Question for GMs who include sex in their games

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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are there any books out there which include things like this?

getting some kind of temporary buff for having intercourse, which may last a day or half a day? getting an actual benefit for the PC and a reason for him to seek intercourse, which in turn will open the door to STD's

having an STD which would cause something along the lines of the PCs movement being hampered more and more after so many rounds due to swelled genitalia or some other part of the body with a corresponding detrimental effect.

maybe the GM Slips a secret note the infected player informing him he notices his genitalia beginning to rot, then inform the PCs that they smell a hint of a fowl odor. also secretly inform the infected PC that in X rounds, the other PCs are going to notice the smell is coming from him. maybe the X amount of rounds could be a longer duration to introduce the possibility that the infected PC has a chance to leave the group, or convince them they need to "resupply" which would provide him an opportunity to have it cleared up in a town before the other PCs notice the funny smell coming from him. maybe add a curve ball for the group by now having a PC secretly trying to force or convince the group to get sidetracked?

basically I'm wondering if there are any published rules or things like the above around. i figure that creating a reason why PCs would want to have sex could introduce an optional buff should they desire it and have the effects of any STD's carried out in a manner that would initially be only known to that PC, then migrate to being an embarrassment to that PC, then onto some type of impairment for that PC, and if bad enough, onto death.

i dont know anything about the 3P rules regarding sex for rpg's and am hesitant to buy anything because i dont really know how they approach the subject. is it anything like the above? even a little?

thanks for the info, not trying to focus on the subject in the games, but i like to have rules for anything that the PCs might come up with. im still very new, and still learning.

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You are looking for rules that would encourage in-character sex so you can give a player character a wasting std?


I suggest you turn in your GM card.

do 3P books cover prostitute NPCs ?

Cornielius wrote:


You are looking for rules that would encourage in-character sex so you can give a player character a wasting std?


I suggest you turn in your GM card.

just to spice things up, have the options there just in case

EDIT: it could also possibly throw a wrench into the rest of the PCs plans if one PC all of a sudden now has an alternate agenda out of nowhere that he doesnt want the other PCs to know about due to embarrassment.

life throws some bad situations at people, as a GM i just figure, it might be fun to throw a small wrench into the mix and see how the PCs handle/overcome it.


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Yes, look for the 3.5 Book of Erotic Fantasy.

Do not look at the pictures, they are not well done.

It has all the rules you are after, prestige classes, spells, equipment....

I will say it is NOT a good book, it is NOT a helpful book at all (IMHO) and it is NOT a book I own or would ever want to use in a game.

but if your heart is set on this sort of thing, thats the book for you.

Thefurmonger wrote:

Yes, look for the 3.5 Book of Erotic Fantasy.

Do not look at the pictures, they are not well done.

It has all the rules you are after, prestige classes, spells, equipment....

I will say it is NOT a good book, it is NOT a helpful book at all (IMHO) and it is NOT a book I own or would ever want to use in a game.

but if your heart is set on this sort of thing, thats the book for you.

A short while back I read an article by Kismet on her site.

I never read the aforementioned book or the book Kismet mentioned but I recommend her articles.

Thefurmonger wrote:

Yes, look for the 3.5 Book of Erotic Fantasy.

Do not look at the pictures, they are not well done.

It has all the rules you are after, prestige classes, spells, equipment....

I will say it is NOT a good book, it is NOT a helpful book at all (IMHO) and it is NOT a book I own or would ever want to use in a game.

but if your heart is set on this sort of thing, thats the book for you.

It's very tongue-in-cheek, really, and written for giggles rather than playability. There have been better treatises on sex in fantasy games, I think Dragon Magazine had some good articles on the subject some time back.

I think if you want to include STDs and contraception, you will need to make the rules up yourself.

@ GM Kyle - thanks, ill check that out

@ Dabbler - I would make up the rules myself, but im still pretty new to the game and just worry about ruining things when it comes to creating stats. i just didnt know if there were any books out there that were created for playability. ill see if i can maybe locate those dragon mag articles online or something, thanks for the info

Scarab Sages

To be perfectly honest, I don't think that this is the kind of thing that benefits from having hard and fast rules. Also, adult subject matter can be extremely touchy and unless you have a very good feel for your players I would bring up this kind of thing with them beforehand.

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Wolfsnap wrote:
To be perfectly honest, I don't think that this is the kind of thing that benefits from having hard and fast rules. Also, adult subject matter can be extremely touchy and unless you have a very good feel for your players I would bring up this kind of thing with them beforehand.

What about slow and deep rules?

The Book of Erotic Fantasy has dreadful artwork but it has everything you mentioned, plus some. There is also the free netbook, The Book of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge floating around somewhere. The pdf isn't complete but the rules were updated to 3.5. There is also the smaller OGL supplement, Sisters of Rapture (ignore the cartoony artwork here too).


Shadow Lodge

There is also the Encyclopaedia Arcane, Nymphology: Blue Magic from Mongoose Publishing.

Debihuman wrote:

The Book of Erotic Fantasy has dreadful artwork but it has everything you mentioned, plus some. There is also the free netbook, The Book of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge floating around somewhere. The pdf isn't complete but the rules were updated to 3.5. There is also the smaller OGL supplement, Sisters of Rapture (ignore the cartoony artwork here too).


thx Debby, ill look into those :-)

Thanks TOZ, ill check that out to

There's also "Naughty & Dice" floating around somewhere.

Cornielius wrote:


You are looking for rules that would encourage in-character sex so you can give a player character a wasting std?


I suggest you turn in your GM card.

Back when we still played Star Wars instead of Pathfinder, my Balosar infiltrator got an unfortunate case of Gamorrean gonorrhea from a Twi'lek prostitute. Sometimes that's just where the game goes. Just because our content != your content doesn't mean we're invalidated as players (or, for that matter, GMs).

Grand Lodge

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Patrick Harris @ SD wrote:
Cornielius wrote:


You are looking for rules that would encourage in-character sex so you can give a player character a wasting std?


I suggest you turn in your GM card.

Back when we still played Star Wars instead of Pathfinder, my Balosar infiltrator got an unfortunate case of Gamorrean gonorrhea from a Twi'lek prostitute. Sometimes that's just where the game goes. Just because our content != your content doesn't mean we're invalidated as players (or, for that matter, GMs).

QFT. It depends on the group. It's not WrongBadFun just because it wouldn't be your cup of tea.

I've had parties that spent an hour planning the siege of a children's school because they had displeased their god (an evil god).

Some people would be horrified by the graphic description of slaughtering children.

We, on the other hand, were in tears laughing.

I awarded bonus XP for creative kills.

Different stokes for different folks.

Not to mention that half the fun of being an anti-paladin is collecting venereal diseases. Without sex, you can't get VD.

Fleshgrinder wrote:
Not to mention that half the fun of being an anti-paladin is collecting venereal diseases. Without sex, you can't get VD.

Clever use of Plague Bearer you have there.

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Serisan wrote:
Fleshgrinder wrote:
Not to mention that half the fun of being an anti-paladin is collecting venereal diseases. Without sex, you can't get VD.
Clever use of Plague Bearer you have there.

Gotta catch 'em all.

EntrerisShadow wrote:
Patrick Harris @ SD wrote:
Cornielius wrote:


You are looking for rules that would encourage in-character sex so you can give a player character a wasting std?


I suggest you turn in your GM card.

Back when we still played Star Wars instead of Pathfinder, my Balosar infiltrator got an unfortunate case of Gamorrean gonorrhea from a Twi'lek prostitute. Sometimes that's just where the game goes. Just because our content != your content doesn't mean we're invalidated as players (or, for that matter, GMs).

QFT. It depends on the group. It's not WrongBadFun just because it wouldn't be your cup of tea.

But I admit that I do want dilute my thoughts with brain bleach for ever thinking of a Twi'lek and a Gamorrean having conjugal relations in the first place. I can only imagine that Twi'lek courtesan remarking to her Gamorrean Ned Beatty to squeal like a pig in Deliverance style fashion.

<shudders, rocks back and forth in a corner>

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I'll just leave this here...

Shadow Lodge

Other thing you may want to remember is that Lycanthropy is presented as sexually transmittable in a lot of myth. Nothing like having your barbarian wake up a few nights after a trip to the brothel surrounded by the corpses of his new found victims.

Edit: also mummy rot. I hope this one doesn't require much explanation.

Why would...why...would you....

Never mind. I'll leave before I start something unpleasant.....

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thank you Cal.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
doc the grey wrote:

Other thing you may want to remember is that Lycanthropy is presented as sexually transmittable in a lot of myth. Nothing like having your barbarian wake up a few nights after a trip to the brothel surrounded by the corpses of his new found victims.

Edit: also mummy rot. I hope this one doesn't require much explanation.

I'm going to Brain Bleach this entire thread.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I will echo what others have said the Book of Erotic Fantasy has most if not all what you are looking for. It is a ok book that handles the topic maturely for the most part. Not a fan of the art and the book leans a bit towards BDSM. All and all it is not a bad book but I think it needed some work and tweaking.

doc the grey wrote:
Edit: also mummy rot. I hope this one doesn't require much explanation.


LazarX wrote:
doc the grey wrote:

Other thing you may want to remember is that Lycanthropy is presented as sexually transmittable in a lot of myth. Nothing like having your barbarian wake up a few nights after a trip to the brothel surrounded by the corpses of his new found victims.

Edit: also mummy rot. I hope this one doesn't require much explanation.

I'm going to Brain Bleach this entire thread.

See, I read the same post and was about to start drawing a picture of a werewolf, a mummy, a swing, a tutu... never mind.

Shadow Lodge

Fleshgrinder wrote:
LazarX wrote:
doc the grey wrote:

Other thing you may want to remember is that Lycanthropy is presented as sexually transmittable in a lot of myth. Nothing like having your barbarian wake up a few nights after a trip to the brothel surrounded by the corpses of his new found victims.

Edit: also mummy rot. I hope this one doesn't require much explanation.

I'm going to Brain Bleach this entire thread.
See, I read the same post and was about to start drawing a picture of a werewolf, a mummy, a swing, a tutu... never mind.

To be fair you don't need a mummy to get mummy rot, just one cheap infected prostitute, a sufficiently hateful arcane villain, and some good illusion magic...

Scarab Sages

I believe it was while adventuring in the underdark (AD&D 2e days) that my buddies fighter got eaten by a red widow in the brothel.

Good times.

prostitution has been around for ever. to not have SOMETHING in the games that the PCs can explore, at least to me, seems kinda unrealistic. maybe the PCs dont take advantage of it every game, maybe almost never. but by providing the resources surrounding this, to me, just keeps things interesting and fun to see where things end up. Provided the environment is right for it.

but remember, im still new to this and maybe what im talking about just wont translate into the game as well as i imagine it would.

id like to present situations like in real life. getting an STD is going to be embarrassing, so if i can create that for the players, and see how they are going to handle it, i think would be cool. maybe one guy doesnt care what people think of him, simply tells a spellcaster whats going on and gets it taken care of when it rears its ugly head. maybe they hide it, ultimately to the detriment of the group which causes problems for everyone until the group finally finds out whats going on.

maybe a player gets raped by a succubus, winds up getting something. or introduce a brothel in a town that receives a lot of visitors, and they murder the guests to steal their wealth along with giving them a deadly STD just in case one gets away, he will eventually succumb to the deadly disease and thus be unable to pass along vital information about the true nature of that house.

i dunno, i like options. and i think presenting PCs with out of nowhere complications to see how they handle it would be fun.

i guess a question is, if your PC were to come down with some kind of STD that may have some kind of embarrassing side effects, would you tell the group? or would you try to handle it on your own?


if there were a good enough buff that lasted maybe a full day (kinda like in real life you would be a little happier that day from being stimulated the night before) that PCs would actually take advantage of?

maybe its time to check myself into a clinic.

Liberty's Edge

I have a 3rd party book somewhere that's got a bunch of random taverns and details about them. This includes plot hooks, interesting related NPCs, and prices for food, drink, rooms, and prostitutes.

Depending on how much verisimilitude you want in your game it doesn't make much sense to not make mention of this stuff. I don't think it's necessary to give players buffs (nor do I think it's necessary to make a big deal about STDs) but it can't hurt to acknowledge its existence.

Pimp my paladin ... guaranteed to be std free.

Is that lawful? Its not illegal and it sure is good!

Feral wrote:

I have a 3rd party book somewhere that's got a bunch of random taverns and details about them. This includes plot hooks, interesting related NPCs, and prices for food, drink, rooms, and prostitutes.

Depending on how much verisimilitude you want in your game it doesn't make much sense to not make mention of this stuff. I don't think it's necessary to give players buffs (nor do I think it's necessary to make a big deal about STDs) but it can't hurt to acknowledge its existence.

right, i dont want to over emphasize the whole thing, just provide them with the options. but like in real life, humans seek out and desire sex. so for the game, id like to have something related to it that the PCs would actually desire, have that feeling of wanting to do it for the added benefits, but also have that worry that maybe in X rounds, they find out something they really dont want to deal with, but now have to.

I see it in the game as just being "simply another option" without making any kind of deal out of sex or STD's, but i do think having some kind of real benefit and real problem associated with it would be cool.

id like to alter the game mechanics the least, and at the same time have some kind of small uncomplicated rule set to provide the options. meaning create the rules just big enough so that it works, without even coming close to going overboard with it.

maybe participating in some kind of roman type orgy could lead to even a little more of a benefit over 1 on 1 relations? maybe a group of undead whores pay some townsfolk to kidnap people so they can hold an orgy with the dead for some kind of ritualistic purpose.

again, i dont know, these are just the thoughts that are popping into my mind on the fly. seem interesting, and searching for a way to possibly translate them into the game somehow, without making a huge impact on the adventure itself.

unless of course, someone gets something ;-)

in a nutshell, be the devil who is offering a hungry man a nice big cool, crisp and juicy apple with a real friendly smile.

the PCs dont have to take it if they dont want to. but i want to offer it to them.

Dark Archive

I have two players who constantly try to bring sex into their RP.

I personally am like whatever man.

But its like "cute human of the opposite sex walks by"
ok, I hump it!


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TBH I'm not sure it's time to check into a clinic. I'll buy the different strokes for different folks comments.

I should remind everyone, however, that sex in D&D has been there since the Succubus was introduced in AD&D First Edition. The whole INTENT of that demon type is allure, ensnarement, and some of the most horrific kinds of BDSM you could ever imagine.

If you are running a Demonic / Horror based campaign, between evil rituals, twisted cults and their beliefs / ideals, and certain elements of some NPC Monsters themselves, it can be VERY difficult NOT to bring sex into a campaign.

Even without this kind of content, there are times where you almost have to throw suspension of disbelief into a campaign NOT to introduce some kind of sexuality. PC's being captured by ruffians with female characters in the mix (particularly those with exceptionally high charisma scores) really brings almost a "Wait, why wouldn't they..." question to the minds of players when your characters are stripped of their weapons, armor and practically clothing and then...left alone?

Even without all of this, I've found it almost impossible for even adult players (let alone hormone driven teens) of an RPG to be in a co-ed party and NOT have some kind of sexual tension between characters. Even if it's not acted on, the opportunity is always there.

D&D/Pathfinder is a rough world for your player characters. No matter how "lawful" the adventure, bad things happen, and sometimes, those bad things almost have to include some of the oldest forms of human mistreatment...why? Because it's how humans act...and, as a DM telling a story intended to be believable, to deviate from what is normal for people (even if we don't want to face it) can cause huge suspension of disbelief issues for your players.

Asking for some guidelines on how to handle these kinds of topics doesn't make the DM intending to use them a horrible DM.

The first suggestion I would make is to understand your players. If you know situations can arise where horrific topics like torture or rape might occur (even if they're not guaranteed) make sure to ask your players if they mind a little adult content in their game. If your players are uncomfortable with it, suspension of disbelief be damned, don't include it. Perhaps that smelly bandit who's been out in the woods for the last 5 years avoiding the law has a headache that afternoon when your female party bard with an 18 charisma, wearing the skirt slit up to her hips, gets captured.

Secondly, use some tact and taste when presenting such topics to your players. Graphic descriptions of torture, rape or even simple sex should be kept out of a campaign unless that's what your players...ALL of your players...have asked for. Even then, keep in mind there is quite an art to writing a GOOD porn story...if you don't have what it takes, don't do'll only end up coming across as crass or over the top.

Lastly, don't abuse it. If every other chapter of your adventure includes the party's only female being stripped and ravished over and over again, that's not good story, it's abusive to your players.

Aoann wrote:

I have two players who constantly try to bring sex into their RP.

I personally am like whatever man.

But its like "cute human of the opposite sex walks by"
ok, I hump it!


the people im playing with just dont do that type of stuff, and we would be looking at it from a mechanical perspective. thats why id like to add a real benefit and problem.

would your PCs keep doing that if they came down with something that could embarrass one of them (provided that, thats possible) or get hung up with something that caused the party to have to get sidetracked, which in turn would cause them to maybe treat that corny PC negatively? kinda like hanging out with your friends and one of em pushes a cop for no reason, bringing negative attention to the entire group, which in turn would cause members of that group to single out the problem child and via this negativity, get so called horny toad in line.

maybe none of this actually works, i dont know. just thinking out loud here.

Illydth wrote:

TBH I'm not sure it's time to check into a clinic. I'll buy the different strokes for different folks comments.

I should remind everyone, however, that sex in D&D has been there since the Succubus was introduced in AD&D First Edition. The whole INTENT of that demon type is allure, ensnarement, and some of the most horrific kinds of BDSM you could ever imagine.

If you are running a Demonic / Horror based campaign, between evil rituals, twisted cults and their beliefs / ideals, and certain elements of some NPC Monsters themselves, it can be VERY difficult NOT to bring sex into a campaign.

Even without this kind of content, there are times where you almost have to throw suspension of disbelief into a campaign NOT to introduce some kind of sexuality. PC's being captured by ruffians with female characters in the mix (particularly those with exceptionally high charisma scores) really brings almost a "Wait, why wouldn't they..." question to the minds of players when your characters are stripped of their weapons, armor and practically clothing and then...left alone?

Even without all of this, I've found it almost impossible for even adult players (let alone hormone driven teens) of an RPG to be in a co-ed party and NOT have some kind of sexual tension between characters. Even if it's not acted on, the opportunity is always there.

D&D/Pathfinder is a rough world for your player characters. No matter how "lawful" the adventure, bad things happen, and sometimes, those bad things almost have to include some of the oldest forms of human mistreatment...why? Because it's how humans act...and, as a DM telling a story intended to be believable, to deviate from what is normal for people (even if we don't want to face it) can cause huge suspension of disbelief issues for your players.

Asking for some guidelines on how to handle these kinds of topics doesn't make the DM intending to use them a horrible DM.

The first suggestion I would make is to understand your players. If you know situations can arise...

This is very much in line with my thinking here. thanks for helping to clarify.

I dunno, I don't really have any problems with sex in D&D or even bringing in STDs, but the whole giving a mechanical benefit for sex rubs me the wrong way.

It could be fun to play in world where magic (or at least some magic) is Tantric based, but as a generic thing, it just doesn't work for me. If players get a buff for it, they'll seek it out for the mechanical buff and deal with the consequences mechanically.

Rather than being embarrassed to ask for a cure, I imagine player weighing the potential costs of a cure disease against the buff from stopping by the brothel on the way to the dungeon.

Takes it so far out of character. Even in the classic sword and sorcery fiction, the wenching was the reward for risking your life, not something you did beforehand to improve your chances.

Shadow Lodge

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Lorden wrote:

prostitution has been around for ever. to not have SOMETHING in the games that the PCs can explore, at least to me, seems kinda unrealistic. maybe the PCs dont take advantage of it every game, maybe almost never. but by providing the resources surrounding this, to me, just keeps things interesting and fun to see where things end up. Provided the environment is right for it.

but remember, im still new to this and maybe what im talking about just wont translate into the game as well as i imagine it would.

id like to present situations like in real life. getting an STD is going to be embarrassing, so if i can create that for the players, and see how they are going to handle it, i think would be cool. maybe one guy doesnt care what people think of him, simply tells a spellcaster whats going on and gets it taken care of when it rears its ugly head. maybe they hide it, ultimately to the detriment of the group which causes problems for everyone until the group finally finds out whats going on.

maybe a player gets raped by a succubus, winds up getting something. or introduce a brothel in a town that receives a lot of visitors, and they murder the guests to steal their wealth along with giving them a deadly STD just in case one gets away, he will eventually succumb to the deadly disease and thus be unable to pass along vital information about the true nature of that house.

i dunno, i like options. and i think presenting PCs with out of nowhere complications to see how they handle it would be fun.

i guess a question is, if your PC were to come down with some kind of STD that may have some kind of embarrassing side effects, would you tell the group? or would you try to handle it on your own?


if there were a good enough buff that lasted maybe a full day (kinda like in real life you would be a little happier that day from being stimulated the night before) that PCs would actually take advantage of?

maybe its time to check myself into a clinic.

I agree with you wholeheartedly on the giving characters more options and paths to explore that are based on challenges we face everyday in the real world. One thing you may also want to think about is pregnancy and the cost of fame issues that come with the territory of being heroes. Think about if one of your characters finds themselves pregnant a few weeks after they had a friendly romp in the brothel a few towns over or what happens when they return and find that the prostitute they were with during their last visit is pregnant and is claiming that the pc is the father. What does he do? Does he marry her and bring her into his home, does he rebuke her claims and potentially abandon his future child to the poor life of the local whore's bastard, or does he try to find a way to prove the child is even his and if she is lying to cut herself in on some of the adventurers lucrative horde? These are things that real adult adventurers could face in their journeys.

The other one is what happens when they get famous, for this one I have a tale that explains this better then any other thing I could think of. In my home campaign a few years ago my party found themselves in a tavern telling their life story of adventuring to the taverns patron, a brass dragon posing as a bard with a penchant for the written word. During this they told him of their most recent quest, to venture half way across the world to the frozen north to unlock the power of a sword the shifter scout (named Filtran) had found in their home town. He had convinced everyone in the party to go with him on this long and arduous quest including their jungle elf ranger (Fargoth), an agent of his cultures government on a mission to discover why whole villages of his already nearly extinct race were just up and disappearing from the world. Now on hearing this this epic writing dragon decided that their story had to be put to paper and shared with the masses especially the part about the passionate homoerotic love affair brewing between the male jungle elf and the male shifter (what other reason would the elf have to forsake his sacred duty to his people and his culture then the love of this charismatic individual?).

Now flash forward a few months later and they begin to hear of this book passing around the royal courts all over the nation about 2 gay adventurers and their companions adventures on the open road called "Far to Fil, Adventures on the Open Road". When they finally get a hold of one of these they find it to be an almost perfect retelling of all their adventures but with a huge romance plot mixed in between the "Rough and tumble solider" Filgoth and his "caring, beautiful, and shy" jungle elf compatriot Fartran. Suffice it to say the book is greatest selling story in all the kingdoms with every noble lady and many a lord reading and discussing the two's salacious exploits and waiting on bated breath to hear what happens next. It has gotten so popular in fact that many brothels have begun to search out shifter and jungle elf lookalikes so that customers "may live out their greatest fantasy's with their favorite adventurers".

Remember that once you get to a high enough level you have these charismatic super dragon slayers with more money then some kingdoms at their disposal that they would be bound to have groupies (especially sorcs and bards) and people looking for ways to cash in on that appeal.

In a recent Evil campaign we got our NPC Alchemist to give an Orgre minion the alchemical version of viagra while he had a guard sergeant (who had tortured us previously) pinned under him, we left the room to the sound of screaming and tearing flesh.

Thing is, the guy who suggested this usually only plays paladins!

Bomanz wrote:

I believe it was while adventuring in the underdark (AD&D 2e days) that my buddies fighter got eaten by a red widow in the brothel.

Good times.

For the widow, anyway. In Curse of the Crimson Throne our party half-orc visited a floating brothel and left several grateful prostitutes (he tipped well).

Sex comes into our games, but not in great detail.

Urizen wrote:
EntrerisShadow wrote:
Patrick Harris @ SD wrote:
Cornielius wrote:


But I admit that I do want dilute my thoughts with brain bleach for ever thinking of a Twi'lek and a Gamorrean having conjugal relations in the first place. I can only imagine that Twi'lek courtesan remarking to her Gamorrean Ned Beatty to squeal like a pig in Deliverance style fashion.

<shudders, rocks back and forth in a corner>

Amusing, but I doubt that Twi'leks are compatible with other races and are kept on as dancers and 'Molls' (Woman who hangs onto the arm of a gang lord). Unless lore says other wise

Dark Archive

Lorden wrote:
Aoann wrote:

I have two players who constantly try to bring sex into their RP.

I personally am like whatever man.

But its like "cute human of the opposite sex walks by"
ok, I hump it!


the people im playing with just dont do that type of stuff, and we would be looking at it from a mechanical perspective. thats why id like to add a real benefit and problem.

would your PCs keep doing that if they came down with something that could embarrass one of them (provided that, thats possible) or get hung up with something that caused the party to have to get sidetracked, which in turn would cause them to maybe treat that corny PC negatively? kinda like hanging out with your friends and one of em pushes a cop for no reason, bringing negative attention to the entire group, which in turn would cause members of that group to single out the problem child and via this negativity, get so called horny toad in line.

maybe none of this actually works, i dont know. just thinking out loud here.

I don't think much would embarrass these guys. we just don't usually go into details. usually its followed by "ok fine, moving right along - one hour later"

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Bomanz wrote:

I believe it was while adventuring in the underdark (AD&D 2e days) that my buddies fighter got eaten by a red widow in the brothel.

Good times.

What's a red widow?

thejeff wrote:

I dunno, I don't really have any problems with sex in D&D or even bringing in STDs, but the whole giving a mechanical benefit for sex rubs me the wrong way.

It could be fun to play in world where magic (or at least some magic) is Tantric based, but as a generic thing, it just doesn't work for me. If players get a buff for it, they'll seek it out for the mechanical buff and deal with the consequences mechanically.

Rather than being embarrassed to ask for a cure, I imagine player weighing the potential costs of a cure disease against the buff from stopping by the brothel on the way to the dungeon.

Takes it so far out of character. Even in the classic sword and sorcery fiction, the wenching was the reward for risking your life, not something you did beforehand to improve your chances.

the thing is with the people im playing with, if sex is just an imaginary thing, and there isnt a real benefit to it, then it loses its appeal for the game. again, we dont RP so much, only when more or less it has to be done. we like the tactics, problem solving, mathematical and mechanical aspects of the game more.

it can be designed so that they players DONT want to stop by the brothel on their way to the dungeon every time, maybe the benefits wouldnt matter to them in a dungeon. maybe they get better prices on things in some places. maybe, just simply having sex doesnt guarantee you get that benefit, maybe you have to roll to see what you got from having sex. some good, some bad. maybe one day you get more strength cause you laid a super hottie, maybe you screwed an old hag and now have some kind of trait that makes people like you better cause they thought that was super funny.

possibly the PCs might only get an STD once in a blue moon from one town, and always get one from another (of course they wouldnt know this info, but through constant sex can track results and figure it out)

figure out what wouldnt work, and simply change it, find another way that could work and explore that idea.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Bomanz wrote:

I believe it was while adventuring in the underdark (AD&D 2e days) that my buddies fighter got eaten by a red widow in the brothel.

Good times.

What's a red widow?

Like a black widow, but can assume human form. Takes the term 'man-eater' to a whole new level.

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Lorden wrote:
thejeff wrote:

I dunno, I don't really have any problems with sex in D&D or even bringing in STDs, but the whole giving a mechanical benefit for sex rubs me the wrong way.

It could be fun to play in world where magic (or at least some magic) is Tantric based, but as a generic thing, it just doesn't work for me. If players get a buff for it, they'll seek it out for the mechanical buff and deal with the consequences mechanically.

Rather than being embarrassed to ask for a cure, I imagine player weighing the potential costs of a cure disease against the buff from stopping by the brothel on the way to the dungeon.

Takes it so far out of character. Even in the classic sword and sorcery fiction, the wenching was the reward for risking your life, not something you did beforehand to improve your chances.

the thing is with the people im playing with, if sex is just an imaginary thing, and there isnt a real benefit to it, then it loses its appeal for the game. again, we dont RP so much, only when more or less it has to be done. we like the tactics, problem solving, mathematical and mechanical aspects of the game more.

it can be designed so that they players DONT want to stop by the brothel on their way to the dungeon every time, maybe the benefits wouldnt matter to them in a dungeon. maybe they get better prices on things in some places. maybe, just simply having sex doesnt guarantee you get that benefit, maybe you have to roll to see what you got from having sex. some good, some bad. maybe one day you get more strength cause you laid a super hottie, maybe you screwed an old hag and now have some kind of trait that makes people like you better cause they thought that was super funny.

possibly the PCs might only get an STD once in a blue moon from one town, and always get one from another (of course they wouldnt know this info, but through constant sex can track results and figure it out)

figure out what wouldnt work, and simply change it, find another way that could work and explore...

But if they don't RP romance or even the desire for sex, why do you think they'll RP being embarrassed about STDs? Won't it just be rolled in as part of the cost of the buff?

I get that sex is an important part of real life, and the sexual activity (or lack thereof) has benefits or detriments to human health and behavior.

But our games tend to treat sex very casually. Meaning that every now and then a character will express an interest in a romantic dalliance with an NPC. My male witch is an addictive personality, he's addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, adrenaline and, yes, sex. In our last session he attempted to develop a romantic relationship with an NPC but failed. His reaction was to hire a couple of prostitutes for the night. The GM had him roll a fortitude check in the morning which he apparently passed since nothing horrible happened to him.

My 4e ranger is a bit of a cad and enjoys a bit of extracurricular activity on occasion. While on a mission in a strictly dragonborn area he managed to bed a dragonborn female. The GM ruled that he had "lizard-burn" in the morning, which the group thought was hilarious.

But mechanics around it? Man, statting that all up and putting it on paper would take most of the fun out of role playing it.

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