsequently.

Yeah that was really clear Lou, sorta like unholy water<jk>! The only issue is when mixing campaigns like I am with doing S&S for the first 5 levels to get the characters up to level. I think though that I prefer Nick's take on it at least for RC. I am not real happy with what Paizo did with the firearm rules and this meshes with me personally better :)

The question is how to price the highwayman's gun with Nick's prices. I think it would be a little higher than the 30 GP, I would say 40.

The Exchange

Firearms everywhere prices from the UC (10% of base) sort most of that gives Masterwork style pricing on the weird stuff like from Brace of Pistols and the Highway pistol, then use Nicks numbers for the baseline mass produced stuff thats around (I actually prefer their statlines as well a bit less "swingy" than UC.)

Sovereign Court Contributor

That all sounds good me!

Louis Agresta wrote:

I know. I really wish I could have come up with a better solution. The clicking to see what's connected helps. Grabbing a bunch of encounters and people in which your players are interested and dragging them off to the side makes it easier to see to what they connect.

When I tried to do this on paper it was the size of my 7 foot table and still unreadable. Nearly everything really is connected to everything in a web. It might just be better to trust the manuscript and follow along.

However, seeing what connects to whatever you are prepping that night gives some backup ideas on what else you might want to prep.

I really am disappointed I couldn't make it more useful in the time I had. I'm no xmind mavin either. :(

This makes me glad that I supported the Realmworks Kickstarter. As I recall Razor Coast will be included for the supporters. My impression is that tracking things like this is what Realmworks is MADE for.


Louis Agresta wrote:
Erik Freund wrote:
Honestly though, it's a mess of red and cyan lines all over the place. I'm not sure how this is really useable. :-( I'm going to have to learn a lot about how to use XMIND in order to untangle this web. Lou: any pointers to get us started?

I know. I really wish I could have come up with a better solution. The clicking to see what's connected helps. Grabbing a bunch of encounters and people in which your players are interested and dragging them off to the side makes it easier to see to what they connect.

However, seeing what connects to whatever you are prepping that night gives some backup ideas on what else you might want to prep.

I'm not familiar with XMind, but this seems like it'd be much more useful if you could remove some of the flow connections, almost like turning off layers in PDFs. I guess that could potentially negate the purpose of having it in the first place... but, for example, if I could set it to see JUST the possible connections between vignettes, setpieces, etc. that could possibly feature in Level 5 Session 1, that would be quite useful IMO.

Louis Agresta wrote:
Thanael wrote:

Some errata:

** spoiler omitted **

The higher level one. His statblock.

On pg.26 in his statblock he has only 8 HD missing the 5 duelist levels entirely.

Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Razor Coast available for preorder on Paizo.com!

Deleted per user. Not errata.

VP Sales & Marketing, Frog God Games

As for the plot map, yes Realmworks is EXACTLY what this is perfect for. the XMIND thing is to give you the big picture but to really get the feeling for how the relationships work and what your players know and don't know, Realmworks is your answer. It has some amazing features and really makes everything crystal clear. It's interactive and dynamic with the players too. Pretty cool stuff. Can't wait until they are done :)

The Exchange

brvheart wrote:

More errata

** spoiler omitted **
The problem is that the full details do not exist in the document. Or at least come up in a search.

Page 29 and the find function worked fine looking for Falken.

Nevermind, found it. Why it didn't come up in a search I don't know.

Sovereign Court Contributor

My heart was in my throat... :)

Sorry Lou, spent almost an hour looking for it last night going through the document backwards and forwards on a find. Found everything else. Of course when I went back and scanned the doc looking for something else I found it. I guess Adobe was flaking out on me. Can't wait for the hard copy. I always have issues reading long pdf's. Something about the format and my old eyes doesn't get along. I do better with Word. I am into chapter 3 though!
Back to Falcon, tried to input him into Hero Lab but missing all the new feats. Have to wait on the Hero lab file I guess.

Any news on Anarchist GM's Cookbook? *Hopeful Look*

I just got one question: so why is the antagonist named Gregory<G>?

Sovereign Court Contributor

You'll have to ask Nick about that?

Just as long as the players don't start shooting at the dm<G>! Speaking of shooting I have a question re

The Fort:
In the armory it lists: 500 musket balls, 200 pistol shots, 20 powder horns.

Aren't these figures really low? I keep more on hand and I really don't shoot much anymore! I would increase the shot by a factor of 30 and add plenty of small kegs of BP in FF and FFF.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Zherog wrote:
Thanael wrote:

So the Fiend Below, Harthagoa, was converted from 3.5 to PF as "a unique, new creature that closely mirrors the 3.5 stats born of from adding a [3.5] half-fiend template to a [3.5] Kraken.".

Who will be the first to upgrade this to a PF kraken with the PF half-fiend template? Or will FGG be so kind and post this version of the CR21 Harthagoa as a web enhancement maybe?

I'll put it together. Might take me a few days, since I have other stuff that's due soon...

I'll be throwing this together this weekend. I plan to do a bit more than just take the PF kraken and applying the template; expect some Hit Die advancement and other tricks to make one bad-ass mo-fo. I'm figuring he'll be CR 23, maybe 24. After all, anybody can take a monster and apply a template; I'll give you a bit more than just that.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This is Pathfinder, could we maybe use something besides all core classes when it really makes sense?

Salem Vin:
Could we not use an actual Inquistor for this one? This is a quickie I came up with:
Salem Vin CR 10
XP 9600
Male Human Fighter 1 Inquisitor 10
LE Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +22
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor)
hp 97 (1d10+10d8+43); judgement of profane healing 4
Fort +12 (+4 vs. hot or cold environments and to resist damage from suffocation), Ref +3, Will +13
Defensive Abilities judgement of profane protection +3 / +6; DR judgement of profane resiliency 3 (good); Resist judgement of profane purity +3 / +6, judgement of profane resistance 8 (fire)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Dagger +9/+4 (1d4+1/19-20/x2) and
Masterwork Heavy flail +10/+5 (1d10+1/19-20/x2) and
Unarmed strike +9/+4 (1d3+1/x2)
Special Attacks bane (+2 / 2d6) (10 rounds/day), judgement of profane destruction +4, judgement of profane justice +3 / +6, judgement of profane piercing +4, judgement of profane smiting (magic, law, adamanti
Spell-Like Abilities Detect Alignment (At will), Discern Lies (10 rounds/day)
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 10):
4 (2/day) Unholy Blight (DC 18), Interrogation, Greater (DC 18)
3 (4/day) Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Fester (DC 17), Terrible Remorse (DC 17)
2 (5/day) Confess (DC 16), Cure Moderate Wounds, Detect Thoughts (DC 16), Blistering Invective, Howling Agony (DC 16)
1 (6/day) Bane (DC 15), Inflict Light Wounds (DC 15), Magic Weapon, Cause Fear (DC 15), Protection from Good
0 (at will) Bleed (DC 14), Stabilize, Daze (DC 14), Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Brand (DC 14)
Str 12, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 17, Wis 19, Cha 19
Base Atk +8; CMB +9; CMD 19
Feats Alertness, Broken Wing Gambit, Diehard, Endurance, Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Outflank, Persuasive, Shake It Off, Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 jump), Bluff +18, Climb -2, Diplomacy +22, Escape Artist -3, Fly -3, Handle Animal +14, Heal +18, Intimidate +24, Knowledge (history) +7 (+11 to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures), Knowledge (local) +14 (+18 to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures), Linguistics +14, Perception +22, Profession (Interrogator) +18, Ride -3, Sense Motive +32, Stealth -3, Survival +4 (+9 to track), Swim -2 (+2 to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion) Modifiers monster lore
Languages Aklo, Aquan, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Halfling, High Buros, Infernal, Old Tongue, Orc, Tulita
SQ critical precision, domains (torture inquisition), judgement (4/day), solo tactics, teamwork feat (change 4/day), torturer's touch (7/day) (dc 19), track
Other Gear Masterwork Breastplate, Dagger, Masterwork Heavy flail, You have no money!
Special Abilities
Bane (+2 / 2d6) (10 rounds/day) (Su) Make the weapon you are holding a bane weapon.
Broken Wing Gambit Grant opponent bonus to hit you, but opponent's attack provokes attacks of opportunity
Critical Precision (Ex) On critical threat may use 1 torturer's touch to gain +4 to confirm.
Detect Alignment (At will) (Sp) Detect chaos, evil, good, or law at will.
Diehard You are stable and can choose how to act when at negative Hp.
Discern Lies (10 rounds/day) (Sp) Discern Lies at will
Endurance +4 to a variety of skill checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Inquisitor Domain (Torture Inquisition) Deities: Asmodeus, Calistria, Norgorber, Zon-Kuthon.

Granted Powers: Only through pain can truth and justice come to the surface. And if that doesn't work, at least you've enacted divine vengeance.
Judgement of Profane Destruction +4 (Su) Weapon Damage bonus.
Judgement of Profane Healing 4 (Su) Fast Healing
Judgement of Profane Justice +3 / +6 (Su) Attack bonus
Judgement of Profane Piercing +4 (Su) Concentration and vs. SR bonus
Judgement of Profane Protection +3 / +6 (Su) AC bonus
Judgement of Profane Purity +3 / +6 (Su) Save bonus
Judgement of Profane Resiliency 3 (Good) (Su) DR/magic
Judgement of Profane Resistance 8 (Fire) (Su) Energy Resistances
Judgement of Profane Smiting (Magic, Law, Adamantine) (Su) DR bypass
Monster Lore +4 (Ex) +4 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Outflank Flanking bonus increases to +4 if the other flanker also has this feat, and ally gets an AoO if you score a critical hit against the target.
Second Judgement (4/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Shake It Off Gain +1 to all saving throws per adjacent ally
Solo Tactics (Ex) Count Teamwork feats as if your allies had the same ones.
Teamwork Feat (change 4/day) Swap your most recent Teamwork feat for another
Torturer's Touch (7/day) (DC 19) (Sp) As touch of fatigue, but it is a pain effect.
Track +5 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Vital Strike Standard action: x2 weapon damage dice.

Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.

Sovereign Court Contributor

brvheart wrote:

Just as long as the players don't start shooting at the dm<G>! Speaking of shooting I have a question re ** spoiler omitted **

Aren't these figures really low? I keep more on hand and I really don't shoot much anymore! I would increase the shot by a factor of 30 and add plenty of small kegs of BP in FF and FFF.

They are between resupply runs? *weak placating grin*

Actually, the real reason is...

Spoiler for why supplies are low - players be warned don't read:

Bonedeuce and Chambers have been selling off the supplies. They don't want a well stocked fort for when Harthagoa attacks...

Sovereign Court Contributor

brvheart wrote:

This is Pathfinder, could we maybe use something besides all core classes when it really makes sense?

** spoiler omitted **...

That's actually great! Turning him into a real inquisitor was on the To Do list but just didn't make the triage cut as we raced the printing/publishing clock.

Many of the early dramatis personae Nick created before the APG and before UC, etc. etc.

Louis Agresta wrote:
brvheart wrote:

Just as long as the players don't start shooting at the dm<G>! Speaking of shooting I have a question re ** spoiler omitted **

Aren't these figures really low? I keep more on hand and I really don't shoot much anymore! I would increase the shot by a factor of 30 and add plenty of small kegs of BP in FF and FFF.

They are between resupply runs? *weak placating grin*

Actually, the real reason is...

** spoiler omitted **

I gotcha! Will leave it as is then:)

As for the Inquisitor, I don't use many non-core classes but this one seemed to just call for one. I have a player playing one in my Slumbering Tsar game which was scheduled for this evening, but it seems we are short on players this week for some reason. Will probably have to run Skull & Shackles instead.

I am considering backing this Kickstarter, but is there a preview of any of the adventure material so I can decide? I'm a big fan of Nic Logue's work but I'd like to see some actual material, thanks!

Sovereign Court

The Rot Grub wrote:
I am considering backing this Kickstarter, but is there a preview of any of the adventure material so I can decide? I'm a big fan of Nic Logue's work but I'd like to see some actual material, thanks!

The Kickstarter has already funded.

In fact, backers have already got their pdfs, just waiting for the physical copies.

There were sneek peaks on the Kickstarter in the updates section.

And you can buy it from Paizo here.

GeraintElberion wrote:
The Rot Grub wrote:
I am considering backing this Kickstarter, but is there a preview of any of the adventure material so I can decide? I'm a big fan of Nic Logue's work but I'd like to see some actual material, thanks!

The Kickstarter has already funded.

In fact, backers have already got their pdfs, just waiting for the physical copies.

There were sneek peaks on the Kickstarter in the updates section.

And you can buy it from Paizo here.



5 people marked this as a favorite.

As promised, here are some Harthagoa stat blocks, building him based on the PF kraken rather than the 3.5 kraken.

First, just a straight conversion, taking the kraken and adding the half-fiend template:


Harthagoa CR 21
XP 409,600
Male half-fiendish kraken
CE Gargantuan outsider (aquatic, native)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +29
AC 34, touch 7, flat-footed 33 (+1 Dex, +27 natural, –4 size)
hp 330 (20d10+220)
Fort +23, Ref +13, Will +12
DR 10/magic; Immune cold, poison, mind-affecting effects; Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 32
Speed 10 ft., fly 20 ft. (good), swim 40 ft., jet 280 ft.
Melee 2 arms +28 (2d6+12/19–20 plus grab), 8 tentacles +26 (1d8+6 plus grab), bite +28 (2d8+12), 2 claws +28 (2d6+12)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft. (60 ft. with arm, 40 ft. with tentacle)
Special Attacks constrict (1d8+10), ink cloud, rend ship, smite good 1/day
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th)
3/day—darkness, poison (DC 21), unholy aura (DC 25)
1/day—blasphemy (DC 24), contagion (DC 20), desecrate, destruction (DC 24), horrid wilting (DC 25), summon monster IX (fiends only), unhallow (DC 22), unholy blight (DC 21)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 15th)
1/day—control weather, control winds, dominate monster (animal only) (DC 26), resist energy
Str 34, Dex 12, Con 33, Int 23, Wis 22, Cha 25
Base Atk +20; CMB +36 (+40 grapple, +38 trip); CMD 49 (51 vs. trip)
Feats Bleeding Critical, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Critical Focus, Improved Critical (arms), Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Multiattack, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +24 (+16 when jumping), Fly +22, Intimidate +27, Knowledge (geography) +26, Knowledge (nature) +26, Knowledge (planes) +26, Perception +29, Sense Motive +26, Spellcraft +26, Stealth +12, Swim +43, Use Magic Device +27; Racial Modifiers –8 Acrobatics when jumping
Languages Aquan, Common
SQ tenacious grapple
Environment any ocean
Organization solitary
Treasure triple
Ink Cloud (Ex) A kraken can emit a cloud of black, venomous ink in an 80-foot spread once per minute as a free action while underwater. This cloud provides total concealment, which the kraken can use to escape a fight that is going badly. Creatures within the cloud are considered to be in darkness. In addition, the ink is toxic, functioning as contact poison against all creatures caught within it. The ink cloud persists for 1 minute before dispersing. The save DC against the poison effect is Constitution-based. Kraken Ink: Ink cloud—contact; save Fort DC 31; frequency 1/round for 10 rounds; effect 1 Str damage plus nausea; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Jet (Ex) A kraken can jet backward as a full-round action, at a speed of 280 feet. It must move in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting.
Rend Ship (Ex) As a full-round action, a kraken can attempt to use four of its tentacles to grapple a ship of its size or smaller. It makes a CMB check opposed by the ship’s captain’s Profession (sailor) check, but the kraken gets a cumulative +4 bonus on the check for each size category smaller than Gargantuan the ship is. If the kraken grapples the ship, it holds the ship motionless; it can attack targets anywhere on or within the ship with its tentacles, but can only attack foes on deck with its free arms and can’t attack foes at all with its beak. Each round it maintains its hold on the ship, it automatically inflicts bite damage on the ship’s hull.
Smite Good (Su) Once per day as a swift action the half-fiend can smite good as the smite evil ability of a paladin of the same level as the half-fiend’s Hit Dice, except affecting a good target. The smite persists until the target is dead of the half-fiend rests.
Tenacious Grapple (Ex) A kraken does not gain the grappled condition if it grapples a foe with its arms or tentacles.

Then, because just about anybody can take a standard monster and slap on the half-fiend template, I went a step further to give people something truly special. I added the advanced simple template,increased his HD by 50%, and increased his size. The CR I have here is probably low; if this were a true turnover, I'd look a lot closer at it. But for this, it should be close enough.


Harthagoa on Steroids CR 24
XP 1,228,800
Male advanced half-fiendish kraken
CE Colossal outsider (aquatic, native)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +47
AC 34, touch 5, flat-footed 31 (+3 Dex, +29 natural, –8 size)
hp 585 (30d10+420)
Fort +31, Ref +22, Will +18
DR 10/magic; Immune cold, poison, mind-affecting effects; Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 35
Speed 10 ft., fly 20 ft. (good), swim 40 ft., jet 280 ft.
Melee 2 arms +36 (4d6+14/19–20 plus grab), 8 tentacles +34 (2d6+7 plus grab), bite +36 (4d6+14/19–20), 2 claws +36 (2d8+14)
Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. (60 ft. with arm, 40 ft. with tentacle)
Special Attacks constrict (2d6+10), ink cloud, rend ship, smite good 1/day
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 30th)
3/day—darkness, poison (DC 24), unholy aura (DC 28)
1/day—blasphemy (DC 27), contagion (DC 23), desecrate, destruction (DC 27), horrid wilting (DC 28), summon monster IX (fiends only), unhallow (DC 25), unholy blight (DC 24)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 15th)
1/day-control weather, control winds, dominate monster (animal only) (DC 29), resist energy
Str 38, Dex 16, Con 38, Int 27, Wis 26, Cha 30
Base Atk +30; CMB +52 (+54 disarm, +56 grapple, +54 trip); CMD 67 (69 vs. disarm, 69 vs. trip)
Feats Bleeding Critical, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Critical Focus, Improved Critical (arms), Improved Critical (bite), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception), Swim-By Attack
Skills Acrobatics +36 (+28 when jumping), Fly +32, Intimidate +40, Knowledge (arcana) +23, Knowledge (geography) +38, Knowledge (local) +23, Knowledge (nature) +38, Knowledge (planes) +38, Knowledge (religion) +23, Perception +47, Sense Motive +38, Spellcraft +38, Stealth +20, Survival +23, Swim +55, Use Magic Device +40; Racial Modifiers –8 Acrobatics when jumping
Languages Aquan, Common
SQ tenacious grapple
Environment any ocean
Organization solitary
Treasure triple
Ink Cloud (Ex) A kraken can emit a cloud of black, venomous ink in an 80-foot spread once per minute as a free action while underwater. This cloud provides total concealment, which the kraken can use to escape a fight that is going badly. Creatures within the cloud are considered to be in darkness. In addition, the ink is toxic, functioning as contact poison against all creatures caught within it. The ink cloud persists for 1 minute before dispersing. The save DC against the poison effect is Constitution-based. Kraken Ink: Ink cloud—contact; save Fort DC 39; frequency 1/round for 10 rounds; effect 1 Str damage plus nausea; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Jet (Ex) A kraken can jet backward as a full-round action, at a speed of 280 feet. It must move in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting.
Rend Ship (Ex) As a full-round action, a kraken can attempt to use four of its tentacles to grapple a ship of its size or smaller. It makes a CMB check opposed by the ship’s captain’s Profession (sailor) check, but the kraken gets a cumulative +4 bonus on the check for each size category smaller than Gargantuan the ship is. If the kraken grapples the ship, it holds the ship motionless; it can attack targets anywhere on or within the ship with its tentacles, but can only attack foes on deck with its free arms and can’t attack foes at all with its beak. Each round it maintains its hold on the ship, it automatically inflicts bite damage on the ship’s hull.
Smite Good (Su) Once per day as a swift action the half-fiend can smite good as the smite evil ability of a paladin of the same level as the half-fiend’s Hit Dice, except affecting a good target. The smite persists until the target is dead of the half-fiend rests.
Tenacious Grapple (Ex) A kraken does not gain the grappled condition if it grapples a foe with its arms or tentacles.

Note: The Swim-By Attack feat can be found in Tome of Horrors Complete, from Frog God Games

In both instances, I recommend GMs plan his treasure carefully, and make use of it. He should have an ass-ton of stuff and so should take advantage of that. Stat boosters, armor boosters (his AC is a bit low), wands, staves, etc.

Also, if you use him, don't forgot about his dominate monster ability. He should almost always be encountered with a bevy of animals to serve as meat shields.

Very nice on the conversions, just a tad overpowered for 12th level characters. I can see it for other uses though so I will save as a favorite!


Yeah, when I converted RC to pathfinder, that's exactly why I opted to make Harthy a unique new creature. The kraken is really amped up in Pathfinder compared to 3.5.

Pretty sure Harthagoa is worthy of mythic levels, once those are available. :D

I have a question on page 206

It lists the hit points for her as 18 hit points. As a Succubus has 84 hp I think it is a misprint and this is supposed to be SR 18. Am I correct?

And another on p.214.

It shows the Minotaurs Zombies as Melee greataxe +10/+5 (3d6+7/x3), gore +10 (1d6+7), slam +10 (1d8+5). If they are staggered how are they able to take multiple attacks/round?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"My PCs Aren’t the Altruistic Sort"
Is it me, or is it getting harder and harder to find players that want to play good characters and not be out for themselves? Personally, I will not run Razor's Coast for a group that is only out for themselves. To me it makes them almost as bad as the people they are supposed to be fighting against, YMMV. Maybe I am just part of a dying breed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It is not just you. I recently had a group that refused to tell each other what their characters were, race wise, class wise, or anything else until the first battle when they started fighting. They had no offensive abilities, the highest STR in the group was a 9, none of them had any gear because they had no STR, no real AC on anyone, and everyone had maxed Perception and Initiative, but no other real skills.

Needless to say, that game didn't last very long.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I have some more stupid questions (that may have been answered up thread) about this AP.

  • Do people just create the PCs at Level 5?
  • … if not, what are some good adventures that both get the heroes to the start point for Razor Coast at the right level?

  • Does Razor Coast use the “trait” system?

  • Sovereign Court Contributor

    You can create 5th level characters, or you can adventure to that point. Razor Coast was designed to insert into your campaign, but offers one 1st level adventure (in the appendix) and 2 5th level adventures (in Heart of the Razor) to help you along.

    You know, I actually can't remember whether there are traits in the Freebooter's guide, but there is no reason you couldn't use them if you like.

    Hope that helps...

    brvheart wrote:

    "My PCs Aren’t the Altruistic Sort"

    Is it me, or is it getting harder and harder to find players that want to play good characters and not be out for themselves? Personally, I will not run Razor's Coast for a group that is only out for themselves. To me it makes them almost as bad as the people they are supposed to be fighting against, YMMV. Maybe I am just part of a dying breed.

    I get a good mix. My current Kingmaker group is extremely neutral leaning slightly evil - one LN, two TNs, one CN, one CE. On the other hand, the partial party I have lined up for Savage Tide/Serpent's Skull which I'll be running after KM ends - and using some niiiiiiiiice RC supplementals with - is leaning slightly good, with a CG piratey type and a paladin already confirmed.

    I like both for different reasons, but I think it's far more tolerable because I have players willing to mix things up. If I had a group that never played good or never played evil ever ever ever, I'd probably grow pretty tired of it sooner or later. So while I understand your befuddlement regarding groups who never play good, your adamant refusal to run anything for an evil/greedy party is equally confusing to me.

    Umarian wrote:

    It is not just you. I recently had a group that refused to tell each other what their characters were, race wise, class wise, or anything else until the first battle when they started fighting. They had no offensive abilities, the highest STR in the group was a 9, none of them had any gear because they had no STR, no real AC on anyone, and everyone had maxed Perception and Initiative, but no other real skills.

    Needless to say, that game didn't last very long.

    This however is an issue that is less character-based and more player-based, and one that I have yet to ever encounter. My players are pretty willing to share everything on their sheets - race, class, alignment, even down to spells known and feats taken - so that they can coordinate a balanced party, and none of that stuff is really considered secret. Each character has background info that is GM-eyes-only of course, but beyond that they're pretty open with character information. Sounds like you might need to have a talk with those players about that.


    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Lord Fyre wrote:
  • Does Razor Coast use the “trait” system?
  • The Freebooter's Guide has traits.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Lord Fyre wrote:
  • … if not, what are some good adventures that both get the heroes to the start point for Razor Coast at the right level?
  • When I start up my Razor Coast campaign in another month or so, I'll have the players begin at 1st level and start with "The Wormwood Mutiny" from Skull & Shackles, which is actually pretty easy to plug into Razor Coast - just ignore the Golarion fluff, replace references to Besmara with either Quell or another kind-of-benevolent sea deity of your choice, and have the PCs originate from a world-appropriate city when they get shanghai'd by the Wormwood crew. (Also, it's a Richard Pett module, and what better way to kick things off?)

    You may need to pad the XP awards a bit to get them to 5th level by the end of it (on the Medium-pace advancement track, they'll reach 4th), but that's easily hand-waved.

    Publisher, Frog God Games

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Approved the galley proofs 1 am last night!

    Power Word Unzip wrote:
    Lord Fyre wrote:
  • … if not, what are some good adventures that both get the heroes to the start point for Razor Coast at the right level?
  • When I start up my Razor Coast campaign in another month or so, I'll have the players begin at 1st level and start with "The Wormwood Mutiny" from Skull & Shackles, which is actually pretty easy to plug into Razor Coast - just ignore the Golarion fluff, replace references to Besmara with either Quell or another kind-of-benevolent sea deity of your choice, and have the PCs originate from a world-appropriate city when they get shanghai'd by the Wormwood crew. (Also, it's a Richard Pett module, and what better way to kick things off?)

    You may need to pad the XP awards a bit to get them to 5th level by the end of it (on the Medium-pace advancement track, they'll reach 4th), but that's easily hand-waved.

    I am running Skulls & Shackles also mostly as a precursor to Razor's Coast but I will split it off so I can continue one group on the AP.

    There are a lot of good pirate traits, especially with the 101 Pirate Traits as part of the Kickstarter.

    Bill, so what is the "galley proofs"? (Nevermind, sometimes I type before I remember Google is my friend! :)

    This thread has gone silent for awhile. No one want to discuss this fantastic module? I just finished a first read through and plan to put my players through it as soon as they hit 5th level.

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    I should probably sit down with the PDF and really get indepth. I really want the hardcover for that however.

    I will have all three copies open before me at once for cross-referencing...it will be GLORIOUS...

    I've not yet put much time into sitting it down with it yet. I'll probably get to that when I get closer to running my Savage Tide/Serpent's Skull mashup where I intend to make the most use of it.

    I won't begin running it for at least another month, since my group is still wrapping up another campaign. I'm also pretty busy editing and writing material for an upcoming 3PP release.

    Prepping will also be made much, much easier by having print copies in hand, which is another reason I'm not doing too much discussion or reading of the module at this point in time.

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    Geez, I don't even know how I'm going to decide who gets my extra copy.

    Maybe it becomes an end-of-campaign reward for whoever the group thinks is the most deserving.

    It took awhile to read all the way through it in pdf but it was worth it. Trying to get through the others now. Hard to read just adventures though. I can't wait to read everyone's after action reports!

    I am reading it through PDF on the iPad and it is an awesome eye opener. A game changing module so clever.

    I will read through the S&W in hardcover when it arrives I think.

    However as I play with my kids 7 & 9 it will be a while before I run it ;)

    Arggg, still need to run Slumbering Tsar, Rappan Athuk and now this?!@?!?!?!? I need to clone myself.

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