Amusing alternate names for pathfinders (that fit)

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Grand Lodge

This thread is created to make amusing names that fit pathfinders based on the actions that people make in the modules.

I will start.

Kleptomaniacal Murder Hobos.
Hey, most characters are acting as vagabonds who kill people quite often and are often taking things that belong to others at the behest of their superiors.

Grand Lodge

I've been called a lot of things in my time with the Society...
Here's a brief taste:

Kill-hungry treasure looters!
Glowing Delinquents!
Compass-clutching barbarians!
Snivelling guttersnapes!
No-good, scruffy-looking nerfherders!
Institutionalized bandits!
Wand-waving, gold-stealing thugs!
Dirty-fingered, job-stealing, history-ruining poison-tasters!
Trap Fodder.
Diversified, racially confused sociopaths!
Steel-coated tax men!
Stealer of Library Books!
Overtaught, overfought, oversexed necrophiliacs!

Grand Lodge

Grave-robbing Pyromaniacs!

Grand Lodge

AcidicWind wrote:
Grave-robbing Pyromaniacs!

Hey it's : Grave-robbing mad bombers. (I'm an Alchemist!)

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kuro Poe wrote:

...No-good, scruffy-looking nerfherders!...

Who's scruffy-looking? :P

erm....Dangerous Dames in Killer Boots

Grand Lodge

Bottomless Pits of Treasure Theft!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Foul-smelling Socially-Akward Dice-rolling Escapists...

.. Oh, you meant the characters...

Magical Christmas Trees.

Economy killers


We don't get many insults to our characters.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Adventure Capitalists


Those meddling kids and that dog.

(What? You never ran a Scooby-Doo type Pathfinder session? :P)

On a serious note, we weren't exactly "insulted". We were told to leave places and such, but our GM is too nice of a person to insult us too harshly.

Grand Lodge

"Murderous Bibliophiles!"

Very specific to the campaign I'm running, but...

Infernal meddling lordlings!
Airship stealing traitorous wretches!
The saviours have returned!

It's an evil party.

Grand Lodge

Knife wielding maniacs!

I plan to make a habit of calling my players' party You and Your Menagerie since there's one human with the rest being races from Advanced Race Guide. Obviously the locals are predisposed to talk to the human more than the others.

"Oh dear Desna, it's them again. Hide the gold, and the potion for grandma's hip."

They're just a sorry bunch of greedy rats, led by the tune of their cowardly Decemvirate pipers.

If you have to hide your face from the public while running an organization, you're more than just suspicious.


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kyrie Ebonblade wrote:
AcidicWind wrote:
Grave-robbing Pyromaniacs!
Hey it's : Grave-robbing mad bombers. (I'm an Alchemist!)

Pyromaniacs refer to those Druids of Flame.

Soldiers of "Mis"-Fortune.
Slaughter Mongers.
Cruel SoBs...

Those are just the safe ones. I have a list of around 70 just for me alone. Those are the only SFW ones.

Grand Lodge

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Soldiers of "Mis"-Fortune.

Slaughter Mongers.
Cruel SoBs...

Those are just the safe ones. I have a list of around 70 just for me alone. Those are the only SFW ones.

Pleas pm the the non sfw ones

AcidicWind wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Soldiers of "Mis"-Fortune.

Slaughter Mongers.
Cruel SoBs...

Those are just the safe ones. I have a list of around 70 just for me alone. Those are the only SFW ones.

Pleas pm the the non sfw ones

Just imagine any insulting profane name you can think of. Especially those from other cultures.

genocidal goldsniffers

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