I'm too nerfed


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Mergy wrote:
Tels wrote:

You can more than double WBL through Item Creation Feats if there is downtime and the Wizard plays Merchant, he could craft a Wand for say... 8,000, sell it for 16,000, then craft two of the same wands, for 16,000 then sell those for 32,000, then make 4 wands....

As long as they change the type of wands periodically, to avoid flooding the market, it's easy to abuse the hell out of Item Creation.

He wouldn't make money that way, because you always sell items at half price. That rule is in place for a reason.

That's why I mentioned playing Merchant, not Adventurer. A Merchant can sell things for full price, while an Adventurer can sell for half. Remember, I'm basing this off the assumption the player intends to abuse Item Creation, including selling for full price.

chaoseffect wrote:
I'm gonna bet on 5 templates and obscure 3.5 material :O

it's either that or custom items.

stack the advanced creature template 5 times and you get +20 to all stats and +10 natural armor. with a +6 stat boosting item to every attribute. you can get 40+ with merely a 14, a 50 AC as a monk unbuffed.

My vote's on permanency spells on spells which really shouldn't be made permanent ;)



Oh at the GM here's a sure fire way to get them back on the ground.

Insert critical plot reason to go into a large dungeon, entire bottom dungeon is one massive anti-magic field :P

either that or create traps that rapid fire mage's disjunction spells en masse :)

I am assuming by now that he is not giving the sheet up. He has actually started a new game. That much I know for a fact.

This blows. Here we were all waiting for the s&!! and giggles such a sheet would provide.


Ramza Wyvernjack wrote:

This blows. Here we were all waiting for the s*** and giggles such a sheet would provide.



Belle Mythix wrote:
Ramza Wyvernjack wrote:

This blows. Here we were all waiting for the s*** and giggles such a sheet would provide.




wraithstrike wrote:
I am assuming by now that he is not giving the sheet up. He has actually started a new game. That much I know for a fact.

You know for a fact? So you know the new game he mentioned has already started, and you've been in private correspondence with this guy?

Please, please, please.... for the love of god tell him to ditch those players ASAP. I don't care if there is not a single other gamer in the entire village he finds himself living in... putting up with that kind of desrespect and asshattery is not worth it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I know he started a new game. I am assuming the same players are in it. I was trying not to be too nosy, however.

I am only mentioning the game here, because I did not want you to wait for a response that might not come.

I don't know the details on the first game either, other than what he said here.

Out of respect I will keep the details we did discuss private, but it is not the same issue that was brought up here.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Wraithstrike, that's why I have so much respect for you. Integrity is hard to come by especially online.

Kudos for helping him out. I hope all goes well.

Bummer, wanted a peek at that build.

Tels wrote:

You can more than double WBL through Item Creation Feats if there is downtime and the Wizard plays Merchant, he could craft a Wand for say... 8,000, sell it for 16,000, then craft two of the same wands, for 16,000 then sell those for 32,000, then make 4 wands....

As long as they change the type of wands periodically, to avoid flooding the market, it's easy to abuse the hell out of Item Creation.

As pointed out, the DM's answer can be one of two things to this:

1) "You can only sell for half price, as any other equipment. You make zero profit."

2) "Certainly. While you are busy crafting and trading, the rest of the party are going on an adventure. I assume you are stepping out of the rest of this session?"

Phasics wrote:
My vote's on permanency spells on spells which really shouldn't be made permanent ;)

...and don't stack with enhancement items either.

Common Man, we won't judge you we really just wanna see at this point :)

Tels wrote:

You can more than double WBL through Item Creation Feats if there is downtime and the Wizard plays Merchant, he could craft a Wand for say... 8,000, sell it for 16,000, then craft two of the same wands, for 16,000 then sell those for 32,000, then make 4 wands....

As long as they change the type of wands periodically, to avoid flooding the market, it's easy to abuse the hell out of Item Creation.

PCs sell items at half market price, period.

Things might be over but i still want to see the sheet out of curiosity.

Wow, did no one read my post almost immediately following that one? I know you only sell for half price, but if the caster is intending to abuse Item Creation, it's possible he talked the GM into allowing full price sales as part of 'his profession'.

I agree, Tels. I suspect he probably did, and even if he only allowed ten percent profit on each item, all the player then needed for their PC to break the game was time.

Don't overlook straight out cheating...

Even a simple accountability fix, like "write your memorized spells on this index card" goes a long way to keeping wizards honest.


baalbamoth wrote:

Wraith- your not talking for everyone on that thread, Ossian said many times there is no such thing as powergaming in PF because PF has no balance and therefore there cannot be imbalance. read all 500+ postings, guarentee you'll see a lot of that.

Isnt there a feat that causes dammage to a caster if you dispell one of their spells?

Whoa Whoa...Now I am getting tossed into fights in completely different threads using words put in my mouth that I never said. We are going back to what was said NUMEROUS times in the other thread where you should be confined to...links and proof or it didn't happen.

I NEVER said "powergaming" didn't exist...not once. I clearly stated on many occasions that there is a clear and distinct difference between "powergaming" and min/maxing. I also said that I didn't think your other player in your group was "powergaming"...he just made a better character than you.

ossian666 wrote:
baalbamoth wrote:

Wraith- your not talking for everyone on that thread, Ossian said many times there is no such thing as powergaming in PF because PF has no balance and therefore there cannot be imbalance. read all 500+ postings, guarentee you'll see a lot of that.

Isnt there a feat that causes dammage to a caster if you dispell one of their spells?

Whoa Whoa...Now I am getting tossed into fights in completely different threads using words put in my mouth that I never said. We are going back to what was said NUMEROUS times in the other thread where you should be confined to...links and proof or it didn't happen.

I NEVER said "powergaming" didn't exist...not once. I clearly stated on many occasions that there is a clear and distinct difference between "powergaming" and min/maxing. I also said that I didn't think your other player in your group was "powergaming"...he just made a better character than you.

~Taps Ossian666 on the shoulder~

Um... I am fairly sure that you posted in the wrong forum with that.


Aranna wrote:
ossian666 wrote:
baalbamoth wrote:

Wraith- your not talking for everyone on that thread, Ossian said many times there is no such thing as powergaming in PF because PF has no balance and therefore there cannot be imbalance. read all 500+ postings, guarentee you'll see a lot of that.

Isnt there a feat that causes dammage to a caster if you dispell one of their spells?

Whoa Whoa...Now I am getting tossed into fights in completely different threads using words put in my mouth that I never said. We are going back to what was said NUMEROUS times in the other thread where you should be confined to...links and proof or it didn't happen.

I NEVER said "powergaming" didn't exist...not once. I clearly stated on many occasions that there is a clear and distinct difference between "powergaming" and min/maxing. I also said that I didn't think your other player in your group was "powergaming"...he just made a better character than you.

~Taps Ossian666 on the shoulder~

Um... I am fairly sure that you posted in the wrong forum with that.

No no thats the problem...thats from page one of this thread! I am getting dragged not only through the mud but also into other disputes...I don't like being a source without proper linkage to my quotes!

Wow I had completely forgotten the argument had spilled over here. You've been gone too long. ;)


Aranna wrote:

Wow I had completely forgotten the argument had spilled over here. You've been gone too long. ;)

I know! I go have fun, get drunk and pass out from dehydration and this is what I come back to!

Ignore Baal... he's clearly trolling at this point, but I agree.... the whole thing started because he felt butthurt that someone made a better character than he did.

Feel like OP is probably trolling...

Mergy wrote:
Tels wrote:

You can more than double WBL through Item Creation Feats if there is downtime and the Wizard plays Merchant, he could craft a Wand for say... 8,000, sell it for 16,000, then craft two of the same wands, for 16,000 then sell those for 32,000, then make 4 wands....

As long as they change the type of wands periodically, to avoid flooding the market, it's easy to abuse the hell out of Item Creation.

He wouldn't make money that way, because you always sell items at half price. That rule is in place for a reason.

there are some traits and feats/abilities that allow items to be crafted cheaper then usually, what means they will get some proper profit from selling things, and I approve of that, otherwise a basic concept like a wandering merchant would be broken

Marius Corvinus Gabela wrote:
Mergy wrote:
Tels wrote:

You can more than double WBL through Item Creation Feats if there is downtime and the Wizard plays Merchant, he could craft a Wand for say... 8,000, sell it for 16,000, then craft two of the same wands, for 16,000 then sell those for 32,000, then make 4 wands....

As long as they change the type of wands periodically, to avoid flooding the market, it's easy to abuse the hell out of Item Creation.

He wouldn't make money that way, because you always sell items at half price. That rule is in place for a reason.
there are some traits and feats/abilities that allow items to be crafted cheaper then usually, what means they will get some proper profit from selling things, and I approve of that, otherwise a basic concept like a wandering merchant would be broken

Other than a trait (i don't remember the name now) that cuts 5% what else is there?

I believe only Mercantile, other than that I don't recall even Profession(Merchant) having a real, proper method for trade

...actually such an issue could be dismissed in pnp as a concern, but now that there is a Pathfinder MMO in the works it makes one wonder how crafting, pricing, and trading will work out

I believe trade and crafting should be looked at before the MMO forces to do it

Sheet or it never happened :P

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So many crickets... so much tumbleweed...

*Animate Thread*

That's right. I went there.

Sheet Please!

I only read the first page of this, but it did remind me of a point. Any villain worth their salt that expects to "play with the big boys" (i.e. fight people with access to 4th-7th level spells) has plans for dealing with teleportation. Either that or they are not worth their salt.

More and more I've been thinking about the magic = technology trope and how technological power in the real world affects conflicts. We have illiterate conscripts using primitive tricks to stymie or hinder some of the best tech in the world right here, right now in the War on Terror™. Over the course of history we have seen thousands of permutations of quantity vs. quality and manipulating technology.

Yeah it's more complicated than a 1-to-1 conversion. Modern surveillance tech can't just look at a mirror and say, "show me (person of interest) right now." We can't throw fireballs or teleport into secure structures. We can blow up entire countries, we can see through lead, and we have a box the size of a fist that can carry a library of information and communicate nearly anywhere in the world for less than the cost of a suit of armor. But for all the differences the parallels remain. Magic and Tech are power, and a power that cannot be ignored.

The point is, if wizards exist, if their super-magic is around, then people without that kind of magic are still going to have ideas for how to deal with it, and yes, they are also just going to be weaker without it. The Terrorists™ almost always lose more people than they kill and use suicidal tactics. They still win (relative to their objectives) enough of their engagements against technologically superior foes to keep fighting.

I realize bringing up the above is uncomfortable. I do apologize if I offended, but it is the most relevant and recent example I can think of.

I could easily see the str going above 40.
18 base
2 race
5 book
5 level
6 belt
4 Dragon Disciple
4 rage
2 enlarge person

46 total.

Con gets a similar, but smaller boost from a raging Dragon Disciple, enough to get to 37, and of course there are the beast shape spells, etc.
Could also potentially dip into Mindchemist to get cognatogens. Of course, that didn't happen, but theory-wise, it's not TOO far out of the realm of implausibility.

Reality-wise, it never happened.

On the AC front, it's much simpler.

I'm sure that we all agree that 30's in Dex and Wis are plausible, right? Highly Improbable, but plausible, anyway.

10 base
10 dex
10 wis
4 mage armor
4 shield
5 Dragon Disciple/bloodline resistances
3 amulet of Nat armor
3 ring of deflection
1 haste or any other random dodge bonus(perhaps a monk bonus feat?)

Canny Defense could also easily be a contender. also, let's not forget fighting defensively, combat expertise, snake style, etc.

again, this probably didn't happen, but it's not too far out to be plausible.

All that being said, there's still no way to get ALL of the stats to 40. All stats at 30 is pretty damn impressive. +10 to all on top of that? I don't think so, Tim.

But yes, a character sheet would put this to rest....

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Hmmm assuming a level 20 campaign, lets see if we can do it. Assuming the +CR is the same as +LA in 3.5, and we use 25 point buy, I present to you:

Galadeus, Scourge of the Endless Seas

Advanced Merfolk (CR +1)/Half Dragon (CR +2)/Half Fiend (CR +2)/Half Celestial (CR +2)/Half Janni (CR +2)/Lycanthrope (Human Form) (CR+1)/Fey Creature (CR +1)

Monk 1/Barbarian 1/Alchemist (Mindchemist) 1/Wizard 6

Hit Dice: 6d6, 2d8, 1d12 Total: 9HD

Str: 10

10 Base
+4 Advanced
+8 Half Dragon
+4 Half Fiend
+4 Half Celestial
+2 Half Janni
+5 Tome
+6 Belt
+4 Rage

Total: 47

Dex: 16

16 Base
+4 Advanced
+2 Merfolk
+2 Half Fiend
+2 Half Celestial
+2 Half Janni
+4 Fey Creature
+5 Tome
+6 Belt
-2 Cognatagen

Total: 41

Con: 16

16 Base
+4 Advanced
+2 Merfolk
+6 Half Dragon
+2 Half Fiend
+2 Half Celestial
+5 Tome
+6 Belt
+4 Rage
+1 Level

Total: 48

Int: 10

10 Base
+4 Advanced
+2 Half Dragon
+4 Half Fiend
+4 Half Celestial
+2 Half Janni
+2 Fey Creature
+5 Tome
+6 Headband
+1 Level

Total: 40

Wis: 10

10 Base
+4 Advanced
+4 Half Fiend
+4 Half Celestial
+4 Half Janni
+2 Lycanthrope
+5 Tome
+6 Headband
+4 Cognatagen

Total: 41

Cha: 14

14 Base
+4 Advanced
+2 Merfolk
+2 Half Dragon
+2 Half Fiend
+2 Half Celestial
+4 Half Janni
-2 Lycanthrope
+2 Fey Creature
+5 Tome
+6 Headband

Total: 41

Armor Class

10 Base
+15 Dex
+15 Wisdom
+4 Natural Armor Half Dragon
+1 Natural Armor Half Fiend
+1 Natural Armor Half Celestial
+1 Natural Armor Half Janni
-1 Natural Armor Fey Creature
+2 Natural Armor Advanced
+8 Bracers of Armor

Total: 56

Galadeus, The Scourge of the Endless Seas was created by the greater gods at the time of creation. He was placed on the Material plane before it had been given form. He is the grandfather of every and all races, and to some he is also the bringer of the apocalypse.

Galadeus I believe fits the minimum requirements of the OPs super tough PC (40 All stats, 50+ AC, Mostly Wizard)I didn't spend alot of time working out the math, and I believe you could optimize him a hell of alot more, but, just as a warning to the OP, you shouldn't let your PCS play Galadeus.

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