GL's Shattered Star.

Game Master Grandlounge



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Female Human Rogue

The second Sevrus thinks this might make a loud noise she will stop turning.

"It might be best if we leave this after all for now. We can always come back later."

Perception +12 (+9 for Raziel) <> HP: 42/42

"Solid thinking" - Hedrak nods.

Where to next guys?

Male Human Wizard (runesage) 7 | HP 42/42| AC 12 16, T 12, FF 10 14 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +8 (+12 to spot statue-like creatures) | Hand of the Apprentice 8/8|
1st - 8/8, 2nd - 3/6, 3rd - 4/5, 4th - 4/4
Active effects: haste

Muttering to himself, Von-Dai realizes Sevrus suggested leaving the room and says, "Hmm? Oh, yes, sure. We can do that. Let's go investigate those rooms over there."

C13, I think.

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

The smell of the sea is strong coming from this room, and salt encrusts the floor in a trail leading from the south door.

The door to area C14 has been barricaded from within. There is only enough room of two people to attempt open the Door.

Female Human Rogue

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Looking for traps on the door.

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

Sevrus takes a few seconds to carefully examine the door and see no indications of tampering.

Male Human Wizard (runesage) 7 | HP 42/42| AC 12 16, T 12, FF 10 14 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +8 (+12 to spot statue-like creatures) | Hand of the Apprentice 8/8|
1st - 8/8, 2nd - 3/6, 3rd - 4/5, 4th - 4/4
Active effects: haste

Von-Dai inhales deeply. "Interesting. There may be some form of access to the Varisian Gulf from here. This could make for an alternate landing point for the boat, if we decide to fall back."

Perception +12 (+9 for Raziel) <> HP: 42/42

"Should we attempt to go through this barricaded door, or hail any who may be inside?" - Hedrak inquires.

I mean the one to C14.

Updated the map - hope it is ok?

HP 60/60 AC 31, T 14, FF 28, CMD 25, Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6, Init +2, Percep +11

"Are we likely to find someone friendly in here? I rather doubt it. "

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

I would encourage you guys all to move yourself however you like. I don't mind doing it but you will be better at strategically placing yourselves the than I will.

Female Human Rogue

Sevrus steps back to allow Hedrak to try the door.

Zeltyieli's Vitals:
(HP: 52/52; AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +16; Init: +4; Fort +8, Ref: +7, Will: +10 [+13 charm; +12 illusions]; CMD: 20; CMB +6; Speed: 50)
Male Half-Elf Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) 7
Liviana's Vitals:
(HP: 65/65; AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +10; Init: +4; Fort +9, Ref: +11, Will: +1; CMD: 23; CMB +9; Speed: 30)

Zeltyieli steps forward, "Let me see just what we'll find.", and presses his hands against the door, focusing his will and calling to the Walker-of-Worlds, then looking through it.

Door Sight

Perception +12 (+9 for Raziel) <> HP: 42/42

Hedrak gives it a thug for good measure.

STR: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

Zeltyieli you see a lemure pacing around seemingly mumbling too himself. Occasionally he stomps his feet and shakes his fit and something deeper in the crow.

Hedrak checks the door and knows it will take more than a tug. He is really going to have the heave to get the door open.

Zeltyieli's Vitals:
(HP: 52/52; AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +16; Init: +4; Fort +8, Ref: +7, Will: +10 [+13 charm; +12 illusions]; CMD: 20; CMB +6; Speed: 50)
Male Half-Elf Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) 7
Liviana's Vitals:
(HP: 65/65; AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +10; Init: +4; Fort +9, Ref: +11, Will: +1; CMD: 23; CMB +9; Speed: 30)

Zeltyieli describes what he's seeing, "There's a Lemure pacing, seems to be acting upset at something... Probably whatever made it do guard duty. Get the feeling that what it's mad at it nearby based on its body language, though I can't see it."

Perception +12 (+9 for Raziel) <> HP: 42/42

"The door is pretty stuck - we all need to work together to open it" - he informs the others.

Marcus give it a try?

Not sure if I can 'try again'?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Male Human Wizard (runesage) 7 | HP 42/42| AC 12 16, T 12, FF 10 14 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +8 (+12 to spot statue-like creatures) | Hand of the Apprentice 8/8|
1st - 8/8, 2nd - 3/6, 3rd - 4/5, 4th - 4/4
Active effects: haste

"Did you see if there was another door out of the room, as well, that it was guarding?"

HP 60/60 AC 31, T 14, FF 28, CMD 25, Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6, Init +2, Percep +11

Marcus will try the door.

strength check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 (assist if Hedrak was allowed to try again).

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

Nothing obvious that it is guarding.

Marcus and work together and open the door.

The lemeur starts shanking, "D-d-d-don't m-m-ake me hurt you."

HP 60/60 AC 31, T 14, FF 28, CMD 25, Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6, Init +2, Percep +11

"Now I'm scared. " he says dryly.

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

"Ummmmm...." Clearly caught off guard. "Good. Leave me be, and I will leave you be."

Male Human Wizard (runesage) 7 | HP 42/42| AC 12 16, T 12, FF 10 14 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +8 (+12 to spot statue-like creatures) | Hand of the Apprentice 8/8|
1st - 8/8, 2nd - 3/6, 3rd - 4/5, 4th - 4/4
Active effects: haste

Von-Dai holds up a hand to stop Marcus and Hedrak. "What purpose do you have in this room, lemure?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

"I'm hiding from the bullies.

Von this seems odd as he is much larger and stronger looking than the last lemures you saw and it markedly more intelligent. In that he can speak sentences.

Male Human Wizard (runesage) 7 | HP 42/42| AC 12 16, T 12, FF 10 14 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +8 (+12 to spot statue-like creatures) | Hand of the Apprentice 8/8|
1st - 8/8, 2nd - 3/6, 3rd - 4/5, 4th - 4/4
Active effects: haste

"What bullies would those be?"

Perception +12 (+9 for Raziel) <> HP: 42/42

"What is a Lemure?" - Hedrak whispers to his companions.

HP 60/60 AC 31, T 14, FF 28, CMD 25, Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6, Init +2, Percep +11

"I think it's like a baby devil or something. Wizards keep them around as pets. " he whispers back.

Perception +12 (+9 for Raziel) <> HP: 42/42

"A baby dev..." - the half-orc's eyes go wide, and he draws the polearm from his back in a swift movement - "And why are we having a conversation with this creature, instead of dispatching it back to its foul home?!"

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

"It's all the stupid devils here. I hate them. If you kill them all I will give you all my treasure."

Male Human Wizard (runesage) 7 | HP 42/42| AC 12 16, T 12, FF 10 14 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +8 (+12 to spot statue-like creatures) | Hand of the Apprentice 8/8|
1st - 8/8, 2nd - 3/6, 3rd - 4/5, 4th - 4/4
Active effects: haste

Von-Dai waves Hedrak off vaguely, then says, "Could you tell me how many devils are here, what kind, and where they are?"

Female Human Rogue

"What treasure is that?"

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

I have to collect up the info on the enemies left so I will try to get that together soon. I have an IRL game tonight.

Zeltyieli's Vitals:
(HP: 52/52; AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +16; Init: +4; Fort +8, Ref: +7, Will: +10 [+13 charm; +12 illusions]; CMD: 20; CMB +6; Speed: 50)
Male Half-Elf Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) 7
Liviana's Vitals:
(HP: 65/65; AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +10; Init: +4; Fort +9, Ref: +11, Will: +1; CMD: 23; CMB +9; Speed: 30)

Zeltyieli blinks, This must be some sort of trap... I thought devils were structured, followed discipline... not selfish like this. He says, "We don't like devils either."

Perception +12 (+9 for Raziel) <> HP: 42/42
Von-Dai Cress wrote:
Von-Dai waves Hedrak off vaguely, then says, "Could you tell me how many devils are here, what kind, and where they are?"

Hedrak raises an eyebrow at Von-Dai's dismissive posture, but then leans back with a growl, curious as to where this will lead - "Be very careful with whom you intend to strike bargains with" - he replies to him - "Keep in mind you may not be speaking for all of us"

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

"Umm there are Nupperibos. There are Crabs but they are not devils, there is a blob but that's not a devil. There are other lemure, and mephits, and they are devils are they are mean. Fleshdreg, a Fire DOG, and Imps so many imps.

Male Human Wizard (runesage) 7 | HP 42/42| AC 12 16, T 12, FF 10 14 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +8 (+12 to spot statue-like creatures) | Hand of the Apprentice 8/8|
1st - 8/8, 2nd - 3/6, 3rd - 4/5, 4th - 4/4
Active effects: haste

Knowledge (Planes) Nupperibos: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16
Knowledge (planes) Mephits: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
Knowledge (planes) Fire DOG: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22
Knowledge (dungeoneering) Fleshdreg: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

"Could you tell me more about what the crabs and blob look like?"

Basically, what knowledge checks should I use for them?

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

Nupperibos: Devil trains, are lower than Lemures.
Mephite: Fast healing 2, vulnerability to an element count to their own, breath weapon example (15-foot cone, 1d8 fire, DC 13 half, every 4 rounds).
Hellhound: breath weapon (10-ft. cone, once every 2d4 rounds, 2d6 fire damage, Reflex DC 14 for half)Immune fire, vulnerability to cold.
Fleshdreg: Immune mind-affecting effects; SR 12

Blob is likely some sort of ooze but it would be hard to distinguish one from the other based on blob description.

As for crab you have already fought several types of crab. They are trivial and have no real special abilities.

Male Human Wizard (runesage) 7 | HP 42/42| AC 12 16, T 12, FF 10 14 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +8 (+12 to spot statue-like creatures) | Hand of the Apprentice 8/8|
1st - 8/8, 2nd - 3/6, 3rd - 4/5, 4th - 4/4
Active effects: haste

"Can you tell me more about the Mephit? What kind of element does it use?"

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

"I don't know. I don't get to see him. Others say he says they have to hit me."

Female Human Rogue

"Why does he tell them to attack you."

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

"They hate me 'cause I can talk. Lemure don't normally talk."

Male Human Wizard (runesage) 7 | HP 42/42| AC 12 16, T 12, FF 10 14 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +8 (+12 to spot statue-like creatures) | Hand of the Apprentice 8/8|
1st - 8/8, 2nd - 3/6, 3rd - 4/5, 4th - 4/4
Active effects: haste

"How did you learn to talk?"

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

"Well I kill some people and stole some treasure and got bigger and smarter."

Von you know the devils ascend up and down rank based on doing evil deeds that befits their betters. So this Devil may have be on the ascent before he was bullies away.

Zeltyieli's Vitals:
(HP: 52/52; AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +16; Init: +4; Fort +8, Ref: +7, Will: +10 [+13 charm; +12 illusions]; CMD: 20; CMB +6; Speed: 50)
Male Half-Elf Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) 7
Liviana's Vitals:
(HP: 65/65; AC: 20/14/16; Percep: +10; Init: +4; Fort +9, Ref: +11, Will: +1; CMD: 23; CMB +9; Speed: 30)

Zeltyieli shudders when the Lemure speaks of his murders. Well, that makes him a much less desirable ally..

Male Human Wizard (runesage) 7 | HP 42/42| AC 12 16, T 12, FF 10 14 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +8 (+12 to spot statue-like creatures) | Hand of the Apprentice 8/8|
1st - 8/8, 2nd - 3/6, 3rd - 4/5, 4th - 4/4
Active effects: haste

Von-Dai says, "If you tell us where the other creatures that are mean to you are, we'll take care of them for you."

Perception +12 (+9 for Raziel) <> HP: 42/42

Hedrak waits patiently, curious about where all of this will lead.

Female Human Rogue

Sevrus will also wait, she feels a bit sorry for this creature, its clearly an outcast even in whatever 'society' there is in this pillar.

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

"There are many through the doors over there."

Pointing to the loud door you found earlier.

"There are some up that way pointing toward the devils and crabs you fought earlier. The blob, dog and dregs are downstairs."

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

So you have a few directions you can go. There is a loud door with the crank that will have enemies behind it (c8) through the salty door, or back through the hall of flesh rapping (c18) to the unknow rooms to the south.

Perception +12 (+9 for Raziel) <> HP: 42/42

Just a second... Because Hedrak will not simply move out, leaving a devil behind to do as it pleases :P Just waiting to see where Von-Dai is going with it.

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

No worries.

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