Tark's Skull and Shackles recruitment.


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Ask any local of the shackles and they'll tell you this: nowhere in the world is more beautiful, that has more freedom, and is so full of the opportunities given to all men with sharp wit, sharp blades, and the will to succeed. These words were said to you as you were served drink after drink in a surprising show of hospitality. The bartender was a pleasant sort given to idle chit chat about nothing, the weather, the rats that keep infesting his cellars (commenting about how this is highly unhygienic is a great way to start a fight). Perhaps it really was good alcohol. Perhaps it was late and the business of the day tired you out. Perhaps it was the hypnotic way the bar wenches cleavage swayed as she served another round. But soon you grew drowsy and before long you slumped in your bar stool. You never felt the collision with the floor, nor the arms drag you away.

This is an open recruitment thread for the Skull and Shackles AP path.

I will be looking for 4-5 players and may or may not run two groups depending on the amount of interest there is in this game. Posting frequency and good roleplay skills are an absolute must I really hate reopening recruitment threads.

Characters are 20pt buy, all core books (except ARG) allowed, two traits one from the players guide and one of your choice. Do not bother with equipment as you start out wiht none. Other sources may be allowed if can be cited on the pfsrd site but I reserve the right to say no to the shenanigans you attempt to pull.

Characters must have a backstory to go along with their numbers and it is through this that I determine how my groups will be built.

No paladins as the AP expects you to be pirates at some point. Paladin pirates sit ill with me. No you are not a privateer. Privateers are just pirates with a prettier name and a piece of paper calling their actions "legal".

Firearms are slightly more common so gunslingers not from Alkenstar are possible. They are still ludicrously expensive. There are reasons behind this but I will not detail them here.

A note to people building "fun" characters. I'm merciless and this AP hates you. That's two strikes right off the bat. So be warned.

Ultimately my goal is to build a group (or two) of interesting mechanically viable characters with solid players behind them. I've pulled this off once in council of thieves and im looking to make lightning strike twice.

Finally in your submission answer the following questions however you wish.

1.What set of circumstances found you in Port Peril at a tavern having a lively drink anyway?

2.Are you the type who struggles against his chains as they are being put on or waits for an opportune moment to murder the jailer?

3.How do you see your character developing mechanically? Storywise?

4.Be ye a dirty scoundrel who would sell his mothers soul fer a farthing and a pint o' rum or be ye some heroic type who be thinking himself better 'n 'is fellow black hearted bastard?


Recruitment closes in one weeks time or until I feel I have enough to start a group or two.

Dotting for interest. I will post a crunch & background soon.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Will have something up in 3 or four days, (next time off. Assuming a level 1 start? Considering a Cleric of Besmara.

I am working on a background for Captain Rorgrim aka "Ole Codsack". Here is the crunch:

Captain Rorgrim:

Male Dwarf Barbarian 1
CN Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init +4; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +6
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 16 (1d12+3)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1
Defensive Abilities Defensive Training
Spd 30 ft.
Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3+3/20/x2)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Power Attack -1/+2
Traits Besmara's Blessing (1/week), Reactionary
Skills Acrobatics -1, Climb +0, Escape Artist -1, Fly -1, Perception +6, Profession (Sailor) +6, Ride -1, Stealth -1, Survival +5, Swim +4
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ Fast Movement +10 (Ex), Greed, Hardy +2, Hatred, Rage (7 rounds/day) (Ex), Slow and Steady, Stability, Stonecunning +2,
Besmara's Blessing (1/week) Reroll a Profession (sailor) check and take the higher result.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Defensive Training (+4) +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the Giant subtype.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Greed +2 to Appraise checks to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.
Hardy +2 Gain a racial bonus to saves vs Poison, Spells and Spell-Like effects.
Hatred +1 racial bonus to attacks against Orcs and Goblinoids.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rage (7 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Slow and Steady Your base speed is never modified by encumbrance.
Stability +4 to avoid being bull rushed or tripped while standing.
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.

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Dotting. Would a lore warden fighter be alright with you? If not, ill just play a regular fighter

Two thumbs up for Tark - if I was not already in another S&S campaign, you all would have one less slot to compete for.

@Aroach: Lore Warden is fine.

@Captain Rorgrim: Captain rorgrim will be mighty disappointed when he wakes up without his snazzy gear.

Definitely interested. Am thinking about a magus. Will have something more up tomorrow.

Just to let everyone know I am in Tark's CoT and it is a blast. Fun DM and hoping to join another of his campaigns.

TarkXT wrote:
@Captain Rorgrim: Captain rorgrim will be mighty disappointed when he wakes up without his snazzy gear.

I will check it. I am sorry. I was using hero lab. I must have added some gear from non-core sources. I will have no problems getting rid of what is not allowed.

Edit: I looked up the gear. It all appears in the Core and APG Rule Books except the weapon and that is in the Inner Sea Guide. Where you talking about the weapon?

I'm talking about all of it. All the gear. You start with none. I know I said average character wealth before I edited it but the AP starts you off with nothing.

TarkXT wrote:
I'm talking about all of it. All the gear. You start with none. I know I said average character wealth before I edited it but the AP starts you off with nothing.

OK. Sorry...I missed the edit. I will remove the gear!

Dotting to lurk - sounds like a fun time.

Dotting for interest! i'll see what i can come up with

Lol - ya all gonna start out nekkid and tied to oars. Have fun. Oh, wait, you might use the oar as a weapon, so Tark will probably make you paddle with your hands.

I'm feeling a druid for this one. Probably a captain with profession(sailor) out that wazoo. We get to sail ships eventually right? Hmm now I'm thinking I'd need the shackles pirate prestige class so I can sail through the eye like its a clear day. Is it profession(sailor) for directing a ship?

Grand Lodge

hmmm I have an interest with a monk of the empty hand!!! and would you allow an Undine? with the Amphbious Ancestry?

Grand Lodge

Other wise I can just do a Gillman or human

The questions for my druid. He's going to be druid for a bit and may try out some shackles pirate but most likely not. Good old alter winds and such should keep our ship moving fast once we get one. His name is Whyler Durtont(for now).

1.What set of circumstances found you in Port Peril at a tavern having a lively drink anyway?

Well I had just come in from a successful mission ransacking a merchant ship trying to skirt the Eye of course. It was time to celebrate with a drink and most likely a brawl. My pocket was heavy with gold but the bartender didn't want any of that. Maybe he just wants to get in good with one of the richest men in Port Peril?

2.Are you the type who struggles against his chains as they are being put on or waits for an opportune moment to murder the jailer?

Can't I do both. I'll fight like hell to stay free but if anyone ever chains me up they better realize I'm going to come for them some day. And when I find them I'll tie them up and see how they like it. Then if their lucky i'll let them live...If not well I think Jaws( a shark he knows) will be happy with some fresh meat

3.How do you see your character developing mechanically? Storywise?

Well Mechanically I'm hoping I'll be able to one day sail through the Eye. I'd also like to have some fun with wild-shaping into all sorts of aquatic things that usually don't see use. As a druid I can be quite deadly when necessary. I also plan of having a decent amount of wind related spells(possible the weather domain). I would very much like to be the captain or at least pilot of a ship. I'm not entirely sure where this story would go but I know I could respond with character changes if something moves me. I enjoy a living character that changes based on what you throw at us.

4.Be ye a dirty scoundrel who would sell his mothers soul fer a farthing and a pint o' rum or be ye some heroic type who be thinking himself better 'n 'is fellow black hearted bastard?

I sure hope I'd get a better deal that that for my mother. She packs a mean left hook and could probably make more than that if I forced her to fight in the arena. In fact thats a dang good idea. Mom get the hell in here, and bring your armor I feel like having steak for dinner tonight!


Hoist sails, port to Starboard, Pull in the jig. rudder full left, (other nautical terms that I as a person have no effing clue about but would gladly research if given a place in this game). Then I'll go cast alter winds to make us move faster than the dumb horn wearing vikings. If they keep pace well then. Reverse rudder! Hoist the ramming sail! Lower the jaws of death! WERE GOING TO RAM THE BLONDE HAIRED BASTARDS RIGHT WHERE IT HURTS MOST!!!! Then proceed to rain medium to long range spells on the fools until then run for it or we sack their pathetic little ship and take them for all their worth.

Human archaeologist (bard variant) hoping to explore the cyclopean ruins and getting more than he bargained for.

Ausk Beastcall the half-orc, Ranger/ beast master

.What set of circumstances found you in Port Peril at a tavern having a lively drink anyway?

-After traveling from the port of Ilizmagorti and still having his health, he decided to celebrate with a few drinks too many might I add. At the Formidably Maid after noticing that the other quests were not very receptive to his arrival once drunk he decided to find somewhere more acceptable and safe to sleep the night only to become unconscious after a few blows to the head.

2.Are you the type who struggles against his chains as they are being put on or waits for an opportune moment to murder the jailer?

-He is quite the type to wait for a good moment to pierce the heart of his jailer, who knows maybe he will respectfully eat said heart show that half orc or not, somethings are not meant to be chained.

3.How do you see your character developing mechanically? Storywise?

-Hopefully he can move decently through with a bit of swaying to and fro with the waves to make changes as needs fit to get to the top of the food chain besides the assistance of wild life and providing range or melee support.

4.Be ye a dirty scoundrel who would sell his mothers soul fer a farthing and a pint o' rum or be ye some heroic type who be thinking himself better 'n 'is fellow black hearted bastard?

-Do you have to pick either one. I mean really who says ye cant just look out for yourself and raise to the top, either through showing that your better or seller. which ever is quicker and easier right?


- Well At first he will attempt shots with his bow, fire or not. Then once the boarding commences hopefully with a two handed weapon begin smashing or slashing to and fro with glee and might. Maybe with the assistance of some type of animal Who knows maybe a bird of prey drops a little alchemists fire here and there.

How do you feel about a Goblin? I think it could fit the theme rather well, and while they tend to be a bit zaney, I think that a Goblin Rogue would be fantastic.

@Critizible: Undine's are okay though you'd need a compelling story to go along with the concept.

@Vhalas: Goblins are okay.

Dotting for interest. Gyarr.

Character I submitted for another Skull & Shackles game where the GM disappeared about 20 posts in.

1.What set of circumstances found you in Port Peril at a tavern having a lively drink anyway?:

Having just stolen a good chunk of change from her father, off about to begin her own pirate legend, and decided to have a little party first.

2.Are you the type who struggles against his chains as they are being put on or waits for an opportune moment to murder the jailer?:

A bit lippy at first, but cautious enough not to get her throat slit first.

3.How do you see your character developing mechanically? Storywise?:

Mechanically not too certain where to go with it. I tend to adapt the leveling to what happens to the character.

Story-wise, I'd say going for a first mate or navigator feel. I don't see her as taking charge of a full crew, but rather assisting a captain type. Though I do see her being the one to rally a mutiny if the captain's failing.

4.Be ye a dirty scoundrel who would sell his mothers soul fer a farthing and a pint o' rum or be ye some heroic type who be thinking himself better 'n 'is fellow black hearted bastard?:

Loyalty to the crew, everyone else is fair game, as long as you don't violate the pirate code.


Stand towards the rear, provide ranged support as needed. Anyone goes overboard, aid as able.

TarkXT said wrote:

Yarr! We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill;

we come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, men.

Since goblin seems to be ok, how would you feel about Vanara for my druid?

Posting interest right now. I'll likely go for either a Pisolero Gunslinger that offsets the cost of firearms and ammo by using melee weapons as well, or a tossup between a ninja or some Rogue archetype.

Is there any requirement about alignment? Anything but evil, or is that out the window too?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Kobe is an Alchemist with a peg leg and hasn't left shore since "the accident" that cost him his leg.

1.What set of circumstances found you in Port Peril at a tavern having a lively drink anyway?

Can't a man hang out in his favorite tavern in his home town? I need a stiff drink on a daily basis to help me forgot that damn shark. Doctor's orders.

2.Are you the type who struggles against his chains as they are being put on or waits for an opportune moment to murder the jailer?

Patience is a virtue. Besides, they'll never check the hidden compartment in my wooden leg.

3.How do you see your character developing mechanically? Storywise?

Being an Alchemist, and a Vivisectionist+Beastmorph at that, Kobe will become a more and more capable melee combatant as time goes on. He'll focus on the natural weapons granted by form, which will be a shark-like humanoid. Perhaps pick up Master Chymist along the way.
As for story, I'd like him to get over his fear of sharks and his reluctance to be on the ocean. He'll probably end up as the ship's surgeon, or at least the harsher, methodical version of that. I see him more as the advisor type. He also fashions himself a business man.

4.Be ye a dirty scoundrel who would sell his mothers soul fer a farthing and a pint o' rum or be ye some heroic type who be thinking himself better 'n 'is fellow black hearted bastard?

To sell my mother I would have to know where to find her. As for being heroic, not so much. Kobe is motivated by self preservation, greed and, perhaps in time, friendship.


Are they here to buy or to sell? Never turn down a business opportunity. If they are hostile we just might have to tear their heads from their rumps, maybe then they'll reconsider.

Grand Lodge

Should be able to post my character, answers concepts and all either tonight or tomorrow

1.)Tevyn de Fonseca a Wind Elemental Sorceror originally from Pezzack in Cheliax and on a trip to Westcrown to buy new equipment for his family's farm was pressganged into the Chelaxian Navy at the age of 13 because they needed a cabin boy. The shanghai was perpetuated by a beautiful Lieutenant Lemara Sarini of said navy and powerful houses in Cheliax by getting the boy really drunk. While serving in the navy, he learned the profession of sailing and bided his time until they trusted him well enough and he could seek a form of escape from his ship. He concealed his sorcerous ways from his fellow sailors so that he can eventually seek his freedom.

He finally found his chance when the Chelaxian Navy was sent to broker a deal between the Hurricane king and Cheliax. His Commodore went ashore met with a high ranking representative of the Hurricane King and seemed pleased. His ship left port at night and Tevyn jumped ship with his pay and ended up in the tavern to get some food and plot his next move.

2.) After being pressganged and losing 2 years of his life and gaining news that his mother had passed away whilst in the Navy, Tevyn will use his arcane powers to escape at all costs or at least he feels he can get away.

3.)With his current skill set as a sailor and sorceror he would be a very capable member of any crew and could be an overall problem solver.

4.)He would do almost anything for someone he cared about but now since he has nothing left he would start off doing anything for a farthing or haypenny but if he develops a relationship he could become a hero.

5.) Start off with some magic attacks but if things gets thick he has no qualms about getting his hands dirty.

I would play him as a sorceror/buccaneer who would but closer to a sorceror because thats who he is.

I am finishing preparations to run my local PFS friends through Carrion Hill Part One tonight. I will try to finish my background late tonight our tomorrow. I want to do some research so I don't just throw something together. I am very interested in this campaign with you running it.

Liberty's Edge

Hmm, ARG's not allowed? That's a shame, been wanting to play a Watersinger Undine Bard ever since I saw it.

Definately interested! I'll take a look through everything and see what else catches my eye- I've been looking for a Skull And Shackles game since I got the first book, great looking AP. Unfortunately, Myth-Weavers doesn't seem to run any Pathfinder APs except for Rise of the Runelords, lol.

Grand Lodge

Finished my lore warden, backstory in alias

1.What set of circumstances found you in Port Peril at a tavern having a lively drink anyway?

"Well thats a good question. All of my society friends had been cut down by marauders not far from here, so I decided to stop in, and have a drink at my favorite old tavern."

2.Are you the type who struggles against his chains as they are being put on or waits for an opportune moment to murder the jailer?

"They can tie me up all they want, but that jailer will never know what hit him when he wakes up in whatever plane his souls goes to after he is done here."

3.How do you see your character developing mechanically? Storywise?

"You see, I have developed quite the sword arm over the past year or so, that remains an option. I also tend to be quite, trippy, in battle, if you catch my drift. If we ever get a ship, I don't see myself as a captian honestly, and especially not a pilot. I could be the first mate, advising the captian with my , extensinve collection of skills and knowledge."

4.Be ye a dirty scoundrel who would sell his mothers soul fer a farthing and a pint o' rum or be ye some heroic type who be thinking himself better 'n 'is fellow black hearted bastard?

"How dare ye talk about my mother like that! I oughtta put you on the ground right here! I would hope i'm better than some of these disgraces I see around here, some of them cannot even keep a pint of rum down without spilling guts all over the place! "


"What's with the shouting, i'm right here in front of you? Anyways, Vikings you say? Souless weasels, they are. They might be tough, but they have one major weakness. They tend to be dumber than that very chair ye be sittin' in. A simple ship manuver oughtta throw them off fairly well. If they get close, board the ship, try to push them around, preferably overboard if you can, otherwise, i'll stuff their guts full of my razor sharp cutlass, that is, if I still had it....

TarkXT wrote:

1.What set of circumstances found you in Port Peril at a tavern having a lively drink anyway?

2.Are you the type who struggles against his chains as they are being put on or waits for an opportune moment to murder the jailer?

3.How do you see your character developing mechanically? Storywise?

4.Be ye a dirty scoundrel who would sell his mothers soul fer a farthing and a pint o' rum or be ye some heroic type who be thinking himself better 'n 'is fellow black hearted bastard?


1. (See my history for details of my fear of fire and my wanting to be near water in genral will make sense.) Just coming back from a long expedition or voyage, or perhaps on a layover during the journey, I just stopped in for a bite and tankard.

2. Chains would cramp my outdoors lifestyle. I'd wait for an opportunity to escape using murder as a last resort. Heed my words, one way or another, I will be free!

3. Mechanically, I will remain a Druid. I prefer not to have a pet as I think it defeats the purpose of wildshaping so it's a Domain for my Nature Bond.
Storywise, some rough and tumble hijinx with a dash of comedy, when not in danger of burning to death of course. Then it might be a mild fear turning to sheer panic :). I'd like to eventually overcome the fear, but if I get into a situation where I might be forced to use fire, that would be interesting.

4. Aye, I be more'n heroic on me worst o' days! Better'n me fellow black-hearted bastard swabs to be sure! I can be yers for the right coin if yer ship can handle the likes o' me.

5. "Hard to port! Ramming Speed! I wanna' see their beards when me prow turns their bowels to water!"
"Is that fire they be puttin' to their weapons? Starboard 180 degrees and hoist the sails! Whip the oarsmen till their backs be redder'n last night's snapper gruel! I'll have more speed or it's the locker to the lot of ye!"

This is my basic guy, I will have more on him shortly.

dotting, maybe a female human rouge nympho, wait what?

Kobe is finished, including background.

Kobe was born in Riddleport to a Varisian carpenter and a travelling Keleshite belly dancer who left the family when Kobe was four years old. It was only a few weeks after his little sister's first birthday that she packed up and left to join a Varisian caravan, unhappy living in one place for so long.

Kobe and his sister, Sahba, were raised by his father after their mother left. Kobe was trained to be a carpenter, like his dad, from the moment he could hold a hammer. Meanwhile his sister left their house at the age of five to live with one of Riddleport's noble families and be raised as best friend and assistant to their eldest daughter.

When Kobe was only thirteen years old he got gripped by the same wanderlust that afflicted his mother. Without much though he signed up as a junior shipwright at the first ship that would have him, leaving his father nothing but a note saying he would be back in a year. As it turned out he wouldn't be able to make true on this promise as the ship he signed onto would be out on sea for years as they restocked from the ships they plundered. To his own surprise he had landed himself on a pirate vessel.

At first Kobe had problems adjusting, but the kindness of his otherwise stern mentor helped him through. Together they would keep the ship in shape, often making repairs while the ship laid anchored along some smile isle. It was during such a repair that disaster struck when a shark tore off Kobe's left foot and part of his leg. If it wasn't for his mentor's quick action, pulling Kobe over and pressing the bleeding stump into the boiling tar used to repair the ship, that saved him from bleeding out. Later the ship's surgeon removed the remains of his leg below the knee while his mentor crafted a beautiful wooden pegleg for him.

It was several years later, when Kobe had passed his nineteenth birthday, that they landed in Port Peril for a longer time. It was there that Kobe left the ship, swearing to never go on an ocean faring vessel ever again. Instead he used his share of the loot to open up a small carpentry shop with a room above it. Business however was slow and he did not sell much beyond the occasional peg leg or prosthetic. It was this dry spell that convinced him to take his drinking habit into a cheaper mode as he started distilling his own liquor. Soon his gin, rum and whiskey became know around the part of the city where he lived and he was actually making money off of it.

Years later, Kobe had managed to buy himself a small factory, he got a visitor from the past: his old mentor. The crew of his old ship had landed in Port Peril again and the crew had heard of his success as a distiller so he came to buy some booze. He also came bearing a gift: a pickled shark, caught around where Kobe lost his leg. No one could ensure him this was the exact shark, but it was close enough.

Initially Kobe decided he would take vengeance on the shark and beat it to death with his peg leg but after a night of drinking he chose a different approach. he dissected the shark, studying it and learning all he could about this hated enemy.

Over the years that followed the sales of his liquor continued to provide Kobe with enough money to live from and to finance his new hobby of dissecting animals, preferably aquatic ones.

All these years he always came to the same tavern, the Formidable Maid. There he drank cheap in exchange for a discount on his liquor. He played cards or dice with friends there. This night however his friends stood him up and Kobe had a little too much to drink.

I am interested will work on a character

1.What set of circumstances found you in Port Peril at a tavern having a lively drink anyway?

Kavar was looking to make a name for himself as well as sign on a decent pirate ship. See background for more details.

2.Are you the type who struggles against his chains as they are being put on or waits for an opportune moment to murder the jailer?

Trying to break your chains will only make them all the tighter and draw more attention. Waiting and learning of your would be jailers is best, then you can make your move. What the nature of that move is depends on the jailers.

3.How do you see your character developing mechanically? Storywise?

Mechanically he will remain a single class fighter, that will try to keep a balance of offense and defense with consideration to the setting. Planning gear selections later in the game like mithral armor and armor of the deep enchantments etc etc. Storywise he wants to learn and find out what type of pirate captian he will/should be. He wants to be a legend, a pirate fleet comander, and force on the sea's.

4.Be ye a dirty scoundrel who would sell his mothers soul fer a farthing and a pint o' rum or be ye some heroic type who be thinking himself better 'n 'is fellow black hearted bastard?

Kavar is honorable when its wise, he is merciless when its called for, and he is above all a realist. He will seek to take advantage of everything he can while keeping his bases covered. He needs a reason for everything, acts of kindness or cruelity are no exceptions.


Prepare for a fight but dont start one unless their easy prey, carrying alot of plunder, or they do something foolish. Fighting without reason or profit is pointless.

My Background is up and I think he is done. How are you doing hp?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Will have my Cleric of Besmara up in a day or so.

All right here is Whyler Durton, Half-elf Pirate captain to be and one hell of a pilot.


Whyler Durtont Male Half-Elf Storm Druid 1
True Neutral
Besmara's Blessing: +1 bonus Perception and prof(sailor) 1/week reroll prof(sailor)
Elven Reflexes: +2 Initiative

S:12 (12) 2 points
D:14 (14) 5 points
C:14 (14) 5 points
W:18 (16+2) 10 points
I:12 (12) 2 points
C:7 (8) -4 points

BAB: +0
AC:12 10+2(dex)
Ini:6 +2+4(feat)+2(trait)
CMB:1 1+0
CMD:15 10+1+4

Fort:4 2+2
Refl:2 0+2
Will:6 2+4

5/level +1/level favored class
0Fly: No ranks Maybe later
0Heal:8----- +1+4+3
0Know(geo):5---- +1+1+3
0Know(nat):7---- +1+1+3 +2(class)
0Perception:11--- +1+4+3 +2(racial)+1(trait)
0Prof(sailor):12--- +1+4+3 +1(trait)+3(feat)
Sense Motive:
0Survival:10---- +1+4+3 +2(class)

Racial:Skill Focus(prof(sailor))
1:Improved Initiative

Abilities: Low-Light Vision, Immune magical sleep
Spontaneous Domain Casting: Cast domain spell insetad of equal or higher level spell
---Wind Blast: Standard 30ft line Bull rush CMB=1+wis=5 3+wis=7/day
Wild Empathy:1d20+1-1

Equipment:None, I done got punk'd

Languages:Common, Druidic, Auran

Spells:likely to change/not be prepared when we start game because of the circumstances
0th:3:Create Water, Guidance, Resistance

1st:1/day +1 bonus +1 domain
D--Whispering Wind
Produce Flame


Whyler was born on the open ocean. The moon was full that fate-full night and by it's light a storm could be seen brewing in the east. The crew tried to avoid it but it hunted them down. In the dead of night the ship was tossed and turned and thrown about like a little toy. At the helm stood Whylers mother fresh out of childbirth her newborn son suckling as she faced the storm with determination in her eyes. She was bat-s~*% crazy and tough as hell to boot. Victory was assured as the sun finally rose bringing with it calm waters. Throughout the night Whyler had not cried or made a fuss. He just sat in his mothers arms as she shouted orders to her crew and manned the wheel.

His mother was a brutish Human woman with a bitter personality and an even worse appearance. How she charmed his father, a slight elf who served as the ships doctor, into bed is a subject best left alone, least you incur her wrath. Perhaps the good doctor was enamored with her incredible endurance and ability to recuperate, maybe they were both just drunk, no one still alive truly knows. Whyler inherited much from his mother, her fine looks, her wonderful personality, and most importantly, her skill at the helm. Unfortunately for him his father "blessed" him with a lithe frame and a failing constitution (at least compared to his burly mother).

By the time he was 10 he knew the ins and outs of his mother ship and was allowed to pilot and navigate in hopes he would one day surpass even his mother at the helm. He was taught to fight as well but here he failed to impress his mother. She was a warrior, a force to be reckoned with in straight forward battle. Whyler was more intuitive he would often run around the ship attempting to gain higher ground and cover from his frustrated sparring partner. It was during one of these sessions when Whyler was cornered by a very pissed off partner. Fearing that his jokes and evasion would now culminate in pain he wished the person would leave him alone. Suddenly a burst of wind erupted from his hands, thinking quickly he brought it to bear on his aggressor blowing him overboard.

His mother was intrigued by his new discovery. The fact that her son could create wind was a boon far greater than any warriors blade. She put her efforts into finding him a proper spiritual teacher and left his skill at arms to his own motivation. Whyler's teacher, a dwarf with a extreme lack of patience, whipped Whyler into shape in no time as they sailed the oceans stealing and plundering as pirates always do.

On the eve of his 24th birthday he was officially made first-mate by a his very proud mother. It was a full moon that night and to the east a storm could be seen brewing. His mother and the crew did their best to avoid it but much the same as the night of his birth the storm was in hot pursuit. Throughout the night the storm tossed and threw the ship about. His mother had 24 years under her belt since the last time she had dealt with a storm this size and humans have a habit of growing old. As a particularly ominous wave swelled on the starboard side she did her best to avoid it properly but as the wheel spun uncontrollably it caught her on the chin knocking her unconscious. Upon seeing this Whyler rushed for the helm standing over his bleeding mothers body he snatched the wheel and guided the ship up the face of the wave narrowly avoiding disaster.

As dawn arrived the ship had stood its ground and survived thanks to Whyler and his wise and proficient piloting. His father was called to see after his mother and despite lots of damage and a few lost crew there were no large losses. After his mother recuperated she brought Whyler on a looting spree as a proper birthday present and thanks for saving her ship and livelihood. After getting their fill of treasure and violence Whyler asked to be dropped at Port Peril in the hopes of finding his own ship to create a proper fleet. It was here that he discovered a great bar where the drinks were apparently free...

Are you boys done gawping? Let's push off already, the seas call!

1.What set of circumstances found you in Port Peril at a tavern having a lively drink anyway?

Oh, I was bored, you know. The odd jobs I've been doing aren't really exciting at all. The taverns tell such great tales, life on the high seas and all that! I was hoping to find myself a ship to live on, some freedom to live with, and an adventure to stake my life on.

2.Are you the type who struggles against his chains as they are being put on or waits for an opportune moment to murder the jailer?

What kind of foolish question is that? Anyone who gets caught deserves their chains. Freedom or death, I'd say- and freedom is only a quick dip in the sea away. I've yet to see the man who can catch me underwater; hell, most of them don't even know how to do the breaststroke!

3.How do you see your character developing mechanically? Storywise?

Unira will be levelling Cleric and Flowing Monk equally, as currently planned. Focusing heavily on her ability to use Hydraulic Push and her Surge ability is central to the character- I'll be taking Domain Strike at third level to mix it in with normal attacks. If the ARG ever becomes open, I'd like to take a pair of feats from there for the amphibious quality and the ability to make hydraulic push (and presumably Surge) also able to disarm and trip my opponents.

Storywise, she won't be aiming for a leadership role onboard ship. She's content with the freedom of the pirate's life and the adventure of it all, and needs little else. She'll be always up for a new twist in the adventure and disdain anything that limits her freedoms. In time, she might find the pirates who kidnapped her parents (whom these might be can be left to the GM to work in the story if desired).

4.Be ye a dirty scoundrel who would sell his mothers soul fer a farthing and a pint o' rum or be ye some heroic type who be thinking himself better 'n 'is fellow black hearted bastard?

Hmph, trying to put labels on me? I'll do whatever I please, when I please. People like you just try to put people in categories, good and bad, trying to establish control. I go where the wind and Besmara take me, and do what feels right at the time.


*You hear a splash, shortly followed by the sounds of half a dozen vikings falling from the ship to either side, screaming. Unira climbs back aboard the ship, nude and dripping wet as she shakes her hair dry* Loud and dirty old men, I thought they needed a bath.

Character details in the profile as for the questions

1.What set of circumstances found you in Port Peril at a tavern having a lively drink anyway?
Having been fired from her last Tavern, for seeking the life at sea, she came here and using her coins from her jobs, fought for more as well as asking for a chance to finally be at sea

2.Are you the type who struggles against his chains as they are being put on or waits for an opportune moment to murder the jailer?
[b] the wieght of the chain, and the struggle of it is a feeble waist, sooner or later an oppurtunity araises and the jailor will never see it coming as i silently end his life with nothing but the hands Gozreh gave me and the chain the jailor thought my cage

3.How do you see your character developing mechanically? Storywise?

Mechanically I see Sweet Water becoming the ship to ship raider, and advanced scout as well as the cook, I want to maximize the improvised weapons, and maybe a little grappling, with maybe boosts to her agility Gonna try to keep her a monk as long a possible possibly branching into Assassin, or Rogue.

Storywise i see her becoming a strong quiet type quick to kill and nevr hesitent to obey her fellow mutineers. She also has no problem doing the dirty work often killing quietly, poisoning food, etc. Also i see her a Mistress of the kitchen as she can control it far better than any other aspect of the ship, as well as have decent time alone.

4.Be ye a dirty scoundrel who would sell his mothers soul fer a farthing and a pint o' rum or be ye some heroic type who be thinking himself better 'n 'is fellow black hearted bastard?

She would gladly sell her vile mother and her whole tribe, as they gave her the horrid world before her, but not for rum, but for just sheer money and the joy of seeing them suffer like her self


She sees the heavily armored sailors and quickly gets the ship to turn about. She quickly organizes the sailors, the crossbow men, and javlins hurlers, behind the boarders as she lets the Vikings come, any wizards shoot off spells as she than springs leaping across and siezing what ever she can to fell the brutes, once subdued, she gives them the choice Join them or slavery, if they refuse she takes the first one and flings her self and him off the ship tiesing him to the anchor and waits as she asks again above the water line, most fall in line not wanting to drown a cowards death

I spent about four hours writing this guy up Tark. I first thought of a Goblin Rogue, then a Goblin Alchemist, and then finally I though, hey! Every good pirate move always seems to have a first mate that looks like he's Maori (think Queequeg from Moby Dick) with sort of a blend of civilized behavior and savagery, and that’s what led me to Mumbata, a Mwangi sailor turned slave. I had a great time writing him, so I hope you enjoy!

History of Mumbata:

Mumbata was born in the along the coast of the Mwangi jungle as a member of a Bonuwat tribe and like most children of the Bonuwat he was born and raised on the water. From an early age Mumbata learned the intricacies of knot work, tacking of sail’s, helping his father bring in fish and navigating treacherous coastal waters. Profession (sailor) By the time Mumbata was fourteen he had constructed his first catamaran and when Mumbata turned sixteen he proved he was ready to join his tribe as an adult when he raced his catamaran threw Besmara’s fingers during the height of the summer monsoons Besmara’s Blessing.

The defining moment in young Mumbata’s life came just weeks after his rite of adulthood. While plying the waters of the local fishing grounds a terrible storm blew up, unforeseen by his tribe’s shaman. Mumbata was caught in the fringes of the monstrous typhoon, his catamaran crushed and Mumbata cast adrift onto the high seas. For three days Mumbata clung to the wreckage of his craft, sure he was going to die, yet refusing to give into despair Iron Will. Finally on the fourth day, tired, battered and near death, the storm broke and Mumbata could just make out a large galley in the distance before he finally succumbed to unconsciousness.

When Mumbata awoke, he found himself on the deck of the Larcenous Ifrit a slave galley based out of Katapesh. Mumbata was quickly chained to an oar and forced to row under the loving ministrations of the Ifrit slave master. Where most men would quickly perish under such cruel and debased treatments, Mumbata became strong and tough under the constant rowing and ceaseless labor Strength 18 / Constitution 14 . Occasionally the ships masters would force the slaves to fight each other for their amusement, and though Mumbata hated every moment of it, he found to his surprise that the months of constant rowing had made his fists and forearms as hard as aged driftwood Improved Unarmed Strike.

The below decks of the Ifrit were a hellish place, full of suffering and pain. After each fight, Mumbata would be brought to the ships chirurgeon to be patched up and healed before being sent out to fight again. It was during this time that the cirurgeon, a man named Ali Al’Zahrid took pity on Mumbata. During each visit to the cirurgeon, Ali would explain to Mumbata how he was making the potions and salves. What began as a way for Mumbata to take his mind of the pain of his wounds eventually became a budding education into to the science of Alchemy Alchemist 1.

As Mumbata’s alchemical education grew following each fight, he began to create a plan to escape from the Ifirit. Aided by the advice from his rowing partner, an aged bandit Bandit: Stealth and Disable Device Mumbata began to slowly pilfer the alchemical components he needed to concoct a powerful acid in order weaken his chains. A few weeks ago as the Larcenous Ifrit was moored off of Port Peril, Mumbata choose his moment to strike. While the galley was at anchor and mid watch was set Mumbata quickly poured the acid into the lock and freed his chains. Using stealth he quickly crept above deck and before the watch noticed, he had slipped down the anchor chain and begun his swim to shore.

Since arriving at Port Peril Mumbata has reunited himself with the local Bonuwat tribes and begun to slowly acclimate himself to life in the city. Thanks to his hard gained knowledge in Alchemy, Mumbata has started to act as a local medicine man to the local tribes, healing the sick and wounded with his potions. In celebration of his new found freedom Mumbata decided to go to a local tavern named the Formidably Maid for a drink.

Submission Questions:

1.What set of circumstances found you in Port Peril at a tavern having a lively drink anyway?

Please see character history.

2.Are you the type who struggles against his chains as they are being put on or waits for an opportune moment to murder the jailer?

Even when Mumbata escaped from slavery aboard the Larcenous Ifrit he did his best to not hurt anyone. I think Mumbat takes the third route; he will wait for the opportunity to escape once his jailers believe he is “pacified”

3.How do you see your character developing mechanically? Storywise?

I purposefully left a lot of story hooks in my story, from the Alchemist Ali Al’Zahrid and the Larcenous Ifrit to Mumbatas connections with the local Mwangi tribes of Port Peril. As far as advancement goes, I see Mumbata progressing with the Vivisectionist and Chirugeon archetypes and going Feral Mutagen route. I don’t see Mumbata as multi classing at any point, though I could see him building towards the Master Chymst route.

4.Be ye a dirty scoundrel who would sell his mothers soul fer a farthing and a pint o' rum or be ye some heroic type who be thinking himself better 'n 'is fellow black hearted bastard?

Mumbata has been under the yoke of slavery, he’s not above some moral grey areas, however he could never see himself placing shackles on another being.


Heave jah to! Up and arm. Let da’ know the strength of dur blade!


Mumbata of Bonuwat CR1/2
Male Human Mwangi Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 1
Male Medium Humanoid (Human, Mwangi)
Init+ 1; Perception +6

AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 10
hp 13 (1d8)
Fort +4, Reflex +4, Will +3

Spd 30 ft.
Melee Fist +4 (1d3+4/20/x2) and
Sneak Attack 1d6

Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats: Armor Proficency (Light), Simple Weapon Proficiency, Iron Will, Improved Unarmed Strike
Traits: Bandit, Besmara's Blessing.

Climb +4 Disable Device +5, Knowledge (nature) +6, Knowledge (arcane) +6, Perception +6, Profession (sailor) +6, Swim +4, Stealth +6

Languages: Common, Polygot, Aquan

Heart of the Wilderness: +1 to survival checks, +5 to Constitution checks to stabilize when dying, +1 to Constitution score for negative hit points nessary to kill.
Improved Unarmed Strike: You are considered to be armed even when unarmed.
Iron Will: +2 bonus on all Will saving thows.
Sneak Attack: 1d6 damage to target denied a Dex bonus to AC, or flanked
Alchemey: See AGP page 26
Brew Potion: You can create a potion of any 3rd level or lower spell that you know that targets one or more creatures.
Mutagen: +4 to Str, +2 Natural Armor, -2 Int for 10 minuets.
Thow Anything: You do not suffer any penalties for using and improvised ranged weapon.

Extracts Known:
Level 1: 4
Cure Light Wounds
Enlarge Person
Touch of the Sea

Extracts Prepared:
Level 1: 2
Enlarge Person
Cure Light Wounds



Just got home for running my tabletop game. I will get working on my back story and questions tomorrow after work.

Just got in after a weeks vacation - will be posting a character, very interested.

Decided against a Pistolero in favor of a regular Gunslinger.


Name: Icero Atmor
Race: Human
Class: Gunslinger 1
Gender: Male
Size: Medium
Age: 20
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Diety: Besmara
Location: Shackles
Languages: Common
Occupation: Pirate

str 10 +0
dex 18 +4
con 13 +1
wis 14 +2
int 10 +0
cha 12 +1

The great thing that about being the son of a famous pirate lord is that mentioning your name earns instant respect, though likely less now that he's gone. The bad thing about being the son of a famous pirate lord is that it's harder to earn respect on your own, because of being overshadowed by the memory of your father. Icer Atmor has been running into that problem for the last few months, as that's how long he's been without a ship.

For as long as he could remember, Icero and his father Rayick shared two passions: sailing for profit and firearms. He was born in Drenchport, and thus had plenty of reason to want to leave home for a life at sail. As soon as he was old enough, his father began taking him on voyages and teaching him to shoot. As the years went by, Icero proved to be a capable sailor and an accomplished marksman. To avoid any claims of favortism, Icero's post on the ship was kept well below what he deserved, knowing that he had no potential for advancement, Icero began looking for another ship to sail on. No one would take him, however, as most captains either doubted his credentials, or felt that taking on Icero would mean answering to Rayick.

It was while he was looking for a new ship to sail on that Icero learned that his father had sailed into the Eye, claiming that he would conquer it where others had failed. Icero doesn't know what would possess him to do such a thing, as his father has always been level headed and clever. If he ever get's the chance, he would like to try his hand at the Eye. Icero has no illusions that he will make it in and find his father alive, he believes it to be a suicide mission. Even so, he thinks he owes it to his mother to bring his father's body back to Drenchport.

Combat stats:

Perception +6
Initiative +6

-Fortitude +3
-Reflex +6
-Will +2

AC/Flatfoot AC 14/10
Touch AC 14

CMB +1
CMD 15

Hit Points: 11
BAB +1
Attack bonus: +4
Speed 30


Acrobatics +8 (1 rank)
Intimidate +6 (1 rank)
Craft: Alchemy +4 (1 rank)
Perception +6 (1 rank)
Profession (Sailor) +7 (1 rank)

Feats and Traits:

Buccaneer's Blood: +1 to Intimidate and Profession (Sailor) Checks, one time +1 bonus to Disrepute and Infamy scores
Reactionary: +2 initiative

Race Abilities:
Bonus Feat: one extra feat at first level
Skilled: one extra skill rank per level

Class Abilities:
Gunsmith: Can create guns, ammunition and repair firearms
Grit: used to perform deeds
Deeds: extra abilities that a gunslinger can call on

Rapid Reload: reloading is a move action for a pistol or standard action for a rifle
Weapon Finesse: use dex instead of str for attack with certain weapons


Grit: 2/2

Deadeye: use 1 grit per range increment to strike against touch ac, -2 penalty per range increment
Gunslinger's Dodge: use 1 grit to move 5 feet as an immediate action, provokes attack of opportunity
Quick Clear: remove brocken condition from a firearm as a standard action, or spend 1 grit to do it as a move action


Not a darn thing

1.What set of circumstances found you in Port Peril at a tavern having a lively drink anyway?

Drowning his sorrows. He'd been in Port Peril for a few weeks, as he looked for a ship to join, and earlier that day he recieved a letter from home saying that his father had sailed off into the Eye a week before. Icero knew it was too late to try and stop him, and he didn't have a crew to help him anyway, so he just figured that he would mourn his father in a tavern.

2.Are you the type who struggles against his chains as they are being put on or waits for an opportune moment to murder the jailer?

Definately the opportune moment. Being a marksman on a ship means being both quick and patient. He learned to wait with baited breath as the shot lined up, and then to quickly fire when the chance arose, because it would only be available for a fleeting moment. That is how he has learned to approach life in general.

3.How do you see your character developing mechanically? Storywise?

As far as mechanics go, I think he'll be a fairly standard gunslinger, though the cost of ammo and guns will cause him to carry a melee weapon or two as a backup. He might deviate a little more by fighting with both instead of using the sword as a backup. At a certain point, I can see him with a sword, and two or three pistols, in case one misfires in combat. Storywise, he is starting out with little more than his name, and wants to develop into the kind of pirate that would make his father proud, up to and including the impossible: sailing into, and back out of, the Eye of Abendego.

4.Be ye a dirty scoundrel who would sell his mothers soul fer a farthing and a pint o' rum or be ye some heroic type who be thinking himself better 'n 'is fellow black hearted bastard?

I can see Icero being similar to Will Turner from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies: he will do whatever he has to to achieve his ends, but those ends are almost always centered on doing right by the people he cares about. So he's baiscally as heroic as ever an unrepentant pirate was.


That would depend on what he has at the time. If he's unarmed, he'll man the biggest cannon he can find make the enemy regret that they crossed paths with the ship that carried Icero Atmor. If he had his father's custom made long musket with a telescopic sight, he would take out the most important looking foes (the one at the wheel, the one with the snazzy hat, etc.) from extreme range. If he has his cutlass and pistol, then he swings across with as many men as he can convince and tries to capture the ship for his captain.

Keep em coming I'm consolidating the entries to see what classes and roles haven't really been touched.

I'm working up a 1/2 Orc Oracle Waves Mysteries.

Oh, and I'm not a deck-hand, I'm the cook.

Background and questions shortly

dotting for interest. will post up concept and such after work today.

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