Numeria book forthcoming?

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  • The origins of the technic league and if they were also so...not good.
  • Do the Gearsmen or other mechanical monsters ever go fully rampant, not listening to any orders?
  • How do the barbarian tribes survive such a desolate place?
  • Is the concentration of power there (the silver mount) causing any longterm effects? Do creatures around the silver mount go mad? (I think the answer there is yes)
  • What exactly did people do with the Silver Mount before the technic league corrupted Kevoth-Kul? What about before he even existed? Did they just steer clear? Or did the Technic League have a grasp on that region.
  • Were all of the mechanical creatures released at once, when the Technic League found the gearsmen originally? If not, what were teh stories behind creatures such as the Annihilator bot?

    Some of this may have been covered before, but I don't have Moreland/Set/Mikaze levels of Golarion expertise yet.

  • Dark Archive

    Cheapy wrote:
    Some of this may have been covered before, but I don't have Moreland/Set/Mikaze levels of Golarion expertise yet.

    [Cautionary note] Set occasionally makes **** up. None of the stuff I mentioned in post #35 are necessarily going to get written up, they're just stuff I *want* to get written up. [/cautionary note]

    James Jacobs wrote:
    Would folks LIKE a Numeria book?


    I'd love to get in there and really wander around.

    Set wrote:
    Cheapy wrote:
    Some of this may have been covered before, but I don't have Moreland/Set/Mikaze levels of Golarion expertise yet.

    [Cautionary note] Set occasionally makes **** up. None of the stuff I mentioned in post #35 are necessarily going to get written up, they're just stuff I *want* to get written up. [/cautionary note]

    Yes, but I want them all to be written up too, so I approve wholeheartedly.

    N'wah wrote:

    Yeh, I'm just being a sassy-pants fellow, Jim. I own masks of you guys out of mutual respect, of course, and not to frame you for an upcoming Heat-style bank robbery. :D

    Block Knight, I too love Aballon. If I may entice you to whet your space-whistle with a perusal of my fan-made Akiton content?

    Heh. Akitontent.

    Cool, I'll check it out.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.


    It's not a matter of if or when. It's a matter of WANT NOW, JJ.

    <tapping fingers>

    I'll be waiting.


    Scarab Sages

    Just to add my voice, yes I would love to see more on Numeria. An AP in particular would be really really great.

    I don't understand the notion of 'no sci-fi in MY fantasy'. It's already there, in the setting world, and has been from the start; you've been able to avoid it so far. For those of us who want it in OUR fantasy it's harder to do without rules and more background information.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    minoritarian wrote:

    Just to add my voice, yes I would love to see more on Numeria. An AP in particular would be really really great.

    I don't understand the notion of 'no sci-fi in MY fantasy'. It's already there, in the setting world, and has been from the start; you've been able to avoid it so far. For those of us who want it in OUR fantasy it's harder to do without rules and more background information.


    And ...

    Luminiere Solas wrote:

    i don't get why people see D&D or it's derivatives as medieval european.

    you have medieval knights wearing rennaiscane era armor, wielding roman era falcatas, worshipping greek gods, traveling with native american shamans wearing the hides of saharan beasts, who transform into prehistoric dinosaurs who are accompanied by modern japanese schoolgirls wielding Tokugawa Era Daisho and Wearing black pajamas, and old men wearing robes and pointed hats who chant mathematical equations to control reality, on a journey to kill brain eating space aliens, giant sentient firebreathing spellcasting reptiles and sentient jello.


    Shadow Lodge

    You know what's going to happen when people get to poke around the Silver Mount.

    You're going to have more people getting tricked into drinking the first thing to leak out of a wall, which will turn out to be anti-freeze.

    Also, while I'm one of the types of people who gets worried around the topic of industrialized magic, it's far from full-on "industrialized" at that point. Besides, part of Pathfinder's appeal is its pulp-fantasy style, and that goes hand-in-hand with wierd science. That's how the Lovecraft Mythos began, and inefficient malfunctioning robots or barbarians pushing unlabled buttons at random is an adamantine mine of hilarity!

    Sovereign Court

    minoritarian wrote:
    I don't understand the notion of 'no sci-fi in MY fantasy'. It's already there, in the setting world, and has been from the start; you've been able to avoid it so far. For those of us who want it in OUR fantasy it's harder to do without rules and more background information.

    It's pretty simple, I don't use Golarion. I use my own homebrew world and plug in the APs. Some don't always work like Second Darkness (an AP I like but don't have the background to fit really). Guns and spaceships and drug-addled cyborgs don't work for my world either.

    With that being said, it seems like a popular choice and I'm sure many people are looking forward to it. I just don't think it's for me and would like to see many other things done first.

    Callous Jack wrote:
    minoritarian wrote:
    I don't understand the notion of 'no sci-fi in MY fantasy'. It's already there, in the setting world, and has been from the start; you've been able to avoid it so far. For those of us who want it in OUR fantasy it's harder to do without rules and more background information.

    It's pretty simple, I don't use Golarion. I use my own homebrew world and plug in the APs. Some don't always work like Second Darkness (an AP I like but don't have the background to fit really). Guns and spaceships and drug-addled cyborgs don't work for my world either.

    With that being said, it seems like a popular choice and I'm sure many people are looking forward to it. I just don't think it's for me and would like to see many other things done first.

    Like many things, they would be optional; don't like/want them, don't buy them... you wallet /credit card won't mind it.

    Callous Jack wrote:
    minoritarian wrote:
    I don't understand the notion of 'no sci-fi in MY fantasy'. It's already there, in the setting world, and has been from the start; you've been able to avoid it so far. For those of us who want it in OUR fantasy it's harder to do without rules and more background information.

    It's pretty simple, I don't use Golarion. I use my own homebrew world and plug in the APs. Some don't always work like Second Darkness (an AP I like but don't have the background to fit really). Guns and spaceships and drug-addled cyborgs don't work for my world either.

    With that being said, it seems like a popular choice and I'm sure many people are looking forward to it. I just don't think it's for me and would like to see many other things done first.

    Not trying to be antagonistic, I just want to understand your perspective. So, you don't use Golarion, correct? But you would like to see other books done first in the Campaign setting line. . . for Golarion?

    I get the AP thing. But if it comes down to a Numeria book or a different book being put in the Campaign Setting line-up, why would either one make a difference for you?

    Sovereign Court

    The Block Knight wrote:
    Callous Jack wrote:
    minoritarian wrote:
    I don't understand the notion of 'no sci-fi in MY fantasy'. It's already there, in the setting world, and has been from the start; you've been able to avoid it so far. For those of us who want it in OUR fantasy it's harder to do without rules and more background information.

    It's pretty simple, I don't use Golarion. I use my own homebrew world and plug in the APs. Some don't always work like Second Darkness (an AP I like but don't have the background to fit really). Guns and spaceships and drug-addled cyborgs don't work for my world either.

    With that being said, it seems like a popular choice and I'm sure many people are looking forward to it. I just don't think it's for me and would like to see many other things done first.

    Not trying to be antagonistic, I just want to understand your perspective. So, you don't use Golarion, correct? But you would like to see other books done first in the Campaign setting line. . . for Golarion?

    I get the AP thing. But if it comes down to a Numeria book or a different book being put in the Campaign Setting line-up, why would either one make a difference for you?

    Sorry for the confusion, I'm just talking about an AP. :)

    Ah, I figured but I wasn't sure. That makes sense.

    Yes, I want a Numeria book the size of Ultimate Equipment or the ISWG. Or go with two 64 page books, similar to the Dragon Empire series, one for players and one for NPCs. An Adventure Path for all 20 levels, or at least 16th to 18th, like Kingmaker (which is Paizo's best AP to date, followed by Jade Regent and Rise of the Runelords ((must get new hardback, but my lack of income until October makes it hard)), in which you must prevent the Black King reactivating the reactor core of the ship so he and the Technic League can rebirth the God AI inside. Different factions of the League worship the splintered AI, which has survived inside of various robotic and cyborg constructs each personality built over the years. Barbarian resistance fighters and a covert arm of the Worldwound crusaders recruit the PCs to find out why pilgrim trains and caravans are vanishing on the way to a holy war. A new god may be born in the heights of the Silver Mountain, as each splintered AI channels the belief of corrupted pilgrims and priests drunk on the possibilities the reactor fuel has created. The reactor fuel can warp time and space as the drive systems literally processes dark matter corrupted with the taint of the Old Ones, and renders anyone who consumes it a servant of an eldritch AI bent on establishing itself as a god, devouring belief, twisting hope, and shattering dreams.

    Of course, I am slightly biasesd since I'm dropping Tale of the Comet into Kingmaker 5, complete with the AI in that book taking over King Irovetti (via the time honored tradition of nano-colony infection) and building a robotic/cybernetic army to eliminate all organic life in the Stolen Lands, then the world.

    stormcrow27 wrote:

    Yes, I want a Numeria book the size of Ultimate Equipment or the ISWG. Or go with two 64 page books, similar to the Dragon Empire series, one for players and one for NPCs. An Adventure Path for all 20 levels, or at least 16th to 18th, like Kingmaker (which is Paizo's best AP to date, followed by Jade Regent and Rise of the Runelords ((must get new hardback, but my lack of income until October makes it hard)), in which you must prevent the Black King reactivating the reactor core of the ship so he and the Technic League can rebirth the God AI inside. Different factions of the League worship the splintered AI, which has survived inside of various robotic and cyborg constructs each personality built over the years. Barbarian resistance fighters and a covert arm of the Worldwound crusaders recruit the PCs to find out why pilgrim trains and caravans are vanishing on the way to a holy war. A new god may be born in the heights of the Silver Mountain, as each splintered AI channels the belief of corrupted pilgrims and priests drunk on the possibilities the reactor fuel has created. The reactor fuel can warp time and space as the drive systems literally processes dark matter corrupted with the taint of the Old Ones, and renders anyone who consumes it a servant of an eldritch AI bent on establishing itself as a god, devouring belief, twisting hope, and shattering dreams.

    Of course, I am slightly biasesd since I'm dropping Tale of the Comet into Kingmaker 5, complete with the AI in that book taking over King Irovetti (via the time honored tradition of nano-colony infection) and building a robotic/cybernetic army to eliminate all organic life in the Stolen Lands, then the world.

    Interesting ideas, I just had rogue Automatons attack my players kingdom simply because when presented a large mound of star metal and instead of getting out the kobold miners to mine the space junk they destroyed it and as a DM I took the action of this space junk being the vessel holding nanites and automatons tend to go to these hot spots because they're repair nodes. The players got three CLW spells to burn each and when they were done it went inert but Automatons still attempt to harvest inert nanites. Also introduced a cult dedicated to the mountain itself as a god.

    Also its called the Overseer and it did hail from offworld built by a dead race it killed, would be interesting to see a Golarion conversion of Tale of the Comet. Though what race to place instead of the Rael and other things would have to be done.

    My Automatons:
    My Automatons were obviously based off of Tale of the Comet and Mage VS. Machine, the Doomed were amazing little cyborg zombies to toss out. I had those who had numerian artifacts be resurrected as Doomed and artifacts infused with the Doomed. It was a fun run, other automatons were simply advanced strange constructs and eventually became a Vessel of Void that was a automaton with a organic aberrant core that had a reality warping ability.

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
    James Jacobs wrote:
    Would folks LIKE a Numeria book?

    I would definitely like a book about Numeria. What I'd REALLY like is a Numeria AP. I've got so many good ideas for that I'm looking around for a notebook to write them all down in.

    Not everyone has to love every AP. Or every book. I'm not a big fan of either ninjas or pirates, but I read and enjoyed both of the last two AP's.

    Anyway, yes. Gimme!

    The Exchange

    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
    stormcrow27 wrote:
    Stuff about Tale of the Comet.

    This was and is one of my favorite box sets, right there with Night Below and Dragon Mountain. Still carry it everywhere with me when I move.

    Anything and everything about Numeria would be nice wether it is a loley module to a grant AP or a gazetteer or a players guide or maybe just all of the above.

    Another yes for a Numeria book and a oh yeah for a Numerian AP. I would definitely resub for that. Yes, SF/Fantasy is not everyone's cup of tea but again its a six month ap. Paizo has done the horror, oriental, pirate genres I don't think this is any more risky than those were.

    I like the reference to Kingmaker up above. Once my online group gets through Book Three of the Kingmaker AP I was planning on just opening up the environment into even more of a sandbox than it is now and suggesting an expedition into Numeria.

    Please give me material!!!

    Scarab Sages

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Numeria? Well okay--but only after they finish the Castrovel and Akiton APs I ordered =)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I wish we were getting Castrovel and Akiton APs as well.

    Silver Crusade

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    In ancient days, in Numeria stark,
    Across dawn skies a brilliant arc
    Shatter'd into a thousand firebrands,
    A Rain of Stars fell across the land.

    Across clear rivers and badlands old,
    Wonders ne'er seen were found in morning cold,
    Metals made of fire and might,
    Shining forth with prismatic light.

    Starfall arose in mid-day's heat,
    Built by warriors strong and fleet,
    Mighty City in the Star Mount's shadow,
    So favored the Gods did hallow.

    This eve'ing Gearsman stalk proud Starfall's walls,
    Silver not-men treating freeman as thralls,
    Under the Black Sovereign's grim command
    Where the Rain of Stars fell across the land.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

    I would love an ap or a book on Numeria have an archtype fo the alchemist as an artificer type.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Technic League Adept:

    Technic League Adept (Wizard Archetype)

    A Technic League adept has the following abilities:

    Craft Trinket: At 1st level, the Technic League adept can craft magitech trinkets using the secret knowledge salvaged from the Silver Mount. This ability works like Brew Potion except the created items take form of small devices instead of potions and are switched on instead of being drunk. This ability replaces Scribe Scroll bonus feat.

    Arcane Bond: Familiar selected as the arcane bond of Technic League adept gains half-construct subtype. Bonded object remains unchanged.

    Augmentation (Ex): At 1st level, the Technic League adept gains his first augmentation. He gains two points of augmentations. Additional augmentation points can be gained in place of bonus wizard feats gained at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th level. Each time the Technic League adept gains a level he can exchange his augmentations for new ones of the same total point value. Alternatively, the Technic League adept with familiar can divert some of his augmentation points and apply them to his familiar instead. This ability replaces all the arcane school powers gained at 1st level.

    Mechanical Authority: At 7th level, the Technic League adept gains Leadership feat and can acquire one of the lesser gearmen as a cohort. This ability replaces arcane school power gained on 6th or 8th level.

    Mechanical Apotheosis (Ex): At 20th level, the Technic League adept gains half-construct subtype. Unlike regular half-construct the Technic League adept can be resurrected normally.

    Natural attacks granted by augmentations follows all the regular rules for natural attacks. Damage dice listed are for Medium characters and have to be adjusted accordingly for Small characters.

    Bite (1 point): Implanted mechanical teeth and enhanced muscle grant bite natural attack dealing 1d6 points of damage.

    Claws (1 point): Implanted finger-blades grant 2 claw natural attacks dealing 1d4 points of damage.

    Fast Healing (4 points): The adept gains fast healing 1.

    Flight (4 points): Implanted anti-gravity device grants flight speed equal to land speed with perfect maneuverability.

    Gills (1 point): Grant ability to breathe underwater.

    Improved Damage (1 point): One natural attack is upgraded increasing damage dice by one step. Requires existing natural attack.

    Improved Natural Armor (1 point): Implanted subdermal armor or skin replacement grants +2 natural armor bonus. This augmentation can be selected once plus one additional time after reaching 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th level.

    Reach (1 point): One natural attack possessed by the adept increases reach by 5 feet. Requires existing natural attack.

    Resistance (1 point): Grants 5 points of resistance to single energy type. This resistance increases to 10 at 10th level and 15 at 15th level.

    Slam (1 point): Armored fist and muscle augmentation grant slam natural attack dealing 1d8 points of damage.

    Spell Resistance (4 points): The adept gains Spell Resistance of 11+character level.

    Tentacle (1 point): Implanted tendril grants tentacle secondary attack that deals 1d4 points of damage. Can be selected multiple times.

    EDIT: Changed Augmentations from Su to Ex as per Set suggestion.

    EDIT 2: I am not in serious trans-humanist mood for some time, no really. *thinks about returning to developing Metamorph base class*

    Dark Archive

    Drejk wrote:
    ** spoiler omitted **...

    That's kind of awesome. I like the variability of how the points can be spent, so that one 'adept' might be able to fly, while another is spell resistant, but no one adept will be able to take more than one of the exciting four point modifications (and nobody below 10th level is going to be flying at will, in this manner).

    Making them Ex abilities both fits the flavor, and is also fun, as someone throwing up an antimagic field might be shocked to see the 'techno-mage' flying right through it.

    Of course I want the books as soon as possible, even payed for Monte Cook's kickstarter Numenera to alleviate the pain.

    Silver Crusade

    Chris Mortika wrote:

    My first thought was, "that's a silly question, James. Yes, we would like a Numeria book." But on second thought...


    I, for one, would like to experience Numeria, at any serious depth, first as an adventure, maybe a 32-page module, but preferably a product about the size of the Goblinworks Thornkeep book.

    Numeria would lose a lot of its charm for me if it was first spoiled with a lot of technical detail, monster stats, rules for Cool Tech Stuff, and all, before I got to play through it and experience the wonder of it all.

    Totally agree with Chris here. For me, and I expect more than a few others, Numeria lives an dies on its presentation and flavor. A book of info dump wouldn't work for me nearly as well as a nice slow stream of fluff, supported by some crunch. Preserving the feel and mystery, at least for me, is essential, otherwise you get a Wolverine Syndrome where the mystery was far better than the eventual answers.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    This one's a toughie for me. As much as I'm a Gammaworld or Star Frontiers or Shadowrun or even RIFTS fan, maybe its my older-school sensibilities that makes me not too keen on mixing tech and magic too much. I like the idea of 'at best' advanced firearms being "Old West" level, or the Kung Fu Gunslinger stuff, but not really interested in 'whole armies running around with firearms' stuff.

    Likewise, while I would appreciate more flavor and stories Re: Numeria, I'm not really interested in basically a Pathfinder version of Shadowrun's "Shadowtech" or related cyber/bioware/genetic handbooks. I like the current idea of "Yeah, just say replace various magic effects and give them 'tech names'; Laser? Yeah thats a pistol/wand of Scorching Ray, etc.

    Pathfinder fans really suffer from robot-fetish it seems. :S

    I think fantasy lovers are growing more and more rare, Maybe somebody should start a science-fiction themed D&D/pathfinder company, I think you can become rich in doing so, as robot lovers are great in number. (too bad)

    I'm HAPPY that the winter AP is already in the making, but after that I fear I have to skip 6 months of AP because I really don't feel antyhing for a Final fantasy/Terminator based adventure and most of all bestiaries full of terminators and I.T's...

    I rather see a book about Numeria, but an AP, no please. (or maybe if the bestiaries aren't crawling with robot-skum

    Scarab Sages

    Sincubus wrote:

    Pathfinder fans really suffer from robot-fetish it seems. :S

    I think fantasy lovers are growing more and more rare, Maybe somebody should start a science-fiction themed D&D/pathfinder company, I think you can become rich in doing so, as robot lovers are great in number. (too bad)

    I'm HAPPY that the winter AP is already in the making, but after that I fear I have to skip 6 months of AP because I really don't feel antyhing for a Final fantasy/Terminator based adventure and most of all bestiaries full of terminators and I.T's...

    I rather see a book about Numeria, but an AP, no please. (or maybe if the bestiaries aren't crawling with robot-skum

    Look up first and second edition adventures. You might be surprised. Seems 'fantasy lovers' were hard to find back then, too.

    Silver Crusade

    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
    Sincubus wrote:

    Pathfinder fans really suffer from robot-fetish it seems. :S

    I think fantasy lovers are growing more and more rare, Maybe somebody should start a science-fiction themed D&D/pathfinder company, I think you can become rich in doing so, as robot lovers are great in number. (too bad)

    I'm HAPPY that the winter AP is already in the making, but after that I fear I have to skip 6 months of AP because I really don't feel antyhing for a Final fantasy/Terminator based adventure and most of all bestiaries full of terminators and I.T's...

    I rather see a book about Numeria, but an AP, no please. (or maybe if the bestiaries aren't crawling with robot-skum

    Ah, another one who never heard of Expedition to Barrier Peaks.

    Yes my thoughts exactly, put all those robot crap in one book adventure, but don't spoil a fantasy bestiary or fantasy AP with it.

    I fail to see the fantasy / SF (the modern/robot version) link, I think it needs to be seperated.

    One book about it is sweet for the fans, but if you mix it, it will go horrible wrong (look at the game heroes of might and magic 3, where fans started to go insane when they wanted to put a robot town in the expansions, and no strangely I was not one of those mad fans.)

    Scarab Sages

    Funny thing: Some of us do see the link and they may even be sure about what they want and why. So just because you don't doesn't mean it will 'go horrible wrong', neither does it make us 'suffer' from any kind of 'fetish'. It is fine to have an opinion, but if you can't hold that opinion without belitteling those that have a different one it is pretty uncourtuous.

    Silver Crusade

    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
    Sincubus wrote:

    Yes my thoughts exactly, put all those robot crap in one book adventure, but don't spoil a fantasy bestiary or fantasy AP with it.

    I fail to see the fantasy / SF (the modern/robot version) link, I think it needs to be seperated.

    One book about it is sweet for the fans, but if you mix it, it will go horrible wrong (look at the game heroes of might and magic 3, where fans started to go insane when they wanted to put a robot town in the expansions, and no strangely I was not one of those mad fans.)


    Dying Earth
    Sword and Planet literature
    John Carter
    Spelljammer (yes, I know. But giffs > all)

    There are a lot of examples of mixing fantasy and SF that went "right" (or at least "not wrong"). Having a cultural horizon narrowed just to computer games is no excuse for telling others that their tastes, which often come from sources you're likely not even aware of, are badwrong.

    Does the plane of Mechanus from Planescape count?

    Silver Crusade

    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
    Icyshadow wrote:
    Does the plane of Mechanus from Planescape count?

    I believe it does, although while it's a bit more on the steampunkish end of things, I'm pretty sure I could find some straight solid SF elements if I burrowed into my Planescape books deep enough.

    Also, Modrons.

    Even if the AP was set in Numeria, doesn't mean it would be ALL ROBOTS ALL THE TIME. Their are probably all sort of native beasts, aliens, mutants, undead, etc in Numeria.

    It's like saying you don't want Skull and Shackles, because you only fight pirates, or you don't want Carrion Crown, because you only fight vampires and werewolves. Their might be themes to an AP, but those themes allow quite a bit of variety.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Sincubus wrote:

    Pathfinder fans really suffer from robot-fetish it seems. :S

    I think fantasy lovers are growing more and more rare, Maybe somebody should start a science-fiction themed D&D/pathfinder company, I think you can become rich in doing so, as robot lovers are great in number. (too bad)

    I'm HAPPY that the winter AP is already in the making, but after that I fear I have to skip 6 months of AP because I really don't feel antyhing for a Final fantasy/Terminator based adventure and most of all bestiaries full of terminators and I.T's...

    I rather see a book about Numeria, but an AP, no please. (or maybe if the bestiaries aren't crawling with robot-skum

    First, I don't think you'll have to worry about skipping 6 months of AP after Reign of Winter since the next AP will be Wrath of the Righteous. But perhaps after that you may have to sit one out. Who knows?

    As for the trend with Pathfinder fans, I think it's less of a robot-fetish trend and more of a old-school Greyhawk-related trend.

    Golarion has a lot in common with Greyhawk, one of the original campaign settings. The other original campaign setting being Blackmoor, with which Golarion also shares some similarities.

    Now, what to all of these settings have in common, theme-wise? A pulp-inspired background. It's no secret that the writers and developers at Paizo love their pulp. So did Gygax and Arneson. The pulp trend has been present since the beginning and part of that trend is a subtle (and often not-so-subtle) mixing of SF into the fantasy genre, much like the old-school sword-and-planet stuff.

    This pulp mix drew in a good portion of the first generation gamer crowd to Greyhawk and Blackmoor, and influenced a good deal of the second generation (of which I am a member, gaming since '89). So it's not a robot-fetish among Pathfinder fans. It's a pulp fetish. Robots just go with the territory. It's actually as "old-school" as you can get. Literally. Edgar Rice Burroughs published Princess of Mars (1917) a full 20 years before Tolkien published The Hobbit (1937). Just sayin'.

    Edit: And just to head things off at the pass, as for other famous "traditional" Sword and Sorcery inspirations:

    Robert E. Howard started publishing his Conan stuff in the 30's. Same with Fritz Leiber and his Fafhrd series.

    Zelazny started rocking the Amber series in the 70's.

    Jack Vance produced The Dying Earth books from the 50's through to the 80's.

    Michael Moorcock created Elric in the 60's.

    Most of these guys were also Science Fiction writers and/or pulp writers. Especially RE Howard, who along with his contemporaries (Lovecraft, C.A. Smith, etc.) were well known for their stories published in Weird Tales. Many of these guys have also gone on the record stating that some of the authors that originally inspired them to become writers included Burroughs and Leigh Brackett.

    Speaking of Brackett, she was producing influential SF and Sword-and-Planet material as far back as the 40's, and was also a significant inspiration for Gygax (she was among the writers listed in Appendix N of the '79 DMG).

    I won't get into the rest of the Appendix N list, but it's safe to say the trend of Sci-Fi and S&P pre-dating most traditional fantasy, or going hand-in-hand, continues with the remaining authors on the list (Lin Carter, L. Sprague de Camp, etc).

    Fantasy roleplaying has always had a strong science-fantasy vibe. The very first D&D adventure ever published "Temple of the Frog" features a space-born villain and amongst the treasure is a laser rifle.

    The bestiaries are full of monsters adapted from innumerable works of fiction that are unarguably sci-fi. And I'm not just talking about robots.

    Girallons, intellect devourers, carnivorous blobs... these are monsters ripped straight from the sci-fi canon.

    And I for one would love to see Paizo tackle an explicitly science-fantasy themed book and adventure path. It would be, I think, something quite unique.

    Yes, it would turn a few people off. But I agree with the sentiment that no more than would be turned off than by an Arabian Nights theme or a Gothic Horror theme or a Journey to the East theme.

    Just my two cents.

    Gary McBride
    Fire Mountain Games

    Fire Mountain Games wrote:
    And I for one would love to see Paizo tackle an explicitly science-fantasy themed book and adventure path. It would be, I think, something quite unique.

    Above and beyond anything Numeria related, this would be pretty awesome. No "traditional" fantasy monsters, only the science-fantasy types. The aforementioned carnivorous blob, for instance and similar things.

    I bet you could even do it without ever invoking any Cthulhu-Mythos creatures, working off the bestiaries alone. Maybe not. But it would be pretty cool.

    Invasion from the Stars, or somesuch.

    I would really like to know more about Numeria, I am planing to run at least a few games there and maybe a whole campaign based out of there. I think a tie in to the other planets

    I think part of the increase in interest is due to golarion "maturing" as a setting. There have always been fans calling for exploration of space travel/numeria/alkenstar/etcetera. As the setting has grown older, I suspect a number of people with extensive libraries are now looking to some of the "nichier" parts of the world.

    I have no real interest in space, eastern fantasy or horror but I was glad that paizo got around to distant worlds, dragon empires and ustalav. I now know a bit more about some of the quirkier, less vanilla areas of golarion which pleases the completist in me. I similarly am very unlikely to run anything outside of the inner sea - yet am keen to learn about the other continents of golarion. Just to know what's there.

    I don't think it represents any great shift in "what the fans want" it's just that what they wanted first is not the same as what they want five years later (taken as a group, I mean - obviously there will be some who want nothing outside of varisia and others who want nothing more to do with the inner sea at all).

    If they should go planet hopping, then I rather see the first world

    The First World isn't a planet it's a another dimension so you should say if they go dimension hopping.

    I would love some more fantasy-sci-fi monsters like the blob and other sci-fi and horror monsters from popculture.

    In my game robots look like golems, the technology is sufficiently advanced to appear magical




    YES I want a Numeria AP.


    Yes I want this. More than any other thing in the entire Inner Sea region, Numeria is the thing I want.

    Grand Lodge Contributor

    As I've said before (I'm sure you're all paying very close attention to ALL of my posts, right?), at first I hated the idea of Numeria. I didn't want 'sci-fi in my fantasy' but somehow it has become one of my favourite places in Golarion and I wantwantwantwantwantwant a Numeria something sooooooo bad.

    Tell the Black Sovereign I said 'hi'.

    The complication in making something like a Numeria book is "how many people will buy it?" While the message board might make a good initial sampling, it's not a good spectrum of all Pathfinder players. A better sample would be if you had some kind of publishing history that could be investigated.

    Say, Distant Worlds. How well did that book do? Then assume that a Numeria book is likely to sell better, because it doesn't involve "leaving" the campaign setting to use it.

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