YawarFiesta |
The unarmed catfolk barbarian decides to throws some halfling lady at Flippy, succeeding at the apropiate checks he hits Flippy with the halfling lady and deals 5 points of damage to both. The next of the battle goes on the monk shining until being caught in the area of the grease spell of the sorecerer and falling prone, the inquisitor and sorcerer taking a few of Flippy's cronnies with their cantrips the barabarian taking down flippy with disarmed sap before being overpowered by the final mook.
It was the first time I've heard that the heroes literaly weaponize civilians.
SO, what's yours?
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![Serpentfolk Seeker](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9040-Serpentfolk.jpg)
Pushed a topaz dragon off the Infinite Staircase. It died.
Seriously, we were engaged in a pretty crazy battle along the Infinite Staircase [Planescape / FR stuff] in which a band of githyanki and a topaz dragon ambushed our party. We managed to eliminate most of the githyanki and forced the dragon into a ground battle with a pair of dwarves and my pet barbarian [raging berserker PrC, if I recall]. Someone shouted out "push him over the edge," so our trio of meat machines obliged. The GM was absolutely dumbfounded at the idea that he forgot the dragon could fly. Seems the dragon forgot, too. He splattered on a landing a couple hundred feet below.
So, now anytime a new player comments on how BA his character is, we ask "yeah, but can you push a dragon?"
Odraude |
Was dungeon diving. I was a druid with a bunch of friends of mine. We got attacked by a purple worm and my friend, the cavalier, got eaten. The next turn, he was going to die from the acid in the stomach. So, I turn into a bird with a Rod of Maximize in my hand, flew into the Purple Worm's mouth and cast Maximize CMW on him, saving him for at least another turn. No bro left behind yo.
Also, next turn, I totally summoned lightning on top of us to kill the Purple Worm.
Harark |
In Rise Of The RuneLords second chapter:
I was playing a Lizardfolk Witch. Charged in the room and ripped open the closet door, goblin tackled me and tried to grapple. Of course the goblin failed, so I picked him up by the ankles and proceeded to bludegon him on the floor until death.
After, I took all the bodies in the room and through them out the window. Went and told the Mother the bad news, she freaked out and so one of the party members went to the neighbohood bar, then convinced an attractive drunk guy to go comfort the Mother.
And finally to top it off, I took the bodies to the local graveyard and buried them. Halfway through that the undertaker walked over and saw me. He looked from the 6'6" tall Lizard to the half eaten human in the hole and back, said "I got to stop drinking..." and walked off.
cmastah |
So our party heads into a dwarven fortress, right? My kobold character proceeds to turn dwarves that hate him into drinking buddies and manages to bed the daughter of a human diplomat.
So while we're at the same fortress, it gets attacked by undead under the control of a lich. We get to an area where the dwarves force our party to deal with holy water to prove we're not undead. My kobold does the first thing that comes to mind and drinks it. Later in the same fortress, while underground and trying to find our bearings in the dark, we fight a golem and my kobold wanders off trying to find a better way to be of use. He actually bumps into the lich (literally), who doesn't even know he's there. So now my kobold drank holy water right? Well, he proceeds to pee holy water on the lich.
First session ever in DnD, I roll up a half dragon sorceror. First session, I cast cone of SOMETHING, which one of my party members who is in front of me is immune to. Turns out the other party member wasn't and she died (in my defense, this was without any form of terrain, this was descriptive role play and I had no idea she was there).
Second session, we reach a tower, I'm about to open the door when my partner tells me to check it because it may have traps. Fine, I say, so I summon a horse and send it running through the doorway, only to activate an explosive trap and kill us all.
Different campaign, an NPC fighter picks a fight with the PC of a friend of mine (who is a wizard), a fist fight. What does the wizard do? He actually tries to match fists....with a fighter.
During another campaign, my character is being introduced to the party. What does he do? He tries to pickpocket them, first time he meets them. Guards show up (the guy I tried to pickpocket noticed me) and one of them picks up my character. So my character starts ranting and raving about 'I have rabies! I bite you!', guard hits him, so my character quick draws daggers and rolls a confirmed critical on the guard and the DM rules that I slice off his fingers. While running from the group of guards, one of them points a crossbow and....rolls a critical fumble and has the bolt blow up in his face, my kobold being the ever elusive liar, takes the opportunity and tells them he works for the nobles of the kingdom and that their wizards must've intervened (and then he continues running cause he's not an idiot).
Thomas Long 175 |
CR 13 Encounter, level 9 party.
I'm an earth Elemental from 3.5. This is supposed to be big boss battle. We snuck into their secret hide out and there's nothing else living here. They've created a dimensional rift to their hide out and nothing else survives here.
3 casters dressed as peasants come into the building and we make our perception to hear them at the top of this 80 foot staircase in the next room over. I surf up through the ground to see them and go back and tell the party its a bunch of peasants.
So we said "No way its peasants. We had to jump off a 60 foot bring into a huge void above the river that spawns undead every night to get here and nothing else is alive in here. It's the people responsible for this crap.
So I surf back up and meld out of the stone in a surprise bull rush against all three of them pushing them off the 80 foot staircase. Then I move back into the stone and surf to the roof and just drop out of it falling 90 feet onto all 3 of them. They were dead before they could react because everything in there was only a move action except the bull rush.
level 9 earth elemental tpk's a party of a level 9,11, and 13 casters in one round. biggest moment of the holy warrior earth elementals career
FerinusCarnifexVox |
I rolled a Half-Fiend Barbarian that like using nothing but his fist. My Dungeon Master was trying to introduce an important NPC by mentioning a robed man in the trees by the cave we were suppose to go into. I decided I shall fly above him and land right on top of him and grapple him for the information I need. I roll a natural 20, then another one, then another one. He suffocated right then and there, and my DM was not to pleased.
I then went into town to identify the body, to find out that he was some crazy guy that talked about defending the town from the threat inside the cave. Turns out he was a wizard keeping a Dragon from running loose on the citizens. My DM wanted him to send us on the task of finishing what he could not (actually killing the dragon not just keeping her trapped within the limits of the cave). The dragon then proceeded to just rape everything in the city as spells holding back the dragons were now gone. We went into the cave and stole the loot while the dragon was out exacting its revenge.
Another time during a fight with the Pit Fiend two of the Player's characters were yelling at eachother for doing such a poor job hurting the creature. I used chains to grapple both and fly into the air. I tell each of the characters to roll a diplomacy check to convince me not to kill them. Our Rogue succeds, while our Wizard fails. I release the Rogue and he falls to the ground, mostly unharmed. I then perceed to fly as high as I can and take the Wizards spell component pouch, and I use some potions and explosives to ensure that it will blow. I then perceed to throw the Wizard into the Pit Fiend destroying them both. My group now longer argues over who is rolling poorly and bringing the group down.
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1: hurricane blows our party fighter into an enemy to kill him/it
2: alchemist performs 'bombsei' forgets to ignore his own square and is promptly launched across city from the concussive blast
3: samurai rolls a 1 followed by a 20, gm deems he hits a post instead of enemy with his katana, but crits the post, lodging his katana in it.
4: character gets a cohort from a deck of many things, proceeds to load him down with all his equipment, then cohort dies from the very first swing in the next combat.
Adamantine Dragon |
4e Party opens the door to a dungeon room, face to face with a pit fiend. Roll initiative. My ranger goes first.
Decides to blow an action point, uses "Blade Cascade" and proceeds to hit five times with one crit, each hit gaining extra damage from the party's warlord paragon path power. Pit Fiend is bloody after fourth attack. Standard action, blows another daily for three more attacks, all three hit. Have now hit eight straight times, each with daily power damage, plus warlord bonuses.
Pit Fiend is still standing. It attacks me. I use an immediate interrupt to attack him before his attack lands. Nail him again, he goes down.
Rest of the party is still standing and gaping at the door. GM says "that was supposed to be the big fight of the day!"
cmastah |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
4e Party opens the door to a dungeon room, face to face with a pit fiend. Roll initiative. My ranger goes first.
Decides to blow an action point, uses "Blade Cascade" and proceeds to hit five times with one crit, each hit gaining extra damage from the party's warlord paragon path power. Pit Fiend is bloody after fourth attack. Standard action, blows another daily for three more attacks, all three hit. Have now hit eight straight times, each with daily power damage, plus warlord bonuses.
Pit Fiend is still standing. It attacks me. I use an immediate interrupt to attack him before his attack lands. Nail him again, he goes down.
Rest of the party is still standing and gaping at the door. GM says "that was supposed to be the big fight of the day!"
A buddy of mine was running a 4e campaign when he realized he had to buff up his critters, told me the group (I wasn't playing in that game) kept power housing through them. Last boss fight, he makes a boss perhaps the equivalent of a level 50.
Only the professional, researches everything min maxer could hit him. >.>
Adamantine Dragon |
Adamantine Dragon wrote:4e Party opens the door to a dungeon room, face to face with a pit fiend. Roll initiative. My ranger goes first.
Decides to blow an action point, uses "Blade Cascade" and proceeds to hit five times with one crit, each hit gaining extra damage from the party's warlord paragon path power. Pit Fiend is bloody after fourth attack. Standard action, blows another daily for three more attacks, all three hit. Have now hit eight straight times, each with daily power damage, plus warlord bonuses.
Pit Fiend is still standing. It attacks me. I use an immediate interrupt to attack him before his attack lands. Nail him again, he goes down.
Rest of the party is still standing and gaping at the door. GM says "that was supposed to be the big fight of the day!"
A buddy of mine was running a 4e campaign when he realized he had to buff up his critters, told me the group (I wasn't playing in that game) kept power housing through them. Last boss fight, he makes a boss perhaps the equivalent of a level 50.
Only the professional, researches everything min maxer could hit him. >.>
Well, imho rangers are just broken in 4e. So that's one thing going on here. But the action point was what really allowed this to work, and there are PF games which allow a similar mechanic through "hero points" or other rewards granted to PCs, so it's not impossible for this sort of thing to happen even in previous versions.
Regardless of the circumstances, the imagery and story telling impact was pretty awesome. Pit Fiend hamburger!
Adamantine Dragon |
Adamantine Dragon wrote:I can see it now: The pit fiends soul looks down on what's left of his body and is wondering 'what the hell?! What just happened?!'Regardless of the circumstances, the imagery and story telling impact was pretty awesome. Pit Fiend hamburger!
Heh, two rooms further on, we encountered some other cousin of the pit fiend. Having already blown an action point and two dailies, we had to clobber it as a group, but still got it down in a few rounds blowing lots of dailies while fending off its mooks and minions.
Then, as we turned to mop up the remaining enemy, it regenerated to full power. That's when the real fight started. :)
Iracaedes |
![Mathus Mordrinacht](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9045_Mathus.jpg)
Please pardon the long-winded nature of this post.
It went like this: a 3.5 all lycanthrope (therianthrope) campaign, average ECL was 17. I was playing a dwarf dire were-wolverine with four levels of warshaper and some monk levels to boot. Our party had become trapped in a silver dragon's cave high in the mountains with no apparent means of exit other than the way we came in (did I mention we were all evil?). We had just gotten through pillaging the hoard and (thanks to an abundance of extra-dimensional storage devices) literally butchering the former resident and stuffing a lot of neatly packed bits of dragon into bags. And then the mate showed up, and was rather put off by the whole business at hand.
After a considerable scrap, the dragon retreated outside, flew away and thoroughly healed itself, and began simply circling and waiting to pick us off from the air as we tried to leave via the narrow pass that got us there in the first place. Left tapped of heals, (except for Ulfgarr, thanks to his warshaper levels) and otherwise low on resources and HP, the call went out to start emptying backpacks. Among all the useless clutter, there was one potion of enlarge person, a scroll of fly, and a scroll of invisibility that we had just salvaged from the hoard. And after much hashing and scheming, it was decided that my proposed solution was the only viable one with what we had to work with: we called it DBFW.
Downing the potion and receiving the effect of the scrolls from our were-ape wizard Darwin, Ulfgarr launched himself outside and (keeping a safe distance from the dragon) ascended to six hundred feet above the wyrm...then hit terminal velocity and used the horrifically open-ended nature of the warshaper abilities to turn himself into an aerodynamic, shock-absorbing, now 16,000lb ramming prow, nailing the dragon flat-footed between the wings like a freakin' comet. As it turns out, 16,000lbs falling 200ft or more in 3.5 inflicts...wait for it...100 d6 damage. Realizing that by our house rules regarding massive damage, even a below average roll would result in an unbeatable fort save vs. death for the dragon (entirely discounting the fact that Ulfgarr had optimized his body as a projectile weapon) Our DM ruled we had a dead dragon.
Once his eyes stopped bugging out, the DM gleefully ruled that since I had done everything possible to mitigate the impact damage for myself (reinforcing his skull and spine and growing squishy shock absorbing bladders between the vertebra, relocating all important organs as far from the contact point as possible, and so on) I would ONLY incur half damage for the collision. Odds of survival: not good. At all. After rolling a lot of dice, the damage was such that even though it was not enough to kill him outright from full HP (thank you, high constitution), it was still pretty unlikely he would live through the massive damage save. And sure enough, despite missing the save by a mere two points, Ulfgarr was ruled also dead in the air.
Until it occurred to me that upon sustaining any damage, a dire wolverine instantly enters a berserk rage; a state that confers a +4 bonus to strength and constitution. Meaning that he had, in fact, made his save vs. massive damage. This obliterated the smug look that occupied my DMs face for about the last 15 seconds as surely as the dragon was busted in half. The "Death By Flying Wolverine" tactic has seen many incarnations since, but what we call any idea that involves dropping really heavy stuff on other stuff is not likely to change no matter what happens to be falling.
Thefurmonger |
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most crazy (Read as Awesome)
Pathfinder Eberron campaign.
Our group (level 5) was on an airship attacked by harpys and it turns out a wyvern.
the wyvern was doing hit and run tactics and My Beguiler (yes 3.5 class converted) ran to the edge and jumped as the wyvern was passing under us.
The Acro check to jump was through the roof with exp retreat going.
As I had spent the exotic weapon prof on whip and had the trait prehensile whip, the GM gave me an attack roll to whip around the wyvern's tail.
Nat 20 later, I was ghost riding a wyvern.
The Whip was shocking so the GM invoked the rule of cool and let me do my 1d6 elec to it each round I could manage to hold on and not die.
Sadly in the end the wyvern did get away (I did last 6 rounds tho) durring that time a buddy with featherfall had thrown himself off the airship as well so he could cast it when he got close enough thus saving us both.
While the wyvern did get away, and I did lose my whip (still wraped around the tail) it will go down in the history of our table as 24 karat, solid gold awesome.
SuperUberGeek |
![Ratfolk Sage](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Ratfolk3_500.jpeg)
Last week the party had just taken down two huge black dragons that were attacking a town. Two of the party members were new to the party, one just happened to be in town, the other showed up with the dragons on his tail (the week before was a little rough). So we take down the two dragons. We are getting healed up by the grateful towns folk (well, some of the others were, I had not taken a hit) when some of the party members see what appears to be a half dragon on the far side of the square. I (synthasist) quickly move toward it, and am followed by my brand spanking new bard cohort.
The rest of the party also moves toward this possible new threat, splinting to either side of the fountain in the middle of the square and showing a rare moment of strategic thinking. The next round we move even closer, the bard staying behind the fountain.
As we approach, the figure starts to proclaim that the town is his and that we need to leave. The gnome inquisitor demands to know who is he to make such a demand. Cue the poly-morph, when the seeming half dragon shifts into a colossal red dragon, who informs us that he is a god. The gnome inquisitor is build for intimating, and the character being a do not back down kind of guy, the player decides to go for broke. He spends a hero point and rolls a 19, and with his bonus it puts him somewhere in the low 40s. This does not quite make it. The dragons then starts asking questions of his own, and when the inquisitor does not answer, get slightly testy. I am 10 ft in front of the dragon, where I have moved to stay next to the inquisitor, because I am the protective type. When the dragon uses it breath weapon, it hits me, the gnome inquisitor and my bard cohort. None of us make the save. The cohort is deep fried and extra crispy, more than 10 points past her negative con. I actually feel the hit and first the first time in three levels, have to use my regular hit points to replace my temp hit points to keep my eidelon suit alive. I have no problem making the save against massive damage. The inquisitor also makes his save and keeps his feet, have gone from full HP 139 to 0. At this point the new to the party barbarian asks how long we have to evacuate the town, to which the dragon responds a week. The party thanks him for his generosity and retreats, done for the night.
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So, there's lich riding a zombie wyvern and we've discovered he's immune to metal weapons via some spell.
My Ranger, having a decent Athletics score and a ring of Free Action, leaps onto the zombie wyvern, grapples the lich and moves him 5 feet off his flying mount...where they fall about 50 feet to the ground and the threat is ended.
Of course, we've no idea where his phylactery is, so he'll be back eventually. Still, it was a pretty awesome maneuver and the last time anyone in the party pulled a stunt like that, it was the animal companion doing it. :)
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In Curse of the Crimson Throne my character jumped off of a ledge onto a levitating Large sized enemy who was grappling another party member. He handed the party member a rope and then head butted the enemy into submission. Just before hitting water about 100 feet below he used a Cape of the Monteback to teleport to safety.
Harrison |
Custom campaign run by a friend of mine:
Boss battle against a possessed ancient hero knight NPC and the floating monster creature that's controlling it.
The fight takes place on a massive staircase with some flat areas for some basic combat (since otherwise, the whole thing would be considered difficult terrain). The Magus uses Dimension Door to bring half the party up the stairs to fight the possessed hero while the other half stays the the bottom to take on the monster (healers and ranged in the middle).
One friend's barbarian has an insane idea that just had to happen and was just out of his mind enough to make it work:
1) Use Enlarge Person (I forget who cast it on him) to grapple the possessed hero.
2) Jump up and DOWN the massive flight of stairs with said hero still grappled.
3) Piledrive the possessed hero into the monster.
4) Proceed to Body Bludgeon the monster with the hero.
He burned through all three of his stored Hero Points to make some of the rolls work, but he managed to pull it off and it was easily the funniest thing to happen in that campaign in a long time.
The other one was probably the Wizard dropping another boss monster into a Hungry Pit (or whatever the name of the pit was), the Magus using Aqueous Orb to try and drown the boss, and then the Alchemist tossing a Cursed Waters of Lemashtu bottle into the Aqueous Orb...
RainyDayNinja RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |
I was GMing a game of Forgotten Futures (a steampunk system) with my brothers, and they were investigating a mining encampment in the Arizona desert that had been attacked by Apache. They found the Apache camp not far away, and I intended for them to only do recon. So I told them that there were hundreds of Apache, well-armed with rifles posted sentries, while their characters just had a few guns between them.
Players: "Hey, there are explosives at the mine, right?"
Me: "Uh, yeah, I guess."
*whispered planning*
Players: "We fill our wagon with explosives, set it on fire, and roll it down the hill at the Apache camp."
Me: *facepalm*
Later on, they were cornered by thugs on a train, and our gunfighter character quick-drew his shotgun and rolled maximum damage at point-blank range. So the inside of that train car looked like he had just exploded. Then, rather than explain themselves to the police, they looted the anti-gravity belts from the bodies, escaped out the window, and bounded across the Texas prairie.
Turin the Mad |
Please tell me that the process wasn't lethal for for the pixies and it only used their wing dust or something.
Ah, no. The pixies, cute little things bound in cruel cold iron chains and generally having a miserable time of things, were the shot.
Twist off head, tip upside down into mouth, squeeze, toss the shot.
JAF0 |
![Baby Chimera](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9241-Chimera.jpg)
In desperate straits, fighting six-armed demons who were all extreme bow specialists armed with 3 longbows apiece, our party was way outclassed. Our cleric was dead, most of the party was close to dying. My shadowdancer tossed her Handy Haversack out near the demons, and then threw her portable hole into the haversack, hoping to suck the demons to another plane when both items exploded. There was a magical flux going on at the time though, and the radius of the explosion was greater than intended. The entire party went astral along with the demons and the entire dock we were fighting on. Of course the magic items were destroyed. The demons, no longer fighting for what they originally wanted, gated themselves home and we escaped with our lives, well, all but the cleric.
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Low level (cannot remember)Half Orc Barbarian and party out in the the wilds left without weapons due to unrelated circumstances. We were attacked by Wolves amongst other (I cannot remember)The HO kills one wolf (unarmed), and the next round makes a grapple check and succeeds then uses the wolves as wolfchucks to attack other wolves and the mentioned other things... the rest of us were really pretty useless in the battle as most of us were casters with out components and the like.
Fin.F.Hardy |
![Cayden Cailean](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/cayden_final.jpg)
Separating my hands from the cuffing position and yelling "Wait!" to the agitated town guards who were counting down to 0 while pointing many crossbows in my direction.
Technically killing the store owner, due to the fact i couldn't afford the master-work fiddle(my previous one broke) and then changing shape to impersonate the owner. While forgetting the story to the specifics that my husband was away at a festival.
The story of the character is probably alot better told by my old GM. Who felt that i was to be banned indefinably from playing any cat/catlike characters ever again.
Oh yes...they died that evening.
Erich Norden |
I'm playing a sorcerer in a Pathfinder game set in the Forgotten Realms. The party was 9th level, and we were in Neverwinter trying to track down a crime boss responsible for raiding trade caravans between Neverwinter and Waterdeep.
My character, after having picked up a lead the day before, goes by herself to do some reconnaissance around the target's house. After a poor attempt at disguise, she soon finds a group of four mysterious men on her tail. She decides to confront them and turns around, and they get aggressive. Combat ensues, in which they make judicious use of Dispel Magic to negate her defenses, and it turns out these four are our target's personal bodyguards, whom hired them specifically to deal with mages. All four are roughly 8th-level Wizard/Rogues.
At one point in the fight, my character uses Dimension Door to hop onto a nearby roof, momentarily eluding them. Although spells were being burned left and right, she's only taken a little damage at this point and is far too proud to retreat. She tosses a Fireball at them, and they use Dimension Door to surround her.
This was followed by the luckiest streak of rolls I've ever seen: A natural 20 on Acrobatics to move away from them (the GM houseruled that a natural 20 on skills confers a sizeable bonus), followed by all four of the mage-hunters rolling 1 or 2 on their saves against Stinking Cloud. My character, emboldened by this change of fortune, followed up by trapping them in a Wall of Fire, then used Fireball again -- and all four of them failed their saves again. Only one of them managed to escape with his life.
That group was intended to be the ultimate or penultimate encounter of the adventure -- the GM admitted that he expected my character to flee the entire time. The mage-hunters were all decked out in PC-level gear, so my character came away immensely wealthy and with a great story to tell.
And that's how my PC single-handedly won a APL+4 encounter. The GM swore off solo sessions related to the main adventure after that.
YawarFiesta |
YawarFiesta wrote:Please tell me that the process wasn't lethal for for the pixies and it only used their wing dust or something.Ah, no. The pixies, cute little things bound in cruel cold iron chains and generally having a miserable time of things, were the shot.
Twist off head, tip upside down into mouth, squeeze, toss the shot.
Is it wrong that actually makes it less creepy?
I mean, it went all the way back into bloody hilarious!
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![Phantasmal Octopus](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9471-Octopus_500.jpeg)
Watching a shifer scout kill a hydra with one shot from a short bow.
Watching as the dwarven fighter made planet fall in a row boat into an active warzone. There is nothing cooler and funnier then watching a Dwarf fighter try to steer a rowboat into a siege tower from orbit and not kill himself. The Half-Orc barbarian thought he was a fire golem when he stepped out of the wreck.
devil.in.mexico13 |
While the wyvern did get away, and I did lose my whip (still wraped around the tail) it will go down in the history of our table as 24 karat, solid gold awesome.
We had a similar situation at higher level, also in Eberron, and also aboard an airship. We had gotten ambushed by a Black Dragon with levels in Artificer as we were heading to Xendrik. None of our full bab guys were all that good at range, and could only hit the thing on a nat 20. So, what does the minotaur barbarian do? Jumps off the back onto the dragons back. The warforged fighter quickly follows suit, and a couple hit later they are falling along with the dragons corpse. My wizard ends up flying down to catch them, and ends up not catching the minotaur...who then actually survived a fall at terminal velocity, but only because he was raging.
At one point we also had our psion sovereign glue himself to yet another dragon. That was an interesting fight.
Probably the most ridiculous thing we ever pulled, though, was when we had to change out the crystal that housed the elemental that powered our airship. We had salvaged the airship from a crash, but the long confinement with nothing at all happening had driven the elemental insane. So we prepared another crystal, had an NPC bind another elemental into it, and then brought the airship up to it's maximum operational ceiling. The psion time hops the old crystal, the ship starts falling, several checks (and terrifying rounds) later, the new crystal is put in and everyone crashes to the deck as our free fall ends. The look on our GM's face as we described how we planned to handle the swap was priceless. IIRC he actually had to end session early to go do the math on whether on not what we were going to try was actually mechanically possible or not.
The NPC |
![Sleeping Human](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Horrors-sleeper.jpg)
I had a party that had discovered three capital E Artifacts of Evil. One of which was an orb belonging to the God of Fear, Tyranny, Genocide. One player decided she was drawn to it because it was shiny. She had a wisdom of 14 and an intelligence of 12 or 14. You think she would have some common sense, but she decided to touch the orb despite the fact that a favored soul (3.5), a half-celestial, a planar wise wizard, and his earth elemental familiar said "Don't Touch It!" But she proceeded to touch because it was shiny. Even the half demon rogue in the group would have said not to but she wasn't in the room.
She then was sucked into the orb having the very deepest of her primal subconscious fears drawn out and laid bare before her. She ended up making a deal with said god to get out which later cost her the life of... friend? Handler? It was hard to say, and it nearly cost them the major metropolitan city where they resided.
Narukenai |
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In one of the very first D&D games I ever ran was a 3.5 episodic story campaign, and the first story involved a village's harvest festival being disrupted by a clan of kobold raiders while the party was enjoying the festivities. The group was large (six or so people) so I tossed a large raiding party at them while the peasants ran in fear. The Dwarf Warrior proceeded to wade in with his great axe, but when he couldn't get a good hit in his first couple of rolls he decided to change tactics and grapple the kobold he was fighting. On his next turn the player looks to me and asks 'what are the penalties for using a kobold as a weapon?' I ponder for a moment and determine he'll take the -4 nonproficiency penalty and an additional -2 for it struggling, for a total of a -6. He managed a few high rolls and runs about bludgeoning the kobold fighters with his kobold club, killing a few of them in addition to the unfortunate one he had grappled.
After being routed by the players the kobolds began to flee, but the party managed to pin in one straggler between them. By a combination of the kobold cowering defensively and the party rolling poorly the kobold managed to survive for three full rounds of attacks while being completely pinned in by a group of adventurers. After witnessing this feat the same Dwarf fighter tackles the kobold and declares he is going to keep it. The bewildered kobold found himself the 'pet' of the insane Dwarf, and through the story became his cohort and gained Sorcerer levels in support of the mostly fighter and rogue based group.
Later in that campaign they had another fun encounter where they managed to be chased back to town by an Owlbear, trap it in the pub with the rogue then set the whole place on fire to burn the poor creature to death while the rogue evasioned through fire and thrown grenade weapons out the window.
Aaaah, good times.
Weslocke |
![Ricle Peakes](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9064-Peakes_90.jpeg)
Well, yesterday a Cavalier (5th) threw a javelin of lightning in a 30' wide stone crypt trying to bounce the bolt back and forth to catch a bad guy multiple times.
He first failed a DC 15 spellcraft check to realize he needed to hit the wall at a perfect 90 degree angle, and that would place him in the line of fire (Or sparky-poppy-death as it were).
Then I ruled that he could hit the area of wall he wanted with just a 10 attack roll, but since he failed the skill check I figured he would not get the straight 90 degree angle unless he rolled at least a 17.
A total attck roll of 11 followed.
Sparky-poppy-death followed that.
4 random ricochets(and about 33 HP each) later the rest of the party (also 5th) declared the cavalier the most dangerous thing they had encountered all day.
The really sad part is the bad guy had DR 10 vs Electricity (a vampire)
and oh was he MAD!
Ekeebe |
My party have a habit of doing crazy things continuously, so it becomes normal place at the gaming table in my group.
One of the more memorable ones that my party have used though, was in a custom Demon killing campaign, based heavily on Diablo before D3 was ever even thought of.
The barbarian had a habit of carrying around potions of enlarge person, and was very hulk like in his play style, which I applauded him later on.
The party were standing in the middle of a wedding celebration when a pack of demons teleported into the wedding ceremony, being held on a beach, not in a church. They started to kill the wedding guests, and so the barbarian, the sorcerer, the cleric and the rogue charged into battle.
Each had their own tactics, but the barbarian was still waiting at the high priest that was performing the ceremony. He quaffed his potion of enlarge person, and waited. The rest of the gaming table started to berate him for not doing anything, and he just smiled.
All of a sudden a Glabrezu teleports next to him and smacks him upside the head. Raging as a free action, the barbarian proceeds to grab the high priest and wails on the demon, having the appropriate feats and archetype to be able to justify this combat style.
I was curious as to how he thought that this was the way to fight the demons, and he asked whether or not a cleric detected as divine, and if they channeled energy of their gods. In his quick, albeit simple, thinking, he had grabbed the nearest blessed thing within reach, the cleric, and started wielding him as a weapon.
suffice to say, the Glabrezu had no idea what was going on, and the barbarian was able to confuse the demon enough that the party then came to the rescue...of the cleric...who was almost dead due to being used as a makeshift holy flail...
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High level 3.5ed Eberron One-Shot.
Basic idea is that the PCs are uber-monster-hunters and need to go slay a bunch of crazy powerful critters to save the world, etc.
One player has an Artificer who has spent most of his cash on a couple of staves of Meteor Swarm, and feats/skills to tweak those blasts enormously. We called them Spanker Rounds and he used them accordingly. If I remember correctly, each shot took 8-9 charges from the staff.
Another player had a Frenzied Berserker of Doom. Basically unkillable except for massive unsaveable damage (like lava or being in outer space), he hit like a FLEET of dump trucks.
Fighting a Gargantuan Black Dragon (with class levels, IIRC), the party has been going round-for-round with the beast, taking lots of damage but being healed, doing some small bits of damage which the beast was absorbing/healing as they go.
Finally, the Artificer and Berserker manage to team up once the dragon grabs Mr. Berserker and breaths full force on him. Grappled, he can't bring his 2-handed weapon to bear, and basically flails around uselessly, but is tying up the dragon's actions.
Artificer boy then launches 4 consecutive Meteor Swarms (through dual-casting/quickened/other crazy wand & staff feats) at the dragon, all of which connect, and manage to hurt it enough to cause it to drop. The Berserker ALSO took most of that damage.
The dragon and Berserker then fall, passing through a prismatic sphere spell which had been cast shortly before, some 200-250' to the ground.
Dragon manages to not be plane-shifted, as does Berserker, but each take some electricity/fire/etc damage on the way down. Dragon is now "dead-dead", when they hit the earth in a massive cloud of dust.
Berserker then GETS UP FROM THE FALL, dusts himself off, and says, "What else we got?!?!" Despite being at some -150 or so HP, his rage continues for a bit longer, and one of the PC's slaps a heal spell to patch him up. Very very Master Chief of them, which was what I had intended from the start!
Kydeem de'Morcaine |
Clear back in 2nd ed.
Whole troop of advanced skeletons carrying the "siege weapon of doom' toward us on a path up the cliff face. Only ranged attacks we had were vials of alchemist fire and hand xbow (long irrelevant story). Ocean spray and wind were imposing so many penalties it was almost impossible to hit the skeletons. On the rare occasions that we hit, didn't do any significant damage and/or the fire would go out before we hit again.
Enter the crazy dwarf idea: wizard cast fly, cleric cast protection from energy (don't remember exactly what it was called back then but it wasn't enough protection anyway), couple more buffs to increase hit chance, put all the alchemist fire in 2 backpacks, dwarf wears them front and back, then leaps off the cliff to grapple the 'siege weapon of doom' at greater than falling speed.
Dwarven cherry blossum kamikaze.
Destroyed the weapon and a fair number of the skeletons.
Tiny Coffee Golem |
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![Crystal Figurine](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/14.-jeweled-life-hi-res.jpg)
in our game we have an Oread (earth gensai) Ranger with a massive strength. So we're fighting a troll. We have no fire or acid. Then the ranger realizes that trolls still need to breathe to regenerate. So he bere handed chokes the life out of the troll as the party looks upon macrabe curiosity. We didn't know if it would work until it worked.
Tiny Coffee Golem |
![Crystal Figurine](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/14.-jeweled-life-hi-res.jpg)
In a different game I was playing a water gensai (it was 3.5 and I could breathe underwater) monk/rogue/swashbuckler. I had an electrified whip dagger, slippers of spider climb, and an acid rapier.
We were fighting a dragon turtle on the high seas.
I managed to get onto the things back where it couldn't reach me with it's head and thanks to slippers of spiderclimbing I was able to mostly stay stable. I held and forced the rapier through its shell at my feet, then as the acid damage hurt it every round I proceeded to smack it on the back of the head repeatedldy with my electrified whip dagger. It ran for Hours and hours, but I was eventually able to kill it. Shockingly enough.
Beholdereyes |
during foundation of flames, when hookface Dived in for a strafing run the party wizard cast baleful polymorph on the red dragon who miraculously rolled a 1 on his save and the casters SR check as a result the great red dragon was transformed into a cow, shooting through the air at over 60 miles an hour. it smashed into the ground and exploded, showering the PC's with gory beef.
We all just about died laughing
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Paladin Reborn
Death comes to all, and some can be reborn. So was it that our brave Paladin died in the service of the Pathfinders. In honor of that sacrifice the party pooled funds to raise him. I recommended the temple of Calistria, and the living party members didn't object.
I told him he's the first Paladin I'd ever known to be reborn in a brothel. If looks could kill he'd be an antipaldin.
CommandoDude |
![The Clockwork General](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF24-02.jpg)
Scouting out the enemy lair in a 4e game. There's two doors, my changeling shapechanges into the tiefling boss we just killed outside and slips in casually like she belongs there. There's naturally a bunch of Teiflings in there, so she bluffs that she's the boss, and then gets involved in a card game.
Meanwhile the rest of the party went through the other door and got involved in a fight. So the teiflings I'm playing cards with get up to fight, so I decide to lead them outside away from the party. Only, we come up to a trap and one of the Teiflings asks me to use the password to disable it. Then we get into an argument since I don't know the password, I say something and step in front of the trap (we disabled it earlier but it was a magic resetting trap) so it went off and I immediate-action teleported behind all the teiflings and stealthed back to the party.
Karuth |
Players used a Wall of Iron Spell (tipped over at the right moment) to use as a ramp to jump over a chasm in Abyss, with their carriage (pulled by demon hounds) which they had stolen from some evil outsider.
The demons destroyed the landing point on the other side though, so they made a 2nd wall of Iron to improvise a landing place for the carriage.
SolidHalo |
I will keep this brief unless more explanation is needed.
Big rainstorm, bigger boom, town covered in flaming horse crap (no horses harmed). All to save my party and all my fault. Leader of the group comes out to see what it is all about. Exact words were, "We are leaving I can't stay in a town where it's source of fun is to make it rain sh**."
chaoseffect |
![Marcos Farabellus](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9235-Marcos.jpg)
I used a 5th level spell to turn into a dragon and the rogue road me into battle against an adult evil dragon (don't remember the color). I bit onto it and casted touch spells into it as we fell and the rogue who was hiding on me jumped onto its face and then its back to sneak attack it repeatedly. It went down like a punk.
All of this was happening over a giant chasm in the underdark while an epic battle for control of a leyline was happening above and around it.