Best moments from your campaign

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Well, we have to start somewhere...There was a Half-orc in my campaign who had a wish. He wished for an axe of sharpness (our rules are the GM has as much time to mess with your wish as you took to make it.).
He got his axe of sharpness...of sharp wit. ...He hated me.

Grand Lodge

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Zombie whales.

The mission that lead up to the creation of the sap of friendship!

Long story, but here is the short:
A rogue had a sap.
A necromancer had thought he was a good necro.
Every time the necro did something stupid that slowed the game for no reason, or was about to get himself killed (like using negative energy blast on two armies doing battle with each other for a whole 6 pts of dmg) the rogue would sneak behind him and SAP!
The necro never saw combat.

kicking the crap outta Kyuss in the AoW!!!! long drawn out fight, last for like 8 hrs but we finally won...

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Party defeats ogre and is searching for captured children they were attempting to rescue.
Witch picks up wriggling sack and opens it to discover angry dire rat. Gets initiative, makes successful dex/skill check to close sack with rat still inside.
Witch casually strolls outside, tosses sack to party cleric. "Here, something for you."

Party fights evil female wizard.
Orc ranger manages to grapple/restrain said female wizard.
Ranger: "You got a purty mouth."
Evil wizard: "I'll tell you anything!"

Party fighting trolls on top of cliff. Troll knocks party fighter unconscious right at edge of cliff. Buffed gnome spellthief bullrushes the troll, rolls 20, troll rolls poorly, troll is knocked off cliff with gnome riding his shoulders screaming and brandishing daggers as they fall out of sight.

Party is fighting dragon patrol. Ranger climbs tree beside river dragons patrol. Ranger leaps on dragon's back as it flies low over river, rolls critical with sword (dragon is favored enemy) dragon takes so much damage has to make fort save. Fails. Ranger almost killed by fall, but barely survives.

Sovereign Court

Wizard used color spay on a town simpleton in the middle of town square. Town simpleton was possessed but of course nobody in the town knew this but the wizard. Town already had a problem with "them types".

Same campaign PCs found a hidden stash in the swamp. Included in the stash was a dried out skinned humanoid face. PCs returned to the local swamper village and have a drink at the tavern. Halfling alchemist decides its a good idea to pull out the skinned face and ask, "hey y'all recognize this face?"

Same campaign again. Suspicious NPC has some type of hidden evidence in his office. PCs come up with a plan to draw out NPC so rogue can sneak in office and get evidence. So the cleric lures the NPC out and down the stairs of the building. Magus stands watch at top of stairs while rogue looks for evidence. Magus hears cleric and NPC returning decides best way to alert the rogue and buy him a moment to escape is to throw himself down the stairs.

Reading these comments I am left with only one thing to say (after I finished laughing)...OMG!
Okay, long story:
The party sees what appears to be a hallway that goes on forever.
The Monk and the Fighter go down the stairs and start running. The mage turns to our goblin (Shirk) and asks 'Do yo wanna fly?' and casts fly on him. Shirk flies down the hall and is suddenly stopped by the real wall they could not see due to an illusion. Shirk hit the ground (which was a treadmill) and tripped the fighter. They both were thrown into the stairs which collapsed into the wall.
The monk was thrown off the treadmill when a quickling sped the treadmill up beyond the monks ability.
The whole place started to fill with oil and Shirk looked up to the exit to see the quickling striking flint and steel together.
Shirk said "NOOOO" and the quickling took off leaving the flint and steel.
When Shirk got out he picked up the flint and steel...curiosity got the better of the goblin and he started striking them together himself...he got smacked by the mage.

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Party is clearing an insect infestation from a town's sewer system.

They've been poisoned over and over again. They've been ambushed. They're having a terrible day and absolutely LOATHE insects at this point.

They see a pile of rags curled up in a corner of the sewer that is moving slightly.

The fighter charges the rags and kicks it as hard as he can.

The homeless halfling wakes up with a "Oh my gods! Why would you do that!? My ribs!"

The player is trying to apologize while the whole party is nearly peeing themselves laughing because the whole time this half-orc is chasing the halfling trying to atone for kicking him, the halfing is running away terrified.

Then there was the session with "the bag". But that's a story that cannot be repeated on a forum that has codes of conduct.

That is freakin awesome, lol!

Okay... I got a few stories about sewers, but I'll save most of them (long long stories.) One took place in a bathhouse that was connected to the sewer.
The ranger found the bad guy and the bad guy tried to get away by diving into one of the pipes (filled with water).
The ranger rolled a nat 20 and put an arrow through both ankles of the baddie. Now the bad guy was stuck underwater due to the arrow being longer than the pipe was wide.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

This. The latest post, that is.

Party has so far roflestomped every single encounter, bar none. We enter a tower, stomp the guard inside into a greasy mudpuddle.. one guy notices someone up the tower (is hollow inside), and flies up to kill it.

Fails. Creature reaches the top and goes outside, alerts Big Bad that the Goodies are here.
Thus is the beginning of our most memorable encounter so far, at least imo.

Group ascends, engages the beast. It kills the cleric out right.. we try to flee- it follows into the tower.. two on top try to bring the roof down on top of it. We bring the roof down- but miss the beast. Nail the paladin though (squish!). he's not dead but his dog mount is on fire from an attack by the beast- and the residual burning damage does him in. The roof kills the ranger out right.

Two guys who brought the roof down try to climb the outside of the building thanks to a strong fighter having spider climb on him, and carrying the other. They're both invisible a'la Vanish.. it wears off on the carried guy 1 round before they reach the bottom. bad guy has by this time circled the outside, sees the guy pop visible and has mid-day snack.

Fighter manages to escape into the city.

Brutal. and an absolute blast.


note: small details changed to avoid spoilers.

Runner up most memorable:

Group (7 PC's) are investigating some old long lost forgotten place. We are basically stomping through things, little damage taken by us- no biggie.

We spot an illusory wall. One guy goes invis (a familar) and peeks through the wall, spots a person on the other side- flying.

One person? no problemo.
Still though- we're not entirely daft. We buff up and go running through the wall.

Apparently, flying person can see invisble familiars and is no longer alone. Now 3 flying bird demon things are doing their little wiggly dance. Checks failed to find out what it is, though we do determine their names. (Vrocks, fun!).

Group goes on in, deciding how to do things. Half the group DD's across the room with the other to follow until.. another demon pops up. Dunno what it was (didn't recongnize it, and couldn't spell it anyway) but it was BIG. This ended up splitting the party.. half for the big and chick, half for the vrocks.

End up killing one V which takes out their dance, Big Demon kills the cleric in one handy full attack.
Fighter man gets strength drained down to single digits- can't hit the broad side of a barn as result.
Over half the group has the little green wigglies from the vrocks. (we think its something terrible, were too busy fighting to deal with 'em until after it was over).

Was a very tough encounter for us, all told. Lost the cleric, made the fighter worthless, most the rest of the group got down by at least half HP if not more. Even the tiny familiars were squirming to not get hit by the end of it all. Very fun.

Of course, we won at the end of the day. Breath of Life had brought the cleric back and some well timed teleports had gotten him in range of smoe other healers so he could get back into the fight. (yay for familiars with wands, scrolls and lay on hands).

Was touch and go for alot of it, and an absolute thrill.


Note: please don't turn this into a thread about vrocks and their dance. Thats discussed in another thread.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Ignoring your note...

I once ran the "invisibility + vrocks" encounter, once. Except it wasn't the vrocks that were invisible - it was the series of web spells between the vrocks and the party. The party spent the first round firing off their best per-day abilities and spells at the Big Bad, then half the party turned their attention to the vrocks. Only then did they discover the multiple, invisibility-buffed webs between them and the demons.

They escaped the blast, but one party member (a druid/ranger) basically died as a result of the time wasted. Funny anecdote: he was returned to life at great expense, tracked down the cleric responsible for the whole scenario, fought him down to negative hit points, threw him in a web spell, and lit the web (and his lair) on fire.

Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

Abandoned Arts wrote:

Ignoring your note...

I once ran the "invisibility + vrocks" encounter, once. Except it wasn't the vrocks that were invisible - it was the series of web spells between the vrocks and the party. The party spent the first round firing off their best per-day abilities and spells at the Big Bad, then half the party turned their attention to the vrocks. Only then did they discover the multiple, invisibility-buffed webs between them and the demons.

They escaped the blast, but one party member (a druid/ranger) basically died as a result of the time wasted. Funny anecdote: he was returned to life at great expense, tracked down the cleric responsible for the whole scenario, fought him down to negative hit points, threw him in a web spell, and lit the web (and his lair) on fire.

Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

nah, my note was directed at the "but vrock can't fly and dance" and the "but a knowledge check should tell you what the dance does" kinda folks. hehe been some long'ish threads about it recently :)

A player created a character of 3rd total levels for a new campaign. Barbarian 1st level/ Bard 2 levels...
He was calling him a Bard-barian...much laughing followed.

Btw, I have several npcs that are note worthy, too.
A titan bard named Steven Titan, lead singer for Air of Smiths...when he sings 'walk this way' people walk that way.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32


Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

So back to this 'good' necromancer...after the fight with the big army the clean up crew is out and about doing there thing. You know, stabbing the ones barely alive. So the Necro goes and finds one himself and says,'I got this one' as he finishes the guy off... creating a zombie...
yeah, a good necro...this is the same necro that had a 15 minute talk with a simple farmer about a place called home...

Over the campaign the zombie had eaten of Storm Giant Brains, fell to the sleep of the black lotus and gained a bit of self awareness. The team started calling the zombie Bob. There were a few times the necro told Bob to do something and Bob didn't move right away.

The necro got upset and yelled, 'he's gotta do what I say!'. 'He his own time', I told him.

The best part was when the team traveled 150 years into the future. Now a back story for this part is needed...

When 'Bob' vanished from the battlefield there were many rumors that popped up about what had happened to him. One of which was in death, Bob went to the first layer of Hell to hold back Tiamat to buy time for the king who defeated his army. The king was a man named Dominus, who killed red dragons and eventually became a god.

In the future Bob and the team were headed into a city...not a zombie friendly place, but the Rogue laid down a story about how this was Bob the Fallen but not Forgotten. They bought it and he gained some followers in the process. The Zombie eventually became a god, due to followers, and the necro...he didn't make it to the end.

Shadow Lodge

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Watching our dwarven fighter make planet fall in a rowboat, during an orc siege. Long story short he used a siege tower to break his fall.

My character with a helm of teleportation jumps off a cliff while the rest of the party are fighting a Dragon. Everyone is taking a beating (save for the Rage Mage who is about to throw a fireball at the White Dragon. My friends character is near the dragon and the fireball will kill him.)

After falling for a full round I teleport at the dragon with 2 swords drawn for the attack. My attack misses the dragon and my momentum carries me past the dragon and into my friend.

We are both knocked prone and out of the way of the fireball.

Great times!

Much like the time I teleported a big bad creature 5 miles up before joining the party again to help with the last creature. When we beat the last creature (which was actually the first), we all heard the impact of the one I teleported away.

One of my players casted Loathsome Veil on a monster during an arena battle. When I didn't roll the save for the monster he asked why and I said, "You're in an arena, half of the patrons wtaching the fight are throwing up all over the place now thanks to you. Pretty sure their HDs are much lower than the monster." :P

Always be aware of your surroundings.

Fappy wrote:

One of my players casted Loathsome Veil on a monster during an arena battle. When I didn't roll the save for the monster he asked why and I said, "You're in an arena, half of the patrons wtaching the fight are throwing up all over the place now thanks to you. Pretty sure their HDs are much lower than the monster." :P

Always be aware of your surroundings.

LOL! So true, so true!

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Trying to ride flying zombie bears...

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Me (DM): Okay, you guys successfully flew to the top of the keep, bypassing what could be dozens of armed guards, there are a few guards on the roof that have yet to see you.

Party: We attack

During the course of the fight, one PC takes advantage of an NPC being close to the door that leads to the stairs and pushes the enemy through the door and down the stairs.

DM: Your strike kill the final roof guard. You have seconds to prepare the next assault.

Party: Wait. What next assault?

DM: The guards in the keep climbing the stairs.

Party: B&#*$*~*! How did they know we were here?

DM: Well, (Name)'s character kicked a guy wearing full plate down a set of stone stairs in a keep made of stone. It's kind of loud.

Party: Gods dammit (Name)! Okay, what do we do?

The players come up with the idea of stuffing dead guards in the trap door that leads to the roof of the keep. The party's strongest character makes sure ample stomping ensures a blood-tight seal.

DM:... okay, you've succeeded in creating something akin to a "flesh cork". You can hear the soldiers on the other side of the door, several sound very angry. You think you hear someone being sick.

Party: Sick? Why?

DM: You just shoved 5 medium creatures into a trap door the size of an extra-large pizza box and used ample stomping.

Party: And?

DM: What do you think the lot of you would look like if I tried to stomp you into the cupboard under my sink?

Party: Point taken. We light to flesh cork on fire.

DM: You do what?

Party: We light to flesh cork on fire.

DM: Then?

Party: We fly back to the foot of the keep.

DM: ... I'm curious, what was the point of lighting the corpses on fire?

Party: The mage likes fire *shrugs*

Fleshgrinder wrote:

Me (DM): Okay, you guys successfully flew to the top of the keep, bypassing what could be dozens of armed guards, there are a few guards on the roof that have yet to see you.

Party: We attack

During the course of the fight, one PC takes advantage of an NPC being close to the door that leads to the stairs and pushes the enemy through the door and down the stairs.

DM: Your strike kill the final roof guard. You have seconds to prepare the next assault.

Party: Wait. What next assault?

DM: The guards in the keep climbing the stairs.

Party: B@!$+~!!! How did they know we were here?

DM: Well, (Name)'s character kicked a guy wearing full plate down a set of stone stairs in a keep made of stone. It's kind of loud.

Party: Gods dammit (Name)! Okay, what do we do?

The players come up with the idea of stuffing dead guards in the trap door that leads to the roof of the keep. The party's strongest character makes sure ample stomping ensures a blood-tight seal.

DM:... okay, you've succeeded in creating something akin to a "flesh cork". You can hear the soldiers on the other side of the door, several sound very angry. You think you hear someone being sick.

Party: Sick? Why?

DM: You just shoved 5 medium creatures into a trap door the size of an extra-large pizza box and used ample stomping.

Party: And?

DM: What do you think the lot of you would look like if I tried to stomp you into the cupboard under my sink?

Party: Point taken. We light to flesh cork on fire.

DM: You do what?

Party: We light to flesh cork on fire.

DM: Then?

Party: We fly back to the foot of the keep.

DM: ... I'm curious, what was the point of lighting the corpses on fire?

Party: The mage likes fire *shrugs*

Yes, we have had those adventures...Fire...hee, heee, hee ...Fire.

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Our GM left a giant alchemically-powered robot in a chelaxian weapons development lab. Where my gnomish summoner could take it home with him.

2 Adamantine lances, one coat of red paint, and a little GM fiat with Create Wondrous Item later...


This message is Kingmaker related, so if playing it, skip this.

What happened:
Party of five split up in the Mite cave. In one direction goes the Fighter, the Inquisitor and the Druid. In another, the Rogue and the Sorcerer. They encounter very little resistance. Session ended with the party Druid going to the negatives with one attack from the Whiptail Centipede which crawled out from a pit.

Enter next session. The Centipede chases the three, who run from it rather than fight it - the Inquisitor now carries the still unconscious Druid. And then, rather than exit the cave they end up meeting the Sorc and the Rogue. All this time they're so frightened about the Centipede they don't attack it at all. And, unbeknownst to players, the cave is ring shaped so they are running toward the very spot they left.

They encounter some Mites and the associated Advanced Tick, which they defeat. They finally end up at the exact same spot they left at the beginning of the session. The only difference is that before they mangage to win over the ever chasing Centipede, the Druid, the Fighter and the Rogue are all unconscious. That was four hours of playing and the session ended there.

After that time I suggested that the players name their group "The Ring Team". They never gave an answer to that.

Our party finally made their way to the final boss in the campaign. The Boss was enormous and there was a fear check that had to be passed just to stay in his presence. Everyone passed. The party Goblin made an intimidate check by laughing...he rolled a Nat 20. The boss failed to resist.

Note: We use critical hit and critical miss decks for almost any crits made, combat or otherwise. The effects are up to the GM interpretation.

In this case the Boss fumbled his weapons, cutting off a finger and a toe, and he exuded some sort of ooze that entangled him (Which was fitting seeing as how the 'boss' was Iuz from the old Greyhawk campaigns)

Iuz fumbled a Strength check to free himself and got tangled further in his equipment.

This gave the party time to complete a ritual to destroy this half-demon being (we had destroyed his phylactery earlier in the campaign).

Afterwards, we all kept commenting about how it was all because the Goblin was so intimidating! What! lol

We were adventuring into this forest and later on we found out that a powerful creature had cast an illusion on a huge plot of land from a basic fairy tale book. So we travel past snow whites castle and repunzel's tower and deep into this volcano. And standing at the edge of the lava is a woman dressed in black laughing at us.

So our rogue tries to tumble past her because she wouldn't move or talk to us she was just blocking the path and laughing at us. He rolled a natural 20 to roll past her but he kicked her into the lava. Where she turned into a colossal red dragon. It was maleficent but our dm changed her to a red instead of a black for the story since we would be fighting her in a volcano. Well we were only 3rd level at the time so she was supposed to blow fire on us and we all run away but our rogue decides to jump off the ledge and stab into her neck.

He rolls a high jump check and then a natural 20 to hit. So he slams the blade into her throat and is now hanging from it. Well the whole party ran away (except for me. I was the cleric and I had to see this.) We were still playing 3.5 at the time since pathfinder wasn't out yet so she attempted to grab him and eat him. So they made opposed grapple checks. He natural 20'ed. She rolled a 1.

So the dm said it that she grabbed him by the leg and attempted to swallow him yet he was able to maintain a grip on his sword and slice through her throat killing her. So not only did we get awesome armor, make a whole bunch of money on dragon parts. But the dm also awarded him the title of dragon slayer which gave him 6d6 extra sneak attack against dragons. Pretty funny, and epic night all in all.

Our party composed of a goblin oracle of fire, an orc sorcerer of abyssal blood and a pretty stupid bugbear bard was cornered in a burning library (we had started the fire, books should burn!) in the highest floor of a tower set in the middle of a human settlement, the bugbear was inconscious and some guards were coming to stop the fire.

So our way down cut we decided to go on the roof, after widening a window with a portable ram and some prowess with a rope we managed to go on top of the tower. We had taken the inconscious bugbear with us.

There as we stated our position: OK we are in the middle of the human encampment, we can defend ourselves, some bugbears should come in less than ten days to attack, the humans have no more chiefs (and we have eaten one of them); we just came to the realization that we have no food. There I say to the GM: "OK we use the rope to tie the bugbear, and we let him inconscious, so if we can't capture a human we can eat him."

Finally we managed to capture and eat a human foolish enough to attack us, then the bugbears came, destroyed the remnants of the camp and we had a mighty feast with them, the bard being tied up to add an Astérix feeling to the whole lot. Me (the goblin) telling my exploits (the orc was nearly worshipping me due to some memory troubles), the orc approving and the bugbears in awe.

Years later it still is one of our favourite adventures.

how about a monk pinning a dragon. ended my carefully plotted encounter quickly!

So we started a job in Absolom. The Pathfinder who recruited us was in the Judicial Building, so our Rogue stayed outside hustling people...until the local gang showed up. Before it got out of hand the Captain (Wizard) showed up and professed to being a representative of the law and was taking this rogue into custody. He produced an envelope to prove his credentials. While the gang opened it to read what was inside the Captain and crew made a break for it. When they read the letter it said,'I have learned how to write explosive runes'...yes, it blew up in their faces. They were left with no hair on their heads save for the back.

Later we ran into the gang again, still hairless for the most part. The Captain did a little more shuck and jive while using his magic to change the color of what little hair they had left into a tye dye rainbow.

The kicker was the last time we went to Absolom...the Captain saw 1 out of every 10 people with the same hair style he gave the gang. He became so paranoid he never left the ship while there.

I had a player throw a sunrod into a sewer system and it cracked when it hit the rocky bottom. Now the town has streetlights of blue flame coming from the methane burning sewer. lol

Same campaign as the last post...
A few characters were having a bit of target practice with a rock. Our Barbarian critically failed to strike at the same time our goblin archer critically succeeded.
The arrow struck the axe and spun the barbarian around. Very shortly afterwards the rock stood up out of the ground...yes, an elemental.

The goblin (of all people) made a diplomacy check and convinced the elemental that he had stopped the barbarian from attacking him. The barbarian didn't help his own case by trying to sneak around the elemental for an attack. (tremor sense was not thought of by him either.)

The elemental turned and knocked the barbarian a very long distance away and by the time he returned it was gone. The barbar spent the rest of the day raging against rocks.

The next day we were on our way out of town and while we were developing a plan of attack on the evil kingdom something happened. The barbarian had said,'we should tunnel under to him so we can bypass his army.'

The barbarian disappeared underground at that moment. We heard his yelling all the way to the edge of town where he was ejected by the elemental.

xanthemann wrote:

Well, we have to start somewhere...There was a Half-orc in my campaign who had a wish. He wished for an axe of sharpness (our rules are the GM has as much time to mess with your wish as you took to make it.).

He got his axe of sharpness...of sharp wit. ...He hated me.

Someone accused the halfling of cheating... He worshiped the god of risk and cheating is forbidden. Soooo he summoned a shark 30 ft above his head and dropped it on him. Hahaha funny part is we all felt bad for the shark who was swimming around on his own plane then "poof" WTF?!?!

PCs make camp.
Everyone automatically declares their usual shores

ENTER: The Bard player (always a unknown but fun factor):

"I go into the woods and collect dodo-berries."

Everyone at the table stops talking, reading whatever and everyone looks puzzled at the bard.


"Yeah, you know..." (completely casual tone)
"This big..." (gesticulates with his hands - size of an ostrich's egg)
"Smells like horse." (still completely serious)

At this point the whole table is on the floor laughing.

I think he got extra EXP for that one...

...Good times...

There was an Evil Spell Casting Ranger (with a PseudoDragon familiar) who tried to jump my 5th level fighter. The Ranger was fighter found the Pseudo and killed it. The feedback to the Ranger caused him some distress which is how he was located. The Fighter tackled him and was able to hold him long enough for the rest of the team to show up.
Being warned about an invisible enemy the wizard cast detect thought.
We were using an experimental house rule for 'magic points', so even though the ranger had levels on my mage he didn't have magic points on her. She also had a robe of the stars (allowing meteor swarm once a night).
She detected his desire to go to the cliff and that is where she aimed.
He survived and fell into the water 200' down. She jumped down and levitated just above the water and cast daylight 20' underwater to cast a shadow of displaced water from the invisible body.
This was followed by a lightning bolt into the water.
That was followed by the thought (from the baddie) 'I know how you are tracking me'.
She replied with 'Good...Magic Missile.'

I was told later that the GM was trying his best to get the Ranger away from the team. We didn't want that to happen seeing as how he had been screwing with us for some time before.

Good times, good times.

When me kill two group o peoples. One me stuck on sword an hit other with him still on sword! HAAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAA! fun fun.

(translation: In a campaign where 2 teams were competing with each other to get the treasure Rotuthem was guarding he laid waste to virtually everyone. The fight between him and the Monk Minotaur was epic, but the necro trying to sneak up on him was struck by a backswing from the Bluespawn godslayer. The sword went through him like a rotisserie stick. It did not slow down his attacks vs the monk. It just got real messy.)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Dragon stories:

  • Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil: Tanglefoot bag on the blue dragon in the gatehouse. Made it a quick fight.

  • Cavalier type charges at the half shadow dragon. She survives the breath weapon, her horse doesn't.

  • (Done to me for a change) Party has to get out of a demiplane, against a dragon. A nice, friendly conversational dragon, who's bored stiff from guarding the portal. Dragon geased to defend the portal. Party kills the dragon, then totes corpse outside. Casts raise dead on the dragon?!?! Party now has powerful dragon who owes them a big favour, and a stumped GM.


  • 2e psionic hippy. NWP in brewing, alchemy, etc etc. Fleeing from a group of mindflayers, end up running past the brain pool. Drop two pouches of my alchemical LSD into the brain pool. Did I mention they were mindflayers, and all linked to their pool?
    Later in the fight, same character. Ranger takes on a stunned ogre slave, moving to scalp him. Psion uses his chain to ensnare ranger's arm. "Chill out, man. He's just a mindless cog in this opressive system."

  • Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

    Oooh, forgot another draconic one.

    Gming a 2e game, new players and old ones. Set up an adventure to let the new player be the big damn heroine. (experienced player) Drow cleric in the party sets off the trap and gets teleported to the layer of the Great Wyrm Amethyst Dragon. You know, the ones who specifically like to eat drow? So while the rest of the party is desperately looking for how to save her, he's surprised to get delivery instead of going carry-out.

    Since I didn't want to just kill the character (not her fault!) I had 'fun with telekinesis.' By the time the rest of the party comes into the room, the drow is being chased by a large cooking point full of water, various vegetables floating through the air, and has a large cheese grater over her head, dropping cheese flakes on her, while the dragon is lamenting "Please don't run. It spoils the flavour."

    (Most of) the party figured out this was a 'talk not fight' encounter when I put This on the table next to their miniatures. :-)

    One of my favorite scenes in the campaign I am running was a great bonding moment between two of the least likely characters. One is a paladin/cleric of Sarenrae, the other is an undead bloodline Dhampir sorcerer. They were staking out a location to catch whoever was defacing a structure during the middle of the night. At long last they caught the man, and had to fight him without killing him. When they dropped the man to the ground, the paladin struck him one last time "to make sure he stays down". It caught the dhampir off guard, but after that incident, they got along rather well. Though this then led to an ongoing prank war between the two, in which the paladin slipped a little holy water into the dhampir's bath. We've yet to see what the dhampir has in store for the paladin.

    Then there's a moment with my own character in another campaign; a natural lycanthrope (were-serval) sorcerer. She has this thing against wyverns from what I have been gathering. The party was attacked by several undead on the ground and a passing wyvern from the sky. Akilah figured she would help distract the wyvern by flying up and meeting it face-to-face. She flew up, and the wyvern passed its grapple check to grab her in its mouth and keep flying. Needless to say, she did a fine job distracting it!

    My player defeated an entire army. Solo. He had SO much fun.

    RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

    Some stuff off the top of my head:

    -Tricking a white dragon to drink a potion of diminution, then tossing him is a sack and lighting it on fire,

    -Stabbing Graz'zt's eye out on a nat 20,

    -Convincing a hostile beholder to draw from the Deck of Many Things, resulting in it pulling the Abyss card.

    -Luring Orcus into the waters of Mount Celestia,

    -A new gamer taking an extra 5 levels of energy drain from a succubus because the action was hot.

    In my last game, the party was defending a castle from the horde lead by a Druid. The dwarven god of technology - Clangaden - was the god of gunslingers, and allowed the party GS to defend the castle with tech. If successful, the followers of other gods would demand the weapons and thereby Clangaden would make all men equal. The Druid wanted to stop this.

    So the horde is charging, right into a field full of mines. The party was so hype. Unfortunately the Druid knew about them and had an earth movement spell prepared which I had ruled, through zero interest in RAW, would detonate all the mines.

    Despite being 4 levels lower than the Druid, the party Halfling cleric of Hermes managed to dispel the spell, protecting the mine field until the horde hit and were severely wrecked.

    It was probably the happiest I've seen players from one use of Dispel Magic.

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    Okay, here goes...

    Back in 2e, I played a gnome wizard with a god complex. Party encounters a very, very large black dragon and the dragon asked us what we were thinking when we entered his cave as he casually prepared to eat us.

    I don't remember the full conversation, but at some point my gnome said "Alright, listen here, worm..." (bad pun, he knew) and the dragon went ballistic. I rolled high on initiative and managed to go first, so I cast resilient sphere and managed to get myself, the paladin, and cleric inside. The ranger... not so much.

    So the dragon is rather upset with me, and is treating the resilient sphere like a cat toy and we are taking damage from being tossed about inside and I am beginning to think I made a mistake.

    Ranger remembers I had identified an arrow for him earlier as an "arrow of dragon slaying", so he pulls out his bow, yells "DIE &#$^er!!!" and shoots the dragon, critically hitting and dragon was his favored enemy. He rolls damage and notices the dragon is still quite alive, who then turns around slowly and glares at the ranger. Ranger realizes something went very wrong, and takes off running the other direction with his boots of speed. Dragon leaves the "cat toy" alone long enough for me to dismiss it and then quickly cast teleport, taking the cleric and paladin with me to safety. Ranger eventually finds a tunnel small enough and escapes after the chase of a lifetime.

    We all meet up in the little town not too far away and are sitting at the inn, when the ranger says "you know that arrow you gave me? It didn't work!". I casually said "I never said it was a BLACK dragon slaying arrow..."


    Same campaign a session or two later.

    Party is deep in the underdark and we have been encountering these mushroom things that are annoying, but plentiful. We have grown completely tired of even having to roll initiative to fight these things.

    We come to a cavern and things look slightly off. There is a large patch of mushrooms, but one stands out. Before my gnome could say anything, the paladin says "I GOT THIS!" and charges into the mushrooms. Well, the one in the center had some long tentacles and rolled to hit the paladin and critically hit. DM says "Okay, the tentacle hits you in the right arm, and the arm immediately withers away and falls off".

    The look on the paladin players face, I'll never forget :)


    Last one for now.

    Same player as the paladin, but different campagin. We are still somewhat low level and are camped out on a hill in the middle of nowhere. DM rolls for random encounters and lets us know that a large group of bugbears comes walking up the side of the hill, and is now standing 40 or so feet away at the very edge of our light and look like they are about to start a fight.

    Paladin (again playing paladin) stands up and says "HAIL, bugbear travelers!"

    Which has since become one of our groups catch phrases :P

    Silver Crusade

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    Some moments.

    PC: Yeah? You and whose army? [pause] Oh I suppose you mean that one...

    NPC: i am the warden of the south gate!
    PC: This the south gate then?

    PC: [To a group of Dwarf PC's that had been annoying him] Yeah? Well Moradin can just go [expletive deleted] himself! [to the GM] I open the door.
    GM: OK the hill giant chief is on the other side and he hits you doing 80 hit points of damage.
    PC: Yup I'm dead.
    Dwarf PC: Moradin works very quickly doesn't he?

    Silver Crusade

    I have an NPC character idea going around my head. A female Grippli sailor who is the lone survivor of a ship on which a Qlippoth murdered the rest of the crew. She will join the players in an expedition to an island to investigate why they have lost contact with the colony there. It will of course be down to an invasion of Qlippoths.

    I'm going to call the Grippli "Ellen"


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    There's an intelligent flesh golem on trial for crimes he didn't commit. The PCs are investigating for his defense, and at one of the crime scenes they find a skinned-off human face (yep, the same one Pan's group found).

    They take it back to the courtroom and have the flesh golem try to put it on over his own face. Then they all shout, "If the face don't fit, you must acquit!"

    Trinite wrote:

    There's an intelligent flesh golem on trial for crimes he didn't commit. The PCs are investigating for his defense, and at one of the crime scenes they find a skinned-off human face (yep, the same one Pan's group found).

    They take it back to the courtroom and have the flesh golem try to put it on over his own face. Then they all shout, "If the face don't fit, you must acquit!"


    I'm currently running an Evil campaign. Early on, they were hired to assist an antipaladin of much higher level. The antipaladin, in addition to completing the mission, also planned to release a pyrohydra so he could then later kill it and build up a heroic reputation (long term plans, this was supposed to be a recurring villain.)

    The PCs didn't like this guy much as a boss, so as the antipaladin is leaving the cave they throw 4 tanglefoot bags to entangle him in place. Pyrohydra catches up and toasts him to ash. Now the party always talks about how tanglefoot bags kill antipaladins...

    In a desert campaign our party had the unfortunate encounter of a thief trying to steal from our camp at night. Party alchemist, using claws and bite attacks also had spiders casted onto the thief, as well as have two adamantine poison asp gauntlets attack him as well. Needless to say, the thief didn't survive.

    .... We head into the local town that was near our camp and the local authorities wants to question us for summoning a creature that spewed insects from his mouth and had snakes for hands. Needles to say, the alchemist denied it, seeing as how that wasn't an accurate description ( in his eyes).

    Each of our characters get interviewed about summoning some monster or some sort.
    My human barbarian sits there waiting for the next move.

    DM: they take you into a room with 2 chairs and a table and the interrogator asks you to have seat while they sort this out.
    NPC interrogator: I have one question for you, did you summon the monster that attacked the young man last night?
    Me ( to GM): is the table bolted down?
    DM: what?
    Me: Is- the - table- bolted- down?
    DM: No. Why?
    My barbarian: Grabs the table and flips it over at the guy and yells extremely loud at him "I DON'T SUMMON, I AM SUMMONED!"
    DM: Interrogator turns white, s@$#s himself quietly, and walks out the room. He tells the other men who at interrogating your other party members that it's not you.
    .....whole table is silent then starts laughing their butts off.

    DM: give yourself an extra 50xp for that.

    Now, my barbarian wears a hat of disguise that makes it look like a wizards hat.

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