Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Pathfinder Society GM. 167 posts (256 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 61 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.
Jabba, it doesn't seem like I can PM you for some reason- do you have it turned off? I've been looking for a bolida/vlaka boon since they came out. As far as SFS boons go, I have:
Nanite Corruption
Universal Explorer
Lone Agent
Season 1 Explorer
Rabid Fan Base
Temporal Anomaly
Public Relations Specialist
Broad Arc Upgrade
Mystical Weapons System
Possessed Augmentation
Light Spore Torpedo Launcher
Mining Laser Upgrade
Free Captains Affiliation
Relics of Lost Golarion
Inside Manufacturer
Any of those interest you? Also got a pile of PF1 boons if you're interested in those.
I've been playing a board in pf2, a strength-based variety though. Out of combat I typically am maintaining a spell with inspire courage for my exploration tactic, and aiding via inspire competence. As a human, I currently have +17 to aid at level 3, which helps skills a lot.
In combat, at level 1+2 I either used Shield +attacked with my longspear (possibly with True Strike cast as well) or cast a spell like Telekinetic Projectile while using the third action to inspire. Once lingering works, wade into combat directly.
At level 3, I picked up Summon Fey, and have gotten a ton of use from Grigs. An additional body to take hits and benefit from inspire, and with glitterdust and fiddle to boot.
Particularly I would suggest focusing on spell casting if you don't have a particular concept in mind. Your cantrips will be as good or better than a weapon from what I've seen, especially if you grab access to non-occult ones through your race
Yup, I'dve loved to give this a go, but with current schedules and lack of games, I'd only have the opportunity to play one tommorow night and then in another two weeks.. I'm unlikely to have any ability to try the new classes, unfortunately.
So another problem I see with this system, and that nobody seems to have mentioned yet, is chronicle fishing. What's to stop people from using certain games to get access to something that would make their character work better/be more on theme? I understand that we can buy boons via playing, but if chronicles themselves have access to these options it'd be impossible to stop fishing.
Hello everyone! Looking to whittle down my mountain of PF1 boons since I likely won't be making any more characters for it and exchanging them for SFS boons. If you see anything you want, let me know!
Adopted Weapon Training
Against the Grain
Against the Consortium
Alchemical Efficiency
Alchemical Versatility
Aspis Slayer
Brutal Reputation
Custom Order
Debt to Society
Elemental Ancestry (Water)/Paragon of the Society
Elemental Ancestry (Earth)/Paragon of the Society
Elemental Blast x2
Elemental Slayer
Emotional Aura
Expanded Narrative
Fighting Off Corruption (Lycanthropy)
Grown To Explore (Vine Leshy)
Hypnotic Therapy
Ley Line Access
Ley Line Access 2
Lingering Resonance
Martial Tradition
Master Herbalist
Mounted Tradition x2
Niche Specialist x3
Numerian Dabbler
Numerian Weapons Training
On-The-Job Training
Personal Fixer
Psychic Awakening
Psychic Bastion
Seasoned Archivist/Taldan Courtier
Share the Wealth (Companions)
Spirit of the Shadow Lodge
Spontaneous Mutation
Treasure Map x2
Varisian Caravaner
Riftwarden Response (ACG)
Sarenrae's Beneficence (ACG)
Luck of a Halfling (ACG)
Formian/Ikeshti Heritage (SFS)
Mining Laser (SFS)
Relics of Lost Golarion (SFS)
Inside Manufacturer (SFS)
Dragonkin/Planar Scion
Bolida/Kalo/Vlaka <-- this most of all. Would like 2, will trade multiples
Possesed Augmentation
Any other SFS boon
Hello everyone! Looking to whittle down my mountain of PF1 boons since I likely won't be making any more characters for it and exchanging them for SFS boons. If you see anything you want, let me know!
Adopted Weapon Training
Against the Grain
Against the Consortium
Alchemical Efficiency
Alchemical Versatility
Aspis Slayer
Brutal Reputation
Custom Order
Debt to Society
Elemental Ancestry (Water)/Paragon of the Society
Elemental Ancestry (Earth)/Paragon of the Society
Elemental Blast x2
Elemental Slayer
Emotional Aura
Expanded Narrative
Fighting Off Corruption (Lycanthropy)
Grown To Explore (Vine Leshy)
Hypnotic Therapy
Ley Line Access
Ley Line Access 2
Lingering Resonance
Martial Tradition
Master Herbalist
Mounted Tradition x2
Niche Specialist x3
Numerian Dabbler
Numerian Weapons Training
On-The-Job Training
Personal Fixer
Psychic Awakening
Psychic Bastion
Seasoned Archivist/Taldan Courtier
Share the Wealth (Companions)
Spirit of the Shadow Lodge
Spontaneous Mutation
Treasure Map x2
Varisian Caravaner
Riftwarden Response (ACG)
Sarenrae's Beneficence (ACG)
Luck of a Halfling (ACG)
Formian/Ikeshti Heritage (SFS)
Mining Laser (SFS)
Relics of Lost Golarion (SFS)
Inside Manufacturer (SFS)
Dragonkin/Planar Scion
Bolida/Kalo/Vlaka <-- this most of all. Would like 2, will trade multiples
Possesed Augmentation
Any other SFS boon
Steven, I'd be interested in that Thursday afternoon ticket.. assuming I could also find a part 1 Thursday morning. My brother got the pair, but unfortunately I couldn't and I've been refreshing the site regurarly trying to find tickets for it. I'm assuming your group is in the same boat.
The way they scheduled those games is just bizarre. Why not just have part 1 followed by part 2 for all three days?
I believe it's still impossible to request a gm/get one ahead of the slot's start time, correct? I have a 15-16 group that'll be going in together, would be nice to have a GM who knows what to expect and prep for first.
Darn. The only thing that I actually cared about (Warrior Poet archetype) isn't legal.
I wonder why not. It really doesn't seem particularly overpowered to me. I guess Paizo REALLY hates the glaive :-) :-)
Yeah, I was going to make my last PFS character a Warrior Poet too, but I figured it wouldn't be legalized. They've avoided stuff like Bladed Brush in the past, so something else letting you use Dex with non-standard stuff was likely out as well. Very dissapointed though.. and pretty much locks in that I won't be buying any more books for PF1.
It's been frustrating to watch this fall further and further behind- I understand that proofreading and checking to see how well something fits PFS play is important, but I honestly can't imagine why it takes 6+ months to do so. I had to cancel my subscriptions as almost all of my gaming is through PFS/SFS rather than home groups. If the book isn't legalized for most of a year, what good is it to own it? It's been a little over a year since I stopped getting Player Companions- apparently, 11 have come and gone without me buying them. That's $165 dollars that I would have gladly supported Paizo with just from those.
I'd say something needs to be done to streamline the process- and hearing things like 'the documents have been sent to the tech team to add to the site' and going a few more weeks before that happens.. it's frustrating. I don't know what kind of sales model PF2 will have, with similar products to 1.. but I don't know that I will be able to justify supporting that either.
I know there's a lot of people with these frustrations, and I'm not trying to be whiny or angry. I would, though, like to be able to trust that the money I spend will be usable in some way.
Wanted to say thanks to the author for adding the bit about giving a CSW potion instead of water breathing! Was pleasantly surprised to hear about that.
Ah, so that's what it was for. GM had asked if we'd messed with the plush, but none of us saw any reason we would have. Probably shouldn't have the boon then.
Yes, it should be legal for play. The Equipment section lists what isn't legal, and the Animal Totem Tattoo isn't mentioned. The "use of Arinna's Wagon" portion is a system that lets her buy items at higher prices and allows access to the different magus arcana in her section based on how much you spent. So, the item itself is allowed, but selling to her for 75% value isn't.
As I don't have the scenario, I thought I'd ask here- where does the Abysshead boon come from? I don't recall anything being mentioned in-scenario, but the boon wasn't crossed out on my chronicle.
Boons For Trade:
Elemental Slayer
Personal Fixer
Psychic Awakening
Expedition Manager
Numerian Weapon Training
Numerian Dabbler
Alchemical Versatility
Alchemical Efficiency
Fighting Off Corruption (Lycanthropy)
Fighting Off Corruption (Possessed)
Fighting Off Corruption (Ghoul)
Ley Line Access
Ley Line Access 2
Martial Tradition
Varisian Caravaner
Aspis Slayer
Against the Consortium
Niche Specialist x2
Psychic Bastion
Expanded Narrative
Elemental Blast x2
Emotional Aura
Mounted Tradition
Custom Order x2
Treasure Map x2
Brutal Reputation
(ACG) Riftwarden Response
(ACG)Sarenrae's Beneficience
(ACG) Luck of a Halfling
(ACG) Ritual of Envy
Suli/Elemental Paragon/Elemental Acclimation
Oread/Paragon of the Society
Undine/Paragon of the Society
Looking For:
Gillman/Merfolk/Aquatic Elf Race boon
New Days, New Choices
Were you aware of the Feyspeaker archetype from Ultimate Intrigue? You'd get to use your Charisma as your casting stat, gain social skills, and still keep your Fire domain.
Name: Maroz Ganutir
Alignment: Lawful Good
Race: Human (Garundi)
Class: Ranger 10
Description: An ex-slave from Geb's Rest, Maroz found solace in any stories or books of the outside world he could get his hands on. Rescued by a Pathfinder team, he spoke with them at length on their way back to the Grand Lodge and learned of their organization; something far outside of anything he had ever imagined, a source of great knowledge and adventure. Resolving to join the Society after his training and Confirmation, Maroz devoted himself to the pursuit of the knowledge he loved, and the protection of those who could not fight for themselves.
Upon joining the Society, Maroz served on many missions into the elemental planes, using his extensive knowledge to aid his companions in their fights. Taking a personal interest in the freeing of each of the good elemental lords, he works intently to free Ranginori from his prison.
Maroz is a spear-and-shield ranger using the Comprehensive Education alternate racial trait and his 20 Int (yes, it's his highest stat as a ranger) to keep max skill ranks in every knowledge skill. His current highest is Religion at +24.
Taldan Courtier (I really want one of these).
Hang in There
Expedition Manager
Niche Specialist 2 (Influence, Research, Swarm)
I still have one of the old triple race boons (kitsune, nagaji, wayang), though as Graywulfe says, they are currently available if you weren't aware of that.
Will the Undine/Naiad access to Blood of the Sea racial content also include skinwalker heritages who gain a swim speed (Scaleheart/Crocodile and Seascarred/Shark)?
It's good to see things are soon to be updated, thank you John!
I've been looking at the mechanic as well. At 7th with an exocortex you can get proficiency in advanced melee or heavy arms, I believe, so that's a point in it's favor. With both advanced melee and heavy armor as options, a strength build might be viable. Why are there no advanced operative weapons though?
Am I correct in assuming that if you choose Weapon Proficiency with the Exocortex mods, you don't also get specialization in it?
Also, if anyone has the Emerald Elixir boon from the PFO Kickstarter, I'd love to get together and use them!
I don't know how much time to spare I'll have at Gen Con, but I still have mine sitting in a binder, so maybe we can work something out.
Sorry Chris and James, hadn't realized you'd responded here and not in a PM. I'll be in Sagamore for most of the weekend barring Friday morning/early afternoon to play. Should we try to get together after a slot and ask someone to sign off?
So, I'm looking to trim down my boons folder at GenCon. If anyone's interested in these and wants to trade there, let me know! Also, if anyone has the Emerald Elixir boon from the PFO Kickstarter, I'd love to get together and use them!
Boons For Trade:
Elemental Slayer
Extra Hours
Personal Fixer
Psychic Awakening
Expedition Manager
Numerian Weapon Training
Numerian Dabbler
Alchemical Versatility
Alchemical Efficiency
Fighting Off Corruption (Lycanthropy)
Fighting Off Corruption (Possessed)
Fighting Off Corruption (Ghoul)
Ley Line Access
Ley Line Access 2
Martial Tradition
Varisian Caravaner
Aspis Slayer
Against the Consortium
Niche Specialist x2
Psychic Bastion
Expanded Narrative
Elemental Blast x2
Emotional Aura
Mounted Tradition
Custom Order x2
Treasure Map x2
Brutal Reputation
(ACG) Riftwarden Response
(ACG)Sarenrae's Beneficience
(ACG) Luck of a Halfling
(ACG) Ritual of Envy
Suli/Elemental Paragon/Elemental Acclimation
Oread/Paragon of the Society
Undine/Paragon of the Society
$10 Paizo Gift Certificates x3
Looking For:
Debt To Society
Horror Resistance
Tian Weapon Training
Glutton For Punishment
Share the Wealth (Companions)
Hypnotic Therapy
Pathfinder Apprentice
Adopted Weapon Training
Former Crusader
Mendevian Weapon Training
Research Specialist
Shoanti Quah-Friend
Extra Trait
Student of Runes
Sacred Trust
Tian Ancestry
Trained Eye
Mummy's Mask Trait
As has been suggested in this thread, I have just requested cancellation of my two subscriptions, as well as voting in the poll that was linked. While I intend to still support Paizo, the amount of reprints, errata, extremely situational material, and extremely slow AR updating makes it not worth my time to get every book on release.
I appreciate the time people put in to review the books, but these delays are too often and too long in my opinion.
It's not listed under the god, but given that things are released over time and over many sources, that's not necessarily surprising. I'm probably just imagining having seen the ruling, lol.
So I thought I'd remembered seeing somewhere that Inquisitions are available to anyone worshiping a deity with that same subdomain. I.E. The Chivalry inquisition being available to a god with the Chivalry subdomain. As this would be for PFS, I'd need an official source.
Had a game recently that I was playing my barbarian. The rest of the party had managed to bluff their way into a fort with no apparent problem, so while they were all talking and negotiating (boring!), he heads up to a ballista tower with three guys manning it. We start talking ballistae and how I'd always wanted to shoot one. One of them, a guy named Fred apparently, started giving me a run-down on how to fire one, the different types, etc. He was writing a report on them!
Then fight breaks out downstairs. I bull rush the others off the tower and say to Fred "Got nothing against you. Stay outta the fight, maybe you'll make Captain!" Next round, Fred loads the ballista and I shoot at the commander of the garrison outside. Got like a 3 on the d20.. used my reroll for a nat 20 and crit.
Few rounds later, the party's leaving, and I wave bye to Commander Fred, who was already using the previous commander for menial labor. Kept the broken bits of the ballista bolt I'd fired to remember him by. ;)
I've been in a long-running PFS group going through the Skull and Shackles, Reign of Winter, and Plunder and Peril books for quite awhile now. I'd definately agree with Water Kineticists being a great option; myself, I've been playing a net-focused hunter with a constrictor snake companion for the first ten levels and then taking Mammoth Rider with an archelon from then on. Having an animal companion (or yourself, with access to Share Shape and similar spells) able to naturally tackle underwater challenges and save people who fall into the water unprepared is very useful.
Also, Hunters have access to the druid lists, meaning plenty of spells useful in underwater environments.
I'm personally allright with prestige classes being locked behind a chronicle. They're rare, they're by definition prestigious, and they're typically a high-lore player option. I'm also glad to see a 'these others may/will appear on a chronicle sheet at a future date', and understand that a specific date is..unlikely to happen.
Myself, I have a player companion subscription, and therefore would've gotten Paths of the Righteous anyway. If I wasn't, I'd probably delay getting resources until AR is updated, as I know many people do.
I'd definately appreciate "X will become legal at some point, Y will never become legal", so people don't build a character up to 5th or 6th and then have the option they built for never appear. I'm personally more concerned with the feats that were banned- particurarly Bladed Brush and the Flame Blade Dervish feats. In the case of Brush, it's associated prestige class was allowed, but it wasn't.. which means it's not likely to be on a chronicle. The flame blade, I can see being unlocked along with it's PrC.
An option I've been toying with is Fox Shape Kitsune monk. Possibly with a 1 level dip into Mouser Swashbuckler. Your AC will be extremely high, and with Elemental Fury and access to Elemental Fist through Dragon Style, you can get a lot of damage in as well as high-DC Stunning Fists.
Given that Blood of the Beast now has an option to get Fox Shape from level 1, it comes online quickly. Also, remember that Scaled Fists also get access to the Linnorm/Tatzylwyrm/Wyvern Styles as bonus feats, if any of them interest you.
The organization this year was a lot better imo: the ability to get groups together and get a table well before the slot actually started meant there wasn't much wait or congestion in the lines outside. I imagine the extra time between slots made that possible, since people wouldn't run late and keep the tables full.
I had no problem with the AC myself, though my brother said he was cold. But as others have said, it's easier to get warm than to cool down.
Your thread is relevant to my interests! Brainstorming FF6 characters in PFS is something I spend too much time on.
I'd say magus is best, with a focus on dispelling and cold spells (the ones she learns naturally). There's an arcana to dispel things you hit, and dispel magic is on your class list. There's also the Spellsink armor from Dirty Tactics Toolbox that works for it. Bard wouldn't be a terrible idea either, as she's a general and inspired her troops...in theory.