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Seems like most of Europe just woke up to the news of the Kickstarter. Posted it in my local PF facebook group, and already a few have backed. I am guessing this will be reached in less than 48 hours from now.
Should have gone all in on a 2 mio USD fundraiser to begin with and funded the whole game (including beta-keys etc.) by crowdsourcing, to avoid money grubbing investors :)

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I've said it in the other thread, but I'll cross-post here:
I hope you've got stretch goals lined up and ready, because I'm preeetty sure we're going to blow the measly 50k goal right out of the water in three days, tops. ;)
3 days? At tris rate It Will be done today!,
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Nostrus wrote:How in blue blazes do I link it to my Facebook?I've been wondering that for weeks.
Are you wanting to just share it, or have some kind of rolling, updating counter on your FB?
If you're just trying to share it, there's a couple of ways. You could copy/paste the URL onto your status update, or you could hit the "Like" FB icon on the PFO Kickstarter page.

Caineach |

Caineach wrote:Nostrus wrote:How in blue blazes do I link it to my Facebook?I've been wondering that for weeks.Are you wanting to just share it, or have some kind of rolling, updating counter on your FB?
If you're just trying to share it, there's a couple of ways. You could copy/paste the URL onto your status update, or you could hit the "Like" FB icon on the PFO Kickstarter page.
Somehow you can link FB to Kickstarter to use the automatic sharing and friend finder. I have yet to figure out how to set that up.

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Gah. I missed the "Living on a prayer" moment overnight. "85% of the way there" just doesn't have the same ring to it.
I was totally going to get up this morning, pick up my guitar and do a little video update sing along:
"Oh, halfway there, oh oh, livin' on a prayer! Take my hand, we'll make it I swear, oh oh, livin' on a prayer!"
Then I wake up to $40k+ and climbing! You guys are awesome!
I guess I will have to start working on my Barry Manilow...
"Looks like we made it..."

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Alexander_Damocles wrote:Y'all suck. I'll get money this evening. But by then, it'll be maxed out. I repeat....y'all suck :(
Why must fate be so cruel with her timing...
Don't worry Alexander, we'll find a way to make sure you get what you want! We are just cool like that!
And there was much rejoicing!

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Alexander_Damocles wrote:Y'all suck. I'll get money this evening. But by then, it'll be maxed out. I repeat....y'all suck :(
Why must fate be so cruel with her timing...
Don't worry Alexander, we'll find a way to make sure you get what you want! We are just cool like that!
So how much for a flying hebrew attack muskrat of death? If he happens to be bilingual, please have him speak both Mandarin and Freedom. =)

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Y'all suck. I'll get money this evening. But by then, it'll be maxed out. I repeat....y'all suck :(
Why must fate be so cruel with her timing...
The kick starter doesn't stop excepting pledges, or charge until the end of the 30 day window, so you shouldn't worry too much...

Karrak |

Added discussion thread for Goblinworks Blog: The Blog About Kickstarter.
Wonderful! And as I'm writing this comment you are 102% funded, with 29 days to go. I hope you are all wearing very big smiles!
+1 to confidence in project.

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How high will it need to go in order to make it so you can skip the technology demo and just make the game?
Given I am a game dev student and our profs worked in the industry.
The amount of money needed will be in the Millions,as assests, coding take time and money.
The Middleware, and software licenses also cost money but will save on time.
The tools bought or made cost money.
The employees are the biggest money eater.

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Just wondering if the art style we see in the graphics on the Kickstarter page are indicative of what the in-game graphics will look like.

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Why offer your 2 cents at the forum when you can offer dollars at kickstarter?
Hopefully the kickstarter will not just fund a good demo but also send a strong message to the investors that there is a fanbase waiting.Now for the real question: will pledgers be prioritised for early entry (or beta)?
Right now, all we can say is that "We’ll give special priority to Goblin Squad members throughout the development process."

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Just wondering if the art style we see in the graphics on the Kickstarter page are indicative of what the in-game graphics will look like.
The Pathfinder Online art style will look to that type of art for inspiration, but sadly the online game probably won't easily be mistaken for a painting by Wayne Reynolds.

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Nihimon wrote:Just wondering if the art style we see in the graphics on the Kickstarter page are indicative of what the in-game graphics will look like.The Pathfinder Online art style will look to that type of art for inspiration, but sadly the online game probably won't easily be mistaken for a painting by Wayne Reynolds.
I am not sure if I should +1 for the inspiration or -1 for the conclusion...

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randomwalker wrote:Right now, all we can say is that "We’ll give special priority to Goblin Squad members throughout the development process."Why offer your 2 cents at the forum when you can offer dollars at kickstarter?
Hopefully the kickstarter will not just fund a good demo but also send a strong message to the investors that there is a fanbase waiting.Now for the real question: will pledgers be prioritised for early entry (or beta)?
That's actually a really bold statement. I'll just keep in mind that the things it ALMOST says are also things it DOESEN'T say, rather than press for clarification or exhort a course of action*.
*Except so far as is done implicitly in this message and explicitly by this footnote.

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Hmm I guess my one question with Kickstarter is... do you type in an updated amount or can I just type in a new amount in like $5 to add to my total so far.
If you've already backed at a certain amount, and wish to change your pledge (either lower or higher), you type in the new total amount you wish to pledge.
Don't forget to adjust your reward accordingly.

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well that was quick. I pitched in 50$ this morning and when I got home from work you guys were funded.
I'll point this out to my Game Group tomorrow night see if any of them are willing to add to the pot.
I have seen Kickstarter do amazingly well for some projects, particularly when people have faith in the product. It's an interesting phenomena really By passing the traditional backers and going straight to the people you hope will support you. I can only imagine it gives people a lot more creative freedom to make their game/movie/what-have-you the way they want to without some guy in a suit breathing down their next telling them what would be more marketable.
I'm looking forward to this game as much as I'm looking forward to Wasteland 2, here's hoping your future kickstarters are as successful as theirs was.

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What do Goblinworks want to do with any cash over the $50k because you're going to get way more than $50k :)
Every dollar over the $50k will just help us make the game more quickly because we will be able to bring more resources to bear faster. So, please, don't consider this Kickstarter done! We need to continue to impress potential investors! Getting to $50k as fast as we did was an AWESOME opening salvo, but we will need to continue to do amazing things to get their interest.
I am working on some stretch goals that I hope to announce soon. Stay tuned!

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Grats on the funding!
... but doesn't the Kickstarter project have a Heisenberg or false analogy problem associated with it? E.g., I'm not really interested in the MMO, but I would like to get the Thornkeep book -- so if I pledge funding to get the book, it will be communicated to Angels/VC's as interest in the MMO?