Skeeter Green |
Does anybody understand how to use the Mazes pieces on level 6? (Rooms marked as 6-2)
page 247 wrote:All shifting/sliding walls move every time a door is opened. The doors are magically constructed, so only one door per room may be opened at a time. GMs should intentionally give PCs wrong directions (i.e., left = right) at all times, unless the PCs succeed on a DC 30 Knowledge (dungeoneering) on which they cannot take 20. GMs should improvise or alter each section to frustrate and bewilder their PCs. PCs’ attempts to retrace their steps prove futile, and the shifting nature of the maze prohibits classical means of maze solving (e.g., string).Which walls slide/shift? All of them? Then is this even a "maze" that could be solved? Am I supposed to draw this out for my players, or just keep it verbal-only? I don't know how to GM this.
Then the maps are just pictures of maps. Well, pictures with icons that don't have a legend. What do the bullseyes on Map 1 indicate? The 90' circles on Map 2? The "triggers" on Map 2?
I'm at a loss...
don't let the tone of this query deceive you: I'm loving the rest of this book. GREAT stuff in general
The bullseyes are teleporters to the other bullseyes (take your pick). The walls that shift are the 90 and 180 degree circles, and they shift when you enter, when you leave, and when you pass over a trigger spot.
Bill Webb Frog God Games |
The maze section IMO has always been the weakest portion of Rappan Athuk, along with Greznek, which feels underdeveloped relative to the rest of the dungeon. My suggestion would be to repurpose the procedural table in the Bloodways section, using it there as well. Or actually my recollection is that the Bloodways were a drop in replacement for the maze section in Rappan Athuk reloaded; is this still the case?
Naw; I use themazes as random mind messes; the idea is they are ever changing. The bloodways is similar--but far more complex. good idea though!
Greznek is a tough one--it could probably be its own hardcover if expanded fully. Maybe "Adventures in Greznek" will be part of the subscription later on:)
Necromancer |
Chuck Wright wrote:Necromancer wrote:My group's lost six characters above the actual dungeon, would those count?Those are the best ones.laces fingers
They now have a week to properly list their characters and detail their demise. Failure to do so will result in my colorful account of that character's death.
I see that none of my players have posted their characters on the obituaries page, so here goes:
1st Level-
- Aivras, female human Antipaladin of Hel
- Nurgal, male human Summoner
- Alice, female catfolk Rogue
- Vaara Bloodhands, female aasimar Witch
- Huruthmhr, female tiefling Magus
- McBrackenschtagacht, male dwarf Gunslinger
The other "deaths" were mostly game-overs and too lengthy to delve into. Eventually the group's final party (two tieflings, a human, and a gnome--all thoroughly evil) decided to settle down with a tribe of goblins and take the odd "kill the noisy and dangerous heroes on levelX" jobs. And they all lived wickedly ever after.
Although completely burnt out on the megadungeon, they enjoyed the change of pace.
Skeeter Green |
Just to keep you guys in the loop:
I didn't hear any new good word on the dice showing up at the Frog Palace this weekend, so no more news there.
If things go well (we had a setback or two the last few days), HeroLab and d20 Pro files will be available in October. Preferably, earlier rather than later. We are in deep discussions with both groups, as some of our files are not compatible with the underlying code, so we/they have had to literally recode certain things for our content to work.
Long and short of it is that the guys from Lone Wolf/HeroLab and d20 Pro have gone way above and beyond while working with us to get you guys the best content available.
And I would consider it a disservice to Frog God and to LW and d20 Pro to release the files before they're ready. I'm not shining you guys on, I want the files to work with a minimum of bugs (and when I say minimum, I mean none).
So bear with us, Im going to try and get the files out in a serialized fashion, so when they are available and solid, you'll get them in order needed (you dont have to wait for level 12 to be done be fore getting level 1!)
Hope you all had a good weekend!
Peanuts |
So just got the email about the Cyclopean Deeps subscriptions...
Is the 1 year subscription the same as the 12 new levels subscription? If so do you still get a PDF of the finished book? I've already got CD 1&2 from the kickstarter, but if the limited quality offer is $25 cheaper than the equivalent without the books then I'm sure I can find someone to pawn the spares off on :)
Bill Webb Frog God Games |
Bill Webb Frog God Games |
Dr. Johnny Fever |
Everything here but the damn dice--as soon as they arrive, we start shipping.
Bill, I'm curious how many takers you'd get if you offered up the option of 'send me an email if you're really not interested in the dice, and just want me to ship your box without them.'
<br /><br />.
I'd take you up on that if it was offered. Heck you can give my dice to a needy neighborhood kid; I only play in an online game through a Virtual Table Top (d20Pro)..
Elorebaen |
ps--if you already have the books coming from the kickstarter--buy the option without the books.
The CD series will be a 2 year deal
My apologies if this has already been answered. I'm still not quite clear on the subscription. The option to obtain all of CD=?? 12 new levels = two years of subscription?
I want to obtain the complete CD, and I currently have the PDFs of CD1 and CD2 from Kickstarter. Which option should I choose?
dmchucky69 |
Quick question. Do the FGG PDFs work like Paizo PDFs? In other words do we have infinite access to them if we pledged high enough to get them in the first place ($100 level for me)?
Or is it a limited time access to download links?
If so, how long are they available???
Macharius |
Quick question. Do the FGG PDFs work like Paizo PDFs? In other words do we have infinite access to them if we pledged high enough to get them in the first place ($100 level for me)?
Or is it a limited time access to download links?
If so, how long are they available???
Has the hosted PDF been updated for some of the suggested changes/fixes discussed earlier in the thread? Particularly the Pathfinder version's nested bookmarks issue.
Arnwyn |
I saw something at FGG about "expansions" for Rappan Athuk, including:
- Cyclopean Deeps (more a spinoff than expansion) - 12 levels
- "6 new levels"
Both of these have a "subscription" that gets you the PDFs (as they come out, I suppose) and then the final print book of them all in the end. (Is this correct?)
Now, my question:
Will these ever be available as PDF-only? Or does one HAVE to subscribe to get these products? (I don't mind print, but these days the shipping costs are becoming a bit of a pain.)
Thanks for anyone who can help!
TriOmegaZero |
Quick question. Do the FGG PDFs work like Paizo PDFs? In other words do we have infinite access to them if we pledged high enough to get them in the first place ($100 level for me)?
Or is it a limited time access to download links?
If so, how long are they available???
I believe my Slumbering Tsar download links are still active, so if the do expire they at least last a few months.
Bill Webb Frog God Games |
Bill Webb Frog God Games |
Bill Webb Frog God Games |
Skeeter Green |
Brian E. Harris |
Doh. OK, so, I need to get subscribed to the one I don't have, apparently.
Per my invoice:
1 RA Subscription PF
So, I need to get myself a 1 CD Subscription PF, I suppose?
Would that be one of these:
Cyclopean Deeps Subscription for 6 new levels
Pathfinder (PDF + Final Print Book)
$59.99 plus future shipping costs
Cyclopean Deeps Subscription for 12 new levels
Pathfinder (PDF + Final Print Book)
$99.99 plus future shipping costs
I guess, then, I'll ask the same question as Kamelion/Endzeitgeist: What's the cutoff for subscribing?
Dragnmoon |
Similar question...
So the Backers RA got the first 2 parts of CD in a how many Parts Adventure?
Is it a 12 part Adventure which will be put together in one book in the end similar to The Slumbering Tsar Saga?
Bill Webb Frog God Games |
Ps--the reason we are not shipping without the dice is simple. It would cost us about $6k in extra shipping.
Chessex is likely not going to be our supplier anymore after this—believe me, I am far more angry than any of you guys—I actually have like 50 boxes stacked in my house right now because we are overfull in the warehouses (2). I do have 6 extra folks lined up to start shipping as soon as the dice arrive—we will bang the boxes out pretty rapidly once we get everything.
Grimmy |
I'm looking for advice about running this. I bought the print+pdf bundle on here so I have none of the kickstarter schwag. I'm running it for a group that meets kind of irregularly or at least infrequently. They surprised me and wanted to start owner then I thought so I had to do my best without having read much of it. I saw that the pregens had stats at 1st and at 6th level so I told them to decide if they wanted to head for the mouth of doom with a first level party or just start with a 6th level party and go anywhere.
They rolled up a 6th level party, one of them used the pregen ranger.
Im a little overwhelmed navigating the pdf with not enough prep so I'm interested in any stories about how people have run this.
Chaotic_Blues |
I'm looking for advice about running this. I bought the print+pdf bundle on here so I have none of the kickstarter schwag. I'm running it for a group that meets kind of irregularly or at least infrequently. They surprised me and wanted to start owner then I thought so I had to do my best without having read much of it. I saw that the pregens had stats at 1st and at 6th level so I told them to decide if they wanted to head for the mouth of doom with a first level party or just start with a 6th level party and go anywhere.
They rolled up a 6th level party, one of them used the pregen ranger.
Im a little overwhelmed navigating the pdf with not enough prep so I'm interested in any stories about how people have run this.
Perhaps this may help you.
Grimmy |
Thanks, it does. I used the necro boards a lot when I was prepping for slumbering tsar. Some of the fan-created maps and stuff helped a lot at the time, especially a hgex map of the desolation that I couldn't have lived without.
I had trouble running the wilderness outside RA with just the map in the pdf. For example,
Little things like that left me regretting trying to run this with so little prep.
Matthew Morris RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 |
Bill Webb Frog God Games |
passswords is "Zelkor" for RA 1 supplements, feel free to post the other 2--think RA 3 is "Orcus". Cannot recall off the top of my head what RA password is--think its the spider queen's (level 6A) name. The R247 puzzle update is also not in my current frontal lobe, but its the vampire's name from Module D-3 area R2-47
KTFish7 |
Bill Webb wrote:Everything here but the damn dice--as soon as they arrive, we start shipping.Bill, I'm curious how many takers you'd get if you offered up the option of 'send me an email if you're really not interested in the dice, and just want me to ship your box without them.'
<br /><br />
I'd take you up on that if it was offered. Heck you can give my dice to a needy neighborhood kid; I only play in an online game through a Virtual Table Top (d20Pro)..
Bill, I'll happily take any and all dice nobody wants! lol
The hangup with Chessex sucks but I am more than happy to wait it your house is full of boxes though...ah well, lessons for the next Kickstarter....