Phasics's page
Goblin Squad Member. 3,054 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.
Nothing against your idea but if this is a plot device character that exists to progresss the story for the characters then it really doesn't need rules.
It can move beyond tree range because it has to for the plot. Fluffy reasoning it's a rare unbound dryad gifted the ability to travel far to further X deities agenda.
Unless you have a dryad in the group, rules are not required.
But if you would prefer to keep within the rules for your dryad instead of home brewing something why not take this approach
The dryad is a regular dryad bound to a tree. But the tree gets teleported by someone/something and the dryad goes along with it .
After a while the group may recognise the tree before they see the same dryad which would be a cool way to let them know they were safe even in an area which just before seemed very dangerous.
Succubus , go hot or go home.
Would it be weird taking flyby attack with a fly speed from some source and diving in and out of the ground loosing a spell in between .
So Stone Oracle
Earth Glide to get in and out of earth and stone at will
Crystal sight to see creatures while your inside said earth or stone.
Wall of Stone to create a wall of rock you can earth glide into when stuck inside surrounded by worked stone.
When your on earth n dirt just drop into the ground and hang out just below the surface.
Now I feel like the grey area is going to be line of effect. How close to you need to be to the surface of the rock/earth not to be blocked by said stone or earth. Reach outside at the completion of the spell and pull it back in as a free action ?
You can breath inside the stone so in theory you can speak and the vibration would travel into the stone so the verbal component should be satisfied even if no one else hears you.
Also the blackened curse for scorching ray and clobbering strike seems like a fun way to get three 1/20 tries at a trip attempt per casting.
Have a loose idea for a character concept and was just looking for some advice.
I like the idea of a character that triggers multiple abilities off the actions of others both ally and enemy alike. Where the focus is not what your doing on your turn but what your doing to enhance or interrupt other characters turns.
Immediate actions will no doubt play a role but being limited to 1 a round and losing your swift in the process I can't see basing a character purely around immediates.
Things like Snatch Arrow however are more in the vein where you get to respond immediately potentially to good effect without impacting your action economy.
Also being able to act first in a surprise round would also fit the bill, especially if your action can make a significant contribution to the outcome of a fight.
So abilities, feats, combos etc, you think might fit the bill would be most appreciated and I'll attempt to cram them into a workable character
Out of curiosity have you really considered why you want fast healing ?
and in particular what your giving up to get it ?
Don't get me wrong, I've gone chasing fast healing myself and it is quite nice to have . I grabbed it through an alchemist. But honestly it never "saved" me from a bad situation , more just a convenient way to skirt a resource sink.
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Poison Dusk wrote: Phasics wrote: What you want sir is a tiny 1 level dip in Verminous Hunter archetype.
Pick any vermin as a companion , give it the animal focus of worm. It now permenatmtly has fast healing 1.
But dang wouldn't you know it , my poor vermin accidentally died due to unforeseen axes through the head.
Oh well guess I now have to suffer the permanent animal focus of worm and gain fast healing 1 24/7. Which is only a measly 4800 hit points recovered during 8 hrs rest. Or 100 HP during a 10 minute search between fights.
Due to the recent tragic loss of my companion I just can't face another companion right now ,so guess I'll just keep the fast healing 1 while my soul heals . Errata took away fast healing. Almost as if it was broken or something ;)
Want to know how to kill a mid-high level alchemist ? With level 1 NPCs ?
Can you say level 1 Dex 15 Monks with snatch arrows (yes you can have it at level 1 , imp unarmed strike free, deflect arrows bonus feat, snatch arrows level 1 feat.)
DM "You just walked into an unholy temple the monks look pissed. "
Alchemist " no problem I throw one force bomb at each of the nearest , that's 7 bombs total...*rolls*.... heh like I need to"
DM " you hit all of th..."
Alchemsit " sweet I roll dam.."
DM " I'm not finished , you hit all 7 but they catch you bombs in flight and redirect them back towards you. What's your touch AC ?
Alchemsit" wait don't they roll to catch them ?"
DM "Nope, your touch AC please"
Alchemist " ummm like 13"
DM " 5 of the force bombs hit you direct, the other 2 hit you for splash damage, now you can roll your damage"
Alchemist " *Sqweak*"
And that with a bunch of level 1 throw away's he hasent even seen the BBEG monk yet.
Also wind walls ! Oh look 30% of your bombs miss
Displacement of look half your bombs miss.
Mirror image , well 5 bombs later your hitting the right target.
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What you want sir is a tiny 1 level dip in Verminous Hunter archetype.
Pick any vermin as a companion , give it the animal focus of worm. It now permenatmtly has fast healing 1.
But dang wouldn't you know it , my poor vermin accidentally died due to unforeseen axes through the head.
Oh well guess I now have to suffer the permanent animal focus of worm and gain fast healing 1 24/7. Which is only a measly 4800 hit points recovered during 8 hrs rest. Or 100 HP during a 10 minute search between fights.
Due to the recent tragic loss of my companion I just can't face another companion right now ,so guess I'll just keep the fast healing 1 while my soul heals .
I'm pretty sure I'm over thinking this so feel free to put me out of my misery ;)
Sacred Weapon: "Whenever the warpriest hits with his sacred weapon, the weapon damage is based on his level and not the weapon type. "
Enlarge Person: "Any enlarged item that leaves an enlarged creature's possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown and projectile weapons deal their normal damage."
Sooooooo I enlarge the Warpriest to Large. Fire an arrow which goes back to medium, but the sacred weapon overides the weapons normal damage and since the Warpreist is still large uses the Large weapon damage dice for that level.
Or am I drawing that Bow just a weeeee bit much ?
Alternative thought. Instead of resizing the bow with the spell , carry a Large bow and use it once the Warpreist is large enough to use it ?
chuffster wrote: Don't forget Mounted Combat for when people attack your sweet little pet.
Also, commission a cohort to follow you around and paint portraits for your album covers.
Mounted combat maybe, less important with shield other up. And the cost of the swift puts a damper on quicken potentials
Entryhazard wrote: Boon Companion to have Druid progression instead of -3 But of course ;)
Yep this is happening and it's going to be a thing ;)
K-kun the Insane wrote: chuffster wrote: Don't forget Mounted Combat for when people attack your sweet little pet.
Also, commission a cohort to follow you around and paint portraits for your album covers. Commission said cohort to paint racing stripes on your Tyrannohorsus. Now we're talking :D
Just need to chrome his claws too
So just after some thought on this little idea
Sylvan Sorcerer of course for animal companion
Horsemaster Saddle to share teamwork feats
Pack Flanking (AC will be doing to hitting so it needs to hit)
Improved Spell Sharing
Hierloom Lance and gauntlet for the sorcerer who will never actually make an attack with them but will threaten both 5ft and 10ft with one hand free.
Ring of Spell Knowledge Shield Other + Improved spell sharing = pool your HP and share the pain both ways.
All of the fun buffing spells including poly morphs, transformation, true strike, blink etc etc, best Horse EVAR ! Tyrannosaurus Horse a Tyarnnohorsus mwhahaha :D
still looking for good ways to take advantage of the ride cover mechanic maybe turning it into concealment, or maybe just cut the middle man and go greater invis :P
Finally and most importantly the street cred from being a front line sorcerer :D
Crazy enough to work or just plain crazy ?
so in the quest to ride cool creatures I came across this possibility but I'm just throwing it out there to see if anyone has tried it before or thinks it's doomed to fail from the get go.
Nature Oracle gets a bonded mount which is classed as a full Animal Companion including share spells
Spirit Guide gets you wizard spells of the same level on your spell list looking at you form of the dragon I II and III. Kicks off at 12th level , unless small rideable at 14th level.
Your a bit limited with your mounted combat options being stuck in the Nature mystery. And spirit guide needs Cha so have to dump stat elsewhere.
And of course the spells don't last that long but they'll work long enough for some fun.
Of course having access to all the wizard poly spells you could make your horse just about anything anytime you want to, not to mention some of the best frontline buffs you can get.
Heh you could have a dog mount grab the blink spell and make a blink dog, though your GM might just make you roll to see if you fall on your ass while riding it ;)
LazarX wrote: Phasics wrote: LazarX wrote: Personally, I'd have found it a lot more interesting if the character you're talking about was a Snowcaster Elf. It has the alien factor while still being native to the region. And what in particular makes them more interesting ? Because you're not invoking the gimmick of an outer space element for one thing. You have a charcter that's actually part of the world, the region in fact, but still alien to the other races living within it. Seems I must clarify, I wrote "roll up a native Triaxian race" as in a race native to the planet not necessarily the race of the same name.
Perhaps I should amend the thread title, eh too late
LazarX wrote: Personally, I'd have found it a lot more interesting if the character you're talking about was a Snowcaster Elf. It has the alien factor while still being native to the region. And what in particular makes them more interesting ?
So I'm about to jump back in with a group I haven't played with for a while. GM thought it might be cool if I roll up a native Triaxian race that will encounter the party and join them. 10th level start
Not the the GM is likely to give me a dragon to ride but I was interested in trying a mounted combat character that would fit the setting.
So would appreciate any advice you have on mounted classes/multiclass (Hunter, Cav and Paly are obvious choices), feats etc.
But also in particular things that would make sense for the setting so ideally using local creatures instead of importing.
I came across an Ice Runner (Axe Beak) that might be adapted to a mount but would like to hear your ideas on others. (Any local magical beasts i might grab with monsterous companion feat ?)
Finally as I haven't done a lot with mounts before, so where should my focus be ? trying to make the mount as amazing as possible or making it functionally survivable and optimizing my character to do the business ? or a little of both ?
Thanks in Advance
Neal Litherland wrote: Phasics wrote: To me Brawler seems a much better starting point, all the fun none of the restrictions, and martial versatility gives you options when dirty trick isn't going to cut it. This is a fair point, but the Brawler still isn't going to get more than 1 dirty trick opportunity a round. The methods that let you get in multiple shots, thus debilitating an opponent, are class abilities and not feats. Fair point though if you really want to just Debilitate an opponent then just take a gander at Vexing Dodger it takes Dirty Tricks to a new level with upgrading sickened to nauseated as in "All your standard action Belong to Us"
plus its targeted unlike a stinking cloud so your friends can pile on
Jodokai wrote: Phasics wrote: How is this thread still going ? ..... Really? This is the thread that amazes you? Haven't been on the boards long I guess. There are still arguments going on that the devs have already given an answer to. This is mild by comparison to most arguments. Yeah still pretty new only been here since 2008
How is this thread still going ? .....
To me Brawler seems a much better starting point, all the fun none of the restrictions, and martial versatility gives you options when dirty trick isn't going to cut it.
So general consensus seems to be forget touch attacks and maybe instead look at thing that happen if a creature touches you or is next to you.
something similar to fire shield or Fire Trail
I'm kinda thinking of it as a poor mans swarm, if you can get on a creature and have a passive damage output for anything sharing your space.
Bob Bob Bob wrote: Do you auto-succeed at touch attacks in a grapple? If so then this works. If not then this doesn't. I personally believe that you're required to make a touch attack in order to hit someone with a touch spell but the "accidental discharge" rules are poorly written enough that either is a possibility. The ability specifically says your not grappling
Should not have clicked into thread ....nope....should not have have clicked....
Channel spell through your feet not going to miss then ;)
Better yet goblin plus fire trail and leave flame trails all over the thing you climbing, one could make a very good argument for the amount of damage done with this ;)
LoneKnave wrote: Nope, perfectly serious Ah because clearly the rogue had too many unquie abilities at their disposal.
LoneKnave wrote: Trapfinding is equal to a trait. Not that big of a price. Are you kidding ?
1) yes wish becomes a save or die spell against the vampire
2) twilight vampires need to be destroyed on general principal so it becomes a save or die spell
3) you wish to die ? Sure, wish becomes a save or die spell
4) cross dressing vampire ? You don't need a wish for that, be out n proud !
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you know what infinite wishes will get you ?
An empty table that used to be filled with people you role played with ;)
Call me crazy but, if your successfully climbing another creature with vexing dodger and thereby touching the creature, does that not then mean any touch attack you might perform Auto hits ?
Seems like you could land many cheeky antics this way
But why oh why did they make the price trapfinding :(
10 point begs to be played with an NPC class for the full effect :D
You could acutally have quite a fun campagin focusing on character development with so little to worry about mechaincally. Long as the GM knows what he's doing its fine. GM can even go nuts with magic items to suppliment everyone since your so weak, which could be fun too.
Nope just shoot more arrows and you'll hit somthing
No where near as good as the "Spear and MAGIC HELMET!" combo
I'm somewhat sold on the idea that a Rogue can use existing skills to do things no other class can especially if the option open up the further down Rogue you go. It would create a real reason to stick with Rogue and get something you cant find anywhere else.
and following the same logic for Rogue "faking it" the enhanced skills would allow them to start copying other classes similar to how UMD lets them copy casters.
Just having a little look over this thing and in some respects it seems superior to the summoner synthesist.
Now unless I'm completely mistaken this ability is ONLY granting the evolutions the same as if a summoner was able to cast Evolution Surge on something other than his Eidolon.
i.e. we're not calling up an eidolon we're just making the animal companion "Hulk Out".
It also means when the companion dies or is removed for whatever reason the Hunter is now the one doing the "Hulk Out" but he's not getting some eidolon shell he's just evolving his own flesh.
plus its a swift action so extremely helpful for not wasting my actions buffing once combat has started.
So you can have the evolutions without the shell meaning you can keep wearing your armor and gear unless of course your changing size or shape with extra arms and legs and then things might get a little tight under that breastplate if your not careful with your choices.
But still this is basically swift customized polymorphing for a martial weapon prof , medium armor character , 3/4BAB sure but (Ex) ability score increases which can stack with enchantments.
Seems like a pretty fun deal and dare I say the Summoner Synthesist concept done right ?
Straight Primal Hunter Companion
when you companion dies you inherit all the evolutions, either way you either have an amazing companion or your fairly amazing yourself. its like being a summoner syntheist but without the stigma or baggage ;)
plus its a nice little revenge on the GM for killing your companion to turn around and evo huge form multiattack his BBEG to death out of spite :)
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Oh there's plenty of interest in Homebrew there's just little interest in "your" homebrew.
and no that not a "your" directed at you, it directed at everyone.
for the most part unless your going to benefit or use somthing most people could care less about it. hence commenting on homebrew you'll probably never be able to use yourself is probably a waste of time for most people.
plus there's only so many times you can say "that will break your game" before you get bored and move on.
unfortunately home brew forums are up against human nature and are losing
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whether or not the Rogue is currently under powered or overpowered is irrelevant for the purposes of this discussion.
The question as it stands is this.
If you could change one thing about the Rogue what would it be.
Highly subjective sure, but I'm interested in hearing what people would do.
For myself personally these would be my top 3 single changes keeping in mind you can only make one change you can certainly suggest more than one.
1.) Rogue has a full BAB
2.) Rogue levels can count as levels from another other class you multiclass in for the purposes of effective level on abilities. (Can only apply to one other class)
3.) Rogue talents include one talent (that can be taken once) that can pick one feature/ability from every other class e.g. discovery, hex, revelation, rage etc
Or perhaps your one of those people who wouldn't change anything about the Rogue in which case by all means let us hear your Rogue Love ;)
Still going eh?
I think they may have got the point ;)
Undone wrote: Phasics wrote: Undone wrote: Phasics wrote: this reminds me of another thread about differing interpretations ;) There's only 1 attack. Janni rush either doesn't work at all or it works. THIS reminds me of another thread about differing interpretations ;) And it turns out they all did work until they "FAQ'ed" It in effect errataing it since there are many clear examples of stats stacking. They still refuse to correct the antipaladin and graveknight they put out in a book within DAYS of the "FAQ" which was really errata. THIS REMINDS me of another thread about differing interpretations ;)
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Kingdom building starts from the ground up its never too soon to start. its actually provides a great reason as to why the pc are working together and why they might want to help townsfolk and the like. That early loyalty won will pay dividends down the track.
Undone wrote: Phasics wrote: this reminds me of another thread about differing interpretations ;) There's only 1 attack. Janni rush either doesn't work at all or it works. THIS reminds me of another thread about differing interpretations ;)
this reminds me of another thread about differing interpretations ;)
Doesn't stack from my reading
Pummeling charge modifies the charge action
Janni Style modifies the charge action
in general when two abilities try and modify the same action they don't stack you need to choose.
not a great example but in the same vein that vital strike and spring attack don't stack even though it seems like they should.
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Ascalaphus wrote: Phasics wrote: Ascalaphus wrote:
Swashbuckler Weapons: swashbucklers train with precision weaponry. All light piercing melee weapons and one-handed piercing melee weapons are considered swashbuckler weapons.
[some ability:]When a swashbuckler does [something] with a light or one-handed piercing swashbuckler weapon, [something] happens
That would actually reduce the amount of legalese while also making it clearer.
That's nice
think you could come up with that on the back of editing 35'000 words with a deadline in sight and another 50'000 words to go ?
I think by now it's well-established that the Advanced Class Guide Adventure Path won't be remembered as the best-edited book Paizo ever rushed to GenCon. To make money
pay staff
and you know generate new content for people to pick apart on their forums ;)
maybe even make a profit like a business or something ;)
Ascalaphus wrote:
Swashbuckler Weapons: swashbucklers train with precision weaponry. All light piercing melee weapons and one-handed piercing melee weapons are considered swashbuckler weapons.
[some ability:]When a swashbuckler does [something] with a light or one-handed piercing swashbuckler weapon, [something] happens
That would actually reduce the amount of legalese while also making it clearer.
That's nice
think you could come up with that on the back of editing 35'000 words with a deadline in sight and another 50'000 words to go ?
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This is what your looking for Sir
"Unlike other afflictions, multiple doses of the same poison “stack,” meaning that successive doses combine to increase the poison's DC and duration."
By inference stacking only applies to Poisons and since disease are an affliction they do not stack.
so once your infected that's it, single infection with requirements to roll the unmodified saves as listed in the disease effect line.