x93edwards |

One of my favorites was a male gnome PC of mine named Gnat T. Tinkerton. The secret that he kept was that his full name was Gnatalie T. Tinkerton. When he was born his mother couldn't tell that he was a boy, so she gave him a girl's name. Upon discovering her mistake, Gnat got his middle-name, for which he's nearly killed to keep hidden--the "T" stands for "Tiny-tinkle".

spalding |

Had a witch named "Mali Cious" however my 'default' wizard has the name "Rauph Lee Mao" -- took the party from book 4 to book 6 to realize what his name was since they just referred to him as Rauph most the time. GM pointed it out with an NPC at one point and they didn't believe him until I showed them where I had written it on the character sheet in ink.

GoatToucher |

The Magnificent MungTeaster
Your Old Friend Doctor Creepy
A name so manly, it would shatter pottery: Stromm Phuch (hard ch)
("phuch" is the sound a goblin's metal helmet makes when you hit them on the head so hard that the helmet inverts and caves in the goblin's skull)
The Right Hon. Eldridge Deep-Dickens Esq.
I'll stop there.

Adamantine Dragon |

I am notoriously unfunny with my player character's names. But I have fun with NPCs when I GM.
"Placé Holdér" (Pronounced plah-say hol dehr) for a healbot cleric.
"Teebee Dee" a roaming mercenary
"Moredread" an evil sorcerer
"Hammin Egz" a wandering friar
"Major Karnij" the military commander of the keep
"Private Eizs" the head of the secret police
"Bill Spearshaker" the head of the acting guild
"Jon, Pol, Jorj and Peet" a local band of bards who perform wearing silver beetle amulets.
"Jon Bovi" another bard
"Angee Jolee" a succubus
"Lo, Carrie and Murly" three bungling investigators

Interzone |

I had a Gnome Oracle of the Heavens named Chompsky.. I was proud of that one. Works on multiple levels!
Female Paladin of Calistria named Ayekandie.
My vote for manliest name: Borf Thighmuscle (In Sean Connery-type voice)
I tend to make the vast majority of my PC names anagrams though...
Aasimar Cleric who was focused on using Slay Living: Malassi Sayar (Aasimar Slays anagram)
Half Orc Sorcerer: Brassclot (Orc Blasts)
Human Tripping-based fighter: Psirath Num (Human Trips)
Dwarf with lots of defensive abilities: Thor Killad (Hard To Kill)
Sir Marisi Of Brownell: Anagram of my own name.

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A 1st Ed Samurai named Hamonrai Hodamayo... Said quickly, it sounds very 'Bad Samurai/Ninja/Anime flick',broke down...it is a bit dry, as sammiches go.
Gnome Illusionist named Ellis Dee...Specialized in Phantasmal Killers. Bad trip, man...His sister was named Phyllis Ibean.
A Dwarf Fighter named Drunkona Barstool, from the much-respected Barstool Clan.
Fave character name ever (From a Micronauts setting homebrew Spacemaster game.
A Lounge Singer named Herb Chocolate Sherbert Cube Tarlick.
Early 90s, the player was combining his fave WKRP character with a bizarre Vanilla Ice alter-ego.

Leo_Negri |

In a Shadowrun game I once ran our Runner's contact Mr. Johnson, had a Troll bodyguard named Harry Balzac.
and in a RIFTs Phaseworld game I ran a Machine people character (female persona) named Elsie Dee on one occasion and a male persona named L-X-&-R on another.
And a long standing convention in the games a friend of mine runs is that all of his red-shirts are either named Kenny Smith or Ed Smyth.

Dal Selpher |

One of the guys in our group got a camel in a campaign a long time ago and was hoping to come up with an awesome name for it along the lines of Shadowfax, so he asked the group to fire out two words. One of our other friends quickly fired out, "Lamp! Game!"
"Lamp-game?! That's horrible!"
"No no- it's all in how you pronounce it. The camel isn't Lamp-game, it's name is Gamelamp!" (pronounced gahm-ah-lahmp)
Nearly every mount since in our games have been named Gamelamp in honor of that camel.

sunbeam |
Various PCs of mine keep encountering a travelling show run by Doctor Barnabulus and his faithful assistant Tuxley. This being a classic Greyhawk campaign, they've also run into some that were named by the boys at TSR, not me - including Beek Gwenders, Elmo, and Sir Bluto...
I have a fascination with that name, "Beek Gwenders, of Croodle."
It brings up so many questions.
I want to know all about Croodle. Where is it? Who lives there? What do they do?
Everyone knows all about Croodle apparently, because Beek introduces himself so casually.
Everyone but me.
What is the secret of the Croodlemen?

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Most (if not all) of my PC characters have been named after characters I've watched in movies.
Abdul Bin Falafel - He was from "The Cannonball Run" movies of the 80s; (The Shiek played by Jamie Farr). Was one of my main characters in Living Greyhawk, and now my PFS Paladin.
Sancho! - The character from the Trey Parker and Matt Stoner movie "Orgazmo". He's existed in several 3.5 games, a Living Forgotten Realms Bardent (Bard-Ardent Hybrid), and now a Battle Oracle in PFS.
Erik the Red - The Gamers. In one 3.5 game, can't remember exactly what he was - either Barbarian or Fighter. And yes, I played a character with that name :)
Machete Cortez - A two-weapon fighting ranger who wields Machetes. Created him first in 4E but never played him; Re-created him for PFS. His machetes are Sawtooth Sabres.
In every case, I usually try to play them as the characters in their respective movies. Sometimes caused funny moments from my play group :)

Gnomezrule |

My first 3.0 character that did not transition from 2e was "Gleep Gnackle Stumbleduck." He ended up as the party face . . . only because he took the role anytime we met with anyone. He would introduce the whole party in relation to him. The fighter was his body guard, the paladin was his standard bearer, the wizard his advisor, and so on. The paladin who was a minor noble actually granted me an office so that I would at least represent the party differently when we met folks.
I had a human cleric of Kord/fighter named "Cantanquerous Ike Malone" (I can't recall I think Cantanquerous Ike came straight from the character generator but the Malone on the end makes hims sound like beloved rogue irish pirate).
We had a guy having trouble coming up with a name for his character so we all started looking around the room, I saw the computer and so I said Comp-U-tor and after some chuckling someone suggested just calling him Karektar (Character).
I was in a one off adventure and we met a NPC wizard named "Max the Arguiler." The back scratcher he gave the parties half ogre turned a patch of his fur on his back arguile pattern.
I played a dwarf named "Grizzly Zeke."
My most recent character goes by Thumps which is short for "Thumpithicus Gnackle." He is actually a half elf (drow) raised by gnomes. He got the nickname Thumpithicus for wacking a hobgoblin as a boy.
The absolute best character name story I have to say was "Ears." Ears was an unfortunate half-elf raised in a tribe of barbarians. Because he was basically the prodigy of a war bride he was very much a second class member of the tribe and no one ever bothered to give him a name, usually making fun of his ears. When he met the party he basically said that he was not sure what his name was but people usually called him all sorts of things but it usually had "ears" in whatever he was called. So immeadiately the parties dwarf called me ears. Ears was particularly touchy about being called a bastard, half breed or anthing like that. As the dwarf and I were talking some one called the parties rogue, also a half elf, a half breed. Without so much as looking around Ears throttled the guy. The dwarf looked at me and said "Your new name is Senseless." The same rogue sold me a "magic stone" a few minutes later for a "friends price" after helping him with the guy that was after him. The dwarf rolled his eyes and pronounced his name was Gullible. It went on this way for several adventures getting a name every hour or so of game time.

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I was in a one off adventure and we met a NPC wizard named "Max the Arguiler." The back scratcher he gave the parties half ogre turned a patch of his fur on his back arguile pattern.
Arguile? or did you mean, "Argyle"? (the first one I don't recognize... the second is a reference to a particular Scottish weaving pattern, alt. spelling "Argyll", after a particular region in Scotland).

xorial |

Friend of mine in the Navy had a 1e fighter with a very low intelligence & high Charisma. His name was Dain Bramage. He played that character up to 10th level, doing all sorts of crazy things. Getting the party into quests & fights they had no business being in. To make matters worse, every time he rolled hit dice, he roll a 10. Every time he got the party nearly trounced, he would still be full of HP & full of himself. They would ask him why & he would say, "Because I'm Dain Bramage." After 10 levels, one party member got tired of him saying that as an excuse & flew off the handle, asking, "What is that supposed to mean? Just because you are Dain Bramage. Doesn't mean you can act like a brain damaged id...... Oh you son of a bi79*****!" They finally got the name.