Curse of the Lady's Light (GM Reference)

Shattered Star

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Shards of Sin
Curse of the Lady's Light
The Asylum Stone
Beyond the Doomsday Door
Into the Nightmare Rift
The Dead Heart of Xin

Sovereign Court

The Gray Maiden on the cover of Curse of the lady's light. looks awsome. please make it into a mini...

Is the woman on page 4 supposed to be Runelord Sorshen?

Has there been a picture of Runelord Sorshen (or others for that matter) printed in any of the Pathfinder materials?

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Yep, that's Sorshen.

There are a few illustrations of other runelords, but I can't recall right now exactly where. Regardless, Pathfinder #66 contains an article that will have an illustration of each of them, so you'll have a full collection there.

Silver Crusade

Adam Daigle wrote:

Yep, that's Sorshen.

There are a few illustrations of other runelords, but I can't recall right now exactly where. Regardless, Pathfinder #66 contains an article that will have an illustration of each of them, so you'll have a full collection there.

Inne Sea Magic had one for certain.

ONE of the Varisia guide articles somewhere, possibly in RotRL or maybe in the original campaign setting book, also had an image of her on one side of the Sunken Queen.

is still waiting for his copy of Lady's Light

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So I got to the 'trap' guarding Sorshen's clone, and just stopped to laugh for about two minutes. First trap I've seen where the best thing for the PC is to fail all their saves against it.

Of course, if a male PC falls victim to it, it's time to bust out some Ranma 1/2 jokes. Spring of Drowned Runelord, anyone?

Sovereign Court

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Curse of the Lady’s Light Web Enhancement
I cant find it, help me....

Grand Lodge Contributor

After Karzoug, I know that Alaznist has been depicted a few times. I'd be interested to find out if (and where) other Runelords have been depicted.

Grand Lodge Contributor

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Marcus Gehrcke wrote:

Curse of the Lady’s Light Web Enhancement

I cant find it, help me....

Here James Jacobs said :

James Jacobs wrote:
Shaun Hocking wrote:
So when can we get our pixels on the web enhancement mentioned in the introduction? Huh? Huh? Huh?
Pretty soon; as far as I know, it's having the last bit of editing and layout done. Hopefully it'll be ready by the time the book's actual release date arrives.

Grand Lodge Contributor

Now that I think about it, does Sorshen remind anyone else of Vampirella?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Shaun Hocking wrote:
After Karzoug, I know that Alaznist has been depicted a few times. I'd be interested to find out if (and where) other Runelords have been depicted.

There are face pics of a couple Runelords in Inner Sea Magic (Xanderghul and Alaznist come to mind) Hollow mountain is a pic of Alaznist's head, and there's a statue of her in red in Shards of Sin.

Sorshen has a full body picture in Inner Sea Magic in the Thassilonian Specialist section.

Grand Lodge Contributor

Stratagemini wrote:
Shaun Hocking wrote:
After Karzoug, I know that Alaznist has been depicted a few times. I'd be interested to find out if (and where) other Runelords have been depicted.

There are face pics of a couple Runelords in Inner Sea Magic (Xanderghul and Alaznist come to mind) Hollow mountain is a pic of Alaznist's head, and there's a statue of her in red in Shards of Sin.

Sorshen has a full body picture in Inner Sea Magic in the Thassilonian Specialist section.

Yeah, I found all the Inner Sea Magic pics earlier tonight. Thanks, though!

Any pics elsewhere?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Xin is in The Lost Kingdoms. Also in the opener pic of the Shards of Sin chapter on the Sihedron.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hm, so Azlanti humans get a +2 to all their ability scores? Or is that a typo?

Grand Lodge Contributor

magnuskn wrote:
Hm, so Azlanti humans get a +2 to all their ability scores? Or is that a typo?

Page 12 of the Inner Sea World Guide states that "a pureblooded ancient Azlanti gains a +2 bonus to all six ability scores."

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ouches. Well, if I ever run the module ( not that likely, since I hate dungeon crawls... but maybe in a homebrewn continuation to Curse of the Crimson Throne one day ^^ ), I think my players would be torn between happyness about the attributes, shock about the new, errr, situation and dislike for the two negative levels.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dear lord! I haven't received my copy yet. Do you mean to tell me the PC's can wind up turned into Pureblood Azlanti in this adventure?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Dear lord! I haven't received my copy yet. Do you mean to tell me the PC's can wind up turned into Pureblood Azlanti in this adventure?

Nonsense. That's just pure foolishness. The PCs can't be turned into Pureblood Azlanti...

But there is a Trap that can basically act as a Clone spell for you with a specific active clone. The trick is? It's Sorshen's Clone. So one PC can be turned into a Clone of Sorshen.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

3 people marked this as a favorite.

For future easy link purposes... Web Supplement for Curse of the Lady's Light.

Adam Daigle wrote:
For future easy link purposes... Web Supplement for Curse of the Lady's Light.

Dang, that is nice and it was *cut*. The rest of this must be really good.

Can't wait for my shipment order so I can download the PDFs.

-- david

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Papa-DRB wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
For future easy link purposes... Web Supplement for Curse of the Lady's Light.

Dang, that is nice and it was *cut*. The rest of this must be really good.

Can't wait for my shipment order so I can download the PDFs.

-- david

Part of what replaced it was a CR 15 Huge Iron Mecha-Dwarf Piloted by The Souls of Ancient heroes.

So yeah, there's some neat stuff.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Stratagemini wrote:

Nonsense. That's just pure foolishness. The PCs can't be turned into Pureblood Azlanti...

** spoiler omitted **

Ah! That is the trap I keep seeing the other posters giggling about. NICE!

The Concordance RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Want to buy a bridge?

In the boxed text for when the PCs get Maroux to a friendly status, she says:


...that Sorshen really is alive and well in the Lady’s Light, but if you believe that claptrap, there’s a bridge across the Straits of Aroden I’d like to sell ya!”

Um... isn't there a bridge over the straits of Aroden? <> Though here is calls the straits the Straits of Hespereth. However, elsewhere (Council of Thieves, part 4) its referred to as the Straits of Aroden...

Anyone have an explanation?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
catdragon wrote:

Want to buy a bridge?

In the boxed text for when the PCs get Maroux to a friendly status, she says:
** spoiler omitted **

Um... isn't there a bridge over the straits of Aroden? <> Though here is calls the straits the Straits of Hespereth. However, elsewhere (Council of Thieves, part 4) its referred to as the Straits of Aroden...

Anyone have an explanation?

There is also a bridge in Brooklyn, which I would be happy to sell you for the low low price of $100.

EDIT: I accept paypal!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

catdragon wrote:

Want to buy a bridge?

In the boxed text for when the PCs get Maroux to a friendly status, she says:
** spoiler omitted **

Um... isn't there a bridge over the straits of Aroden? <> Though here is calls the straits the Straits of Hespereth. However, elsewhere (Council of Thieves, part 4) its referred to as the Straits of Aroden...

Anyone have an explanation?

I do.

Maroux is making a snarky comment on how gullible the PCs are, implying that if the PCs fall in for the rumors that Sorshen is a live in the Lady's Light, they're also gullible enough to not only believe there's a bridge where none exists, but that on top of THAT Maroux can sell it to them.


catdragon wrote:

Want to buy a bridge?

In the boxed text for when the PCs get Maroux to a friendly status, she says:
** spoiler omitted **

Um... isn't there a bridge over the straits of Aroden? <> Though here is calls the straits the Straits of Hespereth. However, elsewhere (Council of Thieves, part 4) its referred to as the Straits of Aroden...

Anyone have an explanation?

The central third of the Arch of Aroden collapsed some time ago, making it useless as a bridge.

Also too as well, what James said.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

couple of stat block nit-picks

for all the magic items the Price and Weights were flip-flopped

you missed the race of human in several stat blocks, supposed to have the race even though you have it in the substype
Female fighter 8
CN Medium humanoid (human)

should be
Female human fighter 8
CN Medium humanoid (human)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

another stat block nit-pick

composite bows for the last few months of Paizo prducts seem to be missing the their Str mod.
it shouldn't just says "mwk composite longbow" it should say "mwk composite longbow[Str +3]" to tell you the max str bonus that you can apply to the bow

A thought just occured to me.

When Ashamintallu is killed, does the Lady's Light stop glowing at night time? If so, it sounds like the PCs could inadvertantly cause a few shipwrecks...

Are the gems on Sorshen's shoulders cosmetic or are they implanted Ioun Stones?

Is there a more detailed description with ability scores for the clone?

Dark Psion wrote:

Are the gems on Sorshen's shoulders cosmetic or are they implanted Ioun Stones?

Is there a more detailed description with ability scores for the clone?

What exactly do you mean by the second question? Sorshen is an Azlanti, which means she has a +2 racial bonus to all stats. Anyone taking over her body would remove all racial bonuses and penalties to their stats, then add +2 to all of them.

As for Sorshen's stats themselves, we'll just have to wait and see...

What are her physical stats, height, weight, etc,. They should reflect the new body.

She has black hair and what appears to be Amber eyes on page 55.
Also, does the clone have the tattoo on her belly as well.

Dark Psion wrote:
She has black hair and what appears to be Amber eyes on page 55.

They look yellow-green to me. However, her eyes are brown on p.4 and p.57, an in Inner Sea Magic her eyes are jade-green. Her shoulder jewels are just as inconsistent.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Mechalibur wrote:

A thought just occured to me.

** spoiler omitted **

Interesting. Yes...

...the light would stop shining, but since the trade route is well established and there's no reason for ships to be going to that desolate part of the coast, it probably won't increase the wrecks. In fact, since the light won't be accidentally luring some ships close in the fog, it's vanishing will likely DECREASE the number of local shipwrecks.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dark Psion wrote:

Are the gems on Sorshen's shoulders cosmetic or are they implanted Ioun Stones?

Is there a more detailed description with ability scores for the clone?

The gems implanted on her shoulders are probably implanted ioun stones, but we haven't statted up Sorshen yet so I can't say (and don't want to say) for sure yet what they are.

And her clone essentially has...

... the same stats as the PC who gets resurrected into her clone, with a +2 bonus to every ability score since she and now the PC is Azlanti, more or less...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Dark Psion wrote:

What are her physical stats, height, weight, etc,. They should reflect the new body.

She has black hair and what appears to be Amber eyes on page 55.
Also, does the clone have the tattoo on her belly as well.


She has black hair and amber eyes. The clone does not have the tattoo or the gems in her shoulders. She's 5' 9" and weighs about 135 pounds. All of these are subject to change if and when I stat her up for real, of course, so if those don't work for you, feel free to change them as you wish.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
She has black hair and amber eyes. She's 5' 9" and weighs about 135 pounds.

She is not allowed within 50 yards of a school or playground area. DO NOT APPROACH if you see her, she is considered armed and dangerous at all times. If sighted, immediately leave the country and seek shelter on a neighboring planet.

I heard from a very reliable internet authority that Sorshen will be fully statted for the upcoming Mythic Playtest. Actually, thats a complete lie. But I'd have liked to have heard it. You know, all dressed up and no one to kill and whatnot. Just sayin....

Liberty's Edge

I had a minor issue with this part of the AP. I had a hard time finding out where excatly Ladys Cape was in relation to Magnimar. In all the maps of Varisa I have seen, The Ladys Cape is covered by the range scale at the bottom. I had to look online.

Vexous wrote:
I heard from a very reliable internet authority that Sorshen will be fully statted for the upcoming Mythic Playtest. Actually, that's a complete lie.

You had me completely going until your admission.

As for me, I've been statting her up for fun. The ability scores and spells are easy enough to guess, her skills and feats less so, and her ~1,760,000+ gp of equipment (and artifacts) are pure conjecture. AndIstilldon'tknowwhatherfrickin'iounstonesare!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

CapeCodRPGer wrote:
I had a minor issue with this part of the AP. I had a hard time finding out where excatly Ladys Cape was in relation to Magnimar. In all the maps of Varisa I have seen, The Ladys Cape is covered by the range scale at the bottom. I had to look online.

Yeah... that is indeed pretty frustrating. Sorry about that. I KNEW that covering up that location with the scale was a bad idea.

I'd not allow any of my PCs with a CHA below 20 to be subject to this trap...

My player who got hit by the trap has in a very short life been subjected to multiple reincarnations...

started as a human male...then was a male hill dwarf...then a kobold

of unknown gender (a fellow player killed him on sight)...then was a

male drow (also killed on sight by his own party)...came back as a male

oriental half ogre...ended up as a female wood elf...traded a treasure

share for a girdle of gender change so he could be a he again...then

was hit by THE TRAP!

He's not bitter, but has hopes of going to Undermountain in search of a

dwarven archlich (20th lg cleric of dumathoin) who could turn her into

a male mountain dwarf..."Doesn't that petrified patriarch owe us a


The Exchange

RuyanVe wrote:
I'd not allow any of my PCs with a CHA below 20 to be subject to this trap...

A) without some serious minmaxing I can hardly imagine many PCs running around with 20 in any of their stats...

b) why? why not allow a low charisma PC be effected? where's the harm? besdides, remeber the potential boost to charisma the PC can get by becoming Azlanti (unless said PC is already having a racial +2 to charisma...)

Liberty's Edge

I believe it was a joke referring to Sorshen being so hot anyone in her body would need at least a 20 cha to make it believable.

One of my recent hobbies has been statting up Sorshen. Here's what I have after racial adjustments (Azlanti human: +2 to each Ability Score, +2 to any one Ability Score; 25 point buy) but before other modifiers (oodles and oodles...):

Str 12, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 20

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Azlanti get +2 to all ability scores, they do not then get a further + 2 to any one.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Azlanti get +2 to all ability scores, they do not then get a further + 2 to any one.

This is correct.

So does that mean a character affected by the trap would replace existing racial modifiers with the +2's?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
blope wrote:
So does that mean a character affected by the trap would replace existing racial modifiers with the +2's?

That is exactly what it means, it even spells it out for you in the description.

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